Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 191: Each one completes

Qin Dajin, the military officer, was in charge of the internal affairs of the Beiyong Army and Pei Jue's belongings. When Feng Yun left, Qin Dajin was instructing the accompanying guards to bring in the property they had brought.


Seeing the madam, he saluted and pointed at the things.

"All twelve boxes are intact and here. The general said that they will be given to the lady."

Without waiting for Feng Yun to speak, he asked someone to bring over the two large boxes behind him.

"These are also the general's private property, and they will be given to the lady for safekeeping. I also brought all the account books."

Feng Yun thought of Pei Jue saying that he had no money, pursed his lips, and said in surprise: "Didn't the general say that he would exchange them all for winter clothes?"

Qin Dajin smiled and said: "The general will find another way to get the winter clothes, so the lady doesn't need to worry about it. Hurry up and count the things and put them in the warehouse."

The gift list was lost in the chaos of war in Bingzhou. Feng Yun did not check the records at the time, so he didn't know exactly what was in it.

She never thought that these things belonged to her. When she went to ask Pei Jue for money, her most fundamental idea was actually to identify a good deal and to make some profits for General Pei. She was investing to get a return.

She knew it very well.

But now that Qin Dajin gave her the things, it was equivalent to handing over all of Pei Jue's assets to her.

That was fundamentally different.

Seeing that she didn't move, Qin Dajin opened the box in front of him. There were several account books in it. He handed them to Feng Yun and said with a smile:

"The general didn't buy anything when he was on the march, and he was not good at managing property. I have been taking care of the general for the past two years, including salaries, rewards, farms, shops and houses. All are recorded in the books and handed over to Madam for counting."

Feng Yun's eyelids jumped and he saluted him.

"General Qin, take it back. I don't need it for the time being."

Qin Dajin saw that she was calm and didn't pretend to refuse. He was so embarrassed that his back was stiff.

He suspected that he was not careful about what he said yesterday, which led to the quarrel between the general and his wife. This made the general suddenly change his mind, take back all the twelve boxes of betrothal gifts, and then go to Pingyang in person to ask for supplies from the Tiger Army.

So, the wife would say such a thing.

The woman is narrow-minded, and she must be angry with the general.

Qin Dajin thought he could read the mood and deal with things, but he couldn't see the smile on Feng Yun's face clearly, let alone what she was thinking. How could he dare to drag the things back?

"No, no, no."

He waved his hands repeatedly, as if it was a hot potato.

"The general said that the wife will be the head of the family in the future. I can't make the general's decision, and I dare not make the decision for the general."

He bowed deeply to Feng Yun again.

"I still have military affairs to do, so I'll leave first."

Qin Dajin walked quickly and rushed into the rain curtain with his people without looking back.

Feng Yun looked at the pile of things in front of him, as well as the thick account book, and wondered what Pei Cong was up to.

Winter clothes are the most urgent thing...

Pei Cong sent the things back, what was he going to use to fill this gap?

At present, the Beiyong Army has about 120,000 people, occupying Yupu, Wanning, Andu, and Xinzhou. Because of the restoration of people's livelihood after the war, many miscellaneous taxes have been exempted, and the people are not rich.

If the court does not provide supplies, so many soldiers cannot be supported. If the land is used to support the land and the people are levied, the military-civilian relationship that has been eased with great difficulty may intensify the contradictions, and the price paid for the early governance will be in vain.

Feng Yun suddenly felt that the money and account books were very hot.


It was sunny in the afternoon, and Chunyu Yan came back from Bingzhou.

As Feng Yun expected, Xiao Cheng did not object to the construction of the suggestion hall and also contributed money at the same time.

But Chunyu Yan hinted, "The Emperor of Qi seems to be somewhat suspicious of you..."

Feng Yun: "Why do you suspect me?"

Chunyu Yan smiled and said, "He suspected that you, Feng Twelve, would have such a skill. At first, he thought that Pei Jue was secretly doing bad things. I persuaded him to believe that it was you who was in charge of this matter..."

Another attempt to take credit?

Feng Yun snorted and laughed.

"Don't worry, my lord, the profits you deserve will not be less."

Chunyu Yan smiled, "Of course, there is no need to divide it so carefully between you and me..."

"That's true." Feng Yun pursed his lips and said lightly, "I have a good business right now. I wonder if my lord is interested?"

Chunyu Yan is a businessman and will not refuse anything that is profitable.

But he never expected that Feng Yun's good business was actually Pei Jue's betrothal gift. It was not for money or land, but for cloth and linen.

These were the materials for making winter clothes.

