Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 32: Farm Landlord

In the courtyard next door, two maids helped Feng Ying sit on the bedside and were wiping her sweat.

Seeing Mrs. Chen coming over, Feng Ying called out to her mother with tears streaming down her face.

"A Ying is having a nightmare again."

Mrs. Chen sat down and held her hand distressedly.

"Tell Mom, what did you dream about?"

"I dreamed about Sister..." Feng Ying lowered her eyes, "Sister stabbed me with a machete and said that I had robbed her brother Ziyan and she wanted to cut off my flesh piece by piece and feed it to her cat, mother, Sister, she is so brave..."

"Dreams are backwards."

Mrs. Chen comforted her daughter in a gentle voice, "She has ruined her reputation by committing herself to the enemy. She will no longer be able to compete with A Ying. A Ying has a mother, an uncle, and your uncle is also looking for you... Whatever A Ying wants, she will have it. They should all be there.”

Feng Ying raised her head and asked, "Brother Zichen, will you marry me?"

Ms. Chen lowered her eyes and said, "Yes. Of course I will."

Feng Ying: "How long do we have to wait? Mom, Ah Ying is old enough to have haircuts. If you don't get married, you will get old."

Seeing her little daughter's delicate appearance, Ms. Chen's eyes were full of love, and she hugged her beloved daughter in pain, "Why are you so anxious? My Aying's blessings are all behind her."

Feng Ying hummed shyly and snuggled into her mother's arms.

"Mom, I sent a letter to brother Zichen, but he didn't reply."

Mrs. Chen angrily said, "Silly boy, Sanlang is a man who does great things. If he talks about the love between his children and his children like other men, my mother will look down on him."

Feng Ying thought so too.

How could such a good Xiao Sanlang be distracted by his children's personal affairs at this juncture?

"Mom, I want to go back to Taicheng... In the past two days, I have missed my days in Taicheng very much. The sisters were all together, eating wine, playing games, enjoying lanterns, and going to the Jingling Palace next door to see Ah Rong. Sister, take a secret look at Saburo..."

Chen nodded her forehead and said, "Shameless."

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the hospital.

Soon, Feng Jingting's angry rebuke was heard.

Feng Ying looked at Mrs. Chen, "My father is angry with my eldest brother again? My eldest brother still wants to send troops to save my sister..."

"He's a fool, don't worry about him." Ms. Chen was very troubled by the son she had with her ex-husband.

As a general of Fujun and a defender of Xinzhou, he only wanted to save Feng Yun regardless of the overall situation. There was a biological girl crawling out of her belly who didn't care about her, but was winked at by the little vixen, which really annoyed Mrs. Chen.

Feng Ying was also depressed, "Eldest brother doesn't like me."

With red eyes in grievance, he said: "We have been in Xinzhou for so long, and my eldest brother has never asked me if I am okay or if I have been wronged. He only cares about my sister..."

Mrs. Chen is Wen Xingsu's biological mother, and she is very considerate of her son.

Because of this, she hated Feng Yun even more for seducing her eldest son.

"When the bride comes through, I will take care of him!"

On the same day, the residence of Prince Jingling of Southern Qi Dynasty.

The lights in Qishan Hall remained on all night.

Ping An hunched over and put the tea on the table, muttering softly, "Your Highness works hard for the war every day and doesn't cherish your body."

Xiao Cheng glanced at him, his face was just right and gentle, "You are the only one who talks a lot."

Ping An secretly stuck out his tongue and filled his cup with water, "General Ning Yuan sent another letter to urge His Highness?"

Xiao Cheng's hand holding the pen paused for a moment.

Separated from Andu by a river, Wen Xingsu was on pins and needles in Xinzhou, wishing he could send troops immediately to snatch Feng Yun back from the Northern Yong Army. Therefore, he pressed Xiao Cheng day after day when to send troops, and repeatedly requested to lead troops to fight...

They were all rejected by Xiao Cheng.

Ping An feels very sorry for His Highness.

