Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 25 Almost Exploding

The battle ended quickly.

Bodies lay scattered on the ground. Some were killed with a knife, and some had their hands and feet cut off. The Beiyong Army carried people down and cleared the battlefield. If it weren't for the smell of blood lingering in the air, no one would have known that a fierce battle had just occurred here, and dozens of people died.

Only then did Feng Yun step out of the bullock cart and bow to Pei Madang.

"Thanks to the general for taking action in time, otherwise we might have lost our lives."

She said polite but unfamiliar words, and Pei Madang, who was tall and long-legged, sat upright on the horse without moving, "Yeah."

This sound was very cold, like a response, but also as if there had never been a response.

Feng Yun was not surprised.

Pei Madang was always like this, he was very happy in bed. When he heard what she said, he just said yes, saying that he understood. It would be harder for him to say anything more than to reach heaven.

A heart as hard as stone, a ruthless person. Did she still expect him to say some words of comfort?

Feng Yun smiled and said openly: "In the territory under your army's jurisdiction, there are also bandits killing people and stealing goods. It's really unbelievable."

Pei Ran said nothing with a straight face.

Feng Yun asked again: "General, aren't you curious about where the bandits are so bold?"

Pei Ran said, "There will be no next time."

Feng Yun hit the snake and put it on the stick, "Does the general know who he is?"

The most gentle and harmless smile, the most aggressive tone, Feng Yun's words and deeds cannot be faulted, but they are meaningful if you look closely.

Pei Madang's eyes fell on her, and then Ao Qi came over on horseback and rushed directly between the two of them, blocking their sight of each other.

"Is the girl injured?"

The young man's enthusiasm is like a fire, burning wherever he goes, and his breath seems to be filled with concern...

"I'm fine." Feng Yun smiled gratefully, saluted him, and was startled when he raised his eyes.

"What happened to the back of Guard Ao's hand?"

Ao Qi raised his hand and looked at it, smiling nonchalantly, showing a few shining white teeth, "I accidentally scratched it, it's a small injury."

Feng Yun said: "I have the Jinchuang medicine I brought from Taicheng. I will go back home and give it to Guard Ao to try."

Ao Qi's eyebrows brightened: "Okay."

Pei Madang looked on with cold eyes, his face became more gloomy, and he impatiently ordered Ao Qi, "It's getting late, send him back to Andu."

"Yes." Ao Qi looked at Pei Madang and then at Feng Yun.

The two of them looked very awkward. They obviously had feelings for each other, but they acted very coldly. Thinking again about what he bumped into that night at Changmenyuan, Ao Qi felt an indescribable sadness in his heart...

Pei Madang picked up the reins to control the horse, turned around and was about to leave.

Feng Yun suddenly called him, "General!"

He took a few steps forward and said, "To raise 200,000 stones of grain for the Beiyong Army to meet their urgent needs. General, can you agree to my previous request?"

Pei Madang turned his head from his horse and stared at her.

Feng Yun smiled lowly, walked to the bullock cart, slapped it hard twice, and said with a calm expression, "Tomorrow at midnight, please general go to Andu Huayue Stream and collect 200,000 stones of food and grass."

Pei Ran looked at her quietly.

The sunken brows were like an invisible abyss.

Feng Yun bowed deeply to him and said, "General, if you don't say anything, I will take it as your acquiescence."

If there is no rejection, there is agreement. This is Feng Yun's understanding of Pei Mad.

"It's up to you." Pei Ran said calmly, then rode away.

Feng Yun watched the tall figure go further and further away, and the halo of the setting sun gradually disappeared into the horizon, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning to Andu City without any danger, Feng Yun felt more confident with the food that had passed the Ming Road.

Discuss merit and reward.

Mei Ling Buqu rewarded each person with two hundred coins and grilled meat for pancakes, and celebrated happily. Everyone was very happy. Even Ao Zai got a small fish, and his brother Ao Qi caught it himself.

At nightfall, Zuo Zhong suddenly came over from the camp.

He brought a handwritten letter from Pei Madang, still four words long.

"Letter received."

When we met at Jieqiu Mountain in the afternoon, he could have said it in person, but he had to ask someone to come over.

Feng Yun remained silent, and Zuo Zhong presented him with another dagger.

"The general asked his subordinates to bring this to the girl for self-defense."

It was a double-edged dagger with a slightly curved blade that looked a bit like a sickle. It was light and sharp. The handle was made of rhinoceros horn and the scabbard was wrapped in leather. It looked delicate and precious.

This is much stronger than Feng Yun's small scimitar and is very suitable for women to use.

Feng Yun was a little confused.

Was he apologizing for what Li Sangruo had done by suddenly rewarding her with such a valuable thing?

She picked up the dagger and looked at it for a moment, then showed a lingering smile.

"Good knife."

Then he said softly: "Can your name be Jianshui?"

Zuo Zhong curled his lips.

Twelve Niangs are very childlike and even have to give names to their daggers.

But her face didn't look good, and she didn't seem to be happy about receiving the gift.

Therefore, Zuo Zhong thought of what happened in Jieqiu Mountain today. The girl's expression changed only when she saw them killing people and silencing them. She must have been frightened.

