Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 196 Such an insult


As if to adapt to the depressed mood, pouring raindrops enveloped the city as soon as night fell.

Zuo Zhong was about to go out with Ye Chuang and others when he saw a man galloping on horseback in the rain from a distance. He had dark hair and light armor. His speed was as fast as the howling cold wind, and he couldn't help but tremble.

"Is it the general?"

"The general is back."

Everyone looked at the figure in the rainy night and felt ashamed to face him.

The lady is missing.

They searched several miles around Liufeng Garden and almost turned over Xinzhou City, but still couldn't find anyone.

The horse's hooves stopped, and Zuo Zhong took the lead to step forward and cup his hands, bowing deeply.

"General, this subordinate has neglected his duty..."

Pei Ran didn't say anything, wiped the rain off his face, and handed the horse's reins to Ye Chuang.

"Tell me carefully what's going on."


In Liufeng Garden, Song Shou'an was wrapped like a rice dumpling, lying on the couch, listening to the sound of raindrops on the eaves with his eyes blankly, as if he was listening to the countdown of life.

When the incident happened, someone suddenly broke into the inner room and poured tung oil on him. The oil stains poured down from his head. He didn't even see the person clearly, and the tent burst into flames. Xiao Taohong was so frightened that he screamed and ran away. He had no time to escape. , the whole person was involved in the fire...

It was that fire that pushed him to a desperate situation.

He couldn't see how his face was burned right now, but such a bone-piercing burning pain would most likely disfigure his appearance. He couldn't cover up the matter of sleeping with Xiao Taohong at night, and it would reach Li Sangruo's ears sooner or later. .

No, not sooner or later.

At this moment, the poisonous woman must have known.

Song Shou'an was panicked.

Without this face, he would have no value in front of Li Sangruo...

He wanted to run for his life, far away.

But after his body was burned, he could not move. The Beiyong Army also sent people to guard Liufeng Garden inside and outside, so that he could not leave.

The sky is not responding, the earth is not working...

Song Shou'an knew that someone was deliberately causing harm to him, but he didn't have the energy to think about it, and he couldn't save himself anymore. He was already a useless person.

He wanted to cry, he wanted to cry, but the burns on his face made him have to restrain himself.

In the painful suffering, he missed the days when he was a potter, and missed his honest and responsible first wife Zhenniang...

At that time, he did not have a BMW and a golden saddle. No matter how hard he worked, he would not be able to reach the top in his life, but he could lie peacefully on the warm kang, hugging his wife, and be safe on such a rainy night. Fall asleep...

Unfortunately, Zhenniang died long ago.

Died before his eyes.

They didn't allow her to live.

They said, how could the Queen Mother's man have another woman? She must die.

To avoid causing trouble, they gave him the poison and told him to put it in Zhenniang's food.

That day, Zhenniang made wheat rice, baked two scallion pancakes, and gave him the one filled with meat.

For the coming glory and wealth, he did not refuse, did not plead for her, and did not even tell anyone that she was pregnant before her death...


Song Shouan whimpered.

The dense raindrops hit the green tiles, like Zhenniang's plea.

She stretched out her hand and called to him, saying over and over again, "Sir, save me."

Song Shouan burst into tears...

Gah! The door opened with a muffled sound.

The cold wind came in and it was a bit cold.

Song Shou'an's eyes were photophobic after being injured. When the light suddenly brightened, he squinted his eyes to prevent others from seeing him crying.

"Put out the fire."

He thought the visitor was his attendant.

But no one responded.

Even if you squint, you can feel the approaching fire.

The man's footsteps were getting closer and closer, steady and sharp.

Song Shouan subconsciously opened his eyes and looked over.

The door was not closed, and a gust of cold wind blew up, lifting the man's black cloak. His face was half hidden in the dim light, as if he was threatening his life, and his gloomy eyes were gouging out like knives, making him scream uncontrollably.

Pei Ran?

With just one glance, he recognized that this was Pei Mad.

The legendary living king of hell who is as cold and ruthless as an eagle and can kill decisively with a raised hand.

The real person Pei Mad seemed to be more terrifying than he imagined, and a bit more terrifying than the legends he had heard about him.

Because the legend has nothing to do with him, and he really provoked Pei Mad.

