Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 27 The Crazy Strong One

"Feng Shi Ayun, as long as you put down the sword, two hundred thousand stones will be yours."

In all his life, Chun Yuyan had never spoken so softly and softly.

However, what he got when he surrendered was a disdainful sneer from Feng Yun.

"If you believe in a man's words easily, you will die early."

Put down the dagger, where is her life? Feng Yun is not stupid.

Chun Yuyan's brain was about to explode.

What he encountered today was something he had never encountered or even thought about in his twenty years of life. There was such a bold girl in the world who dared to do such a treasonous thing to him.

How humiliating is it for a prince who doesn't even want to show his face to others to be seen from top to bottom?

Chunyu Yan's forehead jumped sharply, and his whole person was on the verge of collapse.

"Madman! Daughter Feng, you are truly a madman!"

"Thank you very much. Let's talk to each other."

"Tell me! What exactly do you want me to do to satisfy you?"

Feng Yun said: "It's very simple. When General Pei arrives at Huayue Stream, I want the prince to personally promise 200,000 stone grain in front of the general and sign the document. Only in this way can I feel at ease."

What a Feng daughter!

The cold sweat on Chun Yuyan's body trickled down his back. Because of his anger, his body was even more sensitive and full of vitality. But the girl was shameless and looked at him motionlessly, which made him at a loss as to what to do. It was like there were thousands of ants crawling on his body. The more resentful you are, the more intolerable you are. The more unbearable, the more excited...

"I'll kill you!"

"Don't think that with Pei Man's support, I can't do anything to you but you can't..."

"Mr. Feng! I hereby swear an oath..."

"Hush!" Feng Yun chuckled and pressed down the dagger, "Swearing at a young age is not good for longevity. Besides, what's the use of swearing? There are so many Bodhisattvas in Lingshan Temple who can't save the lives of the innocent souls in the temple. "

Chun Yuyan sneered, "Are you sorry for them?"

"I am not a female Bodhisattva, and I am too lazy to meddle in so many other things." Feng Yun saw him shaking with anger, and was extremely satisfied.

In this life, she finally avenged herself for being bullied by Chun Yuyan for no reason in her previous life but could do nothing about it, so her words were even more humiliating.

"Prince Chunyu's body... is really very seductive. Look at you, you clearly have feelings for me and sincerely want to seduce me..."

She smiled half-heartedly, and returned to him all the words Chun Yuyan had said to her in her previous life. What was even more cruel was that the sharp knife touched his vitals intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's really a good thing..." Seeing Chunyu Yanjun's face almost bleeding from shame, she explained with a stern face, "I mean the knife in my hand... Look at how sharp it is. It can break hairs when you blow it, and it can be used to cut things when you pick them up." Yes, ha..."

"Feng Yun!" Chun Yuyan was about to collapse.

"Shh, keep your voice down." Feng Yun reminded in a low voice, "If your subordinates hear it, I will have to invite them in to watch together..."

Chun Yuyan:......

He closed his eyes resignedly.

The temperature in the room seemed to be a little lower. He was a little cold. He had never been so cold. But that damn Feng daughter still refused to let her go, her words were funny but extremely vicious.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. This is not something that stands out. Compared to General's not that impressive. I saw it and then forgot about it. I can't remember it."

The Feng girl is really hateful!

How dare you humiliate him like this!

Chunyu Yan's eyes were burning red and his whole body was burning hot.

"Witch! Madman! I will definitely let you die without a burial place!"

"Really?" Feng Yun turned his wrist slightly, and the double-edged blade slowly slid through the water. In the silence, the ant-like crawling itching made people thirsty and intolerable. Chun Yuyan gritted his teeth and warned.

"Don't mess around!"

Feng Yun: "What is chaos? This way, or this way?"

"Ms. Feng, I'll give you two hundred thousand stone grain. You can give it to me as you say."

"Does the prince still want to kill me?"

kill! Kill a thousand times, kill ten thousand times.

Chun Yuyan closed his eyes and inhaled, "I won't kill anymore..."

Feng Yun lowered his eyebrows and stared at him, "Should I believe what the prince says?"

The girl's breath fell on her cheeks, Chun Yuyan's ears were red, and her whole body seemed to be on fire. Her body was shaking subconsciously and uncontrollably. He even had a weird illusion, hoping that she wouldn't leave, and would get closer, get closer...

"Why doesn't the prince say anything?" Feng Yun asked with a smile.

