Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 187: Many grievances

As he spoke, he lowered his head.

As Pei Madang's personal bodyguards, they actually didn't understand what the general thought and what kind of affection he had for his wife.

However, they will feel bad for their master.

The peace talks have already spread throughout the city.

Countless people in Xinzhou City were spreading rumors privately, saying that Feng Yun and Xiao Cheng had been engaged for a long time. The two men were in love with their concubines and they were very happy with each other. It was General Pei who stepped in and took his wife by force.

Others say that their general is not a husband, but a concubine.

The guard camp would receive news from various scouts every time, and the people outside would be furious to death, let alone them?

But the general remained silent.

On Madam’s side, she didn’t even mention a word.

This made Ji You unbearable and wanted to pry the general's mouth open.

"At least let the madam know that the general is not such a casual person. No one else knows, but the madam knows very well how she entered the camp and followed the general. Where did she take the wife by force? Does our general deserve to take the wife? There are many beautiful girls. Delivered to your door..."

Zuo Zhong pulled his sleeve.

Seeing that he was still talking, I pulled harder.

They should not speculate on the general's thoughts, let alone doubt them.

Ji You knew that he was overstepping, but he just felt aggrieved for Pei Ran. He couldn't help but complain. Seeing that Pei Ran was silent and turned his head, he stopped immediately and said, "This subordinate talks too much."

Pei Madang looked at him without blaming him, but he never mentioned it.

"Go and ask General Wen to come."

Ji You lowered his eyebrows and cupped his hands, "Here."


Wen Xingsu also heard about the rumors in the city.

However, it is impossible to verify whether someone is deliberately spreading the news to obtain negotiating conditions for the peace agreement, or whether someone is muddying the waters with other intentions.

Wen Xingsu had served as a guard general in Xinzhou and a leading general. He was very aware of the power of rumors and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

When he went to see Pei Ran, he thought that Pei Ran was doing this.

Unexpectedly, Pei Madang was sitting upright, with a roster on the wooden desk, and said calmly:

"General Wen, take a look."

Wen Xing bowed as a salute, stepped forward and held the booklet in his hands. When he opened it and took a look, his expression changed.

The roster contains information about the Chinese and Beijing missions.

Including their names, identities, official positions, family backgrounds, and even their relationships with each other, it is very detailed.

Such things should be kept top secret.

Wen Xingsu put down the book, bowed deeply, saluted Pei Madang solemnly, and then said, "General, what does this mean? Wen doesn't understand."

Pei Ran looked at him quietly and pointed in front of him.


Wen Xingsu looked at him for a moment, then sat down with his eyes lowered.

The roster was in front of them, and the two looked at each other for a moment.

Pei Ran said: "I want General Wen to be responsible for the defense during the peace talks."

Wen Xingsu was a little surprised when Pei Madang came to him instead of anyone under Beiyong's army.

Peace talks are a big deal.

It has yet to be determined whether the currently drafted terms can be put on paper to achieve a balance that satisfies both parties and allow peace to truly come.

Therefore, any situation may occur during the peace negotiation, and a small problem may affect the final result.

Security is a top priority, and both countries will find the people they trust most.

However, Wen Xingsu did not hold the position of leading Pei Madang. At best, he was a general, at worst, he was still a prisoner.

Such an identity is very embarrassing.

"Thank you, General, for taking this seriously." Wen Xingsu said, "I wonder why the General is looking for me?"

Pei Madang knocked on the table, raised his head slightly and looked over, his eyes were cold and solemn, and his tone was soothing.

"There are two considerations. First, General Wen is familiar with Xinzhou and the Qi army, so he can provide better hospitality. Second, General Wen is Yao Yao's elder brother, and he is my brother-in-law. Third..."

He dipped his hands in tea and wrote the character "李" on the table.

And wipe it away quickly.

"I can only rest assured if General Wen handles this matter."

Obviously, Deng Guang's betrayal and Qijingpo's frightening of the horse made Pei Man more wary of Li Zongxun. He was worried about Li Zongxun's infiltration of the Beiyong Army, and Deng Guang was not the only one.

"This matter is not considered hostility to the Qi army. General Wen won't refuse, right?"

Wen Xingsu smiled.

This is not only hostility, but also security.

From another perspective, he can use this to better protect the Qi mission.

"Thank you, General, for trusting me."

Wen Xingsu responded, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

It was a good thing that Pei Madang was on guard against Li Zongxun, and it was something that his waist had always hoped for. Although he didn't fully know why, the feeling that Feng Yun's purpose was becoming more and more out of control made him very worried.

He said slowly:

"The general shouldn't let his waist get involved."

Pei Ran was silent for a moment and said, "I can't control it."

Wen Xingsu:...

Such words were actually said by Pei Ran.

If he can't control it, how can he control it himself?

well! -

Returning to Hanjiangyuan where he lived, Wen Xingsu immediately asked Si Hua to call Shen Tujiong and Yang Qi over.

The three brothers retreated and drank tea and chatted. When they talked about this matter, they were all surprised.

"General Pei really trusts us?"

They are all the same people.

Once they interact with Xiao Cheng, it will be impossible to guard against them.

