Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 186: Adulterer's Tea Art

The pine nut candy got stuck in Chun Yuyan's throat and almost killed him. When Pei Madang let go, he held his neck and coughed for a long time. Finally he managed to catch his breath and raised his head with a red face.

"Brother, why are you angry? A woman is so dignified and doesn't care about me, but you, a general, are so embarrassed by a pine nut candy. It's so ridiculous! Cough... cough..."

It's obviously not about sugar.

He pretended not to understand.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and restrained his expression, looking very honest in front of Pei Ran. She is now taking a big job under Pei Ran to make money, and she can't afford to offend him.

"General, would you like some tea?"

Pei Ran hummed.

Feng Yun went to get the tea cup and then remembered that it had fallen on Chun Yuyan's head just now, so he looked at Pei Madang apologetically.

"The prince was so thirsty just now that he drank all the water. I will ask someone to refill the water and make tea again."

Pei Ran noticed that Chun Yuyan's clothes were soaked and the ground was slightly messy. He knew without asking that he had not gained anything from Feng Yun.

His eyes remained still, staring at Chun Yuyan.

"You've also eaten the candy, and the prince still doesn't want to leave?"

Chun Yuyan rubbed the sore cheeks pinched by him and smiled lightly.

"Brother Wang, this is not the way to treat guests..."

Pei Madang glanced sideways, "It seems that the prince is self-aware."

Since he was a guest, he shouldn't touch or touch the hostess. Chun Yuyan made him choke for a moment, but he didn't feel wronged. Because he never makes sense.

But under Pei Ran's cold gaze, he still suppressed his smile and coughed lightly.

"I have a very close personal relationship with Twelve, and we have a partnership business, so we have close contacts. Brother, you won't mind this little thing, right?"

He stood up again and bowed to Pei Ran.

"If there is any offense, brother, you can blame me. Don't blame me."

The room was quiet and Pei Madang didn't speak, which made Chun Yuyan even more gentle and carefree. He really put himself in the position of an adulterer, and even helped to cover up and explain. His words were simply outstanding in "tea art".

Pei Ran didn't say much, "It's my son's business to negotiate peace. I don't have to worry about the family affairs of our husband and wife."

"It's easy to talk about." Chun Yuyan looked at Feng Yun, picked up the mask on the table, and put it back on with a smile.

Feng Yun felt a little emotional when his stunning appearance suddenly turned into a cold mask. If Chun Yuyan really shows his true colors to others, he probably won't be able to do any business.

Pei Ran, such a cold-hearted person, didn't even say anything cruel in front of that face just now.

Sure enough, good-looking people have good fortune...

Just when she thought of this, she suddenly saw Pei Madang patting Chun Yuyan on the shoulder and pulling him up.

"Your Majesty, I will not send you far away."

Chun Yuyan was pushed out by Pei Ran like that.

Father-in-law Xiang's ouch came from outside.

"Bullshit." Chun Yuyan kicked him.

"Why didn't you pass the message earlier?"

I feel so wronged to my father-in-law.

It wasn't that he didn't communicate, it was that Zuo Zhong's knife was put on his neck before it was too late. If he dared to speak out, he might be serving someone else next to his master tomorrow.

Of course Chun Yuyan knew what was going on.

Just taking it out on him.

Shaking his sleeves, he looked so dignified and elegant when he went out again. No one could tell that Feng Yun and Pei Madang had just taken turns rubbing each other in the house.

"When my son comes back from Bingzhou, I will settle the accounts with them."

In the room, Feng Yun smiled and asked Xiao Man to refill the water to make tea. He went to add some spices to the incense burner. After all the water stains on the floor were cleaned up, he sat down and faced Pei Man.

"General, have you finished your meal?"

She acted like nothing was wrong.

Don’t explain what happened with Chun Yuyan just now.

If it were Xiao Cheng, he might have said things like "You can't hold back that much" and "Who gave you the courage to hook up with a man?"

But Pei Madang didn't seem to be interested in her personal affairs.

Obviously, he didn't seriously think that the two were a real couple, and he didn't even ask Chun Yuyan any more questions.

He just said: "Did you call someone from Andu?"

