Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 197 Meeting in Another World

Prince Chunyu, who is the richest man in the world, has private houses in Xinzhou and Chunning, and also has many farms and properties. Few people know his specific wealth, but his wealth seems to be everywhere.

This manor is located at the junction of Chunning and Xinzhou, with its back to the mountain and facing the water, and built by the river.

At this time, the night rain is pouring, and the raindrops cover the manor in a layer of white rain mist. The heavy rain hits the eaves fiercely, sometimes lingering, sometimes sobbing softly.

In the house, the fire is burning very vigorously, the fragrance of the fence is curling, and the exquisite snacks are placed on the table. It is quiet and elegant, making people drowsy.

"When the rain stops, I should go back." Feng Yun kneeled behind the wooden table, with a dignified posture and a calm tone. Perhaps the fire is too warm, her jade face is red, and she looks more like a blooming lotus.

"What's the hurry?" Chun Yuyan's eyes were half open and half closed, holding the golden cup, watching the girl with her hair loosely tied up, her eyes charming and her eyebrows frowning, and he couldn't help but be distracted.

"Even if you watch the fire from the other side of the river, you have to wait until the fire is out before returning."

Feng Yun looked up at him and pursed her lips slightly, "It's already a bother to let the prince entertain you for two days..."

"Heh!" Chun Yuyan sneered, and his sparkling eyes looked over, showing more affection in his gaze, "If Twelve is willing to bother me for a lifetime, I will also be happy."

Here it comes again.

This man is really not serious.

If it was in the previous life, Feng Yun would feel ashamed at this time.

Now he is probably thick-skinned, and he doesn't care about life and death, and other things are completely unimportant.

"Your Highness has good taste. You can tell at a glance that I won't."

Chun Yuyan smiled, "Look at you, your thanks are insincere."

He looked at the water splashing on the window dancing in the light, and suddenly smiled: "In this weather, the warm room is fragrant, if we have a lovemaking, how nice would it be?"

Feng Yun:...

"If you are good-looking, everything is right. You can also say dirty words in a charming way."

Feng Yun looked at him, "Unfortunately, I like strong and powerful men. Your Highness is a little thin."

Chun Yuyan's breathing tightened, his shoulders stiffened, looking at the faint teasing and flash of ridicule in her eyes, his cheeks inexplicably hot, he was so handsome, everyone said it was a masterpiece of God, but in her eyes, she only saw disdain, which was really a blow.

He just fell for her tricks.

I also think that he is cheap enough.

"Do you want me to become like Pei Wangzhi to suit your taste?"

Feng Yun chuckled, her cheeks were white and rosy under the stove, her lips were bright red, and she looked quiet but charming.

"You don't need to change, my prince. You won't be Pei Wangzhi, and you can't become Pei Wangzhi." After saying that, she glanced at the maids around her.

"There are so many beauties around my prince, why bother to go far away?"

Chun Yuyan likes luxury and enjoyment, and he also likes beautiful things. The maids serving him are indeed beautiful.

Feng Yun stayed in his manor for the past two days, and she felt "It's good to be rich" over and over again.

"Is Twelve unhappy?" Chun Yuyan asked: "If you are unhappy, I will send you away."

Feng Yun was stunned by what he said and laughed.

"How can I not like it? Who wouldn't be pleased by such a beautiful woman?"

"Then I'll give it to you." Chun Yuyan smiled lightly, and the two maids serving beside him immediately had red eyes and lowered their heads.

Feng Yun glanced at them and declined.

"A gentleman does not take away someone's love..."

Chun Yuyan smiled at her, his eyelashes fluttering lightly, and his black eyes were full of charming colors, "Can't you see? I'm seducing you."

Feng Yun stared at him, "I only see someone who is unrestrained and has no sense of propriety..."

Chun Yuyan chuckled as if he heard something interesting, "When an old friend comes to visit, Twelve should also be so eloquent."

