Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 194 Revealing the True Form

In order to facilitate the work, Song Shouan sent all the imperial guards to the outer courtyard. Zuo Zhongshen sneaked in without anyone noticing. He originally wanted to investigate secretly first, but he didn't dare to delay for a moment after hearing the intermittent, panting and painful groans inside.

"Do it."

Zuo Zhong gestured to his left and right.

He also reminded, "Don't make any noise..."

At the moment, he didn't dare to confirm whether the person inside was Feng Yun, and he had to take some influence into consideration.

But before the voice fell, there was a sudden commotion in the outer courtyard.

"Who trespassed into Liufeng Garden without permission? Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Zuo Zhong was stunned, a little surprised.

They acted so carefully, so they wouldn't be discovered, right?

But at this point, he no longer hid, walked out and whispered:

"The Beiyong Army is here for inspection, the master, come out and talk."

Several imperial guards followed the sound and surrounded him, with torches raised high, and the voices were noisy. They looked aggressive and didn't seem to hesitate at all because he introduced himself.

Zuo Zhong silently tightened his waist knife, listening to the rustling sound of leaves shaking wildly in the cold wind, and a little cold sweat on his back.

He didn't want to attract so many people.

It didn't go as he wished.

The Tiqisi must be afraid of being exposed, so he drew his knife and cursed.

"Bold bandits, dare to pretend to be Beiyong Army, brothers, go!"

Neither side was willing to admit the other's identity, and both classified the other as a bandit, but the same murderous intent flashed in their eyes, and they went forward and started fighting without saying a word.

Bang! Bang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of fighting and noise was like a pot of boiling water...

The fire in Song Shouan's room rose at this time.

A cluster of light illuminated the dark sky, with unparalleled power, but it rushed out of the roof in an instant, thick smoke poured out from the window, and the flames licked the curtains, so fast that people could not expect it.

"The fire is coming!"

"Hurry up and put out the fire..."

Amid the screams, both the guards who broke into Liufeng Garden at night and the Tiqisi who discovered the guards' intrusion looked at each other, stopped fighting, and rushed to the door to put out the fire and save people.

The wind was strong tonight, and in the billowing smoke, the flames sealed the doors and windows, spreading very quickly, and soon illuminated half of the night sky, alarming the people around Liufeng Garden, and they spontaneously ran out of their homes with buckets of water.

This was not an ordinary fire.

It was more like arson.

Song Shouan and Xiao Taohong were dragged out of the room naked and wrapped in quilts.

Zuo Zhong threw the embarrassed woman to the ground and breathed a long sigh of relief.

It was not Feng Yun.

Fortunately, it wasn't Feng Yun...

"My face..."

"There are assassins...arson...murderers..."

"Save me, call the doctor, save me..."

Under the red firelight, Song Shouan wailed in pain, his body curled up, his eyes were briefly sleepless, his hands weakly raised, as if he wanted to cover his face, but because of the pain, he didn't dare to touch it, and the whole person struggled like a dying trapped beast, until the quilt loosened, revealing his naked body.

Xiao Taohong was crying beside him, Zuo Zhong rushed in quickly, she was not injured, but she didn't have time to put on clothes, and hurriedly wrapped herself in a coat. Now she curled up on the ground, cold and scared, tears streaming down her face.

The scene was ugly.

Zuo Zhong looked at this scene, wanting to laugh, but also a little worried.

The fire was set in time.

If Song Shouan's fig leaf was torn off, even if the Tiqisi wanted to investigate afterwards, they would be the only ones to be embarrassed.

But if Feng Yun is not in Liufeng Garden, where is he?


Pingyang is in the northwest of Wanning County. Pei Jue led four guards and traveled all the way through wind and rain. It was late at night when they arrived at Pingyang City.

The wind was strong at night, and the flags of the Tiger Guards on the city gate were fluttering.

It was cold, and there were no soldiers guarding the city on the battlements. At a glance, there was only the dark sky in the cold wind, bleak.

"Open the door!"

Ji You rushed in front on horseback and slapped it hard, waking up the guards on duty. They put on their clothes and went out, cursing and looking out from the battlement wall.

"Which dog who is not afraid of death knocked on the door in the middle of the night..."

Ji You took two steps back and looked up: "The general is here, open the city gate quickly."


The guard opened his eyes wide and was shocked to see the light cavalry in the night from the city wall.

He ordered people to open the city gate in a hurry, and quickly sent someone to notify Shi Kui, the leader of the Tiger Guards.

"Quick, the general has suddenly arrived in Pingyang, let General Shi come to greet him quickly."

The Jin army knew Pei Jue's temper, but Shi Kui knew it very well. Three years ago, he drank a lot of wine in the camp and fought with several tribesmen while gambling dice, injuring one person. Afterwards, Pei Jue found out and beat him with a stick, almost losing his head.

Shi Kui was dreaming in the quilt, and was suddenly awakened by the knock on the door. Hearing Pei Jue coming, he jumped up and felt a chill on the back of his neck.

Pei Jue was waiting for him in the main hall.

Late at night, his eyebrows were clear and he sat upright. The dusty and hard work made his face more heroic. His pair of dark eyes seemed to be born with a sword. Shi Kui was a little nervous when he saw him.

"The general came to Pingyang in person. I am late. I hope you will forgive me."

He stepped forward, clasped his fists, saluted, but his heart was so active that it almost jumped out.

The general came so early, obviously not to greet him, let alone to drink with him.

This is a big trouble.

Shi Kui was very smart, but Pei Jue didn't say anything, just stared at him.

"General, please have some tea."