"Hmm..." Chun Yuyan never expected that when the girl's fragrant breath fell on his ears, he would feel numb all over, as if a string was broken in his mind, and he couldn't help but hum.

At the same time, the servant's voice came from downstairs.

"Your Majesty, are you summoned by something?"

"I heard a woman's voice upstairs. Something is wrong. Should we go up and take a look?"

"The prince is taking a bath, where can there be a woman's voice?"

"Could it be that the Crown Prince is...hehe..."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"The prince should not respond. We'd better go up and have a look."

A touch of hope just rose on Chun Yuyan's face, but soon turned into despair. In front of him was Feng Yun's extremely beautiful and extremely ruthless face.

"If you don't want your servants to see your embarrassing appearance, just tell them: You are fine and nothing happened."

Seeing that Chun Yuyan pursed her lips and remained still, she slowly smiled again.

"Of course, the Crown Prince can also call for help openly and tell your attendants that you were held hostage by Feng's daughter with a knife without any trace of you, and ask them to come and rescue you quickly..."


Chunyu Yan closed his eyes tightly, adjusted his breathing, and said in a deep voice:

"My son is bathing, and anyone who intrudes will die!"

The word "death" was spoken through clenched teeth, and Feng Yun felt that it was himself he wanted to kill.

But what does that mean?

After a new life, do you want to see these well-dressed noble gentlemen jumping around anxiously and helpless?

Chun Yuyan had never had such a difficult moment.

He expected time to pass faster. He not only hoped that Pei Madang would show up soon, but also hoped that he would never show up. During this complicated and long wait, he collapsed countless times and wanted to ask Feng Yun for a piece of clothing to cover his shame. Told myself to stay calm.

Wasn't it just that a girl looked at him?

Why bother?

How could he, Chun Yuyan, care?

Wasn't he just verbally humiliated by her?

He's not really small! She is just blind!

While sweating crazily and cursing secretly, while crazily thinking about how to kill her, Chun Yuyan passively endured the helplessness of losing control. In the friction of the blade, waves of ferocious emotions surged, alternately hot and cold, as if he was sitting on pins and needles. , but the girl refused to let him have an easy time, her beautiful appearance was frequently flirting with him, making his life worse than death...

As if a lifetime had passed, a report from the attendant finally came downstairs.

"Master, General Pei would like to see you..."

It was quiet all around Yaxie.

Pei Madang stepped on the wooden ladder, his footsteps rhythmic.

The door opened, and a tall figure gradually appeared outside the curtain.

The difference in light intensity caused Pei Madang to be unable to see the scene in the tent, but the two people in the tent could clearly see Pei Madang. With cold facial features and a sense of coldness and oppression brought about by every move, he naturally has a powerful aura that makes people afraid to approach him.

Feng Yun asked herself, if it were Pei Ran, she probably wouldn't dare to do what she did to Chun Yuyan...

Well, she would do it another way...

Pei Madang looked at the drooping curtain, and under the guidance of his servants, he straightened his back and knelt down on the guest seat, indifferently and politely.

"Prince Chunyu, it's been a long time."

The two were somewhat related cousins, and Chun Yuyan was strangely invisible to others. Pei Madang knew very well that he didn't seem to notice anything different about the person behind the curtain today.

The servants didn't know either.

Apart from being surprised that the master didn't hold a lamp and there was no light in the curtain, nothing unusual was found. He just served tea to Pei Madang in a polite manner.

There seemed to be movement in the curtain.

Chun Yuyan's voice was a little slow, "Brother Wang, why did you come here today?"

Pei Madang said: "I came to see the crown prince to borrow food for help."

This natural gesture was exactly the same as that of the hateful Feng daughter, as if she was sure that he had it and that he would not refuse.

Chunyu Yan didn't speak for a while.

Separated by a curtain, there seemed to be a faint surge of anger.

Pei Madang raised his eyes: "Your Majesty, don't you want to?"


After a pause, Chun Yuyan hummed with a slight tremor, took a breath and smiled again: "Yunchuan is in Andu County... there is a grain reserve of 200,000 dan, originally prepared for this winter's famine. Since my brother is in urgent need of help, , just take it for emergency..."

Chun Yuyan: I want to kill someone! ! ! Kill you! !

Feng Yun: Please reorganize the language.

Chun Yuyan: If you love me, don’t panic, it’s only two hundred thousand stones, just take it.

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