"General... spare your life..."

Song Shou'an was gasping for breath, subconsciously begging for mercy.

He wanted to run away, to step back, but he couldn't move or escape.

Pei Ran didn't say a word, just looked at him, his eyes as dark as the dark night.

"General, general..."

Without waiting for Pei Ran to ask, Song Shou'an repeated what he had said countless times in front of Zuo Zhong.

"I did not take the madam away. I have said it many times... This matter really has nothing to do with me... On Hedi Street, the villain did not know the identity of the madam and there was a misunderstanding. However, after the madam revealed her identity, the villain let her go. She left and was never seen again afterwards. General, please be aware of this..."

Pei Ran didn't speak.

The cold light of the dagger flashed before his eyes, and Song Shouan screamed.

Pei Ran did not hurt anyone.

He used a knife to cut off the bandage on Song Shou'an's body, and then peeled it off little by little with the tip of the knife. His eyes were emotionless, as if he was handling a chicken or duck waiting to be slaughtered. He didn't stop until Song Shou'an's injured face was exposed. action.

The face that was rumored to look like his was unrecognizable and swollen beyond recognition. The doctor had treated it, but the blood bubbles were gushing out, and you could see the ugly dark red color, with obvious burn marks...

"Does it look like it?" Pei Ran suddenly spoke and turned around to ask Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong stood by the door and shook his head.

Pei Ran lowered his eyes calmly, glanced at Song Shou'an, then suddenly raised the dagger and slashed it across his face...


The cold tip of the knife pierced the skin and blood spurted out.

"Hold him down." Pei Ran seemed to be unable to see Song Shou'an's pain. After giving the order, Zuo Zhong pressed Song Shou'an on the couch, who was rolling due to pain. He raised the knife with his hand and stabbed his left and right cheeks very slowly. write down.



One word on each side.

Before he could finish writing the two words, Song Shouan was so painful that he passed out.

Pei Madang put away the knife, turned around and left.

During the whole process, he didn't ask a single question about Feng Yun.

Zuo Zhong followed up in confusion, "General, how should we deal with this person?"

Pei Ran: "When the Queen Mother arrives in Xinzhou, return it to her."

Zuo Zhong felt a chill in his heart.

"Why doesn't the general ask about his wife?"

Pei Ran said: "Madam is not in his hands."

Seeing that he was speaking firmly, Zuo Zhong said, "Then this bastard deserves it."

He hesitated for a moment, looked at Pei Ran's face, and then told Pei Ran about the lewd noises he heard when he broke into Liufeng Garden that day.

"My subordinate wanted to kill him at that time, how dare he insult my wife like this."

Pei Ran paused.

The cold gaze when he turned around startled Zuo Zhongdu.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment, and Pei Madang handed over the dagger.


The general's black eyes were gloomy and sharp as a knife. The murderous intent brought by these two words was a hundred times more terrifying than what Zuo Zhong felt on the battlefield...

"Soak them in salt water and give them to the Queen Mother."

Zuo Zhong slowly took the dagger and said, "Here."

The cold moon was silent and desolate, and Pei Madang walked into Chunyu Courtyard.

He took a brief look at the house where Feng Yun lived.

"Where is Ao Zai?"

Ye Chuang was on the side, and did not dare to raise his head when he heard the sound: "That day Ao Qi came to visit the patient, and my wife asked him to take Ao Zai back. At this moment, Ao Qi and General Wen were looking for someone outside, Ao Zai... Ao Zai should be in Ao Qi's room..."

Pei Ran frowned and asked in detail what Feng Yun did and said that day.

After Ye Chuang finished speaking, Qin Dajin came in hesitantly, "At the end of the day, the general sent twelve betrothal gifts. The lady originally refused to take it. The general said it was the general's order, so she reluctantly accepted it. But who knows what happened next..."

Pei Ran asked: "What happened next?"

Tan Dajin lowered his eyes and said, "Madam asked Prince Chunyu to take everything away."

He handed Ao Zi to Ao Qi and gave the betrothal gift to Chun Yuyan.

Pei Madang pursed his lips slightly, "Where is Chunyu Yan?"

Zuo Zhong and others looked at each other.

After searching day and night for two days, they never thought of the elusive Prince Chunyu...


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