Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 30 Her Husband

Feng Yun sent the letter, but he didn't get a reply from Pei Jue.

A Lou was a little angry for his master.

He sent someone to inquire about it. It was Qin Dajin who led the troops to transport the grain. There was a larger hidden granary under the treasury burned by Feng Jingting. He didn't know how Chunyu Yan did it, and how much money he gave to the previous governor to turn the treasury into his own private warehouse.

Two hundred thousand shi of grain, that's a great achievement...

The girl also sent porridge in the name of the general to help the general regain his reputation.

In A Lou's opinion, the general should give the girl a big reward...

How can it be treated as nothing happened?

Feng Yun acted as if nothing had happened, and was not angry. He kept the Feng family's shop as usual, urged Xing Bing to train Mei Ling's troops, and sent porridge in the name of the general--

A Lou didn't know about Hua Yuejian, and he would complain from time to time.

Feng Yun just laughed at him, not looking at the gains and losses in the present, but looking at the long-term.

A Lou couldn't see far ahead, but he was willing to listen to the girl.

It was not easy to be a big housekeeper. A Lou didn't know many words and didn't know how to do accounting before, so he had to learn everything from scratch.

Fortunately, the girl specially hired a housekeeper to teach him everything from accounting to housekeeping.

Before, A Lou had never thought that being a housekeeper would require so much knowledge, and he didn't think that he would have to learn to read and learn arithmetic from scratch after growing up...

Not only did he have to learn, but other people in the mansion were also pulled to listen.

Moreover, the girl was generous and used the teacher's benefits. Whether it was the children of the soldiers' families or the children of the servants' families, regardless of gender, they could all listen to the teacher's teaching without paying tuition...

Such a great thing, who would have dared to think of it before?

Literacy was a privilege of the nobles, but the children of the poor could also learn to read and learn arithmetic?

A Lou would laugh even when he fell asleep.

He asked the girl privately, the gentleman he invited knows everything, why didn't the girl ask the gentleman to be the housekeeper, but spent time polishing this fool?

The girl just smiled: Because you are Alou, others are not.

Alou couldn't figure out the girl's thoughts. But he guessed that it might be because no one else in the mansion was willing to drive for the girl when they went out of the city to surrender that day, so he was very scared and stood up.

But the girl didn't know that he was pushed out...

This was Alou's big secret, and he didn't dare to tell anyone. He just worked hard in secret to learn, be a good housekeeper, and share the girl's worries.

These days, the mansion has changed a lot, beyond everyone's expectations.

Who dared to think? A weak girl really managed such a big stall, and the rules were established, and everything was in order.

The rules set by the girl were different from those of other families.

There were strict requirements for eating, sleeping, work and food, and even the hygiene of the mansion and individuals, and rewards and punishments were clear. Regardless of personal feelings, they only followed the rules.

The girl was very gentle and had no airs, but anyone who broke the rules would really go hungry.

As time went by, the days became more and more promising.

Not to mention Mei Ling's troops, they were the girl's private soldiers, all of whom were loyal to the girl and willing to risk their lives for her. The maids and servants in the mansion were also diligent, and they all competed to show their performance and wanted to get the girl's reward. Even if the girl said a good word, they could be happy for a long time...

That's right.

In such a world, people often starve to death, but what do they eat behind closed doors?

Not only did they have corn and wheat rice to fill their stomachs, they also had two large pieces of meat, big steamed buns, gravy soup, oil and salt, and they were drooling just thinking about it...

Therefore, Alou listened to everything the girl said.

Unexpectedly, he soon saw what the girl meant by "foresight".

At noon on the tenth day, good news came.

"The general sent an assistant officer to Andu County to announce the matter. All the people should go to the gate of the government office to listen to the announcement."

Andu City, which had been silent for many days, became lively.

Andu City had been disordered recently, and the people were looking forward to the stone falling, so they came in groups.

The assistant officer who came was called He Qia, from Guangping He family, one of the eight great families in the Jin Dynasty. He was originally a military officer beside Pei Cong, with a small mustache, about forty years old, looking gentle and vigorous.

He Qia's carriage stopped at the gate of the government office, and he stood on the stone platform under the locust tree in front of the gate.

Military generals are more efficient than civil officials in handling general affairs.

He Qia shouted at the people in three layers inside and outside.

"My surname is He, I am temporarily acting as the governor, handling the government affairs of Andu County, and protecting the people under my rule."

After the general's mansion sent porridge for a few days, the people were not as afraid of the Beiyong Army as before, but they did not support it. In their opinion, the Beiyong Army destroyed their peaceful life, and they had resentment in their bones.

He Qia smiled at the indifferent faces.

"Tomorrow there will be a policy document, today I will give you a hint."

"First, all the county residents in Andu, regardless of where their household registration is, can apply for household registration."

The people were silent, but they kept complaining.

If you can't even afford to eat, what does it matter if your household registration is in Qi or Jin? Anyway, the emperor changes every few days, and whether you can eat enough is the most important thing.

He Qia said: "Second, merchants who resume their business within ten days will be exempted from tax for five years."

In the past, when the governor of Qi was in power, taxation was not easy.

But how can you resume your business after the war? How long can you be stable after resuming your business?

The crowd was talking.

He Qia stroked his mustache and smiled.

"Third, everyone should listen carefully--"

The crowd suddenly quieted down.

He Qia cleared his throat with satisfaction, "The general sympathizes with the people's feelings and has submitted to Your Majesty that the unowned land in Andu County will be distributed to the households with no land or little land. The land will be evenly distributed according to the household members, so that the land will not be left idle and the people will have land to cultivate. Males over the age of 15 will receive 20 mu of land, and women will receive 10 mu. The tax on female households with women as heads of households will be reduced by half."

