Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 184 The Girl is Happy

When Feng Yun returned to Chunyu Courtyard, Daman hurriedly came forward, bowed and said, "My lady, someone from the eldest princess's courtyard just came to send a message that the eldest princess is ill."

Feng Yun glanced at her and strode in without stopping.

"If you are sick, see a doctor."

Daman choked her so much that her face turned slightly red. She was stunned for a moment before following her, looking around and whispering: "The eldest princess is confused with fever and is crying to see the girl."

Feng Yun sneered, "If she wants to see me, do I have to go see her?"

Ever since he brought Xiao Rong back to Xinzhou, he has been keeping her in the backyard, with dedicated staff to serve her food and accommodation. Apart from not being able to leave the yard, she has all kinds of freedoms.

Especially when the Jin-Qi peace talks were agreed upon, no one would embarrass her, and she couldn't bear any grievances.

She didn't do anything a while ago, but now she started doing it. How could Feng Yun get used to her bad habits?

Seeing the ruthless expression on the girl's face, Daman seemed a little worried, "Girl, the eldest princess is the eldest princess after all..."

Feng Yun turned his head and looked at her.

"Then you make the decision for me."

Da Man's mouth slightly closed twice, his face full of shame.

"The maid doesn't dare. The maid is thinking about the girl..."

Feng Yun looked at her deeply and went back to his room without saying a word. He asked Xiaoman to prepare pen and ink and plunged into the study.

Xiaoman didn't know how his sister had offended the girl, so he didn't dare to express his anger, let alone ask, so he just waited silently.

It wasn't until noon that Feng Yun stretched out and put down his brush. Xiao Man brought water in a copper basin to clean the girl's hands, and then he dared to please her cautiously.

"Girl, please don't be angry with my sister, okay?"

Feng Yun looked at her.

No emotion, just a dull look.

Xiaoman was startled and almost cried.


Feng Yun put his hands into the copper basin, slowly drank the water and wiped his hands, and said calmly: "In front of me, you don't have to stand up for me in everything, let alone make decisions for me. If you do your part, I won't treat you badly. "

Xiaoman and Daman bowed their heads in agreement.

Feng Yun finished writing the charter, took a moment to think about it, and then went to the backyard to see Xiao Rong.

The eldest princess's eyes were swollen like peaches from crying, her cheeks were red, and she looked sick. She looked really slimmed down a lot...

Xiao Rong burst into tears when she saw Feng Yun, looking heartbroken.

She cried because of Xiao Cheng.

In Xiao Rong's heart, the emperor's brother, who was like a god, did not say anything about her in the enemy camp, and even sent envoys several times to talk to him without saying a word about her...

"I told myself before that the emperor is in trouble. The emperor is not only my emperor, he is also the emperor of Daqi. He has to think about the people of Daqi. I understand him..."

"But now that both countries have reached peace talks, the emperor brother still hasn't said a word. It's like he forgot that he has a sister..."

Xiao Rong curled her lips and burst into tears.

"Brother Huang doesn't have me in his heart."

"He doesn't have me in his heart..."

Seeing the little princess crying so hard, Feng Yun had no expression on his face, "The peace agreement between the two countries does not mean the end of the hostilities. What's more, the negotiations haven't started yet."

Although Feng Yun also felt that Xiao Cheng's reaction was a bit strange.

But she never speculated on Xiao Cheng with good intentions.

Naturally, I had to take the opportunity to give him and Feng Ying eye drops.

"Your brother is a warm-hearted and cold-hearted person. What you think is good is that it does not involve his own interests. Once interests are involved, how much weight does his biological sister have in his heart?"

After saying this, Feng Yun sneered again, looked at Xiao Rong's chilling look, and said calmly:

"What's more, your brother is now married to his sister-in-law, so it's naturally different from before. Who knows if your sister-in-law is turning a blind eye to something behind your back?"

Xiao Rong's blood immediately rushed to his head, and he looked at her with his neck twitching.

"Aying won't say anything bad about me."

Feng Yun groaned, looked at her red and swollen eyes, and turned around with a smile.

"Then keep crying."

Feng Yun left immediately without leaving any chance for her to think or refute.

Xiao Rong was already sad, but when he saw her cold and heartless back, he cried even harder.

"Feng Shi Ayun, you are wrong."


Feng Yun sent someone back to Huaxi Village.

Soon, Xing Bing personally led Xing Dalang, the Ge brothers, and several craftsmen from Tujiawubao who had helped them build the farm tool shop to Xinzhou.

Andu and Xinzhou are separated by a river, about a hundred miles apart, which is only a day's journey. A large group of people arrived at Chunyu Pavilion and became excited when they saw Feng Yun.

"Girl. I see you again."

There's so much going on these days.

When master and servant met, they didn't know what to say.

Xing Bing pushed Xing Dalang up.

"Hurry and show the account to the girl."

Xing Dalang worked as the deputy general manager in Changmen and had already developed his courage. He smiled shyly, saluted Feng Yun, and looked at his father with annoyance.

"The girl will definitely give you orders when she sees me, so don't be in a hurry right now."

