Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 195 All Die

Jiafu Hall.

Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother was in a good mood today. She changed into bright clothes, rewarded the maids and servants waiting in front of the palace with many gifts, and also praised the little emperor's nanny. When she went to court, she saw the courtiers, and their expressions were gentler than before.

Fang Fucai saw it, but he felt a little frightened and uneasy.

Two days ago, the Queen Mother received a letter saying that General Pei had rushed to Pingyang to pick him up. He took four guards with him and traveled day and night without any delay. She was very anxious...

The person who brought the news wanted to please the Queen Mother, so he made some extravagant comments about himself.

Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother is happy.

But Fang Fucai felt that something was wrong.

Pei Madang dared to kill Eunuch Chang and demonstrate to the court. How could he arrive in Pingyang a few days in advance to wait for the Queen Mother?

Bystanders know better, but dare not tell.

Li Sangruo was immersed in his little thoughts, his heart was full from morning to night, and he felt that the decree was right.

"Sometimes this person always needs to be pushed."

She just gave in to him, but he didn't take her seriously.

If you occasionally say a few harsh words, wouldn’t that mean you just give in?

Fang Fucai looked at the smile on her face. He couldn't find where to focus his eyes, and his heart felt tight.

"Since the general has arrived in Pingyang, His Highness, should you travel early to avoid keeping the general waiting?"

Li Sangruo raised his eyes to look at him, concealed his heartfelt smile, and hummed from the wings of his nose.

"Let him wait. Thunder, rain, and dew are all your kindness. If you wait a few more days, what's the point of guarding against him?"

He pursed his lips again, secretly enjoying himself, "He made me so sad, just think of it as a small punishment. When I get to Pingyang, I will give him more grace."

Fang Fucai's eyelids twitched.

The truth is this, but he is still out of his mind.

"Your Highness is kind and will not argue with the General... But the General has been away from home all year round. He is physically and mentally exhausted and has made great contributions. He must be looking forward to His Highness's comfort..."

He reminded Li Sangruo in a roundabout way that the general has great achievements and holds heavy troops, and he will not care about your suppression. It's better to go down the steps and give him comfort, instead of pushing too far and annoying Pei Madang.


Li Sangruo was caught in the whirlpool of love affairs and was a little selfless...

"It's natural to comfort him. What does the general want, and the Yi family won't give it to him?" Her cheeks were flushed, and she felt a little itchy and restless at the thought of seeing Pei Madang soon.

"Well, you are right. Since he is so sensible and has been waiting in Pingyang for a long time, the Ai family will give him face. According to the Ai family's will, the peace delegation will set off two days early, so that they can pack their bags."

After the order was given, Fang Fucai hurriedly urged the palace people, but Li Sangruo was still worried. He had to look at all the clothes and accessories for the trip one by one. The palace maids with curly hair all brought two, which was obviously against Pei Manang. We were very happy to meet each other.

It doesn't look like they are going to negotiate peace between the two countries. They are clearly going to meet their lover...

Fang Fucai sighed inwardly.

He had a vague premonition, but he didn't expect that the nightmare would come so quickly...

Before dawn the next day, there was news from Shinshu first.

Liufeng Garden, the stronghold of the Ouchi Tikasi in Shinshu, suddenly went bankrupt.

At the time of the incident, Song Shou'an, the head of the Tiqi Division, was having an affair with a Hualou woman in the back room. He burned his face when he ran away, and the people who came to put out the fire looked at him...

"The two men's hair was disheveled, their clothes were disheveled, and their unsightly appearance fell into the eyes of the Beiyong Army guard camp and some common people. They showed their ugly appearance and made everyone laugh..."

Li Sangruo was so angry that he was shaking all over.

"This bastard, this bastard! How dare he?"

A lowly potter whom she had supported with her own hands, a lackey who was enslaved by her, who was ungrateful for her favors, dared to betray her, openly mess around in Shinshu, and even had people block the room...

It wasn't just Song Shou'an who was embarrassed.

And she, Li Sanruo.

It felt like she had received a loud slap on the face, but she still couldn't curse or yell, and she didn't even know who to take out her anger on.

"Your face is burned, right?"

Li Sangruo gritted his teeth and his eyes were cold and fierce.

"Without that face, what is he still doing alive?"

When Fang Fu heard the Queen Mother's words, goosebumps arose on his body, "Your Highness, on this occasion..."

"The top priority is to stop his nonsense and prevent him from jumping over the wall and ruining the reputation of this palace."

Fang Fucai lowered his eyes and cupped his hands: "I understand, little man."

Fang Fucai was so anxious that he sent people to Xinzhou to rescue him.

Unexpectedly, another news came from Pingyang the next day.

"The general suddenly arrived in Pingyang in the middle of the night and ordered General Shi Kui to open the warehouse, remove the inventory and transport it to Wanning..."

Li Sangruo's heart skipped a beat.

Thinking that Pei Madang was still waiting for her in Pingyang, her anger at being betrayed by Song Shou'an lessened a little, and she was reluctant to blame him harshly for it.

