Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 29: The Plan of Separation

Feng Yun had no idea what was going on in the young man's mind, so he asked Xiao Man to call Xing Bing and tell him to be more vigilant in the house in the near future, especially against people with a Yunchuan accent.

Xing Bing took the order and went down.

She thought about it, picked up the cub, knelt down leisurely on the reed mat, lowered her head and smoothed its fur, and fed it dried meat.

Grandma Han came in with a cup of soup, opened her mouth and scolded her.

"The girl has been weak since she was a child. The sun is so bright and she doesn't know how to close the gauze curtain... Xiaoman, Daman, and you guys, if your eyes are gone, you can feed them to Ao Zai!"

Ever since she learned that Feng Yun was in danger, Grandma Han had been very nervous about her.

"I wanted to buy a squab to give my girl a supplement, but the big and small markets in the city are not open, and the grass markets on the streets are gone. Alas, if this continues, what should I do?"

Feng Yun asked: "What did grandma stew?"

Grandma Han immediately beamed with wrinkles on her face, "Fortunately, Guard Ao loves to catch fish. Today he brought back a few palm-sized crucian carps. I let a cup of fresh fish soup stew on the stove. It was very filling..."

She bent down and handed it to Feng Yun as if coaxing a child.

"It's not fishy, ​​Twelve Sisters, please give it a try?"

Feng Yun didn't have much appetite, but he couldn't resist the hospitality, so he still drank obediently.

But I was thinking in my heart, when did Ao Qi fall in love with fishing?

The young man became a fisherman. That General Ao Xiao, who would frighten the enemy in the future, actually had a hobby of catching fish, but I didn’t know it before?

After resting for a while, Feng Yun had a comprehensive plan in his mind. When he got up, he asked Xiao Man to call A Lou to him.

"Go and order the stove to cook a few large pots of thick rice porridge and put it in front of the house. Tell the general to open a warehouse and tighten the belt of the Northern Yong army to provide food to the people."

Ah Lou nodded in response.

Feng Yun asked again: "What were the names of the two concubines who spoke nicely last time?"

"Chai Ying, Nan Kui?"

"That's right." Feng Yun smiled gently, "You ask them to go outside the mansion to distribute porridge to the people. If you accumulate more blessings, you will be favored by the general in the future."

Ah Lou felt a little angry after hearing this.

He didn't understand why Twelfth Mother was so enthusiastic about matching concubines to the general, but she was used to following orders, so she was stunned for a moment, then happily went to do it...

After the Beiyong Army entered Andu City, they did not burn, kill or loot, but the people in the city were still too afraid to go out easily. Those who had food in storage were lucky enough to live secretly with their doors closed. Those who did not have food in storage could not buy or borrow food, so they could only eat chaff and eat dust, starving all their lives, and had no hope of ending their miserable days.

Several tribes beat gongs and went from house to house to inform the general to give porridge outside the gate. Many people refused to believe it at first.

Will the living King of Hell, who kills people without blinking an eye, have good intentions?

I'm just afraid there's some conspiracy.

Someone sneaked a look and found two harmless-looking beauties serving porridge outside the house, so they came to receive it with confidence.

Chai Ying and Nan Kui talked really nicely.

After talking about the general's kindness, he did not forget Feng Yun's goodness. Every time he served a bowl of porridge, he would tell anyone who came that this was the kindness of Twelve Mothers.

The people who received the porridge were surprised and surprised.

"God, is this the Bodhisattva appearing?"

"Had it not been for the prefect to surrender and burn down the granary, Andu would not have fallen to this point. Feng Twelfth Mother was trying to atone for her father's sins..."

"As long as you survive, why are you talking so much?"

"That's right, if you can help people survive, you are a good person."

"The Beiyong Army is not as ferocious as the rumors say. As long as they don't resist, they will not kill people indiscriminately..."

Feng Yun, wearing a curtain hat, was about to go out when he heard the discussion and wanted to laugh.

It is true that the Beiyong Army did not grab food, but if there was not enough food and grass during the war, then they would be able to do anything...

The newly cooked pots of thick porridge were almost finished. Chai Ying and Nan Kui's little faces were flushed with heat. As the people who received the porridge thanked them one after another, their eyes were shining and they were very beautiful.

Seeing Feng Yun coming out, the two of them bowed meekly.

"Twelve mothers."

Feng Yun was very satisfied with what he saw. He felt that these two pretty and kind-hearted concubines should be very suitable for Pei Ran.

When he returns home, he will arrange for her to sleep with him.

Chai Ying and Nan Kui had no idea what Feng Yun was thinking. They only felt that the girl was looking at them with extremely hot eyes, and their cheeks were even redder. They did not dare to look directly into Feng Yun's eyes.

"Work hard." Feng Yun said with a smile, "I won't treat you badly."

The two beauties were flattered and both said, "Here."

Feng Yun didn't stay too long and went back home after saying a few words.

But this incident caused chaos in Chai Ying and Nan Kui's hearts.

"Ying Niang, what do you think of Twelve Niang?"

"A noble daughter from a noble family is different from us. She is dignified, generous, and has great ambitions."

