Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 200 Dragon and Tiger Fight

Jixiang was stunned.

Following the emperor's line of sight, the group of people rushed to the front in an instant.

In the front was Pei Jue, who came in the pouring rain.

His clothes were already soaked, and he was as eager as if he was chasing someone he loved. He didn't stop his horse until he saw Xiao Cheng and his guards clearly.

He neighed on the snow, and his front hooves jumped high, splashing raindrops.

Xiao Cheng slowly moved the umbrella forward, waited for the raindrops to fly, and then took the umbrella and looked at Pei Jue.

"General, long time no see."

The two met on the battlefield of Bingzhou, but they were far away, not like this moment, in the same rain, face to face, eye to eye, even if the night was dim and the expression could not be seen clearly, the hostility and indifference could be felt from the aura.

But the "long time no see" that Xiao Cheng referred to was not Bingzhou.

It was a lifetime apart.

Pei Cong didn't say anything. He scanned Xiao Cheng and his followers. He didn't find Feng Yun, so his eyes darkened.

"What is the purpose of the King of Qi crossing the Zhuye River at night?"

Xiao Cheng pursed his lips and brushed his sleeves soaked by the rain.

"General, why are you so anxious to catch up? I am for the same reason."

In the wind and rain, Pei Cong looked at each other coldly, "King of Qi shouldn't break the rules."

Although the peace agreement was not signed, the two sides had reached an agreement on the border.

Xiao Cheng was silent for a while, "I can't help it. I hope the general will forgive me."

His voice was a little guilty, gentle and powerful, as if he was using this sentence to convey her uncontrollable longing for Feng Yun.

Pei Cong said: "King of Qi sent an envoy to ask for peace, but he didn't abide by the agreement. He went back on his words like this. I think it's better for the two countries to be at odds."

"Others don't understand me, but the general should understand." Xiao Cheng felt bitter in his throat, and every word was bitter in the face of Pei Cong's cold murderous aura.

"Private matters are private matters, not state affairs."

What a private matter, love matter.

Pei Jue said: "If the King of Qi is not sincere, don't blame me for turning my face against him..."

His red eyes were dark in the night. Through the light and shadow of the umbrella, Xiao Cheng couldn't see his expression clearly, but even if he didn't look at him, he could hear the great anger in his low and cold voice...

He was very angry.

At this moment.

She was the same as him.

This emotion was for the same woman.

He couldn't tell the people around him, and the pain he couldn't relieve, they were all the same...

Xiao Cheng smiled.

When what he thought was a lingering love was all a false lie, and what he thought was a lasting love was replaced by someone in a short time, when his arrogance and pride were completely trampled underfoot...

He saw Pei Jue.

Seeing him rushing over on horseback like crazy, seeing his panic and nervousness. At that moment, Xiao Cheng felt that Pei Jue and he shared the same emotions, including the perception of pain...

The pain was so deep, but it left no trace...

Pei Jue was afraid that he would take Feng Yun away.

He rode his horse desperately to chase him.

Like him in his previous life, he is now in his current life.

No one knows how tormenting it is to suffer endless pain because of the death of the one you love, but there is Pei Jue, and Pei Jue has the same panic as him...

"How about we not talk about state affairs today, but only about personal love?"

Xiao Cheng handed the umbrella to Jixiang, and bowed slowly to Pei Jue in the rain.

"If the general has no feelings for her, can you give her back to me? I want to make it up to her. Make up for the regrets of this life... Please help me!"

The young and handsome emperor in the wind and rain, the elegant and handsome young man in the world, with a fair and handsome face, is a girl's dream. Pei Jue looked at him and inexplicably thought of the collection of poems that Feng Yun placed on the desk.

When I think of a gentleman, he is as warm as jade...

Xiao Cheng could not get up from his long bow.

Sincerity and earnestness made the guards behind him red-eyed.

What kind of deep affection could make an emperor make such a humble request to his rival?

The guards gritted their teeth, put their hands on the sword, and wished they could fight back the emperor's backbone.

Pei Jue rode on the horse, looking indifferent.

"How to make up?" he asked.

Xiao Cheng looked up at him, his long collar was wet, and his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

"Xiao Cheng swears here. As long as the general helps, she will be the queen of my Great Qi tomorrow. I will respect her, love her, give her dignity, and give her honor. For the rest of my life, I will not let anyone bully her or humiliate her."

Without waiting for Pei Jue to answer, he looked up and said:

"The general is loyal, but he can't protect her. Instead of letting her wander in a foreign land alone, it's better to let her go home with me. This is help, and it's also great love."

He said this of course thinking it was based on facts.

Without mentioning the fate of Pei Cong expelling her from Zhongjing in the previous life, let's talk about this life. Judging from the news sent by Ren Rude again and again, Li Sangruo can't tolerate Ayun. If not this time, there will be the next time.

According to Pei Cong's loyalty to the Jin court, even if Ayun didn't die at the hands of Li Sangruo, she would sooner or later embark on the road of no return with Pei Cong because of Li Sangruo's instigation...

Originally, he could wait.

Wait for three years, until Pei Cong got tired of her and expelled her.

Following the trajectory of the previous life, he could also wait for a turning point...

But in the battle of Bingzhou, Pei Cong married her, which made Ayun's attitude towards him take a sharp turn and be so resolute.

