Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 188: Requesting Money and Things

Uncle Wentian brought a rope set measuring tool. Two craftsmen measured and one recorded. Time is tight and everyone works very seriously.

Feng Yun brought Dalang Xing over. This kid's cleverness really didn't look like Xing Bing's own. He followed Feng Yun and said "I" in his mouth. He looked honest and honest, and he did things very quickly.

Feng Yun walked around with him and turned back to explain.

"Xiaozhou, go do something for me."

Xing Dalang likes to do things with girls the most. When he sees the girl's gentle smile and the sparkle in his eyes, he knows that something good will happen.

He bowed his hands and said, "Miss, please speak."

Feng Yun said: "Have you seen the land in front of you?"

Xing Dalang nodded, "I heard, I heard, that there is a conference hall here."

Feng Yun said: "Go and ask around and find Li Zheng to buy some wasteland in the village. Ten acres is not too little, and a hundred hectares is not too much."

Xing Dalang was puzzled.

"Why does the girl want to buy land? We can't grow the land in Changmen Manor."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "Just go and inquire. Apart from asking if there is wasteland and asking about the price, don't worry about anything else."

Xing Dalang always obeyed orders and went out when ordered.

When Feng Yun finished his work, he came back.

"There is wasteland, and the price is not expensive, but I heard from the villagers that after the Beiyong Army occupied Xinzhou, they all said they were going to fight. Many people packed up their belongings and fled south. We bought the land, but we couldn't find anyone to cultivate it. of……"

Feng Yun smiled, "It doesn't matter."

Xing Dalang couldn't understand the girl's thoughts, but if the girl said it was okay, it would be okay. He said, "Then the villain is going to make a decision now?"

"There's no rush." ​​Feng Yun said, "It's not yet time."

Xing Dalang couldn't understand it even more.

On the way back to Xinzhou, this kid was still immersed in thinking.

He was a child who loved to ponder, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't understand things clearly. He opened his mouth several times to ask Feng Yun, but when he saw the girl, he closed his eyes to rest, but he couldn't speak.

When she returned to Chunyu Pavilion and got off the carriage, the girl opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Whatever you want to ask, just ask."

Xing Dalang's face heated up. Looking at the girl's eyes, the embarrassment of being seen through emerged.

"Why does the girl know everything?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Let's do this. Come to me tomorrow morning with your account books, and I will explain it to you in detail. Remember, you must sort out how much money you can move in the accounts."

Xing Dalang's eyes widened and he bowed deeply.

"The villain understands."

Daman and Xiaoman followed Feng Yun all the way and looked around, and they were also curious about her.

Xiaoman asked: "Why did the girl buy land?"

Feng Yun glanced at her and said, "Go and prepare water. Your master is going to take a bath."

She is extremely clean. When she goes out for a trip, she wants to take a bath when she comes back. After washing herself, she can lie down comfortably and hold the baby...


It rained for two days in a row, and the weather in Shinshu became colder and colder. It seemed to be a bit colder than in the old days. When the soldiers went out on patrol, they had to hold their hands and breathe first, then stamp their feet and curse God twice...

Such weather will undoubtedly increase the chances of the upcoming peace negotiation.

It was too cold and no soldiers wanted to fight.

When Pei Ran walked into the barracks, several soldiers were warming themselves around the stove, shivering and looking a little cold.

General Leng Buding stood in front of him, his face changed with fear.

"The general is here!"


While on duty, hiding from the fire, they all thought that they were finished.

Unexpectedly, Pei Madang just frowned.

"If you owe me the military sticks, please return to your respective positions."

After saying that, he left.

Several soldiers were stunned, looking at each other, and then grinned.

"After the general got married, he became more friendly."

"That's right. If you vent your anger somewhere, you won't cause trouble for us."

"Stop talking nonsense. Hurry up and get to the sentry post."

"Damn, it's so cold today."

Surprisingly cold.

But the winter coats were not issued, and they were still wearing that one, which was very difficult...

For more than a year of war, military supplies have been distributed, but in the past two months, they have been delayed.

If there are no winter coats issued at this time in my later years, I can still tolerate it. Winter came early this year, and the rain changed and the weather froze to death. The soldiers were all faced with the problem of a shortage of winter coats...

When Pei Ran arrived at the central army tent, he found the marching commander Shi Qin Dajin.

People have to eat, drink, and eat, and soldiers have to provide food and clothing. Therefore, Qin Dajin, who is in charge of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, is so anxious every day that he wants to pull the oil from his waist to make soup, and peel off the skin from his body to make clothes.

Seeing Pei Mang, Tan Dajin couldn't even lift his head.

