Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 198 Shameless Perversion

"I don't understand what Mr. Qi said. The general treats me very well."

Feng Yunxing's eyes were slightly narrowed. Without the sharpness in his eyes, he looked a little confused. After all, he only looked seventeen years old. With a little pretense, no one could tell that there was a knife and a complicated soul hidden inside. .

Xiao Cheng's face became even uglier.

Chunyu Yan was in a good mood, "Brother Ziyan, sit down and talk."

With a full smile and a bit of teasing, he turned around and ordered Sang Jiao.

"I won't show you how to serve tea to Mr. Qi."

People have been here for so long, and they stood and talked for a long time. Did he, the host, just think of greeting the guests now?

Feng Yun glanced at him.

Chun Yuyan was also looking at her, with fire in his eyes. He was very mean and wanted to be beaten. Feng Yun pursed his lips and gave him a self-understanding look. Chun Yuyan smiled lowly, stretched his forehead, and looked at the glory.

The two of them didn't speak and made many small moves.

When Xiao Cheng sat down with a serious expression, Feng Yun seemed to think of him just now. He took a sip of tea and said calmly:

"My father never taught me any truths. There is only one thing that I remember deeply. He said that people are born with a destiny."

She raised her head slightly and looked at Xiao Cheng. The light from the fire reflected on her face, which was smooth and white with a little flush, as if she had been glazed with a layer of glaze, making her look scorching. Such a face, soft and strong, so unique that it is heart-warming and heart-breaking.

"Qi Jun married my sister and will be my brother-in-law from now on. After the peace negotiation between the two countries, there will be no more war. If you have nothing to do, you can still visit relatives, don't you think?"

Xiao Cheng frowned.

"You are my wife. It was decided when you were still in your mother's womb. Together, you and I are also our mothers. We share the same wish..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with a smile: "Qi Jun and I have families now, and the engagement has been over for a long time. Let's just forget about everything yesterday. Qi Jun and A Ying are in pairs, and I and I Pei Lang is also deeply in love with his wife, which is a happy thing for everyone, why is Qi Jun so obsessed with it? "

"I don't want to see you struggling in the mud." Xiao Cheng's body was tense, as if a silk thread was wrapped around his heart, wrapped around and around, leaving traces of pain. He still refused to believe that the girl in front of him could use Such heartless words spoken in such a relaxed tone.

"You are a daughter of Qi, Jin is not from your family. How can you be stable? Pei Man is obsessed with you now. What will happen in one, two, three, and five years? Have you ever thought about how you should deal with yourself?"

He was originally an elegant and courteous young man, but when he said this, he was a little anxious and couldn't bear it.

I couldn't bear for her to experience the abandonment and betrayal of her previous life again.

"Come back with me." His eyes were slightly wet, "Pei Madang is not your lover."

Pei Madang is not a good man.

he is the one?

Feng Yun was almost entertained.

Seeing that he was looking at her intently, as if he wanted to read something from his face, she suppressed her unreasonable anger and smiled slightly.

"Okay, if Mr. Qi is interested, then go back and kill Feng Ying now, and then send someone to send her head to Xinzhou, then I will go with you."

Xiao Cheng looked at her, his eyes darkening slightly.

"Ayun, what are you talking about?"

"I said, if you kill Feng Ying, I will follow you back to Taicheng."

Feng Yun spoke slowly and seriously every word. As he spoke, he stared at Xiao Cheng, the man he had loved since he was an ignorant girl.

"Don't want to?" She smiled.

The smile was a little weird, not like the Feng Yun Xiao Cheng knew.

"You are not such a person." Xiao Cheng said: "If I kill your biological sister because of you, who will you become, and who will I become? If I am such a heartless and unrighteous person, how can I be safe? People’s hearts, how can I reassure you?”

You can't be unkind to Feng Ying, just treat her.

In other words, his ruthlessness and senselessness were all used on her.

When facing Feng Ying, he was tolerant, had the mind of a saint, could be tolerant, magnanimous, and reasonable...

But she couldn't tolerate anything.

I can't tolerate the fact that she once had Pei Ran, I can't tolerate her children, I can't tolerate a drop of her tears...

The smile on Feng Yun's face grew wider.

Looking at this man, whom she had loved, married, and been a husband and wife for many years, she almost cried with laughter.

"Are you afraid to kill, or are you unwilling to kill? Or are you reluctant to kill? Xiao San, admit it, you are not a soft-hearted person. You are unwilling to kill her, not because of anything else, but from the day you married her, you have Accept it, Feng Ying is your wife. She regards you as a god, so you have to protect her. This will never change in your life. You are already husband and wife..."

"She is also your sister, why would you say such cruel words?" Xiao Cheng frowned and looked at her, as if he wanted to see the source of her abnormal mood from this face.

"Feng Ying will not be the barrier between us, never has been. I have no personal feelings for her, but after marrying her, I am responsible for her after all..."