Nan Kui hummed, her cheeks flushed slightly, "The Twelve Niang is more handsome and talented than the husband. It would be a blessing for you and me to serve Twelve Niang for a long time."

Chai Ying looked at her with a smile, "Is Nan Ji happy when we serve porridge today?"

Nan Kui's beautiful eyes were watery, "Happy, I have never been so happy."

Chai Ying asked: "Is it happier than serving the general?"

Nan Kui glared at her shyly, thought for a moment and sighed quietly, "I don't know if serving the general will make me happier, but it will definitely not last long."


"You and I have both met the general, so he is not an easy master to serve. Apart from being a skinny man, our family background and talents are not as good as those of Twelve Mothers. How can we survive for a long time?"

"Nan Ji is right. You and I should not expect that in the future. It is serious to help Twelve Mothers and find a way out."

"When I go back later, Lin Ji will ask..."

"Why bother with her? Humph! You are a toad who wants to eat swan meat all day long. You don't even look at your appearance. How can you compare with Twelve Niang? If you were a general, would you choose her or Twelve Niang?"

"Twelve Niang."

The two beauties looked at each other and laughed with their hands covering their mouths.

In the courtyard, Lin E almost broke her teeth when she heard this.

"A Yuan, A Qing, you all heard it. These two little hooves got some benefits, their wings became hard, and they started to chew my tongue..."

Shao Xueqing lowered her head.

Yuan Jiao said, "Why should A E be angry? They want to be Feng Twelve's dogs, and no one can stop them."

"Fool." Lin E twisted her handkerchief, her eyes were red with anger, "Can't you two see it? This is Feng Twelve's alienation plan. She is alienating us!"

Yuan Jiao and Shao Xueqing looked at each other and couldn't answer.

I don't know when it started, but a group of sisters who had agreed to share weal and woe have already developed different hearts, and each has their own thoughts.

Because of Feng Twelve's deliberate suppression, some sisters no longer dared to show intimacy with them...

Yuan Jiao said: "They are all useless fence-sitters. If they know that you, A'e, are working for Her Majesty the Queen Mother, they will sooner or later be favored by the general and wag their tails to beg you to come back..."

Lin'e's face looked better, "Let them be proud for a few days. You just wait, there will be a day to see them laugh..."


Changmen Courtyard.

Feng Yun was very satisfied when he heard A Lou's report.

"Let them die of anger! Those who obey me will be given wealth and favor. Those who disobey me... will not be allowed to be proud for a day. Spread the word that Lin Ji is stubborn, Yuan Ji and Xue Ji are helping the tyrant, and the three of them will starve for a day and be confined to the Green Willow Courtyard."

She just wanted to let these people know that only by being of one mind with her can they have a good life, and following Lin E will only lead to bad luck and hunger.

A Lou stared at her.

Twelve Niang is so cruel.

But he liked her more and more.

After Feng Yun finished his explanation, he still wrote a letter to report to Pei Jue as usual:

"There are concubines who don't want to work, and they gossip in the inner house and slander the general's reputation. Let them starve for another day to serve as a warning to others."

"The porridge was distributed in the name of the general, and the harvest was quite good. The people are no longer afraid of the Beiyong army, and production can be restored. But it is better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish. Why don't you go with the flow and return the large piece of wasteland in An Du to the people for cultivation. Divide the land equally, and both sides will benefit?"

"The Zhou emperor established nine states and divided the land among the people. The land is the people's property. However, bureaucrats, aristocratic families, and nobles rose up to grab it. The rich have thousands of miles of mountains and fields. Mo. The poor have no place to stand..."

"Years of war, people have been exiled, fields have been barren, and people's livelihood has declined. The general has divided the land among the people for cultivation. This move has benefited the local area, the people, and future generations."

"However, during wartime, the military and politics are unified. The general has to manage the soldiers when he is on horseback and the people when he is off horseback. It is really difficult to do both. Why not let the subordinates do it? I am very experienced and willing to serve the general..."

She shamelessly recommended herself and wrote down many suggestions. Regardless of how Pei Jue would look at her or how he would think, she put them in an envelope and gave them to Ao Qi.

"Please trouble Guard Ao."

Ao Qi hummed lightly and stuffed the letter into his arms.

Suddenly asked her: "Is the fish soup delicious?"

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment and laughed.

The cook wants to hear others praise his dishes, and the fish catcher must also want others to praise his fish.

Feng Yun said, "The meat is delicious, like a delicacy."

Ao Qi asked again, "Does Aozai like it?"

Feng Yun's eyes curved slightly, as if she was smiling, "Of course. Aozai loves it very much."

Ao Qi's lips couldn't help but rise wildly. He really enjoyed it very much, but the young man was still arrogant and snorted:

"You are lucky. I will catch more after eating."

When he left, Feng Yun picked up Aozai with a smile and kissed him.

"Your brother really likes to catch fish. Aozai has fish to eat..."

Ao Qi: My love is regarded as a hobby by her. My family members are so disappointed...

Aozai: Brother, we are brothers. I know you love me.

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