Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 28 Facing each other in the elegant pavilion

This is not like what Chun Yuyan would say.

But he spoke, and Pei Ran had no reason to refuse.

"Your Majesty has given me timely help, and when I report it to Your Majesty, I will return the gift of Yunchuan."

"Well... no need!" Chun Yuyan's voice was a little hoarse, as if there was a bit of gnashing of teeth in annoyance, "My father doesn't know about this yet..."

I know I'm just afraid of skinning him.

"I'll return it to Yunchuan after my brother has solved his urgent need."

Pei Man stared at the curtains and narrowed his eyes slightly. The subtle voice inside could be heard faintly, as if there was a familiar breath...

At this time, a maid came to him and knelt down in front of him holding a sandalwood tray, placing her hands above her head.

"General, please take a look."

On the tray is a deed.

The general idea is that Yunchuan lent 200,000 shi of grain to Jin Dynasty and would return it within the year.

The deed is stamped with Chun Yuyan's seal and signed in his own hand, so nothing can be faked.

Pei Ran didn't go to get it, his brows were furrowed and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Brother Wang..." Chun Yuyan seemed a little impatient, even breathing quickly, and there was a faint sound of abnormal wheezing, "Brother... hurry up and accept it. Don't hesitate any longer... Beiyong Army is waiting for the food. It’s urgent.”

Pei Ran glanced at it calmly and took it while stroking his sleeves.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Chun Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother is busy with personnel matters, so I will stay here soon. I will just send troops to transport food in two days..."

With a bang, something fell.

Chun Yuyan's breath tightened and he quickly changed his words, "Let's do it today. If brother is so urgent, then we will send troops to the Andu Mansion this afternoon..."

Pei Ran took a look and said, "The prince's possession of food is unexpected."

"Hmm..." Chun Yuyan's voice was strange.

The hanging curtain moved with the wind, making it even more weird.

However, Yashe had several servants, and Chun Yuyan had just borrowed two hundred thousand stones of food. Even though his temper was a bit eccentric, there was no way Pei Madang could lift the curtain to see him.

Pei Madang stood up from his seat, walked into the room and bowed to him.

His lowered gaze was at this angle, and he could just see another pair of feet next to Chun Yuyan's bare feet...

The light behind the curtain is dim, but you can see that the feet are very delicate.

Men's boots, but in women's sizes.

Pei Ran raised his head and asked, "Your Majesty, are you inconvenienced today?"

Chunyu Yan's hair stood on end.

That dagger is right there in the vital point and could kill him at any time. Isn't it as simple as inconvenience? What's even more inconvenient is that he is more afraid of being discovered than dying, especially if he is so miserable in Pei Madang's eyes, it would be better to let him die...

Chun Yuyan closed his eyes and calmed down.

"Brother, I'm serious. I never like to meet people. I'm sorry!"

Under the bridge of Pei Man's straight nose, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and his words were cold, "You don't like to see people, but you have a beautiful girl hidden in the tent?"

Chun Yuyan took an almost imperceptible breath, and then smiled lightly.

"To tell you the truth, brother, I just got a beautiful girl and I was in the mood for it, so I asked to see her... Well, I couldn't let go for a while, so I left her here to mess around."

"So interested." Pei Ran said.

Chun Yuyan glanced sideways at Feng Yun, wanting to make this madwoman lose face in front of General Pei, whom she admired.

But "hair can be cut off by blowing" did not allow him to think too much.

When he was about to get cold feet, he quickly laughed, and then he had a vague evil intention and deliberately disgusted Feng Yun.

"On the contrary, I haven't been close to women these years, so why did I become greedy for the daughter of an enemy general? But what kind of charming skills does Feng Twelve Niang have, so that I am very satisfied..."

Pei Ran's face darkened slightly.

But there was a sudden ripple in the tent, and the four feet were entangled together. I don't know what kind of trick the woman used, but soon there was a strange sound. Chun Yuyan groaned and gasped...

It was so ridiculous in broad daylight in front of guests.

Pei Ran said with a cold face, "Your Majesty, I'm busy now, I'll take my leave!"

Seeing Pei Kuang walk away, Chun Yuyan calmed down and glared at Feng Yun with a red starry eye, gritting his teeth and ordering his servants.

"You all get down!"

"Here!" The footsteps receded from outside.

The door closed and the light in the room became dimmer.

Chun Yuyan saw Feng Yun smiling but not smiling, and he hated him to the extreme.

"You have fulfilled Ji's wish, why don't you let me go?"

Feng Yun glanced at the Ao Zai who was squatting on the couch and watching him eagerly, and with a look, he signaled it to jump out of the back window.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will keep everything today secret, and I won't share the Prince's appearance and physical characteristics with others... But please allow me to draw a rare beauty for my private collection..."

"How dare you!" Chun Yuyan gritted his teeth, "Do you believe that I will really kill you?"

Could it be that we didn’t take it seriously just now and are taking it seriously now?

Feng Yun chuckled, not looking afraid, "If anything happens to me, my servants may not be able to keep the portrait, or report it to the general, or spread the portrait and the text..."

"As soon as the news comes out, the prince's reputation will be spread throughout the ages..."

