Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 201 Going Crazy in the Rain

It seemed like a moment, but it also seemed like a long lifetime had passed...


Taxue snorted in the rain.

With such heavy rain, not only people, but also horses would feel uncomfortable.

But the three people in front of him seemed to be completely unaware.

Feng Yun stood in the rain for a while, stepping on the bluestone slabs washed clean by the rain, walking very slowly. Pei Jue and Xiao Cheng were both standing there. No one knew who she was walking towards. It was a short distance, but it seemed to be separated by the distance between heaven and earth.

Pei Jue did not move.

A face in the rainy night, covered with dark clouds.

The wind lantern on the eaves of the manor gate in the distance swayed in the cold wind, and the dim light shone on his face, lonely and cold.

Feng Yun didn't know what he was thinking, whether he suspected that she was meeting Xiao Cheng secretly, or had seen through her trick.

In the rain and fog, several servants carried wooden chairs and blankets from the manor and placed them under the eaves of the gate. Chunyu Yan sat down lazily, enjoying the comfort and staying out of the matter.

No one paid attention to him.

It was raining heavily.

The three of them were soaked.

Feng Yun walked closer with an umbrella, standing in the rain, looking at them, the two men she had followed in her previous life, at loggerheads.

She suddenly wanted to laugh.

"Do you really understand me? Do you know what I want?"

"What do you want?" Xiao Cheng said.

Feng Yun looked at him coldly.

"Anyway, it won't be Le Zhengzi's pen. Ha..."

Xiao Cheng listened to her laughter, and his throat was choked.

"Blame me for being stupid. That year in Qingfeng Garden, you said you were practicing "Ping Fu Tie", but you couldn't write it well, and you lacked a good pen, and you wanted Le Zhengzi's sheep's hair the most. I asked someone to find the old gentleman..."

Feng Yun just looked at him like that, without interrupting.

Because she was also curious.

What was the state of mind of the young King Jingling when he got that pen back then?

"I asked Ping An to send the pen to you in the backyard, but I didn't know it would cause such a big storm..."

"So what? Didn't you do anything?"

Feng Yun looked at him coldly.

"If you say this to appease your few consciences, you don't have to."

She turned slowly and looked at Pei Jue.

"My husband, let's go."

Pei Jue hadn't spoken a word just now. He didn't ask her why she came to see Xiao Cheng, nor did he ask her what she wanted like Xiao Cheng. He just listened silently, listening to them talking about Le Zhengzi, Ping Fu Tie, and those old things that he didn't understand and couldn't participate in.

He sat on the horse and stood proudly, with soldiers, as if he was unstoppable, but he was as lonely as a lantern under the eaves, and was hit into a stiff sculpture by the messy raindrops.

Hearing Feng Yun call "my husband", he looked at her quietly.

After a while, he stretched out his hand, his voice calm and suppressed, "Okay."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and walked over.

"No!" Xiao Cheng looked at her approaching Pei Jue, and watched her put her hand in Pei Jue's palm. He suddenly shouted, his eyes full of violence.

Raindrops dripped down his cheeks, wet and flustered, as if he was crying.

"Ayun, listen to me!"

Feng Yun looked up at Pei Jue.

This heroic face that she had been obsessed with was particularly silent and cold tonight, as if a sharp arrow pierced into the bone. His silence made her frown and slow down her breath.

"My husband, wait a moment, I have a few words to him."

Pei Jue glanced at Xiao Cheng.

If eyes could kill, he would have been torn into pieces several times.

"Well." The light and cold response was covered by the sound of rain.

Feng Yun turned around, "Go ahead. What do you want to say?"

"Ayun, before... I was wrong."

Xiao Cheng suddenly felt very happy.

He was not used to apologizing before, and he did not need to apologize to anyone after ascending the throne as emperor.

After his heart was stabbed all over, he said this sentence in front of Pei Jue, which made him ashamed, powerless, and unable to stop.

Xiao Cheng looked at her and said, "If there is such a person in this world, who I care about and who can make me willing to risk my life, it must be you."

After his rebirth, he thought about the things in his previous life many times, whether he was good or bad to Ayun, the twists and turns and awkwardness of their years together, and all kinds of anger and gloom, but he didn't really sort out his thoughts...

Just at that moment.

When he saw Feng Yun walking towards Pei Jue.

She called him "husband".

Said to him, "Let's go."