"Old friend?" Feng Yun's heart was slightly choked, and he heard footsteps in the sound of heavy rain.

Then, Sang Jiao's report came from outside the door.

"Prince, the distinguished guest has arrived."

Chun Yuyan glanced at Feng Yun: "Please."

A handsome and tall figure appeared at the door.

Under the cloak, the young emperor was still handsome and elegant in his brocade and fur coat, and his brows and eyes showed his character. He entered the house in the night rain, and the moisture soaked his clothes, but he didn't notice it at all, and walked in with a chill.

Their eyes met in the air, as if they were in another world.


With a "bang", the wooden table was shaken.

Feng Yun's teacup fell heavily, and his face changed drastically.

That day, Ge Guang set fire to Liufeng Garden and destroyed Song Shouan. In order to avoid suspicion, Feng Yun played a full set and took Ge Guang away from Xinzhou City, but she didn't expect that Chunyu Yan's help also included such conditions.

"I was wondering why the prince was so kind to help, but he had such a thought?"

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows and smiled, "You said I was a businessman."

Feng Yun sneered, "What benefit did he give you?"

Chun Yuyan did not answer, but reached out to pick up the hand warmer, leaned lazily on the soft couch, looked at Xiao Cheng and said:

"People are here, brother Zizhen, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Xiao Cheng nodded, looking at Feng Yun with a faint gaze.

"I came here today to ask Ah Yun in person why you abandoned me?"

Feng Yun laughed when she heard it.

She really wanted to take a mirror of past and present lives, so that Xiao Cheng could take a good look at what he had done. After doing such a thing, such words and deeds were so ridiculous and absurd.

It's a pity that without the mirror of past and present lives, Xiao Cheng in front of her would not understand her resentment...

"Qi Jun, be careful with your words."

Feng Yun looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar face.

"I am a woman, and you also have wives and concubines at home. Now is a critical moment for peace talks between the two countries. You and I should avoid suspicion. You should not come."

"Why?" Xiao Cheng took another step forward, "Abandon me?"

Feng Yun glanced at the playful smile on Chun Yuyan's face, frowned, and felt mixed emotions in his heart.

This man, who had three matchmakers and six betrothals, married her in eight carriages and then watched her being pushed into a pit of fire with cold eyes. This man whom she had high hopes for, whom she truly admired, and whom she thought could bring justice and grow old together, was the culprit who wanted to cut off her limbs, imprison her in the palace, and make her irrecoverable...

Asked in another life, why did she abandon him?

Feng Yun pondered and smiled casually.

"Qi Junying is an extremely enlightened person and has great wisdom, but he doesn't even understand this?"

Xiao Cheng couldn't see through her thoughts.

In front of him was the seventeen-year-old Ayun, who should have been innocent and innocent, trying so hard to please him and marry him as his wife.

But he no longer cared about it and came to see her in person, but there was no trace of affection in her eyes, not even indifference, but hatred and disgust.

"Ah Yun blames me for marrying Feng Ying as an equal wife..."

Feng Yun lowered his head and fiddled with the tea cup in his hand. He looked unconcerned, but in fact he was in a state of confusion.

At this time, there had not been as many grievances and hatreds between her and Xiao Cheng. If she showed too many emotions, it would probably make people suspicious.

Especially sitting next to him was Chun Yuyan, whose intentions were completely unpredictable.

She tried her best to hide her inner hatred, and her eyes showed a trace of sadness.

"It's a thing of the past, why do we still mention it? Feng Jingting is right, it's all fate."

It's raining heavily outside.

Like a broken bead, smashing against the window.

"This is my fate."

She lifted her hair, her eyes were gleaming with water, and the fragility she inadvertently exposed seemed to be pinching Xiao Cheng's throat.

His throat tightened, and he wanted to go forward and hug her, hold her deeply in his arms, and tell her his endless longing for her after many years of separation.