Xing Bing saw that Feng Yun just smiled and did not refute Dalang's statement. He scratched his head and laughed too.

"The building manager was originally going to come, but there were so many things going on in the village that he couldn't leave. He almost cried over it..."

Alou is a soft-tempered person.

Feng Yun was forced to train him to be the general manager.

She smiled and asked about the situation in Zhuangzi.

Xing Bing answered them one by one, and then said: "I will go back later. Dalang and the Ge brothers will stay behind to take care of the girl."

Feng Yun did not refuse.

This is her own unit, and she can control them at will. This is different from Ye Chuang and the others.

"Tell Alou for me that you have worked hard recently. You have done a good job."

Xing Bing and Xing Dalang looked at each other, and both of them laughed foolishly.

Feng Yun did not rush to look at the account book, but looked at the ox cart brought by Xing Bing, which was full of things brought from the farm, food, daily necessities, and medicines sent by neighbor Wang Saozi and Doctor Yao.

What Feng Yun liked most was that there were fresh vegetables picked from her own farm.

She was very satisfied.

Xing Bing said, "Grandma Han asked me to bring you here. I said Xinzhou has everything, but Grandma was afraid that you would suffer, so she insisted that I bring you here..."

Feng Yun asked, "How is Grandma?"

Xing Dalang replied, "Grandma wanted to come with us, but her leg problems started in winter, so she had to ask Doctor Yao to give her moxibustion every now and then, so we didn't bring her here. By the way, Grandma also made winter clothes for you..."

He said with a smile, and was about to move the boxes on the car.

As soon as the boxes were moved away, a head appeared.

Everyone was stunned.

Aozi squatted in the corner behind the wooden box, his whole body curled up, his two round eyes wide open, looking at Feng Yun, with a hint of grievance in his eyes.

"Zi?" Feng Yun smiled brightly, hugged Aozi and kissed him again and again, "Are you frozen? Why are you lying here? Do you miss your sister?"

She looked at Xing Bing again.

"Did Aozai follow you secretly?"

Xing Bing was also unaware and looked at the people around him in surprise, "When did Aozai get on the bus?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Feng Yun smiled so hard that her eyes curved.

"It's okay, I'm here now, and I just happened to miss Aozai."

She hugged the little cat-like thing and stroked its fur, and this moment was perfect. Aozai got into her arms and made a snoring sound, as if he was protesting and acting like a spoiled child. Everyone was relieved when they saw this.

"I thought you went up the mountain to find your parents, but it turns out that you miss your sister the most..." Feng Yun talked to Aozai as if no one was around.

The people around her all smiled with her.

Feng Yun suddenly looked up again, "You came all the way here, haven't you eaten yet?"

Feng Yun asked Daman to go downstairs to arrange the food, and then took people back to the house and asked Xiaoman to bring a hand warmer and put it on his legs.

Aozai got in and occupied the hand warmer warmly, then lay down comfortably and calmed down.

Feng Yun had a smile on her face. She looked at Xing Dalang's account book, gave a few rough instructions, and let him take it away.

She looked very happy at first sight.

After everyone had finished their meal, she called Cong Wentian, the old craftsman of Tujiawu Fort, to discuss the construction of the Peace Hall.

The two were old acquaintances, and it was easy to communicate when talking about business.

Cong Wentian's grandfather was the designer of the main layout and houses of Tujiawu Fort. He also had a lot of experience in building houses. Cong Wentian was very cautious about the major events involving the peace talks between the two countries.

"After receiving the news from the girl, Cong began to think about it. I conceived a sketch on the car coming here, please give me some advice."

"Uncle Wentian is polite." Feng Yun smiled.

Feng Yun respected this old craftsman with real skills very much. She took it with both hands and her eyes lit up at a glance.

"I knew Uncle Wentian would not let people down."

Cong Wentian's design plan was much more detailed than she wanted, and he thought about more details, only one point.

She put down the sketch and looked at Cong Wentian.

"We don't have that much time."

Cong Wentian was stunned, "What do you mean, girl?"

Pei Jue has not given a specific time yet, but the peace talks are imminent, and it is impossible for them to slowly build the conference hall.

She said: "I guess, at most one month, at least half a month."

Cong Wentian stared at her, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Feng Yun took the sketch again, "Uncle Wentian, take a look, can we reduce the configuration on this basis? Remove some unimportant ones."

"Yes, we can..." Cong Wentian said, "But building a house is not a trivial matter, and it requires a lot of wood and stone materials, which takes time."

"Don't worry about this, Uncle Wentian, I'll do it. As for manpower..." Feng Yun smiled, "Let me put it this way, I don't trust others, I hope Uncle Wentian can find craftsmen from Tujiawubao to do it. I wonder if it's difficult?"

Cong Wentian laughed, "You worry too much, girl. When Cong came, the owner and his wife had said in advance that everything is up to you..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Then it's settled."

Tu Boxan is an open-minded person, and his subordinates are of the same temperament. The two talked happily until the details were finalized. Cong Wentian left with satisfaction and went down to arrange manpower.

Feng Yun sorted out the drawings and written regulations and was about to take them to Pei Jue, but unexpectedly, Chunyu Yan came uninvited.

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