Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 190 Secretly Happy

It was raining heavily, and Feng Yun was sitting at the window holding Ao Zai, watching the young man walk in from the hazy rain and fog, holding an umbrella and carrying a fish, with a slender and straight figure and a green face, as if he was covered. A thin layer of gauze, like green pine trees in the rain, blooming gracefully.

When Feng Yun looked at Ao Qi like this, he was reminded of the teenage girl in his previous life. She stood in Yueya Lane holding an umbrella, watching Xiao Sanlang drive by, her thoughts full of longing, and her heart beating...


When Ao Qi arrived at the door, Qingyue's voice seemed to be soaked with rain and mist. It was soft and hoarse, slow and nervous, until she saw Ao Zai, it turned into joy.


Feng Yun is the only one who would call Ao Zai like that.

Then there is Ao Qi.

Very intimate, like one of our own.

Ao Zai still recognized Ao Qi, and perhaps smelled the familiar smell of fish. He jumped off Feng Yun's lap and ran towards Ao Qi.

It makes sense for Pei Madang to call it "dog".

At this time, Ao Zai really looked like a puppy, darlingly surrounding Ao Qi, watching him lift the fish high and spin it in circles with a bright face and a happy atmosphere.

"Be good." Ao Qi touched Ao Zai's head and finally had enough fun and stopped teasing him.

He did not throw the fish directly to Ao Zai, but found his food bowl and put it in patiently.

"Eat slowly, and I'll catch it for you when you're done."

Ao Zai made a low and happy sound, and his short tail swayed like a dog.

Feng Yun sat on the seat by the window and looked at Ao Qi with a smile.

Ao Qi didn't talk to her, and neither did she.

The two figures are in different worlds separated by Ao Zai, but the whole picture is very complete and unified. They both know that the other is there, without speaking, just by sensing.

After Ao Zai finished eating the fish, he licked his mouth and circled Ao Qi.

"You don't have to worry about it." Feng Yun spoke, with a gentle voice and a smile, "Has Xiaoqi eaten? Do you want the hot food on the stove to be served?"

This kind of address and care is like that of an elder.

The young man's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly stroked Ao Zai's back, then slowly stood up, facing Feng Yun, his clear eyes were dimly visible to the naked eye.

"I've eaten. Thank you, aunt."

Feng Yun was surprised.

But he didn't say much and smiled.

Ao Qi came over and bowed deeply in Feng Yun's direction.

"I'm bothering you because I miss Ao Zai. I feel so bad thinking about it that I can't sleep at night..." His eyes were burning, staring at Feng Yun intently, and as he talked about missing Ao Zai, it was like a ball of fire burning towards him. Feng Yun's heart.

Feng Yun said: "If you like it, I can carry it over and play with you for two days. But it eats a lot, and it also likes to eat meat. It's winter, and it's too lazy to hunt its own food, so it's not easy to raise."

Ao Qi smiled and said, "I can afford it, as long as you are willing..."

Feng Yun frowned slightly, and then added, "I'm willing to let Ao Zai accompany me."

Feng Yun said: "Nothing is wrong. The turtle is free. If it likes it, it will stay with you. If it doesn't like it, it will come back."

Ao Qi bent down to pick up Ao Zai, held it in front of him, and asked him solemnly, "Do you like me? Zai."

Ao Zai did not struggle, and was held up by Ao Qi obediently.

This is the most sincere emotion of animals.

Ao Qi and Ao Zai looked at each other, their eyes were wet. He held Ao Zai over and put it on his cheek, "Thank you."

I don't know whether he said it to Ao Zai or Feng Yun.

After that, he lowered his eyes and said, "I'm leaving."

At any other time, the conversation would have ended at this time, but maybe it was because of the rain. When Feng Yun saw Ao Qi's loneliness, he seemed to see the life of the girl holding an umbrella in Crescent Moon Lane being let down.

"Xiao Qi." She said calmly, "Sit down for a while."

Ao Qi turned around, his eyes sparkling like fireworks suddenly appearing in the night sky, and he almost agreed, "Okay."

Feng Yun asked Xiao Man to add charcoal to the fire and make tea again.

Ao Qi sat opposite her, and Ao Zai lazily licked his paws beside him.

The windows were open, the sky was dim, and raindrops drifted in, bringing a bit of coolness.

Feng Yun listened to Ao Qi talk about the battle in Hongye Valley, Bingzhou's ambush, Pei Madang's layout, and the weak to defeat the strong. These things that were originally curious, now sounded completely boring.

"Do you miss Zhongjing?" she asked suddenly.

Ao Qi didn't react for a while, and was stunned for a moment before saying:

"I have been away from Beijing for more than a year, and I miss it a bit. During this season, at home in Zhongjing, my mother will make winter clothes for me early. The house is warm. If it snows, Zuo and You will come to me. Take them to build snowmen and have snowball fights..."

Feng Yun laughed when he heard this.

