Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 31 Waking up in the middle of the night

Feng Yun was in no mood to talk nonsense, so he asked He Qia directly.

"May I ask if Gongcao's words are yours or the general's?"

He Qia laughed awkwardly twice, walked around the table and came to her, bowed, "Please forgive me, girl! It was the general's order, and I just realized it--"

Realized it?

What did he realize?

He Qia looked at her face, and it seemed that she was not very happy, and she didn't quite understand. The general had no wife, and this was the first time he admitted that he was someone else's husband. If it were another girl, she would cry with joy, right?

Could it be that Feng Shier Niang had some misunderstanding?

So he thought about it, and then said:

"To be honest with you, according to the old rules, the assets of the previous dynasty must be taken back into the warehouse and disposed of separately. The general felt sorry for the girl's family's inability to help, and was afraid that the girl would be wronged, so he changed the old rules..."

Feng Yun sneered, "Then I have to thank the general."

He Qia made her laugh so hard that she could only laugh awkwardly.

In the face of the war, Feng Yun had no way to reason with Pei Jue.

She couldn't be the head of the household, so she had to bear with it for now.

At least, the land deed was hers.

Pei Jue still had a little conscience.

After thinking this through, Feng Yun cheered up.

"Alou, call the people to Qingshan Hall, I have arrangements."

These days, Feng Yun had figured out who was in the mansion.

Ying Rong, who was born as an embroiderer, was straightforward, good at embroidery, and OK at housework, but not so good at being in the limelight.

Wen Hui was born as a brothel singer. She looked soft-tempered, but she was calm, knew her limits, and knew when to advance and retreat.

"Hui Niang, I'll leave Yutangchun to you."

Yutangchun was the largest restaurant in Andu County, and the only stall operated by the youngest branch of the Feng family in Andu County. It was the most elegant place in Andu and a gathering place for wealthy families.

Feng Jingting used to arrange dinner at Yutangchun before the banquet.

Yutangchun not only has food and drink, but also entertainments such as playing chess, cuju, shooting, pitching pots, and hiding hooks. With Feng Jingting, the county governor, and the Xuzhou Feng family behind him, everyone has to give him some face and make a lot of money.

Wenhui and ten other beauties, including Lin'e, Yuanjiao, Chaiying, and Nankui, all come from Yutangchun.

The women in the building are both beautiful and talented. Wenhui is not the most beautiful and talented among them, but when she was in the camp of the Beiyong Army, she was the first to join Feng Yun, and she knew a few words, which made it easy to train her.

This was a decision made by Feng Yun after careful consideration.

It sounded like a fairy tale to everyone.

Even Wenhui herself couldn't believe it.

"Girl, leave it to me, can I do it?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Yes. Why not? Now that He Gongcao is here, Andu County will gradually resume its livelihood. We don't need to hold a feast of mountain delicacies like before, we can start with home-cooked food."

Everyone realized that Shi Er Niang was not joking.

It was true. They wanted to hand over the business of Yutangchun to Wenhui, a weak woman, a singer from Yutangchun...

They used to think that Feng Yun was a noble lady from aristocratic family, and she was very proud and looked down on the sisters from the building, and they complained a lot in private.

They didn't expect that Shi Er Niang was broad-minded and thought about things that were not like this at all...

Wenhui was very excited, and her eyes were red.

Ever since she was awarded by the general to Feng Yun as a maid, she thought that her whole life would be serving tea and water, and living the life of a servant.

Later, when she entered the mansion, Shi Er Niang didn't let her do dirty and tiring work, but instead let her go to school with the general manager of the building. She just thought that Shi Er Niang had too many people around her and didn't need her...

How could she have expected that the singer who used to please the guests could one day be the head of Yutangchun?

Wenhui's tears almost burst, crying and laughing, and kept wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

"Why are you crying?" Feng Yun raised the corners of his lips, "A Yu Tangchun is so happy? What will you do when we have bigger business in the future?"

Wen Hui sniffed while crying, "I'm afraid I can't do it well and lose face for the girl."

Feng Yun smiled, "I'm not afraid of losing face, I don't care. I just don't want to lose money."

Feng Yun didn't care what others thought, and ordered again, "Don't be nervous, Hui Niang, before opening, I will sort out everything, and then find someone to guide and teach you. Here you can pick a few people in the mansion who are suitable to help you."

Wen Hui was still crying.

In the past, she thought that a man loved her when he redeemed her, but when she was offered up, she realized that the man only regarded her as a worthless object. From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever respected her, and no one has seen her goodness...

Wen Hui was glad for her decision in the camp, wiped away her tears, and bowed to Feng Yun uprightly.

"I will do my best."

Everyone in Qingshan Hall was excited.

Lin E was stunned for a long time, then rushed out, "Hui Niang, I will go to Yutangchun with you. I know a few words and I am the best at entertaining guests..."