Feng Yun's heart tightened slightly. He didn't have time to think about his emotions at the moment, so he hummed and said, "I have discussed a charter with Uncle Wentian, and I will show it to the general."

Feng Yun marked the layout, structure, construction period, materials, security arrangements, etc. of the Peace Conference Hall in great detail.

After Pei Ran looked at the drawings, his dark eyes darkened slightly.

"Are these all Yun Niang's ideas?"

Feng Yun saw the doubt in Pei Ran's eyes.

Because the buildings on the drawings are slightly different from what you usually see, the production process is also different. It was designed from her mother's book and the actual architecture of Tujiawu Fort when she last repaired the farm tools workshop.

"It's the idea shared by Uncle Wentian and I, and it's also the idea of ​​the sage in the book."


Pei Ran rarely asked anything.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "The general should have seen what my mother left behind in my room. Hundreds of production techniques, as well as various tools and processes, everything is included..."

It was like solving his doubts once and for all.

Including the unusual behavior she has done since entering the camp, there are also explanations.

Pei Madang said nothing and looked at her intently with complicated eyes.

Feng Yun added: "General, don't worry, I promise to complete the project within the construction period with quality and quantity, and..."

Her eyes flashed slightly, and her smiling voice seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, revealing a laziness that meant something, "General, wouldn't you worry if an outsider came to build this assembly hall?"

There is a lot of knowledge involved in repairing and building houses, and some of them have hidden secrets.

Of course, the Peace Council must be run by its own people in order to feel at ease.

Feng Yun was afraid that he would refuse, so he hit him hard again.

"Unless the general still doesn't believe me and suspects that I am having an affair with the state of Qi?"

Pei Ran lowered his face and cast his gaze on her white cheeks.

"Is your body feeling better?"

Feng Yun didn't expect that he was asking this question, so he was startled and immediately smiled.

"General, can you see what's wrong with me?"

Then he lowered his eyes silently, "It's just that Yue Xin is here, everything else is fine."

Pei Man looked at her wet and bright eyes, his lower abdomen was slightly tense, he stretched out his hand and pulled her close, kissed her cheek, hugged her deeply, as if they were intertwined, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Is it still possible within ten days?"

Feng Yun's charter stated a construction period of fifteen days, which was also the shortest construction period she expected. Unexpectedly, Pei Madang was even more ruthless than her and shortened it to ten days.

"A little nervous." Feng Yun felt a little numb in his arms. His fingers reached his broad shoulders and slowly wrapped around his neck. "But the structure of the wooden brick fort will be stable as long as the general gives me enough men, horses and materials." , you can give it a try... um.”

She moaned at the end.

Pei Man's hands covered her undress and squeezed her. She couldn't help but tremble and made a sound out of control.

Before the cry ended, a slight weak sound came from the side of the ear.

The two of them were so entangled that when they heard the sound, their bodies suddenly tensed up.

Is there anyone in the house?

Looking around, Ao Zai's head was behind the curtain. A pair of confused and guarded eyes stared at Pei Madang.

It is very afraid of Pei Madang.

When he came in, Ao Zai hid.

However, when it heard Feng Yun's cry, no matter how scared it was, it would come out to protect its sister.

Feng Yun saw Ao Zai staring at Pei Ran like a thief and looking eager to pounce. He made a pop and smiled sullenly on Pei Ran's shoulder.

"Ao Zai doesn't allow the general to do bad things."

Pei Madang frowned, reached for a pine nut candy on the small table, and threw it to it.

Ao Zai couldn't move.

Feng Yun got up from his arms and said to Ao Zai: "Don't be afraid, Zai, this is my sister's dog man. He won't hurt my sister."

Pei Ran:......

Seeing her lustful eyes and smile, and her extremely frivolous words, Pei Madang let go of her without emotion.

Feng Yun turned around: "Did I defeat the general's interest?"

Pei Ran: "Not interested."

The two have been entangled overtly and covertly for so long. Feng Yun doesn't really understand this man, so of course these things don't matter.

Pei Madang is a man who is used to being in charge, whether in bed or in life. When he meets such a rebellious and uncontrollable alien like her, he will inevitably have more thoughts.

Feng Yun raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly and leaned against his solid chest. Her body was afraid of the cold, so she instinctively wanted to draw warmth from him.