Feng Yun figured it out. Pei Jue might be embarrassed to use the betrothal gift to exchange for winter clothes because she came to ask for money, so he returned it, but he still needed winter clothes to appease the soldiers in essence.

Since she didn't want to accept this favor, she might as well go along with his wishes.

"This deal won't make the prince lose money." Feng Yun roughly calculated the price, and then said: "Partnership business, mutual achievement, what do you think?"

Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes and snorted.

"Feng Twelve, you really know how to plan for Pei Jue. What for?"

"That's not for him, it's for myself." Feng Yun smiled lightly, "The general and I are bound together by interests, and we all prosper together and suffer together. If the Beiyong Army fails and Pei Jue falls, do you think I can have any honor?"


When she heard that Pei Jue went to Pingyang to meet the emperor, she was a little uneasy in her heart, but it was not enough to make her lose her sense of proportion.

She would never do such things as competing for favor with Li Sangruo again.

There will no longer be love between children.

At the top of the task, what she should do is to stabilize the logistics for Pei Mad and prevent him from being restricted by the Jin court and Li Sangruo. Only in this way can she have the opportunity to completely divide them and make them alienated and used by her.

But this debt must be settled on Li Sangruo.

Once this calamity is over, sooner or later there will be a reckoning.

Of course, if Pei Ran still has feelings for Li, she can also make it happen - when the big thing is done, she will bury them in pairs in the same coffin.

Chun Yuyan had no idea what she was thinking.

What can be guessed is that girls are just a measure of survival.

So he secretly glanced at her and talked about it in endless reveries.

"What are you afraid of? Without Pei Wangzhi, you still have Chun Yuyan."

Feng Yun sneered, flicked his sleeves and spoke calmly.

"Your Majesty, please take back this trick. You and I are both open-minded people. There is no need to show so much affection for the sake of good looks. Why not be more realistic, write your interests directly on your face, use each other's advantages, and seek common development. Take advantage of it?”

Chunyu Yan looked at her coolly and smiled.

"You're right." The low voice came with a smile, but the emotions in those beautiful eyes were like a dry well and deep pool, and it was hard to distinguish.

"Feng Twelve, you have a good sense. You have found the right person when you come to me. I have cloth and linen. I can even arrange a workshop for you and provide you with winter clothes. Whatever you want, I can do it for you. . But what can you give me?”

Feng Yun lowered his eyes, as cold as frost, "Who do you want to do business with? It's profitable, what else does the prince want?"

Chun Yuyan chuckled, looking at her lazily in a beguiling manner, "Stretch out your hand."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, "What to do?"

Chunyu Yan: "Stretch out."

Feng Yun pursed her lips and looked at him, motionless. When Chun Yuyan saw this, he simply pulled her hand over, spread his palm, and looked at the striped road on his palm carefully like a fortune teller.

His hands were slender and white, and felt very good. It could be seen that he usually took good care of them, but they were too cold. Feng Yun let him catch them, as if they were entangled by a snake, and his brows furrowed.

"Did the prince see it? When will I get rich?"


Chunyu Yan quietly raised his head and stared at her for a moment.

"Tell me the truth, are you really a banshee? The one who sucks human blood?"

"Get out!" Feng Yun glared at him.

Chun Yuyan smiled, his eyes were particularly beautiful.

"I'm going away. Who's going to help Twelve make winter clothes?"

There was a fox-like cunning in his teasing eyes, and the mandible line blurred by the mask showed that the young master was picturesque.

"You, how did you come to live in my heart?"

The first sentence is joking, the next sentence is serious.

"You know everything about me. I have to be on guard."

Chun Yuyan traveled to many countries, doing big business, many roads, and wide spread. However, even his biological father, King Yunchuan, did not know how much wealth he really owned and how many business transactions he had. Feng Yun seemed to know the details.

Starting from Andu's two hundred thousand stone grain, she was like a roundworm in his belly. She knew a thing or two about Chun Yuyan's unknown things.

But to say that she knew everything was not entirely true.

The 200,000 stones of grain that Chun Yuyan hid in Andu was not on the table in the first place, and King Yunchuan did not know about it. But because of the "lending to the state of Jin", the matter came to light, which was tantamount to exposing Chun Yuyan's ambition to the public, adding another firewood to the already tense relationship between their father and son, and also making his two younger brothers She was even more afraid of him and acted frequently in private...

This led to the subsequent assassination of Hua Yuejian.

But Chun Yuyan would not tell Feng Yun these things.

He wanted to hear the answer from Feng Yun's mouth.

However, that is Feng Yun's most secret rebirth secret.

"Guess." Feng Yun pushed him away with force, took his hand back, and said lazily: "Your Majesty is capable. This little thing won't trouble you at all. It just depends on whether you are willing to take action."

