Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 192 Everyone must be full

In the next two days, Feng Yun traveled back and forth between Mingquan Town and Xinzhou.

With skilled craftsmen, the Peace Hall was built very quickly.

Shiploads of green bricks, wood and stone were transported from the ferry to Mingquan. The materials were sorted into categories, and the craftsmen performed their duties. By the morning of the third day, the foundation had been built, and the wood, bricks and tiles were gradually transported, because there were many people coming and going. Soldiers and craftsmen made Mingquan Town extremely lively.

As soon as Feng Yung arrived at the parliament hall by car, Cong Wentian came over from the street of Mingquan Town and told her with a serious face.

"Girl, something happened."

Feng Yun felt a slight suddenness in his heart, "What's wrong?"

Cong Wentian said: "There is a family in Mingquan Town. Robbers broke into the house last night. More than 30 members of the family died in the house. After the robbers left, they burned the house."

He had been living in Mingquan for the past two days, keeping an eye on the construction period of the parliament building. He heard the noise last night and watched the fire soar into the sky and engulf the house in the blink of an eye.

"It's so scary. I thought at the time, there was so much wood piled up in the parliament hall, it would be unthinkable if bandits came..."

Feng Yun frowned slightly.

"Uncle Wentian, don't worry, there are so many defenders in the assembly hall, nothing can go wrong."

Cong Wentian is a craftsman and does not know what will happen in the game between the two countries. What he is most worried about is the errands and the construction period.

Feng Yun couldn't say much to him, so he felt relieved, looked at the progress of the meeting, then took the carriage and went around the outside of the house.

Looking at the charred walls and broken bricks and tiles, they are all signs of being ravaged. It is very tragic and desolate. There are soldiers walking through it, carrying out the corpses.

The charred corpses, whose appearance was indistinguishable, were all placed in the courtyard, attracting countless people to watch.

Feng Yun did not walk over, but looked across the crowd and landed on the pendant around the waist of one of the corpses.

On the day she first arrived in Mingquan, she had seen this black iron pendant tied around the waist of the pie-faced man in the restaurant in the town...

Pei Madang's work is reassuring.

A group of people died neatly and neatly.

Feng Yun sat in the carriage for a moment and motioned for Xing Dalang to come over.

"We can start buying land."

Xing Dalang responded happily.

This kid was smart, and Feng Yun didn't want to show up, so it was just right to let him go, but for safety, he still sent Ge Yi to follow.

To avoid suspicion, she used a little trick.

Dalang pretends to be a lazy young man from a wealthy family, who is ignorant of worldly affairs but claims to make a great career. Ge Yi pretends to be his servant, who looks like he is going to waste the family.

Feng Yun was very satisfied.

After they left, he looked at the sky and decided to take a walk in the town.

It rained last night, but even after the sun came out, the road was still muddy. The roads where humans and animals walked together were puddled, and the wheels made a circle of mud when they ran over them.

There were not many pedestrians on the road, and their faces showed the common and common emotions of people in troubled times. They were confused, numb, and lowered their heads. When they saw someone looking at them, they hurried away in fear.

Feng Yun went to the food store first.

This is the only food store selling food in Mingquan Town.

There is no polished rice, only brown rice and japonica rice, and the price is ridiculously expensive.

The shopkeeper said: "This year's harvest is not good, and the grain cannot be harvested. Not to mention that my shop is open, and it is the same in Andu and Wanning. If you want to buy something, you should buy it quickly. The Chinese New Year is almost here, so stock up for the winter."

Seeing Feng Yun's hesitation, he added:

"I heard that the Beiyong Army will start to collect grain soon. By then, it's not certain whether there will be enough grain to buy."

The shopkeeper sighed as he spoke.

"I don't know if we can make peace or not. This war will last for another two years, and everyone will starve to death..."

Food is the foundation of the armed forces. Without food, we cannot feed our troops?

Such a truth that ordinary shopkeepers in Mingquan Town understand, don't the rulers at the top of the temple understand? When the Beiyong army was short of food and grass, they would requisition food. Requisitioning grain would offend the people, so Pei Madang was naturally the one to be scolded.

It can be said that the Beiyong Army is in great difficulty at the moment. When Li Sangruo asked Pei Mangyuan to pick him up from Pingyang, was he taking the opportunity to tease him? Let him know the pros and cons, let him surrender to the court, let him be like her face Song Shou'an, who has to kneel down and lick her bones to eat?

Thinking of Pei Madang, Feng Yun had complicated thoughts.

It took a lot of effort to divide them and create a gap between Pei Mad and the Jin court. If he and Li Sangruo were allowed to resurface in Pingyang and burn together, all the efforts would be in vain...

