Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 189: Knock, Knock

"Buy land." Feng Yun sat down next to him, picked up the tea cup he put on the table, took a sip without saying anything, and then took out a piece of yellow paper from the food box with a smile.

"Please take a look at it, General. Big business."

Above is her calculation.

and the feasibility of purchasing land in Mingquan.

She was used to sorting out everything before handing it over to Pei Ran.

It's clear at a glance.

Pei Madang glanced at it lightly, his brows slightly knotted.

"After the peace negotiation, Mingquan will be useless. The wasteland does not produce food, so it is difficult to make any income. What does Yun Niang do with the land?"

In troubled times, the land is vast and the people are sparse.

A lot of land has been left uncultivated.

If you want to buy, you should buy fertile land. Her behavior is very puzzling.

"I didn't buy the land for farming." Feng Yun smiled slyly, "My grandmother's book said that the border between the two countries is connected by water and land. It is called a treaty port, and it is a good place for exchanges and trade... In the Jin Kingdom Of course, Mingquan was not a treaty port before the occupation of Shinshu, but it will be in the future. If I don’t make a profit from buying a good port land, who will?”

Pei Ran didn't say a word.

The room was silent and there was no fire. Feng Yun was very afraid of the cold and felt cold. He sat closer to him, put his hands in his arms and leaned against him. He looked very close, just like an ordinary couple discussing home. money expenses.

"Originally I was hesitant, but after I went to see the place today, I found that Mingquan is a good place. It has direct access to official roads and a ferry river. It is very convenient to travel... There is also a parliament building across the two countries. After the peace negotiation, we can open up trade The mutual market will definitely develop into a trading place for merchants. By then, my wasteland will be worth a lot of money..."

Pei Madang stared at him, his eyes dark.

Feng Yun gently elbowed him again and blinked excitedly:

"The most important thing is that the land price is low, very cheap."

Pei Ran asked: "How cheap is it?"

After speaking briefly, as if he couldn't bear to see her being afraid of the cold, he took off his cloak and put it on her, wrapping her up with the cloak.

As Feng Yun's body warmed up, his voice softened, and he looked at him with bright eyes, "The price per mu is less than a thousand yuan. Xiaozhou went to negotiate today, and someone would be interested if he offered eight hundred yuan. This is just the current price. Again. It will be cheaper in two days.”

Pei Man noticed the determination in her tone and took a look.

"how you said that?"

Feng Yun smiled and told him what he saw and heard in Mingquan today.

"There are spies from the State of Qi who have sneaked into Mingquan. Doesn't the general want to get rid of them and hurry up? If Xiao Cheng is allowed to seize the opportunity, it will be very bad."

Pei Ran: "Oh? What does this have to do with land prices?"

Feng Yun smiled mysteriously, "Once the general sends people to clean up, the people will be even more panicked when they see people killing people and setting fires. The land price will be even less valuable. Isn't it cheaper?"

Let her figure everything out.

Counting over and over again, it's all on him.

Pei Ran was silent for a moment and said, "I don't have any money."

Feng Yun coughed twice and looked at him disappointedly.

"Where's the general's money?"

Pei Madang looked at her: "I have been away from Beijing for a long time, and I don't have much. The only private property I have is a betrothal gift."

bride price!

Feng Yun woke up from a dream.

"Yes, where is your betrothal gift?"

Seeing that she didn't take it seriously, Pei Madang frowned and said, "On the day we evacuated Bingzhou, I asked Tan Dajin to carry her on the warship."

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched, "What then?"

Pei Ran: "No more."

Feng Yun asked: "Where have you gone?"

Pei Ran pondered: "There is a shortage of winter clothes in the army. I asked Qin Dajin to exchange them for money. I will buy some from the private sector first to prepare for emergencies..."

General Pei has to pay for winter clothes out of his own pocket?

Feng Yun felt a little sad when he thought about the twelve betrothal gifts. There were many valuable and good things there, but they were brought to her and she took a look at them before carrying them away.

Sure enough, the wedding and all that were all fake.

Of course, she also knew the priorities. Although it was a pity, she didn't think Pei Madang was wrong to do this. If it were her, she would first ensure the food and clothing of her subordinates. Without food or clothing, how to lead the troops would be empty talk.