She said: "Winter clothes will be distributed sooner or later, so just transfer them. The reinforcements have already made the general dissatisfied, so we should just appease him. I don't know what my father thinks, insisting on embarrassing him over such a trivial matter and annoying him." I'm heartbroken..."

Fang Fucai's expression changed. Seeing that the Queen Mother didn't take it seriously, he fell silent for a moment, then suddenly closed his eyes, lowered his head and handed over his hands.

"There is one more thing that I want to report to the Queen Mother."

Li Sangruo lowered his eyebrows and looked at him coldly.

"Why are you hesitating? Are you itchy?"

Fang Fucai was very nervous and hesitant. He thought about it in his mouth for a long time, thinking about it again and again, and then he said in a huff:

"The general has left Pingyang and is returning to Xinzhou on horseback..."

"What?" Li Sangruo stared at Fang Fucai with an unbelievable look on his face, gritting his teeth, "Say it again."

Fang Fucai lowered his eyes, "I heard that the general received an urgent report from Xinzhou and learned that Feng Shier Niang was missing, so he left in a hurry. And..."


Li Sangruo's eyes were red and he sneered.

"Say it! Say it all at once!"

Fang Fucai bent down, wishing he could stuff his head into his stomach.

"Before the fire broke out in Liufeng Garden, the general's guard captain Zuo Zhong suspected... suspected that Song Sizhu was hiding Feng Shier Niang, so he led the guard battalion into the mansion to search. And, and..."

"And? Ha. What else?"

Li Sangruo's eyes were red with excitement.

Fang Fucai lowered his head, "On the night of the incident, Director Song openly flirted with Feng Shier Niang in the streets and alleys of the Xinzhou River Bank... I suspect that the fire in Liufeng Garden may be related to this incident..."

Li Sangruo's eyes were red, his lips stammered a few times, his throat choked, and tears fell down his cheeks.

"They dare... They actually dared..."

Li Sangruo's eyes were unfocused, and he gritted his teeth and muttered, "Feng Shier Niang... I will peel your skin and pull your tendons... I will make you wish you were dead, wish you were dead..."

"Damn it! Damn it! They all deserve to die."

"Your Highness..." Fang Fucai knelt on the ground for a long time, "You have to hold on."

"Go to hell!" Li Sangruo grabbed the teacup and threw it on the ground. He was still not satisfied. He stood up and walked back and forth in the hall. After wandering for a while, his hatred became even stronger. He smashed everything he saw.

"Let them die! All of them."

Her eyes were red and her gaze was messy. The muscles on her face seemed to be twisted and twitching in anger. Her beautiful face became ferocious like an impotent and manic beast.

Fang Fucai was so frightened that he knelt on the ground trembling and kowtowed continuously.

"Your Highness, please calm down!"

The two palace maids also knelt down and kowtowed continuously.

"Please calm down, Your Highness, the Queen Mother."

"Calm down, calm down! How can I calm down with such a great shame and humiliation?"

The news has already spread.

Everyone knows that the Queen Mother changed the itinerary for the general. The whole delegation came early for him alone, but he left.

Li Sangruo gnashed his teeth with hatred.

"I want her to die, I must make Feng Shier Niang die!"

Wow! A cry suddenly resounded through the hall.

The little emperor, who had just been led by his nanny to pay his respects to his mother, was frightened to cry when he saw Li Sangruo smashing things and cursing.

Li Sangruo turned her head and glared at him.

The little emperor cried even harder.

The nurse knelt down in fear and comforted him.

"Your Majesty, don't cry, don't cry..."

She was scared to death, but the child was too young to understand so much. He only knew that his mother looked too scary, and he was scared, and he would cry when he was scared.

Li Sangruo had a cold face.

"Fang Fucai, take the emperor away."

Fang Fucai got the order and trembled as he climbed up to take him.

The nurse's arms were empty, and the whole person fell down softly, with her shoulders shaking constantly, "Your Highness, please have mercy, Your Highness, please have mercy..."

Li Sangruo hated her more and more as he thought about it, and smiled coldly at her.

"Your Majesty, I sincerely brought the emperor to see my embarrassment, didn't I?"

The nurse couldn't even cry, "I dare not, I dare not... Your Highness, please have mercy, Your Highness, please spare my life."

She was so scared that she couldn't say anything else, and repeated those two sentences.

Li Sangruo looked at the panicked woman and thought of Feng Shierniang, who was favored by two men in Xinzhou. His face was strangely ferocious and he smiled sinisterly.

"You deserve to die, you should be torn into pieces..."

She gritted her teeth and cursed, pointing at the nurse and said, "Beat me, beat me hard, beat me to death."

Feng Yun: I didn't expect it, the slap in the face came so quickly.

Li Sangruo: I want to kill you, I want to kill you...

Feng Yun: Please ask the readers if they allow it.

Readers: ... Please fight back!

Feng Yun: Pei Lang, did you hear it? The crowd's voice.

Pei Jue: I'm on my way back, you wait for the military stick.

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