"So, Your Majesty, it's better that I live a long life... Goodbye!"

Feng Yun slid down from the second floor at an extremely fast speed.

Ao Zai successfully lured the guards away as he had come, and Feng Yun walked out of the yard briskly.

Chun Yuyan now has no clothes and his hands are tied. Will he chase her for a while?

As for the future...

If you can cure him once, you can cure him the second time.

Feng Yun walked around from the alley to the street in front. When Pei Madang's horse hooves passed by, he acted as if he had just rushed over and stood in the middle of the street and bowed to him.

"Meet the general."

Pei Madang looked at her from top to bottom.

His eyes were fixed on the brocade boots with upturned toes on her feet. His brows instantly turned cold, and his face was as cold as the ice of the twelfth lunar month.

"Where did Ji come from?"

Feng Yun was slightly surprised, "Are you from the General's Mansion?"

Pei Ran asked: "Where to go?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, looking surprised, "Hua Yue Jian. Didn't you make an appointment with the general yesterday to borrow food from someone?"

Seeing that Pei Ran remained calm, she felt ashamed and said:

"Yesterday I got five carts of grain. I had a few glasses of wine in a moment of joy. I slept past an hour and my servants didn't even bother to call me. There are really no rules..."

Another salute, she was smiling, thoughtful and polite, her posture was dignified and dignified, and she couldn't find anything wrong at all.

"It's my fault for keeping the general waiting for so long. I apologize to the general here."

Pei Madang held the stiff rope and the horse took a few steps in place.

He didn't speak, and his eyes seemed to be filled with murderous intent.

Feng Yun's forehead felt cold and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Could it be that he saw some flaw?

impossible! The weather was gloomy today, there was no lamp in the tent, and she made no sound the whole time. It was impossible for Pei Madang to think that she was in the tent.

Feeling a little more certain, Feng Yun smiled and looked directly into Pei Man's eyes.

"Looking at the general's appearance, could it be that he has met Prince Chunyu and received the food voucher? The prince is indeed very generous and keeps his promises."

Pei Ran remained calm, and Feng Yun bowed again: "Congratulations, general!"

Looking up again, seeing Pei Ran still staring at him, Feng Yun felt something was wrong. He stroked his hair lightly and pretended to be shy, "Is the general to reward me?"

Pei Madang lowered his cold eyes and said, "Ji's shoes are dirty."

After that, he rode away. When he passed by Feng Yun, he didn't even look at him, nor did he stop for a moment...

There was a buzz in Feng Yun's head, as if he was being turned to stone.

She finally realized what the problem was...

The curtain did not reach the floor. She could see Chun Yuyan's bare feet back then, but Pei Madang could see her shoes today...

A hundred secrets and a sparseness.


What does it mean?

She didn't want to be Pei Madang's concubine, wouldn't it be better if Pei Madang misunderstood her as a slutty and unruly girl?

What Concubine Ji wants is that he is the only one who can keep his virginity for him.

As for the counselor, as long as he has the ability to be useful to him.

Feng Yun thought that he fit the latter category, so he took Pei Man as his boss. Not only was his mood not bad, but he was very happy. After returning home, he immediately took off his shoes and told Xiao Man.


Good brocade boots, newly made by Ying Rong, haven't been worn twice yet, how can you just throw them away?

Xiaoman felt very distressed, but when he saw the look in his girl's eyes, he didn't say anything more and just said "Hey" and left.

Feng Yun looked around at the maids in the room, knowing that he had become "crazy" in their hearts. His smile became a little more elegant, he put on a pair of breathable wooden clogs, walked to the desk, and polished them with his own hands. Ink, pick up the pen and write a letter to Pei Ran.

"Today, my subordinate used the general's dagger, and I have the general's face. Two hundred thousand shi of grain actually fell into the general's granary. I have done what I said. A gentleman's promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold. I dare to ask the general when Fulfill the promise?”

Xiao Man came back to add hot tea to her and said cautiously: "Twelve Niang, the maid wants to ask for the uppers. My feet are bigger. I asked Mrs. Ying to help me splice them together. Maybe I can wear them..."

Feng Yun glanced at her.

Xiao Man was stared at and kept lowering his head, nervous.

Feng Yun hummed and added another stroke on the paper he just wrote.

"With food, I am going to give porridge in the name of the general to ease the people of Andu's fear of the Beiyong Army. Then let the people go out of their homes and resume their lives..."

After sealing the envelope, Feng Yun asked someone to find Ao Qi.

"I'd like to ask Guard Ao to send someone to hand it over to the general, saying that the military affairs in the camp are urgent, and Twelve Mothers are not in a hurry to hear back."

General Pei must be extremely disgusted with her now.

Even if she is anxious, she can't look forward to it, so it's better not to offend the big boss first.

Ao Qi didn't reach out to take it, but stared at her for a long time, until Feng Yun had doubts in his eyes, then he hummed lowly and left with the letter unhappily.

Feng Yun was confused: "What happened to Guard Ao?"

Xiaoman shook his head, thought for a moment and then said: "This morning he was looking for a girl like crazy, but to no avail, he went out in anger. Didn't he just come back?"

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