Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 183: Starting Peace Negotiations

Pei Jue's face was not so good.

"Prince, be careful with your words."

"Tsk!" Chun Yuyan knew that Pei Wangzhi was also a guy who wanted to eat alone, and he didn't like to hear him and Xiao San talking about Feng Yun behind his back.

But he had to say it.

Is there anything more satisfying than making Pei Wangzhi unhappy?

"Xiao San and I recounted the past with Twelve..."

He said it as if he and Feng Yun were very familiar with each other.

It can be imagined that Xiao Cheng's mood at that time was probably similar to Pei Jue's at this moment.

Chun Yuyan didn't think it was inappropriate for him to say these things in front of someone's husband. He looked calm and proud and happy - because he read the same expression on Pei Jue's face as Xiao San.

He couldn't stand him.

And he couldn't do anything about him.

"It's a bit strange." Chun Yuyan said: "Xiao San said that the Twelve I mentioned seemed to be different from the Twelve he knew. He said that Feng Twelve had changed. And I thought..."

Chun Yuyan smiled slightly.

Her eyes were beautiful and charming.

"Twelve is the most real in front of me. What you see is not her real appearance..."

Pei Jue took the document, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it at his face.

"Go away."

Chun Yuyan picked up the paper ball and slowly flattened it. He didn't look angry at all, and his tone was unusually calm. "The Jin court has issued an order to negotiate with Qi. Even if you don't agree, you can't do anything, right?"

He blinked slightly, paused, and said:

"What I can fight for you is that if you want to talk, let Xiao Cheng come to Xinzhou to talk. You don't have to go to Bingzhou."

This will take a lot of initiative.

Pei Jue looked at Chun Yuyan and said nothing.

Chun Yuyan smiled and said, "You will agree."

Jin and Qi both agreed to let Yunchuan, a third country, act as a middleman.

Chun Yuyan also analyzed the pros and cons. Even if there was no reason from the Jin court, as long as Xiao Cheng didn't mention taking Feng Yun back, Pei Jue had no reason to refuse.

People live their lives for the sake of profit.

Otherwise, why would Xiao Cheng be willing to pay such a high price when he was at the forefront?

There is only one reason, Qi State is really out of money.

Over the years, the family's wealth has been emptied by Emperor Yanping Xiao Jue. The Yufu Palace built in Taicheng is extravagant and wasteful, and it almost exhausted the national treasury.

Xiao Cheng, who has just ascended the throne, can't afford to fight now.

"A real man can bend and stretch." This is what Chunyu Yan said to persuade Xiao Cheng.

It's not worth betting the fate of the country for a woman.

Chunyu Yan found a delicate balance point and persuaded Xiao Cheng when he was frustrated. It can't be said that he is much stronger than Yan Wuxi, but it can only be said that the time, place and people are right.

Xiao Cheng finally gave up the condition of taking Feng Yun back.

It would be much easier for Chunyu Yan to persuade Pei Jue.

It's winter now. Let's have a good New Year, enjoy the tribute from Qi, let the people rest and recuperate, and the soldiers also need a thorough repair. As long as Pei Jue is not stupid, he will know what is the most correct decision.

However, when Zhongjing got the news, the one in Jiafu Palace almost smashed the jade seal.

It was because Xiao Cheng insisted on taking Feng Yun back that the court issued an order to negotiate. Now... Xiao Cheng doesn't want it?

"This Chunyu Yan! What is he doing?" Li Sangruo was so angry that his face turned blue. "I asked him to persuade Pei Jue, but he persuaded Xiao Cheng?"

Eunuch Fang lowered his head and poured tea for the queen mother.

"The general has been away from Beijing for more than a year. It's time to go home."

He wanted to comfort the queen mother in a tactful way. There would be no war. When the general returned to Beijing, she could see him from time to time.

Unexpectedly, Li Sangruo snorted coldly.

"At this point, he is alienated from me. What's wrong with coming back? Is he bringing that little bitch to show off in the city all the time to annoy me?"

Fang Fucai quickly shut up.

The atmosphere in the palace was low.

The news of General Pei's wedding in Bingzhou was like a knife stabbed in the empress dowager's chest, and the wound was bloody. Even though Fang Fucai was a servant, he had been walking beside the empress dowager for many years. How could he not feel the empress dowager's anger, grievance and unwillingness?

"Chang Gui died in vain."

Li Sangruo's low and shallow voice made Eunuch Fang lower his head even more.

Chang Gui fell into the water in Xinzhou was a lie. The general slapped the empress dowager and the prime minister fiercely, which was the truth.

Loyalty to the emperor and serving the master, in the final analysis, lies in the word loyalty. Once you don't want to be loyal, where is the master in your eyes, how can you serve the master? If General Pei really has second thoughts, the empress dowager is an orphan and a widow, can she still sit on the throne?

Fang Fucai's eyes are as bright as a thief.

What can't you see clearly?

He knew that Li Sangruo must be feeling heartbroken and nervous at this moment, and he was just pretending to be calm.

"Fang Fucai." Li Sangruo suddenly spoke.

Eunuch Fang raised his eyes and met the cold light in the Queen Mother's dark eyes.

"Tell Song Shouan to come see me."

Fang Fucai nodded.