Feng Yun's eyes darkened, showing no emotion.

"It's too expensive, make it cheaper."

The shopkeeper saw that she was dressed simply but neatly, and she was accompanied by a maid and a knife-wielding entourage. He couldn't guess where she was from, but he heard that she wanted a lot more. A pound less than three cents, he asked the waiter to carry hundreds of pounds of brown rice and japonica rice. in her car.

Feng Yun was going to take these rice to the parliament hall.

You can’t just make people work and not feed them.

When building a house to make progress, the workers should not be treated badly. In the past two days, she noticed that the porridge brought out of the kitchen was so thin that people could be seen.

How can those who work hard work if they don’t have enough to eat?

However, this brown rice is also really rough...

Feng Yun reached out and touched it, and felt his tooth hurt.

Ge Guang drove the car and dragged the grain to the kitchen of the parliament hall.

"Madam said, everyone should eat with their stomachs open and be full."

In a temporary large shed, the three cooks were all wives of the craftsmen. Seeing Feng Yun hauling so much food, they gathered around excitedly, their eyes red.

"Madam, you are so kind."

"The war is in turmoil, but food and money are precious."

"When the two countries stop fighting, life will get better." Feng Yun said a few polite words, asked his troops to help unload the food, and returned home in the eyes of gratitude.

This was given for free. In her opinion, it was for the construction period and progress, but in the hearts of ordinary people, food is like magic grass, which can keep people alive, and those who give food are good people.

Today, I was delayed and it was late when I returned to Xinzhou.

As night fell, Xinzhou City was silent.

Feng Yun was restless and didn't want to go back to Chunchongyuan so soon, so he told Ge Guang who was driving.

"Let's go around the city."

Ge Guang received the order and walked along the street. Under Feng Yun's guidance, he walked towards Hedi Street.

This street was lively during the day, but quiet at night.

When the lights came on, Feng Yun thought of the mother and daughter who sold velvet flowers that day, and those girls who were laughing...

Suddenly, Ge Guang shouted outside.

"Girl, that's Huatang Qiuyue."

Huatang Qiuyue is the place where the eunuch Chang who came to Zhongjing to deliver the imperial edict last time fell into the water.

Feng Yun asked Ge Guang to slow down the carriage and lifted the curtain to look at this legendary first brothel in Xinzhou.

This street along the river was originally full of entertainment venues, but most of them were closed after the war, so the bright fire of Huatang Qiuyue looked extremely luxurious in the night.

Even in troubled times, there are still people who indulge in luxury.

The carriage passed slowly.

A figure on horseback suddenly fell into Feng Yun's sight.

She was stunned, "Slow down."

Ge Guang glanced sideways and turned back to inform Feng Yun in a low voice.

"Girl, that seems to be Song, Song Sizhu."

Ge Guang had been to Zhongjing and had the honor of seeing the unparalleled Da Nei Tiqi Si Sizhu walking on the street on the streets of the imperial city.

I was a little shocked to see this person suddenly appear in Xinzhou.

Feng Yun was the same.

She had known from Luo Yue's letter that Song Shouan looked a bit like Pei Jue. At that time, she felt disgusted, but had no other feelings.

But when she really saw him in person, she was a little frightened.

This person looks too much like Pei Jue.

In her previous life, she was limited by herself and did not have many opportunities to show up. She had never seen Song Shouan in Zhongjing. Now, when she suddenly saw this face, her first reaction was to feel goose bumps and numbness in her bones.

If Li Sang wanted to sleep with this man as a pillow...

She didn't believe that Pei Jue would be able to bear seeing this person after knowing this?

Ge Guang pulled the curtain in front of the car and said softly:

"This is my first time in Zhongjing. I saw him from a distance and was scared, but I only thought he looked like a general at first glance. I looked at him a few more times, and it was not the case. This person's temperament and figure are far inferior to the general..."

Feng Yun said softly: "That's it."

Such a wretched, treacherous villain, how can he compare with Pei Jue?

Li Sangruo is really bold. She has a fake by her side, and she is not afraid of being embarrassed and causing criticism. Isn't this equivalent to directly declaring that she covets Pei Jue?

"I can't stand his face." Feng Yun suddenly said.

What can I do if I can't stand it? Ge Guang didn't react for a while, and heard Feng Yun's leisurely smile: "I feel sick when I think that there is such a similar face in the world, appearing in Li Sangruo's bed."

Ge Guang's ears were filled with river wind, and he didn't hear the girl's words clearly.

Feng Yun covered her hands on the small hand stove, stroking back and forth to keep warm, and her eyes were like nails, looking at the person slowly approaching from a distance behind the curtain.

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