Wen Xingsuo said: "This is the power of Pei Mang."

He looked at Shen Tujiong, "We are Qi people, and we know Qi people best..."

They are the perfect match for the job, as they know the Qi envoys, monitor the Jin envoys, and are worthy of Pei Cong's trust.

Yang Qi thought for a moment and sighed.

"General Pei is magnanimous! If there were a hero like Pei Cong in Qi, how could we have fallen to this point?"

Shen Tu Jiong looked at him with a strange expression.

"Brother Yang, be careful with your words."

Now they are in the Jin army, and saying "our Qi" is a taboo. It's okay to say it in private, but once it falls into the ears of someone with ulterior motives, it will bring disaster.

Yang Qi realized that he had made a mistake and bowed to Wen Xingsu to ask for forgiveness.

He laughed and sighed again, "If you say General Pei, I, Yang Qi, will be convinced. But if you say... let us be loyal to the three-year-old child in Jin, isn't it ridiculous?"

Wen Xingsu thought of Feng Yun's words and patted Yang Qi on the shoulder.

"We are helping Pei Jue, not the Jin court. We should just repay the general's kindness. But these words just now can only be said by you and me, brothers."

How insightful are Shentu Jiong and Yang Qi?

One look at Wen Xingsu's eyes and you will understand what he means.

What kind of world is it now?

There are many people who raise the flag of rebellion and make themselves kings...

What if it is Pei Jue? It seems that there is nothing wrong.

Shentu Jiong and Yang Qi looked at each other, and suddenly their eyes lit up. A real man standing in the world, how can he not want to do something and make a brilliant future?

They have Pei Jue's trust. If that day really comes...

Why worry about not being able to return home in glory?


Mingquan Town is very close to Xinzhou. It is a water town with a well-known spring called Mingquan. It is said that if you stand next to the spring at night, you can hear the singing of girls.

Since it is a town, there must be a camp stationed.

On the other side of Chunning, there is a garrison of the Qi army, about 20,000 to 30,000 people, about five miles away from the streets and houses.

Mingquan Town is particularly lively today.

There is only one street in the town, and most of the houses are closed. Only one restaurant is open. When Feng Yun's carriage passed by, smoke could be seen rising and the smell of food could be smelled.

Feng Yun lifted a corner of the curtain and looked over.

The restaurant was very simple, with a few small square tables under the thatched shed, and the stove covered with fences was half hidden outside, and you could see it clearly at a glance.

But in such a small restaurant, there were about 20 men sitting, each of them was very tall and strong, and they were squeezed by the table, which looked a bit out of place.

There was no big fish and meat in the restaurant. On the table were water-inducing cakes, flower-shaped steamed buns, and rice soup, which were so clear that you could see people's shadows.

They didn't communicate or talk.

Seeing the carriage passing by, a man with a face rounder than a pancake raised his head, took a look and quickly lowered his head.

Feng Yun had hidden his face behind the curtain at this time.

"Tell Guard Ye to be cautious."

Xiaoman hummed, sat on the shaft outside, and came back after whispering to Ye Chuang.

Seeing Feng Yun pondering in silence, Daman asked, "Do you think those people are problematic?"

Feng Yun shook her head, half-closed her eyes and said, "Mingquan will definitely become a place of trouble these days, so it's good to be on guard."

Daman hummed.

Suddenly said, "In that crowd, the maid saw a person who looked very familiar..."

Feng Yun opened his eyes and looked at her without saying a word.

Daman made her a little nervous.

She was increasingly unsure of her master's temper and attitude, but she was very clear about one thing: Feng Yun did not completely trust her, and was even a little wary of her, but he would not deliberately embarrass her, and would keep her by his side like he did with Xiaoman...

Daman suppressed the uneasiness and said with his head down:

"The maid had an aunt who married a widower. The widower had two sons. The maid had seen her twice, and later she said she had joined the army. She seemed to be sitting there just now..."

Feng Yun: "Are you sure?"

Daman bit her lower lip, nodded, and shook her head.

"I haven't seen you for many years, so I'm not sure."

Feng Yun looked at Xiaoman again. Xiaoman looked at her in confusion, then at her elder sister, and shook her head.

Daman said: "Xiaoman was still young at the time, so she should have no impression of it."

Feng Yun hummed, "I understand."

If I was not mistaken, then the Qi army had deployed people to Mingquan Town early and integrated into the local people...

Xiao Cheng was a man who would not forgive anyone at all.

He will remember the slap on his face for the rest of his life, how could he let them go so easily?

Feng Yun smiled, with a smile on the corner of his lips.

"It's more fun when there are more people."

Feng Yun: The general is so wronged, he was actually said to be a lover who forcibly took someone else's wife...

Chunyu Yan: What's wronged? He must be happy secretly. This prince wants to be a lover every day!

Ao Qi: Raise your hand!

Xiao Cheng: It's embarrassing. If it's me... it's also good to be a pancake husband.

Wen Xingsu: We laughed and talked over a casual cup and plate, and talked about our lives under the dim light. How can the love between men and women be as long-lasting as the love between brothers and sisters? So... I also want to be a lover.

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