Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 24: Confident

On the way back, Feng Yun was extra careful.

When people are hungry, they will no longer care about propriety, righteousness, and shame, and they will do anything. Carrying five carts of food on the official road is like carrying a lit firecracker, and you don't know when it will explode...

On the road, they ate a few cakes with water bags and kept on going without stopping for a moment. Seeing that they were about to reach Jieqiu Mountain, Xing Bing pointed with his hand.

"It will be soon after bypassing this mountain. There is a Beiyong Army camp on the other side of Jieqiu Mountain..."

In Andu County, no one would mess around with the Beiyong Army unless the other party didn't want to live...

The grain-pulling team all breathed a sigh of relief.

Who knew that after only a hundred steps forward, a group of bandits rushed out of the forest to block the road. They were bare-chested and masked, riding horses with knives, and looked ferocious.

"Leave the ox carts behind, and I'll spare your life!"

That day, Mei Linglang disguised himself as a bandit to rob Wang Dian. He was well prepared and took the other party's son as a hostage. He had a plan in mind.

The dozens of people who suddenly appeared were twice as many as them. Looking at the veins on their arms and their riding postures, they were well-trained murderous bandits.

Xing Bing used to be responsible for patrolling and guarding. He led soldiers but never went to the battlefield. He practiced martial arts since he was a child, but he never killed anyone. He was like this, and the other troops had no experience in fighting against the enemy. Facing the real fierce bandits, they couldn't help but feel terrified and their faces changed.

Xing Bing jumped off the ox cart and walked to Feng Yun's side.

In terms of numbers and combat effectiveness, they are no match.

Compared with food and human life, of course human life is more important.

"Master, I will cover you, you take the people first and go to the Beiyong Army camp..."

Feng Yun looked at Jieqiu Mountain and his voice was slightly cold: "They are the Beiyong Army."

Xing Bing was surprised, and Mei Linglang was also shocked.

Even those shirtless bandits with black scarves were briefly stunned.

Feng Yun sat on the ox cart, expressionless: "He not only wants food, but also wants my life."

"Hee!" The group paused for a moment, and then came over with a big knife. The leader looked arrogant and fierce.

"Look at this delicate girl, is she a girl? She is really good at talking. You said that we are the Northern Yong Army, so we are the masters... What do you think? Do you want to follow us up the mountain? When we are comfortable, we may let you go?"

Feng Yun smiled, "See if you have the ability."

As she spoke, she took off the small curved knife at her waist and took a look at the nervous and chaotic Mei Ling's troops.

"You are afraid before the battle, and you have practiced in vain these days."

He said again: "If you dare not draw your sword to kill people, you will not live long in this world."

"Girl!" Xing Bing was a little ashamed.

The girl's voice was clear and her expression was calm. That calmness hit Mei Linglang hard. Even Twelve Lady was so calm, how could these men be so afraid?

Twelve Lady was their support, and they also wanted to be her support.

Xing Bing's face darkened, and he stood in front of Feng Yun like a black tower.

"What is there to fear about death for a man? Brothers, swear to protect the girl until death."

People's will becomes strong after experience. This group of people have not experienced war and killing, so they naturally lack courage in front of the bandits, but they have blood and strength. If they can't even protect their master, how can they live with dignity?

A sense of tragedy and heroism surged in their hearts. In the dirty words of the other party, Mei Linglang was provoked and his morale was greatly boosted. They held their weapons tightly and protected Feng Yun in the middle.

"We will die to repay Twelve Niang for saving our lives."

"With us here, no one can touch Twelve Niang."

"Yes! Unless I die!"

"I will fight to the death for Twelve Niang!"

Feng Yun smiled happily, "Remember, you are not fighting for me, but for survival and dignity. If you want to survive, not be an ant, not be the enemy's food, then let the knife in your hand drink the enemy's blood, and let your body be trained into a copper wall and iron wall!"

Nothing can train people better than fighting with real swords and guns.

Mei Linglang's eyes were red, and his blood was boiling.

No one has ever told them this, and never wanted to do his best to protect someone like today, never wanted to become stronger like this moment, let the knife in his hand taste the blood...

"Come on-"

"Shameless people! Come on, we are not afraid of death."

The group of masked bandits did not seem to expect that the group of people who were so scared that their faces turned pale and wanted to turn around and flee just now suddenly showed their swords and guns.

"You have guts!"

The leader sneered, full of anger.