Li Sangruo chuckled, "I want to go to discuss the peace talks in Xinzhou in person."

Fang Fucai was just about to turn around, but he was stunned on the spot and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Li Sangruo glanced at him and turned away lazily.

"The heating is too strong, it's very hot. Go, open the window and let me get some fresh air."

Fang Fucai responded and walked over to open the south window.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and unknown birds flew over the high eaves of the palace, making sharp calls.

In the cold wind, the sound of bells came continuously, knocking on my heart.

This is going to change.



A few days after the winter solstice, the peace talks between Jin and Qi began to take shape. With Chunyu Yan's strong matchmaking, a preliminary peace agreement was drawn up.

When the news came out, there was great joy in the north and south.

The long war is finally over.

After the armistice, having a good New Year and having the whole family reunited and having a full meal are the simplest wishes of ordinary people today.

When Feng Yun got the news, she was looking at Xiaoman's grasshopper carvings in the backyard of Chunyu Pavilion. They were carved from boxwood. Xiaoman's hands were pierced with holes, but she still refused to give up.

She said: "Xiaoman didn't send any congratulatory gifts when the girl got married. This is for the girl."

Feng Yun looked at her and smiled, "How can I see the left guard sculpting?"

Xiao Man is not good at carving things with a knife.

She observed carefully, and when she asked Xiao Man, she blushed and lowered her head coquettishly, "Yes, it was Xiao Man who asked Guard Zuo to teach me. He is good at carving, but I am not good at carving..."

He flattened his mouth again.

"Does the girl dislike it?"

Feng Yun smiled as she watched her tie the red rope under the grasshopper, and then hung it around her waist in front of her.

"I like it so tight."

"It's beautiful." Xiao Manji was easily satisfied, and smiled with a red face, "The grasshopper means having many children, Xiao Manji hopes that the girl and the general will have many descendants."

Feng Yun's expression changed slightly and he smiled.

The whole family of descendants is gone, but this beautiful meaning can be passed on to Xiaoman.

Feng Yun could see what she meant to Zuo Zhong, and he thought to himself that when the peace negotiation was over and everyone settled down, he could ask Zuo Zhong what he meant and take care of things for Xiaoman.

"Dalangjun is here."

Feng Yun's thoughts brought back Xiaoman's excited tone.

She turned her head and saw Wen Xingsu walking towards her with serious eyes. He didn't smile until he got closer.

"I see you look much better."

Feng Yun looked him up and down, "Brother, do you want to see me for something?"

Wen Xingsu's eyes slightly drifted away, he looked around and whispered:

"The list of peace talks from Beijing has reached Shinshu."

Feng Yun heard his tone, narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled, "Who are they?"

Wen Xing traced back: "The Empress Dowager Li Sangruo of the Jin Dynasty will visit Xinzhou in person, accompanied by sixteen people including Yu Shi Zhongcheng, Shangshu Ling, and Secretary Jian."

After another pause, he lowered his eyes and said, "Xiao San will also come in person."

An emperor and a queen mother came to court, which shows that the two countries attach great importance to this matter.

But this is all on the surface. Secretly, with the Qi army and Chen soldiers on the side, and the Jin army suppressing the formation, there seems to be a dragnet over Xinzhou City. No one knows the outcome of the peace negotiation, whether it will usher in long-lost peace or another war. The beginning of the war.

Both sides are ready.

The peace treaty charter is constantly swaying.

After Chun Yuyan's back-and-forth mediation, the two parties set the location for the peace talks in Mingquan Town.

It was a market town between Xinzhou, which was occupied by the Jin State, and Chunning, which was the territory of the Qi State. A small town straddling the two places, it was most reasonable to use it for peace talks.

But Mingquan Town is desolate, how can it receive so many big shots?

Chun Yuyan suggested that in order to respect both sides of the peace negotiation, the envoys from the two countries should be arranged on both sides and a peace negotiation hall should be built in the middle.

This is the most fair thing to do, but building a house from the ground requires manpower and material resources. The most important thing is to get the approval of both parties.

Feng Yun heard the news from Wen Xingsu. Without saying anything, he changed his clothes and found Pei Mang.

"General, my subordinates are willing to take over this fortification."

To make money, you have to do it quickly.

Just be faster than Chun Yuyan.

Chun Yuyan suggested building a harmonious palace, with the goal of benefiting both countries and making money for both sides.

Feng Yun admired his tricks, but he didn't want to miss out on such a good thing.

However, Pei Ran frowned when he heard the subordinate's voice.

"Prince Chunyu has already established the rules, so Yun Niang should not interfere."

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Don't let your wealth flow to outsiders, General."

Outsider field...

Pei Ran stared into her eyes and thought for a moment.

"Tomorrow, hand in your charter."

Feng Yun was overjoyed and bowed deeply to him, "Take your orders."

Feng Yun: When it comes to making money, I run very fast.

Chun Yuyan sneered: I asked you to come to the Daming Lake to fish for me, but you refused and stole my business and poached me. You are quite powerful. Pei Wanzhi, what do you say?

Pei Madang: Don’t let the rich water flow to outsiders’ fields.

Chunyu Yan: Xiao San, tell me.

Xiao Cheng: Don’t let the rich water flow to outsiders’ fields.

Chun Yuyan:......

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