What is He Gongcao talking about?

Divide the land, divide it equally?

The crowd looked at each other in disbelief.

"Everyone, everyone! From now on, please hurry to the general's mansion to register a household. The dew fields, mulberry fields, and unowned land that will be divided equally this time will be selected by the first come first served."

"But there is one thing, the land with owners and the owner is still borrowed, there will be no change for the time being. The specific decree will be posted on the notice board of each county, town, street, and village tomorrow..."

"Literate people, please preach on my behalf, and illiterate people, please ask more!"

He Qia stood on the stone platform with his hands on his waist and spoke for about two quarters of an hour.

More and more people gathered, blocking the streets.

At noon, the general's mansion carried out the porridge bucket as usual. At this time, the crowd had not completely dispersed. From time to time, people came to get porridge and inquire about the situation.

There were many circles in front of the screen wall, beside the stone drum, and under the tree stand.

Feng Yun did not join in the fun. She sat in the long gate courtyard reading for most of the day.

The news outside was told to her by Alou.

"The general is a good man! He is really a good man. I misunderstood him before..."

Alou talked about the wartime decree that the general was about to issue with a face full of admiration.

"People with no land or little land can go to the Gongcao to register as a household and get land. Even if you are not from Andu County, as long as you make a living in Andu in the future, you can settle down in Andu County."

"Let the tiller have his land, girl, did you hear that? The general is a savior."

Feng Yun did not react.

She did not tell Alou that this was her suggestion.

She didn't even tell Alou why she was sure Pei Cong would agree.

Because the policy of equal distribution of land was the decree issued by Pei Cong in the previous life.

For her, it was just to use Pei Cong's bones to make soup and feed it to Pei Cong.

When leading troops to fight, the most important thing is food. Pei Cong seized Wanning Andu and other counties because of the fertile land in this area. Once it was in his pocket, it would be the granary of Jin.

This is why the reaction of Qi was so great after the loss of Wanning County and Andu County. The Emperor of Qi had to use Xiao Cheng, the King of Jingling, whom he had always been afraid of, after Feng Jingyao and his civil and military ministers repeatedly urged him...

Pei Cong was not a barbarian who only loved killing. He understood the importance of Andu County and the truth that "the people should not be plundered for a long time". When it was time to support people's livelihood, he knew how to govern.

Therefore, Pei Cong was the first person to advocate equal distribution of land to the people.

But when this decree was issued in the previous life, it encountered many practical problems.

So, Feng Yun cleverly "borrowed" Pei Jue's views, added the difficulties of governance and solutions, and corrected some mistakes that were discovered later, and wrote several ten-thousand-word letters...

She knew that it would touch Pei Jue's heart.

But she didn't know whether Pei Jue would be surprised or horrified when he found someone who was so consistent with his thoughts...

Feng Yun asked A Lou: "Where is He Gongcao now?"

A Lou said: "In the government hall."

The predecessor of the General's Mansion was the prefectural governor's mansion, which had a main hall for handling government affairs and a clerk's room. Except for the back house where Feng Yun lived, there were residences for subordinates on the east and west sides.

With He Qia coming, Andu will soon restore order, and Feng Yun will no longer have to worry about many things. But Feng Yun didn't become a subordinate, and her heart was like a sieve blocked, and she couldn't be happy.

Fortunately, there was a clause in Pei Jue's decree.

"The land with the owner will not be changed for the time being."

That is to say, the fields and farms that the Feng family had previously purchased in Andu County are still hers.

The Xuzhou Feng family is a large family. Like other aristocratic families, they occupy mountains and rivers and have countless fields.

Among them, Feng Jingting, the youngest son, is the least successful, but he also owns hundreds of hectares of land in Andu County. The Feng family has cultivated land, paddy fields, mulberry fields, a large barren mountain and five orchards.

In the past, there were hundreds of slaves, tenants and soldiers on the farm, but when the war started, they dispersed, leaving only an empty frame...

Feng Yun was thinking about it, and she was a little excited.

According to the new policy, she could apply to establish a female household, and from then on, the tax would be halved, and she would completely break away from the Xuzhou Feng family and become her own head of the family.

Early the next morning, Feng Yun led Alou and two maids to the government hall excitedly.

He Qia was talking to several subordinates. When he saw Feng Yun coming, he immediately stepped forward and bowed, very politely.

Then, he gave Feng Yun a bolt from the blue on the spot.

"Girls cannot set up a household."

Feng Yun looked at the documents on his desk with wet ink and smiled gently.

"What does He Gongcao mean? Others can do it, but I can't? The general's new policy has changed when it comes to me?"

"No, no."

He Qia stroked his mustache and shook his head, smiling slowly.

"The land with an owner is the girl's private property. I can get a new land deed for the girl immediately. However, the girl cannot set up a separate household."

Feng Yun saw that he didn't mean to make things difficult, and was a little confused.

"Gongcao, I don't quite understand..."

He Qia bowed and said, "The girl is the general's concubine, and the household follows the husband. How can you set up another female household?"

Feng Yun: ...

Was He Gongcao struck by lightning?

How did Pei Jue become her husband?

Thanks for your support, see you tomorrow~~

Ao Qi: I'm not on stage today?

Aozai: Brother, I haven't even appeared yet, why are you so anxious?

Ao Qi: My uncle hasn't appeared either, I feel balanced.

Alou: The general lives in people's mouths and will always live in people's hearts...

Pei Jue: Thank you, upstairs.

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