Although they are currently engaged, they don't actually interact much, and they leave in a hurry every time they meet. He used to be cold to Ayun, so cold that he was even a little inhumane. He left Beijing to guard the mausoleum before the wedding, which broke her heart even more.

If he suddenly becomes eager, A Yun, who is completely unaware, may be frightened.

Xiao Cheng restrained himself, spoke softly, and tried to be as calm as possible.

"You were in the enemy camp at that time, and the head of the Feng family was pressing you every step of the way. For the sake of a big plan, I had to deal with him..."

"Zhou Xuan?" Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and smiled, stroking the tea cup with his soft hands, and asked lightly:

"Zhou Xuan sent me to die in front of the battle? Zhou Xuan married Feng Ying? I never complained that you refused to marry me. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. What I complain about is that you are so cruel and want to To put me to death..."

"I didn't..." Xiao Cheng wanted to say something, but out of the corner of his eye he caught Chun Yuyan's half-smiling expression and swallowed his words.

"I only found out about Andu County's affairs after the fact. If I had known that your father was so cruel, I would never have responded..."

"Did you know you wouldn't marry Feng Ying? You would. Because you always know what you want. You need the support of the Feng family and the Chen family, which I can't give you."

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Of course, none of this matters now. There is no need for you to show deep regret. After all, you and I... have never known each other well."

Xiao Cheng choked.

Seventeen-year-old Ayun and him are not husband and wife, have no affection, and are not familiar with each other yet.

He has read her thousands of times, and she only thinks of him as her enemy...

Xiao Cheng's cold eyes were inexplicably filled with mist, and his tone became more relaxed.

"I didn't do a good enough job in the past, so you should be resentful. Now that the matter is over, let's not pursue who was right or wrong in the past. I came here today because I want to tell you the truth. Can you come back to Taicheng with me? ? As long as you nod, I will find a way to get Jin to agree to the peace talks."

Feng Yun looked at him and silently twitched the corners of his lips.

The heart that beat wildly with anger was calmed by his words.

Of course Jin would agree.

Li Sangruo wished she could leave quickly.

If Xiao Cheng really mentions this matter by then, and with the cooperation of the Jin envoy, there will probably be more trouble.

Feng Yun chuckled, raised his eyes and asked:

"Pei Lang and I are newly married, why do we have to go back to Taicheng?"

Xiao Cheng frowned slightly.

The light was dim, and the woman was talking about Pei Madang with a smile. Her eyes were as moist as autumn water, and her voice was slow and lazy, revealing a rare charm.

Xiao Cheng had always known that Feng Yun was good-looking, with a more delicate appearance than Sanchun.

But during the years they got together, she was unhappy most of the time. She rarely smiled, and even when she did, she was dignified and reserved. He rarely saw her in such a moving mood, like a delicate flower soaked by the night rain. , full of spring color.

Xiao Cheng looked at his wife with deep eyes.

"In the dispute between the two countries, women should not be involved. Pei Madang will not cherish you at all. He had a hasty wedding in Bingzhou just to provoke me to send troops. Ayun, why are you doing this?"

If Pei Madang didn't cherish her, would he, Xiao Cheng, cherish her?

Feng Yun only found it funny.


Xiao Cheng dug out her heart again.

Let her remember that no man in the world will truly cherish her and care about her.

But what does that mean?

She will no longer cherish anyone, she will only use them.

For me, writing about emotions is more difficult than writing about plot. I always feel like I can’t grasp the characters.

Pei Jue: Mother-in-law is too modest. I see you have me under your thumb.

Xiao Cheng: Haha. Mother-in-law, please judge for yourself. Who is more miserable, me or Pei Wangzhi?

Feng Yun: You are so shameless. Who is your mother-in-law?

Chun Yuyan: Mother-in-law gave me a chance to show her affection. Did I take it seriously?

Ao Qi: Running wildly in the rainy night, looking for a true lover.

Er Jin: It's all my fault. I gave you too much freedom.

Readers: Shut up! We have to bear all your storms...

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