However, Pei Ran was interrupted and seemed to have really lost interest. He took her back and patted her, motioning her to sit down and said calmly:

"In the past few days, Xinzhou City will not be peaceful, and monsters and monsters will appear. Please bring more people with you when you go out."

Then he glanced at Ao Zai and said, "Take this dog with you."

Feng Yun:......

Ao Zai:......

At best, it's a cat, but what does it mean to say it's a dog?

Feng Yun felt that this was retaliation for her calling him "Pei Gou", but he did not defend Ao Zai or himself.

Under normal circumstances, Pei Ran would not specifically tell her, he would just tell Ye Chuang.

She was so solemn because she was afraid that she would distract Ye Chuang and act privately.

In fact, Feng Yun knew that Pei Madang didn't want her to get involved, so he wanted to send her away and return to Andu.

But she insisted, and he didn't stop her.

For this reason, Feng Yun felt that Pei Gou deserved a drumstick.

"There is roasted chicken cooked on the stove, and it is also cooked according to my recipe. General, can you try it later?"

Feng Yun knows good and bad and knows current affairs.

Pei Madang was also very cooperative and responded with a soft hum.

Feng Yun glanced at the freshly boiled water, raised it and poured a large glass for Pei Ran. Seeing him sitting upright without touching her with his fingers, his mood became a little subtle.

"I had dinner with the general, and then went to Mingquan Town in the afternoon to take Uncle Wentian and a few craftsmen on a field trip. I will try to measure it today and prepare the construction drawings for the general to review, so that the general can submit the report in front of the Queen Mother. "

Pei Ran would naturally report such a big matter.

But when she talked about Li Sangruo, her eyes wandered slightly, and she deliberately spoke sourly.

Pei Ran was silent.

He didn't have to answer to anyone, but Feng Yun wanted to think about him, and he let her do it.

Feng Yun received no response. Facing the tall figure, he smiled half-seriously and said, "I heard that the Queen Mother will come to Xinzhou for this peace negotiation. I will definitely be careful in my words and deeds so as not to embarrass the general."

Pei Man's mouth moved, and just when he was about to say something, the roasted chicken came. Two maids carried the dinner plates to eat and put them on the table next to them.

Seeing the rising heat, Pei Madang suddenly turned around.

"For the peace conference, Xiao Cheng still needs to nod."

The so-called peace negotiation must of course comply with the wishes of both parties.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "He will agree to my charter."

Pei Ran glanced at her with dark eyes, but he didn't ask why she was so sure.

"Let's eat."

Feng Yun and Pei Madang sat across from each other to eat, but did not hear his voice for a moment. He sighed again and took the initiative to explain, "Qi is in trouble with foreign countries and the national treasury is empty. At this time, Xiao Cheng is like an ant on a hot pot, in urgent need of peace." Maintain stability and develop inwardly. Where does the power come from? Don’t worry, when it comes to the negotiation table, the general can ask for more benefits. But there is one thing..."

Pei Ran: "What?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"There is a difference between seeking benefits for the court and seeking benefits for yourself."

Pei Ran turned his face sideways, looked into her smiling eyes, and hummed softly.

Feng Yun was very satisfied with his reaction because she deliberately put him and Li Sangruo on opposite sides...

And Pei Ran accepted the hint.

For this reason, she was in a wonderful mood. Not only did she pick up vegetables for Pei Man, but when she got up after eating, she went over to hug him and kissed him gently on his indifferent face.

"I'm going to serve the Lord."

Cong Wentian was waiting, and she left after kissing him.

Pei Ran stopped his chopsticks and watched her disappear. Then he picked up the bowl and swept away the remaining food like a whirlwind.

Those who are attentive will find that when the wife is here, the general will eat much more politely. When the wife leaves, the general's speed will be at least twice as fast.

Ji You stood guard outside the door, waiting for the general to come out. He looked at each other and followed Zuo Zhong silently.

"General, why didn't you tell Madam?"

Ji You was more lively than Zuo Zhong and could not hold back his words.

Pei Ran looked back at him, "What?"

Ji You said: "The general has suffered so many grievances, but my wife has no idea..."

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