She didn't say anything. She was thinking about where she wanted to make money. However, Pei Madang's tone was filled with a hint of guilt. He tightened his hand on her waist and said in a low voice:

"When we return to Zhongjing, I will buy you something better."

The light in the room was dim, and his eyes looked even darker.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and looked over, his eyes blazing slightly.

"General, don't you feel aggrieved?"

For such a huge army, eating, drinking, and eating every day is a huge expense. If the court delays it again, big trouble will happen.

When it came time to apply eye drops, Feng Yun was unequivocal.

She moved closer to Pei Ran and stared into his eyes.

"The three armies have no cloth to protect them from the cold, and the prime minister has gold to buy a house. The rewards and punishments are unknown, and the people are careless. How can such a foolish leader be worthy of a general who can act like a dog and horse?"

Pei Ran held her hand, his eyes darkened.

"After years of fighting, the national treasury is not rich. According to the old practice, the Beiyong Army should collect local grain and tax..."

This is what the Jin court said.

After the Beiyong Army occupied Wanning'andu and other places, according to the old practice, they should have collected grain and taxed the local area for military expenses.

In other words, fight and eat all the way, and feed the people.

However, because of Pei Madang's wartime decree, allocating land and tax exemptions, and providing relief to people's livelihood, the people's lives were better, but military expenditures were reduced.

Feng Yun felt that Pei Madang was making excuses for Li Sangruo, so he laughed, looked at him and said:

"In my opinion, this is a slap from the imperial court on the general. Let the general stop acting arbitrarily in the future."

Pei Ran was silent.

Feng Yun leaned over to pick up vegetables for Pei Madang and fed them into his mouth.

Pei Ran frowned and tilted his head, refusing to give in.

Feng Yun stretched his hand in the air and insisted on feeding him.

Pei Madang was silent and opened his mouth for a moment.

Feng Yun sent it over with a smile, the sharp light in his eyes shattered, and his voice was like a gentle breeze.

"With a strong general and a weak country, it is normal for the court to guard against the general. But people's hearts are full of flesh. The soldiers followed the general on the battlefield and narrowly escaped death. In the end, they were deprived of food and clothing. Isn't it chilling?"

After saying that, he saw Pei Ran frowning and then smiling.

"Isn't it delicious?"

Pei Ran said: "It's delicious."

Feng Yun knew that some things couldn't be rushed, especially for a stubborn idiot like Pei Ran. It would be much harder for him to betray the Jin Dynasty and Li Sangruo than for his eldest brother to break up with Xiao Cheng.

She knew there was no need to rush, let alone force, otherwise the intention would be too obvious and it would only be counterproductive.

So he didn't say any more, but he leaned forward and exhaled like a orchid.

"There is something better. General, do you want to eat it..."

Pei Man lowered his head, and the bulge under his abdomen was wrapped by his small hands.

The girl looked at him, her eyes as soft as drops of water, and gently said, "Serve the general well tonight."

Pei Ran:......

Isn’t the letter from Yue coming?

Feng Yun boldly looked at him, looking at the stern face and deep eyes, he suddenly became very excited, secretly squeezed it hard, and sighed "it's so big".

Pei Ran's breath tightened slightly and he gritted his teeth, "Yunniang..."

The little hand tickled slightly, slowly tickling, and the pleasure transmitted through the fabric made him wake up almost immediately.

"This is the camp."

"I understand." Feng Yun leaned forward slightly, twisted his slender waist, and the scenery on his chest fell in front of him. A piece of white and tender skin seemed to be glowing, which was very provocative.

Pei Madang stretched out his hand to hug him, but the girl slipped over, stood up, stepped away, and saluted him politely.

"The general will be back early this evening."

After that, he flew away as light as a butterfly.

Pei Ran looked at the back and twirled his fingers.

The subtle caress left a creamy touch.

He looked down at his lower abdomen, which was screaming loudly, and closed his eyes slightly.

"Zuo Zhong."

Zuo Zhong stepped forward and cupped his hands, "My subordinate is here."

Pei Madang told him what Feng Yun had just said and gave him instructions in a deep voice.

"Mingquan Town, send someone to go there."


At night, it started to rain lightly again in Xinzhou City. The temperature dropped suddenly, as if it was freezing to death. There were no pedestrians on the street, and the door of Chunyu Restaurant was closed early. Even Ao Zai was so cold that he huddled under Feng Yun's bed. Inside, only one head is exposed.