There was no excessive love, just like an ordinary couple. That picture was like a knife, cutting into his heart alive, making him extremely angry and his emotions torn beyond recognition.

The real picture of Feng Yun and Pei Jue together was different from the imagination. The stimulation he received was doubled, and he suddenly understood that the mistakes in his previous life...

Everything was due to jealousy.

Jealousy made him lose his mind.

He was jealous that Pei Jue was her first man, that Pei Jue had had her best three years, and that she could not forget him even after returning to the Qi Palace.

Especially Xiao Qu looked like Pei Jue...

Every time he saw her looking at the child with gentle and smiling eyes, his heart felt like it was being cut by a knife. He was jealous, jealous to death, but he could not say it. His dignity and majesty made him subconsciously ignore her and take revenge on her...

He walked towards Feng Yun, not caring about any gentlemanly manners. He just wanted to snatch her away and not let her leave a step.

The rain and fog blurred his vision, and he was smiling.

"Ah Yun remembers that it was also a rainy day in Yueya Alley that year. You held an umbrella and walked from one end to this end, and then from one end to another... I would go to the academy from there every day, and those two The sun is cold and windy, and you are half an hour late, so you have to wait for half an hour..."

Feng Yun looked at him silently.

Memories were turned up and torn into pieces.

He said: "You held a small cup and protected it in your arms. You said you made the medicine. You also said that every time you had a cold, your mother used this recipe. You would be fine after taking it a few times. …”

"What are you talking about?" Feng Yun's voice was light and emotionless, but extremely clear.

Xiao Cheng smiled, and the rain all over the sky made his handsome face become embarrassed. He looked at Feng Yun under the umbrella, his arrogance and dignity were trampled to pieces, and his voice was hoarse as if his throat had been blown by the cold wind.

"I say this because I want to tell you that I remember every little thing about our relationship, and I also want to tell you..."

He glanced at Pei Ran and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't come with me. I'll wait for you. No matter how long it takes, as long as you say you want to go home, I will come to pick you up."

The rain falls.

The scene seemed to be still, everyone was looking at him

Feng Yun said: "I made it very clear just now. You should understand what I mean."

Xiao Cheng looked at her and said, "I understand."

Feng Yun slowly saluted him.

"Then please come back, Mr. Qi."


Xiao Cheng's throat rolled. At this moment, he saw a gentle look on Feng Yun's face. Her voice was also very soft, so soft that it could float when the wind and rain blew.

She smiled at him.

All his words were stuck in his throat.

"I understand."

Xiao Cheng returned the salute to her from a distance.

Just like that year in Crescent Moon Alley, I didn't know whether it was tears or rain in my eyes, and my voice was choked with sobs.

"Don't embarrass yourself. I won't embarrass you either. I'm leaving."

He took two steps back and looked at Pei Mang again.

"She didn't know about my coming tonight. The fault is mine, and Ayun is innocent. Please don't embarrass yourself, general..."

After saying that, he took another deep look at Feng Yun, turned around vigorously, and walked towards the moored ship with Ji Xiang's support. His back was as lonely as an abandoned dog.

Ji Xiang cried.

The two guards, Xu Chi and Gongsun Jiong, also had red eyes.

They have been with Xiao Cheng for many years, and they have always seen him as gentle and gentle as a gentleman. They all say that he is an immortal in the world, and they have never seen him look like a lost soul...

A group of guards stared at Bei Yong's army, followed closely behind, looked at Pei Madang with eager eyes, and slowly backed away.

"I can give you a chance."

The sound of rain was very loud, but Pei Madang was still sitting on the horse. The wind and rain blew over him, soaking his tall body and soaking his voice. It sounded a little quiet and not so real.

"The only chance."

He slowly put away his bow and arrow and looked at Feng Yun.

"You can leave with him if you want."

Feng Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at him.

He stood motionless in the rain, his body as hard as a large wooden stake, and his eyes looked at her with burning eyes.

Xiao Cheng turned around.

Everyone looked towards him.

He alone remained silent.

Just looked at them and said that I would give them a chance.

Feng Yun smiled until his face turned pale.

"Then I would like to thank General for your support."

Today I took my baby to the hospital for medical treatment. There is no correction in the second update. It may be late when I get home. Thank you for your understanding. (The update will be notified in the reader group and I will try to do it before three o'clock. However, there are many uncertain factors in some hospitals. The time is not up to me. I'm sorry. Feel sorry)

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