"The general has sent people to urge us twice. The arsenal department said every time that it is almost coming. It will be delivered soon. But I kept waiting and waiting, but I couldn't wait."

Pei Madan had a sullen face, lowered his head, wrote a few words on the document, and handed it to him.

"Send a batch of winter clothes from the Huben Army."

The Huben Army is stationed in Pingyang, Longguan and other places, which can be regarded as the rear area.

The Beiyong Army has been charging forward since the beginning of the war.

It stands to reason that the distribution of winter clothes should give priority to frontline soldiers, but the Department of Arsenal said that the previous treasurer made a mistake and sent all the winter clothes to Huben, Long Ji and the Imperial City Forbidden Army, and the rest was not enough for distribution.

Tan Dajin was very angry. When he was about to get angry, he was told that the treasury officer who distributed the goods had been dismissed by the court, and all those who should be punished had been punished. It was just that the winter clothes that had been distributed could not be taken back to the north one by one. Yong Jun.

Tan Dajin felt sick when he heard this.

He knew very well that someone was deliberately giving the Beiyong Army small shoes.

Speaking of it, the Beiyong Army, like the Huben and Longji, is the army of the Great Jin Dynasty, but the predecessor of the Beiyong Army is the Pei Family Army, which was brought up by Pei Jue's ancestors and had made great contributions with Jin Taizu...

Later, Emperor Xifeng reformed the system and reorganized it into the Beiyong Army and renamed it.

However, in the eyes of those people in the court, they are still habitually regarded as the "Pei Family Army".

This time, the targeting is so strong, and there is also the rebellion of Deng Guang. Not to mention Pei Jue, even Qin Dajin is angry...

"Isn't this bullying in secret?"

Pei Jue calmly handed him the letter, sealed it with wax, and didn't say a word more.

"Go and do it."

Qin Dajin swallowed his anger, "I understand."

He walked two steps and turned back to Pei Jue.

"The Queen Mother came to the Xinzhou Peace Talks this time. The general must report them in person. Her Highness the Queen Mother is wise and values ​​the general the most. She will definitely make the decision for the Beiyong Army."

In the minds of most soldiers, Li Sangruo has a good image.

After so many years of careful management, she has shown the kindness and integrity that a queen mother should have.

Qin Dajin's idea is the same as many people.

The Beiyong Army has supported the young emperor to ascend the throne all the way, and the queen mother should be of one mind with them, and there is no such thing as crossing the river and destroying the bridge.

Before Pei Jue answered, he saw Feng Yun outside the door.

She came in slowly, holding a food box in her hand, bowed to the guards outside the door, and then stopped and waited there gently, as if waiting for them to finish their business.

Pei Jue: "You go down first."

Qin Dajin responded, turned back to meet Feng Yun's smile, and suddenly remembered that the general and Queen Mother Li had been engaged, and that some people in the court had talked about their affair before...

Thinking that what he had just said might fall into Feng Yun's ears, he felt very embarrassed and apologetic, and couldn't help but look at Pei Jue twice more.

It would have been better if he hadn't looked at him, but after looking at him, it seemed that he really had a guilty conscience.

He blushed, and when he went out, he bowed to Feng Yun properly.


Feng Yun looked over him at Pei Jue in the hall, smiled slightly, bowed to return the greeting, and stepped over the threshold without saying a word.

She was gentle and dignified, but Qin Dajin's heart tightened.

After walking out of the door, he touched the back of his neck and felt a chill.


"General." Feng Yun stepped forward to salute and bowed slightly.

Pei Jue: "Why are you here?"

Feng Yun brought the food box over and placed it on the table in front of Pei Jue. When she opened it, she smelled the aroma of food and smiled slightly.

"I heard from Guard Ye that the general has been working hard and has a poor appetite recently. I feel sorry for him. The weather is getting colder, and he must eat well."

Pei Jue's eyes moved slightly and he looked at her with pursed lips.

No words.

That expression was as if he was looking at her to do something.

Feng Yun's eyes curved and she stuffed the chopsticks into his hand.

"General, why are you looking at me? Eat."

Pei Jue didn't take it and stared at her.

"What's the point of being so attentive to others?"

Feng Yun burst out laughing, "Don't I have any affection for the general?"

Pei Jue: "No."

Feng Yun pursed her lips and curved them slightly, "Okay."

She lowered her eyes, cleaned up the dishes on the table, and said with resentment, "In that case, I'll take it back. I feel very wronged that my sincerity was misunderstood by the general..."

Pei Jue held her hand and motioned her to put the things down.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Money."

Seeing that Pei Jue didn't change his expression, she added two more words, "A lot of money."

A sincere heart and a lot of money.

Pei Jue raised his eyebrows.

"What do you need so much money for?"

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