"Then why did you come to me after you took your responsibility?" Feng Yun suddenly raised his voice, as if he was carrying the same emotions as Feng Yun from Qi Gong in his previous life, almost glaring at each other with anger and hatred.

"You think my heart is not broken enough, so you want to step on me a few more times. Do you have to watch me die in front of you to relieve your hatred?"

"Ayun..." Xiao Cheng's eyes were heavy.

Suddenly, he smiled, with a soft look on his face.

This woman who would yell at her made him feel friendly. This was his Ayun, the Ayun who would be jealous and angry because of Feng Ying.

"I can divorce her." When Xiao Cheng said this, he frowned again, "But you have to give me some time, and I have to make some arrangements..."

"Haha!" Feng Yun smiled a little coldly.

"Didn't you say that you are responsible for her? Is this how you act like a husband?"

She stared at Xiao Cheng with dark eyes, and suddenly raised the corners of her lips, "How can I dare to believe you like this? You can abandon her, or you can abandon me..."

"It's different." Xiao Cheng looked at the deep sadness on her face, as if he could feel her pain, and felt confused.

He ignored the mocking smile on Chun Yuyan's face, looked at his quiet and gentle wife, clenched his fists, and wished he could go back to the year when he first married her.

The years are just right and they have love.

"I ignored you before and didn't recognize myself. From now on...I will change. I will give you whatever you want, and I will not stop you from whatever you want."

"I want you to...get out of here."

Feng Yun looked directly into his eyes.

Like a roar, he pointed at the door and roared out.

Finally, he slowly lowered his hand and sighed with a faint smile.

"Qi Jun, please come back. Don't affect the peace talks between the two countries at this juncture. You are the person who knows how to put the overall situation first, aren't you?"

"Ayun..." Xiao Cheng choked in his throat.

"After I get back, I would like to ask Mr. Qi to tell my father that the heartless words he said that day were just out of anger. How can a daughter really resent her father? Especially after marrying Pei Lang, I am even more grateful to him. If not Father Chengquan, how could I have such a beautiful marriage..."

She spoke with ease.

But every sentence was like a knife, piercing Xiao Cheng's chest.

Feng Yun didn't want anyone to notice his emotions, as if he had resigned himself to his fate after being sent into the enemy camp. After saying that, he turned back to look at Chun Yuyan.

"The benefits received by the prince don't include giving me to him, right?"

Chun Yuyan narrowed his fox eyes, slowly straightened up, grabbed her hand in front of Xiao Cheng, hugged her over, and looked directly at Xiao Cheng.

"Brother Ziyan, have you finished speaking? After that, you can leave."

Xiao Cheng looked at his hands and his intimate actions, his pupils changed color.

"Your Majesty, please let her go."

Feng Yun didn't struggle or said a word.

Chun Yuyan was very satisfied and smiled softly, "Brother Ziyan, Twelve and I are close friends."

Feng Yun smiled slightly when he heard the word "best friend", glanced at Chun Yuyan, and said warmly: "Does your best friend take advantage of you in this way? I don't care. Whatever benefits you get from him, you must get half of it from me."

Chun Yuyan curled his lips and patted the back of her hand, "Whatever you say is up to you."

After saying that, he looked at Xiao Cheng with a complicated and provocative look.

"Brother Ziyan, can you see clearly this time? Is she the Feng Twelve you know?"

Xiao Cheng frowned and looked quietly at the men and women holding each other intimately under the fire. It was as if his eyes were stung by sharp blades. His face was filled with pain. He no longer had the distant and indifferent look of Mr. Xiao in the past. Some of them were just... Boundless desolation and unconcealable gloom.

No wonder Chun Yuyan happily agreed to him and arranged for them to meet.

I had this intention...

Xiao Cheng felt like a lump in his throat, and he was helpless.

He didn't understand why Pei Madang could do it, Chun Yuyan could do it, she could have sex with anyone, but he couldn't.

Is this the depth of love and the depth of hatred?

Xiao Cheng clenched his fingers in the center of his fist, almost pinching out bloody marks, before he regained his composure.

"Ayun, there is still some time before the peace talks, please think about it again..."

"There is nothing to consider. If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken. If you marry a dog, follow the dog."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Qi Jun, don't worry and go back to the Peace Conference. The prince and I will definitely cultivate to your satisfaction."

"Ayun..." Xiao Cheng still refused to give up, "Tell me if anyone is threatening you..."

"Brother Ziyan." Chunyu Yan lowered his voice, "Twelve has made it very clear, don't force her."

Chun Yuyan was reminding him not to make mistakes on his own territory, and he was also telling him with actions that Feng Yun not only had Pei Mad, but also him to protect him.

Xiao Cheng retracted his hand and stared at Chun Yuyan closely, his face had never been so ugly.

"Sang Jiao, see you off." Chun Yuyan smiled half-heartedly and pulled Feng Yun into a greeting gesture. (End of chapter)

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