There was a charcoal stove in the room, and there was a faint fragrance floating in the room.

Feng Yun looked at the raindrops floating outside the window and called Xiaoman back.

"Get some water, I want to take a bath."

She counted the time and it was time for Pei Ran to come over.

After thinking about it, he ordered Xiaoman to boil more water on the stove and prepare it.

Xiao Man hummed in agreement, her cheeks flushed.

She gradually understood that when the general came over, he would get close to the girl, and then he would need more hot water...

Thinking of those voices that made her blush, she went out with red ears, inexplicably thinking of the left guard...

Then, the person appeared in front of him.

"Xiaoman, madam, is she here?"

Xiao Man thought he was dazzled and hallucinating.

Until Zuo Zhong cupped his hand towards her and reminded her again.

Xiao Man suddenly woke up and stammered in shame, "Here, here... the girl asked me to prepare water... asked Xiao Man to prepare water for the general..."

The more he talks, the more confused he gets.

She was even more ashamed.

Zuo Zhong didn't know whether he understood or not. He looked at the red glow on her face in surprise and said, "Excuse me, I have something important to report."

Feng Yun heard the conversation between the two people inside, which was a bit funny.

She arranged her clothes, put on her cloak and walked out, asking casually: "Left guard, what's the matter?"

Zuo Zhong lowered his eyes and saluted.

"The general went to Pingyang on urgent matters. He sent his subordinates down to tell my wife that it will probably take several days to return to Xinzhou, so there is no need to worry."

At this juncture, what are you going to do in Pingyang?

Feng Yun had doubts in his heart, but he smiled and nodded without asking any more questions.


Zuo Zhong saluted and left in a hurry.

Seeing Feng Yun standing there without moving, Xiaoman asked cautiously:

"Girl, do you still have some water?"

Feng Yun looked at her and said, "If the general doesn't come, won't I have to take a shower?"

Xiaoman noticed that the girl was in a bad mood, so he said "oh" and went down with a pout.

The cool night wind was blowing against the window like a sob.

That night, Feng Yun had a hard time sleeping, tossing and turning.

Ao Zai seemed to feel his master's emotions and softly exposed his belly to her. His eyes were wide open and his legs were in the air, motionless.

Feng Yun stroked its soft belly and fell asleep at some point.

At dawn the next day, the rain still didn't stop.

After Feng Yun had breakfast, he asked Ge Guang to call Cong Wentian to discuss the matter of Mingquan Council.

Unexpectedly, Ge Guang brought another news.

"I heard someone said that the imperial court suddenly received a decree last night."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat, "Do you know what's going on?"

Ge Guangdao: "The Queen Mother came to Xinzhou in person and ordered the general to go to Pingyang to pick him up."

Pingyang is between Zhongjing and Xinzhou. It is still two hundred miles away from Andu County. When coming from Zhongjing, you must pass through Pingyang——

There was still some time before the peace talks, and Li Sangruo knew how to show off his authority by asking the general to pick him up from such a long distance.

And Pei Ran...

It's really sincere.

Knowing that she was waiting for him, he left without hesitation.

Feng Yun smiled slightly with a smile on her lips, her eyes were cold, and an inexplicable evil fire rose in her heart.

Those scenes that she hadn't thought about for a long time, the red marks on Li Sangruo's body in Andu Villa in her previous life, suddenly jumped into her mind.


Daman came over with an umbrella and called her under the eaves.

"General Ao wants to see you."

Feng Yun: "No."

There was no expression on her face, and her voice was very cold.

Daman was startled, closed the umbrella and put it down, and whispered: "The maid saw General Ao, brought fish, said she missed Aozai, and gave Aozai food..."

Feng Yun raised his eyelids, and then sank in silence.

"Let him in."

Ao Qi: I missed Aozai and brought food to Aozai, uncle, don't misunderstand.

Chun Yuyan: My tea art is never passed on to others, and I don't accept any disciples. How did you learn it?

Pei Jue: Itchy skin, military stick waiting for you.

Feng Yun: I think it's some people who are itching for trouble.

Pei Jue: It's time for you to be beaten with a military stick!

Feng Yun: I can't bear it, I really can't bear it...

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