Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 26 Sound Cat Strike Flame

It started to rain suddenly in the middle of the night, and the sky was still as dark as thick ink in the early morning.

The Huayue Stream was brightly lit, and the light from the corridor lamp fell on the river behind Yaxie, creating gentle ripples.

Prince Chunyu loved to be clean, he would take a bath when he got up, and he would never let anyone come near him to serve him. The servants prepared water and left Yashe one after another, went downstairs, and stood guard outside.

He was the only one left in the entire two-story building. Chun Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, took off the mask on his face, took off his light robe, put them together on the wooden bed, stretched out his long legs and sank into the steaming tub. Close your eyes.

After a while, there was a thud in my ear.

Chun Yuyan opened his eyes suddenly and found that a strange khaki cat suddenly jumped from the beam and landed on the wood beside the bathtub. He grabbed his robe and dragged it away so fast that he almost almost I thought I was dazzled...

"Where did the wild cat come from..."

No, this doesn’t seem to be an ordinary cat——

Chun Yuyan realized that something was wrong. He stood up and picked up the mask on the shelf to cover his face. Just as he was about to chase the cat, his waistline felt cold.

"do not move!"

Chun Yuyan's attention was all on the strange cat with pointed ears and thin cheeks. He was caught off guard by someone behind him. The dagger attached to him was pointing coldly at his, and the familiar voice was a bit teasing.

"Don't make a sound, otherwise the whole Huayuejian people will see Chunyu Crown Prince's face that never shows anyone else, and..."

The sharp blade rolled around his waist. Chun Yuyan's body tensed up, his back stiffened, and his voice was filled with gritted teeth as he laughed.

"Lian Ji, what are you going to do? Repay kindness with hatred?"

"I'm not your Lian Ji." Feng Yun's voice was lazy. She noticed Chun Yuyan's suppressed anger, and she pursed her lips and smiled.

"Prince Chunyu knows what I want."

"Is twenty stones of food not enough? Lian Ji has a really big appetite."

"The prince is not young either."

Feng Yun's dagger slid down along the waistline, sliding inch by inch, as if it would pierce the skin at any time, and seemed to be stirring something, slowly and persistently moving around his waist, and the dress brought out bursts of subtle fragrance, Chun Yuyan opened his eyes to feel it His body was aroused with layers of knots, and he watched helplessly as he glared uncontrollably in front of that enchantress...

He cursed himself secretly!

It's so embarrassing to be so nervous.

He took a deep breath and tried to be as calm as possible, "I have nothing to do with the bandits cutting off the road. If you want to blame, blame yourself. You shouldn't be favored by Pei Wangzhi and bring about misfortune..."

"Oh." Feng Yun answered lightly.

"Since the prince knows who wants to harm me, he can't be considered innocent. So, even if I destroy you today, it's not too much, right?"

The sharp dagger had moved from his waistline to his lower abdomen.

The sliding room is full of dangers of breaking hands and roots.

The girl's voice was calm and gentle, just like a woman who was used to the world. She didn't have the slightest bit of shame when facing a naked man. Every word she spoke was soft and threatening.

Chunyu Yan was so angry that she felt dizzy and wanted to turn around and pinch her to death.

But he couldn't, couldn't move at all.

"You, this girl, are you ashamed or not?"

"Compared to Prince Chunyu, I feel ashamed."

A silk girdle was thrown onto the bucket and half of it sank into the water.

Feng Yun said: "Come, tie your hands tightly! Otherwise, I will destroy you."

Chunyu Yan's aura was so intense that his forehead was pounding and his teeth were almost broken.

"You did this for 200,000 stone grain, are you really just doing this for Pei Madang?"

"Just do it! Don't talk nonsense." Feng Yun smiled.

When the sound penetrated into Chun Yuyan's ears, the sharp tip of the knife also slid up and down his thigh, like a poisonous snake spitting out its poisonous seeds. It was cold, and it didn't know when it would open its mouth and devour him.

"Don't shake your hands, I'll just do it." Chun Yuyan's Adam's apple rolled, and he glared at Feng Yun with gritted teeth, and tied his hands together with his hands and mouth.