Chun Yuyan's slightly frowned eyebrows relaxed.

A simple sentence, like a small brush, smoothed away the doubts in his heart.

"You have such a mouth..." He smiled at the corner of his eyes, as if with emotion, flashing with a light of unknown meaning, "As long as you are willing to say something good, what do you want? Without Pei Ran, I can still give you wealth and glory. "

Feng Yun bowed slightly, thanked him first, and then said:

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, I can't bear it."

Smiling again, "What you hold in your own hands is yours. If someone else gives you something, you can take it back if you want. It's not practical."

Chun Yuyan looked at her eyebrows and just smiled.

Feng Yun did what he said, and called Xing Dalang over. He counted the accounts and bills given by Qin Dajin on the spot, checked the property, and bargained with Chun Yuyan, and agreed on the quantity of cloth and linen to be exchanged. Smile with satisfaction.

"Xiaoman. I will serve you with pen and ink."

The deed was drawn up in her own handwriting.

Chun Yuyan was sitting in front of the case, in the position where she poured water on her head that day, watching her focus on writing, occasionally frowning, and smiling from time to time, as if she had taken advantage of the sky, her delicate eyebrows, ultimate elegance, and chic To the heart-stoppingly interesting soul...

There was silence.

Long and short.

When Feng Yun slowly put down the brush and took the deed for him to read, the uninhibited smile returned to Chun Yuyan's eyes.

"Twelve, don't you really want to see it?"

Feng Yun didn't react for a moment, "What are you looking at?"

There was a smile in his eyes, "The hair that just grew out is a bit stiff..."

Feng Yun:......

She knocked on the desk.

"Read the deed carefully. What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking of you." Chunyu Yan paused and then said, "Are you stupid? In what way am I inferior to Pei Wanzhi?"

Feng Yun looked at his half-truth and half-false expression and remained silent for a long time.

She could tell that the prince was a little interested in her, but not as big as the benefits.

And she could cooperate with Chun Yuyan, but it was difficult for her to show the same interest as Pei Ran...

Perhaps due to the entanglement in her previous life, she was addicted to Pei Madang.

Seeing Chunyu Yan is beautiful, appreciating it, admiring it from a distance, and occasionally making your heart flutter, but seeing Pei Madang is wanting to possess it, it is the flower of longing and desire fed by countless dark nights. Completely different emotions.

Chun Yuyan looked at her heartily, "Brother Wang is not around, so the spring night is precious."

hiss! Feng Yun tilted his head and looked at him, "Are you really not afraid of death?"

He lowered his long eyelashes slightly and smiled, "Is it going to die on you?"

"Where's my knife..."

Feng Yun pretended to stab someone, but then he restrained himself a little. He read the deed carefully, signed his name with a pen, and raised his head again.

"I'm so sweet, aren't I?"

Feng Yun gave him a roll of his eyes, "I didn't let the prince lose money, thank you. The prince is better at calculating than a monkey, but he talks as if he has suffered a big loss..."

She pulled him over, looked at Chun Yuyan's signature, motioned for him to put his fingerprints, and then she did the same.

"make a deal."

Feng Yun exchanged the betrothal gifts for cloth and linen to make winter clothes, but instead of letting Chunyu Yan do the work, he asked him to transport the materials directly to Changmenzhuang.

At this time of year, there is not much farm work in Zhuangzi, and there are many people with free time. It just so happens that they can organize themselves to sew winter clothes and build a temporary workshop. Using their own manpower, they can save a lot of money.

The newly acquired belongings were moved away box by box.

Feng Yun put the deed away and sent Ge Yi back to Andu with her souvenir to give it to Ying Rong.

Ying Rong is an embroiderer who grew up in an embroidery workshop, so it would be perfect for her to take the lead in making a batch of winter clothes.

In the letter, she wrote down her opinions and regulations in detail for Rong's reference, and told her to rush it out in the shortest possible time.

After doing this, it will be dark.

The moon hangs on the willow branches.

Feng Yun leaned on the wooden couch and hugged the pillow, looking at the empty room. His heart, which had been tense all day, relaxed.

There is no need to hope for a loved one, a loved one cannot be expected, but you can use it...

The temperature has dropped again. Are you cold, sisters?

Feng Yun: I'm cold, but I won't say it.

Chunyu Yan: Come into my arms, it hurts.

Ao Qi: Come on, kid! Bite him.

Xiao Cheng: If you want to do business with me, call me Xiao Tiantian, and then poach me and steal my beloved wife...

Pei Ran: It's my turn to speak, but I'm speechless.

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