"No!" Feng Yun rushed to Wen Hui's mouth and said lightly: "You guys, I have another important task."

Lin E felt cold in her heart, resentful and angry.

She didn't believe that Feng Shier would be kind enough to assign her a job like he did to Wen Hui, so she said tactfully:

"Lin E and Hui Niang are both from Yutangchun, and I know this business best..."

"Don't bother Lin Ji, Yutangchun will not sell sex art in the future, only cooking and talent."

Feng Yun's words were neither light nor heavy, which made Lin E's cheeks red, and she didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Then, what should I wait for?"

Feng Yun looked up at her and smiled casually.

"You will know when you go there tomorrow."


That night, Feng Yun went to bed without eating.

In the middle of the night, the fire in Changmen Courtyard was blazing.

Grandma Han hurriedly raised the curtain and went in. She saw Feng Yun sitting on the bed, sweating profusely and shaking constantly, as if she had been frightened. She felt very distressed...

"What's going on? Are you having a nightmare?"

Feng Yun looked up at her in a daze, as if he had not recovered, "Grandma?"

"Alas!" Grandma Han sat down and stroked Feng Yun's back, "Seeing that Twelve Mothers refused to follow the general, my old servant knew that you still harbored that person in your heart..."

Feng Yun frowned, "Which person?"

Grandma Han looked at her and hesitated, "Just now, my old servant heard that the Twelve Mothers were calling... Xiao Lang... she was calling one after another... Those cries were heartbreaking, heart-wrenching, and painful. "

Xiao Lang? Feng Yun's face turned pale.

Seeing that she was speechless, Grandma Han sighed, "Old servants understand what Twelve Mothers are thinking, but we have to look forward... You came out of the Jin army camp, even if you are innocent..."

At this point, she couldn't bear it and stopped the topic.

"Mrs. Chen intends to betroth Ying Niang to Xiao Langjun. Your uncle is not a fair head of the family. Maybe by this time, the family has already settled... Twelve Niangs, we can't go back to the Feng family. Forget about Xiao Lang." , follow General Pei with peace of mind..."

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and lay back on the couch, "Grandma, go and have a rest."

Grandma Han sighed quietly.

I don’t know how many sins Twelfth Mother suffered before she developed such a character.

He obviously had something on his mind, but he refused to say it anymore.

After Grandma Han left, Feng Yun brought Ao Zai over again, held him in his arms, patted his head and comforted him.

"Did Zai Fang be frightened? Don't be afraid, it was a dream, just a dream... My sister will never let anyone hurt me again, nor will anyone hurt my Zai Zai again."

Ao Zai stuck out his tongue to lick her face, and Feng Yun gently touched his belly.

"Tell me, did they really succeed?"

"It's almost the beginning of autumn, it's almost here."

At dawn, Xinzhou City.

Feng Jingting was awakened by Feng Ying's cry in his sleep.

After abandoning the city, he did not dare to return to Taicheng, the capital of Qi, and temporarily lived in his stepson Wen Xingsu's house in Fujun, Xinzhou.

This house is not as spacious as the prefect's palace. The courtyards are adjacent and separated by a wall. Feng Ying's screams are very clear at night.

Mrs. Chen got up before him, touched her clothes and asked her servant to hold the lamp.

"What's going on with A Ying recently? She's restless at night..."

As she said that, she glanced at Feng Jingting angrily, "Then Xiao San won't give you a happy word! You, a father, don't care..."

Then he said: "Now that Ayun is dying, we can't let Aying wait in vain. It's okay for our unitary brother to be bullied by the eldest brother. Who wouldn't be bullied by the eldest brother? It's a shame for you that you still have to be a legitimate child. If the marriage is ruined, , you can afford to disgrace this person, but our Chen family cannot afford to disgrace..."

"Oh, why am I not in a hurry?" Feng Jingting sat up hesitantly, "But I just lost the city, and King Jingling is also waiting for death, so how can he care about the personal affairs of his children? My son still needs to wait..."

"Wait, wait, just wait, I think you are a coward. You are afraid of wolves in front and tigers in back!"

"You..." Feng Jingting wanted to get angry, but stopped when he saw Chen getting angry.

"It's really a woman's opinion. This marriage is not as simple as a son or daughter marrying off. Don't worry about it, his uncle will arrange it..."

Chen rolled her eyes at him and said, "It doesn't make me worry at all."

Feng Jingting gave his wife a headache when she said it, "Don't talk about me, go and see A Ying. My sister-in-law is fine. She will inevitably be frightened when she comes out of Andu. Please give her some comfort."

Mrs. Chen hummed with red eyes, "A Ying is so pitiful, she is going to die of grievance..."

Feng Jingting patted her back gently, his eyes briefly wandering.

Speaking of pity, he didn't dare to think about the daughter he sent to the enemy camp...

First update

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