"Very good." Feng Yun smiled with satisfaction and pursed his lips again, "Slowly step out of the tub and walk back behind the curtain where you are entertaining guests..."

Chunyu Yan was angry, "At least let me put on clothes..."

"No need." Feng Yun said with a smile: "I am more reassured by Prince Chunyu who treats me honestly."

A person who always wears a mask to cover his face is naturally unwilling to show his body to others. For Chun Yuyan, seeing this appearance in the eyes of others is more uncomfortable than killing him...

"Feng! You'd better kill me, otherwise I..."

"Go away!" Feng Yun slid his dagger, "Don't look around, don't play tricks..."

After saying that, I glanced at his expression as if he had swallowed a fly, and smiled warmly, "You can't be faster than my Ao Zai. Even if my dagger is not fast enough, Ao Zai's claws can still lift the lower body of the prince... Oh, no more."

Chunyu Yan inhaled:...

Everyone said that he, Chun Yuyan, was crazy.

But Feng's daughter is a hundred times crazier than him.

"Don't be too angry, let alone think about how to retaliate against me." Feng Yun calmly advised him, "If the prince hadn't been too stingy, I wouldn't have made such a move. After all, it was all forced by the prince."

"You are really not afraid of death!" Chun Yuyan scolded through gritted teeth.

The cat that stole his robe growled, stared coldly at his lower abdomen, licked its tongue, and his body felt cold. He shut up immediately, half-casting his eyes, as if he were a dead person, and pressed Feng Yun's She was told to sit on the soft couch where she had seen her that day.

"Do you know the consequences of offending me? I will definitely make your life worse than death..."

"A tough-talking gentleman is so unlovable." Feng Yun suddenly lowered his gaze and curled his lips as if out of kindness, "Maybe the prince wants to try my dagger to remove the prince's hair?"

Mad man!

Chunyu Yan gritted his teeth and trembled.

"Feng, you are looking for death..."

Hmm! Feng Yun said casually: "Before I die, I will drag the prince along..."

Chunyu Yan heard the coldness in her words, as if he realized something, and suddenly turned his head and changed his tone, "Have I ever offended the girl?"

Feng Yun stared at her.

After a moment, she chuckled, "No."

"Then why do you hate me?" Chunyu Yan asked.

Feng Yun: "Do I show it so obviously?"

Chunyu Yan: ...

Feng Yun laughed again, his eyes drifting across the mask on his face.

There was no hair on his body, and wearing a mask was obviously redundant.

Feng Yun was curious, and reached out to Chunyu Yan's face, but saw horror in his eyes, "Don't mess around!"

Is taking off the mask more unbearable than taking off clothes?

Feng Yun sneered, "Don't be afraid, my prince. I have seen many ugly men. I won't laugh at you."

No matter how beautiful his eyes are, a man who wears a mask all year round will inevitably make people wonder if there are some shameful flaws on his face...

Feng Yun was just curious, and her action of taking off the mask was a bit frivolous, and she almost didn't take it seriously...

However, the moment the mask was removed from Chunyu Yan's face, she was completely shocked, and she didn't even notice the mask slipping from her hand...

This face that I have only seen in two lifetimes is extremely handsome.

This prince of Yunchuan has long hair that is slightly wet, his long eyelashes are slightly curled, his lips are pursed because of anger, his facial features are delicate, and he is extremely fair. Not only does he have a handsome face that is difficult to distinguish between male and female, but his body is not the kind of skinny. He is thin when he should be thin, strong when he should be strong, with just the right proportions. He is not as three-dimensional and deep as Pei Jue, but he has a strange beauty...

Feng Yun's eyes are from top to bottom, cold and smiling.

"Two hundred thousand shi of grain, I'll give it to you." Chun Yuyan couldn't stand the chill in the air, and gritted his teeth, "Isn't it enough for me to give it to you?"

Hearing Feng Yun speak, he hated it.

Feng Yun didn't speak, just stared at him, and he hated it even more.

What he hated most was that he was not motivated. Under such extreme insults and coercion, his body could actually burst into an abnormal state, and he was in high spirits...

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