Shi Kui personally brought the tea and came forward, bowing in a very respectful manner.

Pei Madang remained motionless, his eyes falling on him, calmly watching him become increasingly embarrassed and flustered.

"General, please spare this general."

Shi Kui looked sad and stopped pretending to be stupid.

"The general's troops were trapped in Bingzhou, but the general was delayed for a long time due to lack of food and grass. When the general's troops arrived in Andu, the siege of Bingzhou was lifted... The general had to lead his troops back to defend. It's not that he didn't come, he went. It’s too late.”

After saying this, he bowed deeply and was so sincere that he almost cried on the spot.

Pei Ran looked at him, "Shi Kui, you know why I'm here."

Shi Kui raised his head and said in surprise: "The general is here to pick up the Queen Mother? No, Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother has not yet set off from Beijing, and it will take some time to arrive in Pingyang..."

Pei Madang's patience ran out.

Looking at him coldly, he slapped the official letter that Tan Dajin was supposed to bring on the table with an expressionless expression.

"General Shi took a look."

Shi Kui bowed forward, unfolded it, hissed, and looked up with a troubled look.

"To be honest, General, the camp has distributed a batch of winter coats, but this winter has come early and the weather is cold. The soldiers have already worn them. I can't... I can't let them take off the winter coats, right? Bei Yong's army is the general's soldiers, and Hu Ben's army is also the general's soldiers. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. The general cannot treat one favorably against the other. "

"Presumptuous!" Pei Kui suddenly changed his face, which surprised Shi Kui. He only realized when the knife was placed on his neck. This time, General Pei didn't come here because he wanted to be nice.

"General, General, if you have something to say, please tell me." Shi Kui raised his hands, looked at Pei Ran's cold and emotionless face, and said awkwardly:

"You and I are receiving salary from the imperial court, and we are both loyal to His Majesty. Let's talk about it. It's not good to use swords and guns..."

As he spoke, he brushed Pei Man's knife with his fingers.

"Don't move!" Pei Madang lowered his head two inches, his voice was low, and his expression was cold but calm.

"Shi Kui disobeyed orders, delayed his flight, and neglected his duty until Zhu Cheng of the Red Armor Army was killed..."

He paused and said coldly:

"Cut with the sword..."

Shi Kui trembled with fright, his eyes widened, "How dare you."

"I dare." Pei Ran's eyes were cold and stern: "If you die, you will have grievances and have nowhere to complain."

Shi Kui's heart tightened, and his whole figure seemed to be wrapped in a layer of ice. Only then did he really feel fear...

Pei Madang was his immediate superior. If he were to be executed on the spot for this crime, he would become a complete scapegoat. He alone would bear the blame for the Beiyong Army's capture of Bingzhou, delaying fighter planes and ineffective rescue operations.

Dead people can't speak. The one in Zhongjing might be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Shi Kui took a breath.

He didn't want to offend Pei Madang.

By nature, he admires the strong and is not willing to associate with those conceited scholars. However, he is a Han warrior and has no family background. He cannot afford to offend any nobles in Zhongjing.

Caught in a dilemma, I dare not speak out.

So the words came out stumbling, mixed with a dull sigh.

"General, general... there is nothing the general can do. It's not that the general doesn't send reinforcements, it's because there is really no food and it's difficult to move forward. Winter clothes are decided by the Treasury Department, how can the general control it..."

Pei Madang moved his wrist slightly and moved the gleaming sharp blade.

"Go and open the warehouse."

Shi Kui's face changed.

The imperial court was very generous this year. Li Zongxun intended to win over Huben and Long Ji's army. Two sets of winter clothes were distributed to each soldier early, and the ordnance and military supplies were more abundant than in previous years. Shi Kui wanted to make some profit from it, but not all of it had been distributed yet. The remaining Everything is piled in the warehouse.

This Pei Madang...

Is he clairvoyant?

If Tan Dajin came, Shi Kui could still fool him with his eloquent words, drag him up, and wait to watch Pei Madang and the court play, protecting himself and watching the fire from the other side.

But here comes Pei Man, with the knife on his neck. What can he do?

As soon as the warehouse was opened, Ji You's eyes turned red when he saw the large amount of materials piled up like a mountain. He gritted his teeth and cursed in front of Pei Manang.

"The Beiyong Army is killing the enemy on the front line. It needs food but no food and no clothes. Nothing happens in the rear. The backlog of materials in the warehouse is almost moldy..."

His face showed anger at the injustice of the court.

The other three guards remained silent, but their faces were still angry.

Pei Madang showed no expression and asked Shi Kui to pack up supplies and prepare to transport Wanning.

When Lin Zhuo arrived in Pingyang, Pei Madang was preparing to escort Dong Yi on the road. When he received the news that Feng Yun was missing, his expression immediately changed, and his tone of voice, which he tried to suppress, revealed a trace of anger.


Ji You also tightened his face, "My subordinate is here."

"You take someone to escort Dong Yi back to Shinshu, I'll go first."

Ji You responded, "Here."

Pei Ran turned around and glanced at Shi Kui.

"You know who I am, Pei Ran. Today you obey me and I will remember your kindness. If you disobey me and interfere with me, more than thirty members of the Shi family will be buried with you for your stupidity."

Before his voice fell, he got on his horse, said "drive" without looking back, and drove away, leaving only Shi Kuihan feeling the cold wind, and his scalp was about to explode.

"What should I do, general?" The attendant came over with a troubled face.

Shi Kui pinched the painful forehead.

"The supplies were sent to Wanning, and a message was sent to Beijing at the same time." (End of this chapter)

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