Since His Majesty ascended the throne, His Majesty has been suppressed everywhere. This time, after hundreds of officials rushed to appeal, His Majesty had no choice but to recall him from the imperial mausoleum...

This opportunity is so rare, how can we ruin something important for a woman?

"General Ning Yuan is too impatient. He talks about fighting as if it's a joke. He doesn't think carefully. Why should he fight the Beiyong Army? Fortunately, His Highness regards him as a close friend, but the General has repeatedly made rude remarks and blamed His Highness..."

Ping An knew that His Highness didn't value the unmarried wife, so he didn't take it seriously, grinding his teeth and biting his tongue.

"Your Highness has your own plans, and the Feng family has more than one girl..."

"Ping An!" Xiao Cheng suddenly raised his head, the stern look in his eyes startled Ping An.

His Highness is unhappy.

Peacefully stop talking and stand honestly.

Xiao Cheng sealed the letter in his hand and handed it over.

"Go and hand it over in person and hand it over to Lord Feng of Shangshu Ling."

Ping An didn't dare to ask any more questions. He took a look at His Highness's face, stuffed the letter into his arms and put it away. He cupped his fists and handed over his hands, "I accept your orders!"

Peace flies away.

Xiao Cheng's eyes froze for a long time, then he opened the drawer, took out the scroll hidden inside, and laid it flat on the table.

The woman in the painting has a gentle smile on her face, as if she is looking at him from across the clouds.

Feng Yun got up early the next day and took a group of maids, servants, Bu Qu, and more than ten concubines including Lin E, Yuan Jiao, Shao Xueqing, etc., to the Feng family's farm.

The farm is close to Jieqiu Mountain, in a village called Huaxi.

In addition to the Feng family, there are other manors and fields owned by other wealthy families nearby. However, those wealthy families all fled with their families before the war. According to the new policy of the Northern Yong Army, these will become ownerless lands and be redistributed equally to civilian households.

And she will be the largest landowner in Huaxi...

At this time of year, crops should be harvested and prepared for autumn sowing, but the war has disrupted farming. In recent years, a large amount of farmland has been abandoned, and the crops have turned into weeds, making it look desolate.

The Feng family's Zhuangzi is a two-story brick and tile house, which looks much better than the thatched mud houses of farmers. However, it has not been inhabited for a long time. The surroundings of the Zhuangzi are covered with weeds and the drainage channels are full of debris. At a glance, it seems that Like a ghost house in a deserted village.

But this is Feng Yun's retreat.

The general's mansion is not a property in her name, the farm is.

Especially when she saw the blooming lotus pond outside Zhuangzi, she felt even more beautiful.

This is the snow lotus root that Feng Jingting brought from the south. It was originally a tribute, but it was not cultivated on a large scale and most people did not recognize it. The mud in the pond was very deep, so it was preserved.

The smile returned to Feng Yun's eyes, "Ah Lou, let them clean it carefully. When Zhuangzi cleans it up, we will stay there permanently."

He then happily ordered people to take down the plaque on the gate and still name him Nagato.

Ah Lou was a little surprised, "Don't the Twelve Mothers live in the General's Mansion?"

Feng Yun said: "The General's Mansion belongs to the General, I am only staying here temporarily."

Ah Lou seemed to understand but wanted to say something. Grandma Han glared at her and arranged for people to clean the house with a smile.

"The Twelve Mother." Grandma Han felt distressed when she saw Feng Yun standing in the wind and looking out. "We are living a good life now, all because of the general's care. It is not a good way for the Twelve Mother to separate from the general..."

Feng Yun smiled and looked at the several aggrieved concubines in the yard, "Does grandma expect me to be trapped in that house like them, beaten to death for the favor of the same man?"

Grandma Han: "How can the Twelve Mothers be the same as them? The general loves..."

Feng Yun chuckled, "I remember my grandma said that Feng Jingting loved my mother very much at first, but what happened later? He had an affair with a widow and secretly raised children. As soon as my mother died, he became the groom on the back. , take another bride..."

He looked over with sharp eyes again.

"Grandma, I don't want such love."