"Brothers, go!"

"Capture that young lady alive and take her back to be the king's wife!"


A group of fierce bandits rushed up like crazy.

Mr. Mei roared and fought back, killing with a kind of tragic grandeur that can only be seen on the battlefield.

However, the opponent had obvious advantages. First, they were physically strong, and second, they were well-trained. Judging from the formation and fighting, they had the foundation of a regular army. A group of Mr. Mei had just trained for a few days, and most of them had no rules. They could scare ordinary people, but they were dwarfed by the regular army.

Fortunately, Xing Bing had the absolute suppression of height and physique, and he was also highly skilled in martial arts. He was so angry that he drew out the spear on the car, roared and rushed to the front, with a fierceness that was invincible.

"Ge Guang, Ge Yi, take the girl away quickly."

The bandit leader laughed and looked at Feng Yun gloomily.

"Want to leave? Why don't you ask about your uncle's knife!"

The cold light broke through the air and the weapons collided with dazzling fire. The man stepped forward to fight with Xing Bing, but was stabbed in the arm by Xing Bing. He was frightened and broke into a cold sweat, and couldn't help but retreat.

Mei Linglang's confidence increased immediately.


"Follow Master Xing!"

"Protect the girl!"

In this world, human life is cheaper than grass, and killing people is not new.

But the resistance and protection of Mei Linglang still shocked Feng Yun greatly.

Her heart has not been beating so vividly for a long time...

Someone is fighting for her.

Someone is willing to fight for her.

"I won't leave." Feng Yun put down her scimitar, pulled out a long knife from the cart and stood on the ox cart, "Today I will live and die with you!"

The morale of a team depends on the general.

Her figure standing on the ox cart turned into an indestructible wall under the afterglow of the sunset...

The blood rushed high into the sky.

The shouting and killing sounded like a landslide, and it was tragic and heartbreaking.

In the distant forest, Pei Cong and Ao Qi, who were riding horses, saw this scene with their own eyes. They watched the blood splash on the girl's white face, reflecting her enchanting beauty...

"Stop!" Ao Qi roared and let his horse go.

Before a group of cavalrymen arrived, their momentum had already pressed over.

"How dare the thieves to act wildly on the territory of the Northern Yong Army?"

The bandits were already panicked when they heard the sound of horse hooves.

The leader looked back, blocked Xing Bing's spear, and shouted.

"Come on--"

A group of bandits fled in panic.

Pei Cong stopped his horse and ordered coldly, "Don't leave any alive."

The cool wind was bleak, accompanied by the voice that was neither light nor heavy. Feng Yun slowly put down his hand holding the knife and looked at General Pei on the horse through the crowd.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of soldiers in armor and weapons rushed out from the forest. They surrounded the bandits from all directions and attacked them under Ao Qi's roar.

Xing Bing was so excited about killing that he felt a little itchy.

"Girl, shall we go and help?"

Feng Yun stopped him, "No need."

Since General Pei ordered "no one should be left alive", don't think about getting any valuable clues from these people.

In fact, the reason why she was sure that this group of people came from the Beiyong Army was because of the geographical location and because... she had encountered this group of fierce bandits in her previous life, but she didn't find an excuse to rob food and grass, but directly abducted her to the mountain and humiliated her.

The leader was the confidant of the Li family in the Beiyong Army, and his dress had not changed.

It's just that they came later in the previous life, even later.

In the previous life, she didn't have Mei Ling's troops, and no one was willing to fight for her.

The bandits abducted her, and she was finally found by Pei Jue and died in his hands.

However, Pei Cong did not do as Li Sangruo thought. He did not despise her because she was kidnapped by a group of bandits. He still took her back without saying a word, washed her clean, and continued to use her.

"Don't leave anyone alive," Pei Cong said the same thing this time.

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing, thinking about Pei Cong's cruelty and Pei Cong's love.

If you don't leave anyone alive, you won't leave any handles -

It protects the face of the Beiyong Army and the Queen Mother Li. If people knew that the dignified Queen Mother sent people to intercept the general's concubine to insult her because of jealousy, wouldn't it be a laughing stock?

People protected by Pei Cong are happy and fearless.

The more she thought about it, the brighter the smile on Feng Yun's face became, and the colder her eyes became when she looked at Pei Cong...

Today is National Day. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people a peaceful life. At the same time, I wish the sisters who read the book happiness and health.

Thank you for your love for Changmen. Love you

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