Xiao Cheng couldn't wait any longer.

The days without her were so long that they were almost hopeless.

Pei Cong still had no expression.

He looked at Xiao Cheng, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Why do you think that I can't protect her?"

Xiao Cheng looked at the general Gao Jue who was soaked all over and smiled.

"Because you are not the Lord of the Jin Dynasty." He pointed the finger rudely, "Look, an incompetent rat who relies on sleeping in to rise to power dares to molest her under your nose, and wants to do something wrong..."

Pei Ran's expression changed.

Xiao Cheng's voice was light but bone-piercing.

"So, do you still think you can protect her?"

Pei Madang's hand holding the reins tightened slightly, as if a cold breath was drifting along the rain and mist.

"You can't protect him." Xiao Cheng smiled faintly, accompanied by the patter of rain, full of imagination and temptation, "Ayun is destined to become the target of public criticism and become the prey of everyone."

He didn't explain it clearly, but he believed Pei Madang would understand.

Men understand men best.

How can you not be moved when you see such stunning beauty?

But only the most powerful man with the most powerful power can protect her and keep her from trouble.

"If the general is not determined, why not help us? It's not a waste of time for her to fight with you."

Being able to sit on the throne of Daqi on his own, if nothing else, Xiao Cheng's words are quite convincing. Zuo Zhong and others listening nearby felt a little chilly and cold, feeling worried for the general.

"Qi Jun, have you finished speaking?" Pei Madang held on to the reins and walked a few steps in place, "Get out of here after you finish speaking. Don't force me to take action before the peace negotiation and drag down the people."

Xiao Cheng's face froze.

Ganqing said so much, but he didn't listen at all.

"General, do you know that you are harming her by imprisoning her? One day, she will be destroyed in your hands!"

"My woman, I won't bother Qijun." Pei Madang's voice was cold, coming through the raindrops, with a biting chill and disdainful mockery.

"Qi Jun is so caring, what have you been doing?"

Xiao Cheng: "That is a matter between me and her, and there is no need for the general to interfere. She is my wife, I owe her, and I will pay it back slowly..."

Pei Ran looked away, "She is your wife, why doesn't she go with you?"

The calm voice seemed to pierce Xiao Cheng's nerves, and his chest felt like a heavy hammer.

"It's not that she doesn't want to come with me, it's because of you. You took her by force and forced her to accept her fate!"

The rain was so loud that Xiao Cheng almost shouted.

It was to make Pei Madang hear clearly, and also to reason with Tiandi.

Of course, Feng Yun was his wife. Together they walked up the jade steps and entered the main hall, where they were worshiped by the ministers and let the world witness. They have a lovely royal son, and they gave birth to an heir together...

Feng Yun spent much longer with him than with Pei Ran.

Therefore, Pei Madang was just a small change in their fate.

It was the three years they regretted missing.

Xiao Cheng inhaled slightly, letting the rain wash down his cheeks with a calm voice.

"Why won't the general let her live?"

Pei Ran said nothing, as if he didn't take Xiao Cheng's words to heart at all. He straightened his back and stretched out his hand towards Ji You coldly.

Ji You carries a bow on his back.

He glanced at the general and handed it over.

Pei Madang took it and slowly opened his bow towards Xiao Cheng, "Qi Jun, please get out."

The guards of the Qi army surrounded Xiao Cheng nervously, but Xiao Cheng's expression remained unchanged. He slowly pulled away the auspiciousness in front of him, looked at Pei Ran and said:

"Since I dare to cross the river, I am ready to sacrifice my life. General Pei, it is difficult to stay together forever. You can't do it, why not cut off love? To General, she is insignificant, insignificant and dispensable. To me , she is a treasure, she will die together with her white head, and her life and death will not be known..."

He spoke without emotion, and he didn't know whether his sad and angry tone was directed at Pei Madang or himself, as if this could offset all the guilt from his previous life...

"As long as the general renounces his love, the terms of this peace negotiation are up to you..."

Pei Madang raised his bow coldly, his lips almost pursed into a line.

Behind the big banyan tree shrouded in rain and mist, there was a sudden chuckle.

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier. You two haven't discussed it yet, okay?"

Feng Yun walked out like that.

Holding an umbrella and walking into everyone's sight, I don't know how long she stood there. She was already soaked to the skin. She has a beautiful face, a coquettish eyebrow, and such a pretty face.

"Since you two can't agree, let me tell you. Feng's Ayun is not a commodity to be sold at a price. No matter who it is, if you want to be my master, if you have the ability, just take away a corpse. If you don't have the ability, , just wait for me to bury you!"

She was caught off guard and stared blankly in the night.

Behind him is the prince Chunyu who seems to be smiling but not smiling, with a long body and a graceful appearance.

An updated chapter has been added, thank you for your support.

Chun Yuyan: My mother-in-law is here, please pay me my respects to my son-in-law. Today I can feel proud and proud, watching the snipe and clams fighting, and becoming a great fisherman for once.

Pei Madang: It seems that I didn’t get enough beatings.

Xiao Cheng: Same as above.

Ao Qi: Fish, what kind of fish? Who wants to steal my fish, girl, here I come...

Feng Yun: He smiled and asked the girl what she meant. The girl pointed to the washboard.

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