So he said: "Girls are kind-hearted, but they don't know that people's hearts are sinister. The general will not tolerate those people who teased girls today with dirty words. If he doesn't kill them, he doesn't know how they will ruin the girl's reputation..."

Feng Yun suddenly raised his head, "What did you say?"

Zuo Zhong was frightened by her eyes and hesitated: "The general said that only the dead can shut up."

Feng Yun tightened his grip on Jianshui.

"Only the dead can shut up", Pei He also said this in his previous life. Isn't this to maintain the glory of the Beiyong Army and the face of Queen Mother Li? She never thought about whether there is a possibility, as Zuo Zhong understood...

Pei He killed people to silence them, or was there a trace of it for her reputation?

It was dark, but the high temperature and dryness had not faded away, and it was still very hot at night.

Feng Yun sat by the window of Changmen Courtyard, as if waiting for something...

The copper clock in the house was silent.

Aozi was sleeping on her reed mat, and suddenly rolled over, biting her clothes and pulling them out.

Feng Yun tapped its nose, "Be quiet, I'm going to take my cubs hunting later, we need to conserve our energy, understand?"

Aozi fluttered twice, continued to pull her, and made a whirring sound from his mouth.

Feng Yun looked out the window in confusion, but saw a figure quietly flashing in the plum forest.

Who? Feng Yun felt nervous, touched Aozai's head, picked him up and put him on the reed mat, held the double-edged water cutter, and walked out lightly.


A stiff and upright back turned around against the wall.

Feng Yun looked at Ao Qi's elongated handsome face, as if he owed him money and didn't pay it back, and couldn't help laughing.

"Guard Ao usually monitors me openly, why are you sneaking around today?"

"Humph!" Ao Qi's eyebrows were unruly, and there was a flash of embarrassment in his eyes, as if someone had grabbed his pigtails, "The girl didn't say I couldn't come to Changmenyuan."

Feng Yun observed him: "Did I offend Guard Ao?"

"No." Ao Qi answered stiffly.

"Then do you have any misunderstandings about me..." Feng Yun originally wanted to say "any misunderstandings about me", but before he finished speaking, Ao Qi seemed to be stung by something and denied it in a panic.

"No. Girl, don't think too much."

"???" Feng Yun raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at him motionlessly.

"Guard Ao can ask me anything he wants to know. If you are worried about me, just guard me uprightly. There is no need to do this..."

After saying that, she bowed to Ao Qi and turned away.

"Girl, you don't know what's good for you!" Ao Qi scratched his head desperately, and faced Feng Yun's puzzled eyes, and blushed to defend his behavior, "If I didn't guard, the girl that night..."

He stopped talking, and the atmosphere was strangely stagnant.

Feng Yun asked: "Which night?"

Ao Qi's cheeks were red, and he subconsciously concealed the fact that Pei Jue visited Changmen Courtyard at night, "The girl's behavior was really inappropriate that night when she was drunk. It's okay if you are drunk yourself, but you also let the maid get drunk with you. If a thief breaks in, how many heads do you have to chop off?"

Feng Yun's eyes flickered slightly.

No wonder Ao Qi has been abnormal recently.

It was indeed her misbehavior that made her frivolous...

Feng Yun bowed deeply, "I was frivolous, please forgive me, Guard Ao."

This apology was gentle, polite and sincere, and Ao Qi was touched and blushed.

In fact, whether she was frivolous or not had nothing to do with him, but the girl apologized to him, proving that she valued him very much.

Ao Qi thought about it and softened his tone almost unnoticeably, "Let's not talk about this matter. Let's talk about today. How could the girl go to Shiguan County without my knowledge? If I hadn't caught up with her immediately after I found something wrong, and then returned to the camp to get reinforcements, the girl would have been beheaded by now, or she might have been snatched away by some mountain king to be his wife..."

Feng Yun laughed when she heard it.

She was also somewhat touched by Ao Qi's complaints.

It's always pleasant to be cared for by others.

She asked, "Have you ever thought about why Guard Ao always found me so quickly and did things behind your back?"

Ao Qi was stunned, "Why?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Fool! Because I want you to find out."

Ao Qi stared, "Is the girl using me?"

Feng Yun smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

"I feel relieved with Guard Ao here."

Ao Qi was speechless.

A heart was hot and cold, sour and sweet. The anger and complaints boiling in his chest were easily extinguished by her "fool".

Ao Qi stood there stupidly.

Watching the girl walk out of the plum forest, her graceful figure, which could not be concealed by her wide robe and silk belt, slowly disappeared in front of his eyes, and was reflected on the window paper under the night again.

She was having fun with Aozai, and the shadow on the window was gentle and tickling...

Ao Qi approached the window, wanting to grab something, but he didn't dare to grab it.

The shadow was faint. He didn't know why he had to stand here, and he didn't know why he felt it was not enough no matter how he looked at it. He couldn't calm down the thirst in his throat.

Emotions weighed on his heart, and he almost exploded...

Ao Qi: At the same time, I asked my uncle and Chun Yuyan to go to Huayuejian. What bad things is the girl going to do behind my back?

Feng Yun: Xiao Qi, don't get involved. Children will get stye.

PS: Today, a friend came from afar, and Erjin is going to eat and drink. I will update again tomorrow, muah~

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