"It can be seen that he is a child who has been raised and raised."

Ao Qi pursed her lips and looked at her, "I'm sorry."

Feng Yun was slightly startled, "What?"

Ao Qidao: "Did I remind you of something unhappy?"

After his mother died, Feng Yun was a child who had no one to care about him. It was extremely sad in such a wealthy family. His stepmother was not kind to him, and his biological father was just like his stepfather. Although Ao Qi cannot empathize with her, he understands her misfortune.

"It's okay, I don't care about it for a long time." After Feng Yun finished speaking, he smiled and said, "How was your uncle doing when he was in Zhongjing?"

She didn't know Pei Man's past.

She had never asked in her previous life, and no one would take the initiative to tell her.

Ao Qi heard it and watched her purse her lips.

"My uncle lives in the camp all year round, and sometimes he doesn't come back during holidays..."

At this point, he smiled.

"My first memory of my uncle is that he came to the house with a knife and wanted to chop my uncle."

Feng Yun was startled when he heard this and laughed, "Is there still such a thing?"

Ao Qi nodded and took a sip of tea, "That was the most unhappy period of time since I can remember. My father wanted to take a new concubine, and there were often quarrels at home. My mother cried in the middle of the night, hugging me and crying silently..."

Feng Yun: "What do you think?"

Ao Qi said: "I hate my father, I hate him for making my mother sad, and I secretly think that when I grow up, I will never take a concubine..."

At this point, he glanced at Feng Yun with complicated eyes.

"For a long time, I didn't want to talk to my father. Later, when my concubine came into the house, my uncle got the news and came back from the camp. He passed by the house with a knife. My father was so frightened that he promised again and again that he would not let the concubine He would not spoil his concubine and destroy his wife, and even made a written statement in public. In the end, it was my mother who came forward to persuade my uncle..."

Ao Qiyi sighed, "That's when I started to worship my uncle."

He looked at the solemn, majestic and meticulous father, who did not dare to show off his dignity in front of his uncle, his face was hunched over in despair, and he was sweating profusely. He felt that his uncle looked like a hero...

"It was also at that time that I determined to practice martial arts and become a person as upright as my uncle."

Feng Yun smiled.

Pei Madang was just a teenager at that time.

She looked at Ao Qi's appearance and described the young Pei Manang's appearance in her mind, her eyes rising and falling.

"He was going to marry Li Sangruo, right?"

Ao Qi's brows moved slightly, not knowing whether he was nervous or feeling awkward. He unconsciously touched his hand to Ao Zai to relieve the embarrassment.

"I was only ten years old at the time and didn't know much. I just remember my mother complaining that the Li family was unkind, marrying two girls to one girl, going back on the promise of a marriage midway, and trying to get married to a dragon..."

Feng Yun said: "Then what did your uncle say?"

Ao Qi hesitated.

"Uncle didn't express his position."

Feng Yun: "Isn't he disappointed?"

Ao Qi shook his head, "I don't know."

After guessing something from the girl's eyes, the young man explained clumsily: "It's just a marriage, why should I be disappointed? At that time, my uncle and she had only met each other a few times, and he might not even remember what she looked like. "

Just like him.

He doesn't like Mrs. Cui Si, but if there is no girl he likes, when it's time to get married, he may just obey the family and marry her, get married, have children, and start a family like most people do.

Ao Qi felt that his uncle might be like him. He was not sure whether he had ever thought of marrying Li Sangruo. But in such a dangerous situation as Bingzhou, he ordered the world to marry Feng Yun. It must be him. will.

Ao Qi felt sour and uncomfortable, but did not want to tell lies.

"My uncle is very sincere."

Feng Yun chuckled and did not comment on this.

"If you tell me everything, aren't you afraid that I have bad intentions and deliberately lie to you?"

Ao Qi stared at her: "What do I have to deceive? Money? Sex?"

Seeing that Feng Yun didn't speak, he smiled casually and said, "What are you trying to lie to? I'll give you everything I have."

The look in his eyes made Feng Yun feel a little soft-hearted.

She liked Ao Qi, but she knew that it was not love between a man and a woman.

"I won't lie to you. Xiaoqi, you deserve the best girl in the world."

Isn't the best girl in the world right in front of you? Ao Qi smiled and looked at her leisurely.

"I have someone I like. Don't worry."

Feng Yun's lips moved slightly but did not make a sound.

Ao Qidao: "She is among ten thousand people, and I am among ten thousand people. I secretly admire and secretly feel joy..."

The rain and fog were miserable, and the rain outside was falling more and more rapidly.

The young man's voice was light and solemn. Feng Yun didn't dare to look into his eyes. He didn't know how to reply when the rescuers arrived.

Xiaoman happily reported, "Girl, Marching Commander Shi is here."

Tan Dajin did not come by himself, he also brought the twelve betrothal gifts that Pei Madang gave to Feng Yun when he was in Bingzhou, and delivered them in the rain...

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