As soon as Lu Sanniang was mentioned, Grandma Han's eyes immediately turned red, "That father of yours is really a heartless and unjust beast. In front of Sanniang, she would be so gentle. If she hadn't brought Mrs. Chen and her daughter back, , who would have known that he already had someone outside..."

Feng Yun didn't want to mention this anymore, so he walked out of the room and called Xing Bing.

"You take Part 1 and dig out the mature land around Zhuangzi first. I want to plant a batch of green vegetables before autumn, stock up for winter, and then free up the land to plant winter wheat..."

He added: "There are not enough farm tools, so we have to work hard these days. When I think of ways to get a batch of farm tools back, farming will be easier."

Nowadays, ironware is precious and iron farm tools are not cheap. Most of the original farm tools in the village have been taken away. Today, Feng Yun exchanged grain for these.

But Xing Bing couldn't think of a batch of farm tools that could make farming easier.

"Don't worry, girl. Leave it to your brothers to keep the fields neat and tidy and the land soft."

Before coming to Zhuangzi, Xing Bing thought that the girl didn't understand, so he brought his wife Xu over.

Unexpectedly, the girl knew more about farming than Xu, so she smiled and assigned her a new job, the steward of the inner courtyard, responsible for managing the daily lives of the concubines...

Xing Bing was also happy from the bottom of his heart when he saw his wife became a steward and was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling.

It doesn't take so many people to clean the house, so Xing Bing divides the work among them. Bu Qu and the handymen were used to doing menial work and were free in the farm, but Lin E and Yuan Jiao had a hard time with the concubines.

"We are the general's concubine, not Feng Twelve's servant..."

"Feng Twelve cheated on us. When the general returns home, we will file a lawsuit against her..."

Lin E hated it very much.

But there is no other way except to curse in private.

Whether the general will pity them or not is far away. Today's hard work is real, enough for them to drink a pot.

"Ayuan, do you think my skin has become rough?"

"I also have calluses on my palms and my face is tanned."


Everyone was talking and vying to complain.

"I've heard of many ways that women in the back house compete for favor, but I've never heard of Feng Twelve being so vicious..."

Lin E threw away the rag in her hand and looked at Yuan Jiao with red eyes.

"Mother Yuan, we can no longer allow Feng Twelve to bully us."

She spread her hands and looked at it, then touched her face, tears were about to fall, "The only thing you and I can rely on now is a bit of beauty. If all this beauty is taken away by Feng Twelve, Is there any way out? If I have to look at Feng Twelve’s face for the rest of my life, it’s better to die..."


Yuan Jiao is less courageous than her. She has suffered several losses and does not dare to provoke him easily again.

The feeling of being hungry was very unpleasant, and Yuan Jiao felt a little discouraged when she thought about it.

"We can't beat Feng Twelve, forget it, A'e..."

Lin E pulled her, "Are you stupid?"

She pinched Yuan Jiao's face and said, "Look at you, you have such a charming face, how are you worse than Feng Twelve? Mother Yuan, are you willing?"

Yuan Jiao lowered her eyes and shook her head, "What if you are willing, what if you are not willing? A'e, you see, we thought Wen Hui was stupid, but who knew she was the smartest one. Look at her... she is the boss of Yu Tangchun. Take care of things."

It was okay not to mention Wenhui, but Lin E clenched her teeth when she mentioned Wenhui.

"Wen Hui, this bitch, will die a good death. Mother Yuan, do you still remember that Eunuch Fang?"

Yuan Jiao was stunned, "How do you remember?"

Lin E said: "At the beginning, we were almost sent to Zhongjing as slaves by the general. It was Eunuch Fang who rescued us and returned to the general's mansion at the order of Her Majesty the Queen Mother... Have you forgotten? We are the Queen Mother's people, not Feng Shier's slaves!"

Yuan Jiao frowned slightly, "What does A'e want to do?"

Lin E said: "Others can't control her, but Her Majesty the Queen Mother can!"

The landlord is here~~

See you tomorrow.

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