Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 202 Kiss to Death

Feng Yun slowly threw away her umbrella and walked into the rain. She didn't follow Xiao Cheng, nor did she look at Chun Yuyan, nor did she look back. Instead, she walked straight in the direction of leaving the manor...

"A Yun..."


Xiao Cheng pushed away the guards who blocked his way, and was pulled back by Jixiang. "Your Majesty, don't do that!"

"Let go!" Xiao Cheng roared like crazy, his voice trembling.

Chun Yuyan's face changed at the same time. He didn't have time to think about it. He threw off the blanket and rushed into the rain, rushing up to stop people.

Feng Yun walked very fast.

She didn't look back.

She half-closed her eyes indifferently, as if she couldn't hear the shouts around her. She was soaked like a drowned chicken, but her eyes were surprisingly bright.

She was not afraid of anything, and she didn't even feel distressed.

Those who are afraid of losing will lose, and they will be in agony.

She has always known clearly that she belongs only to herself...

The sound of horse hooves splashing rain water passed by her side, and raindrops flew.

At the critical moment, four legs are still the fastest in snow. Pei Jue came forward, jumped off the horse, and stretched out his hand to pull Feng Yun, but Feng Yun stubbornly shook him off and ran hard.

Pei Jue stepped forward and hugged the man around the waist and held him in his arms.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't leave."

Feng Yun looked at him with cold eyes.

"I walked on two legs, are you blind?"

"I didn't go with him."

"Then I may not go with you either."

"Let's be reasonable. Yun Niang, I should be angry." Pei Jue gently hugged the man in his arms, and his palm gently stroked her back, so lightly, so softly, as if he was protecting a wounded animal, afraid of breaking her.

"Okay. Don't go with him, follow me."

"Who wants to follow you?" Feng Yun frowned and pushed him away, "I've made up my mind, I'll go find my eldest brother now, and we will leave Xinzhou tomorrow and fly away. From now on, you and I don't have to see each other again..."

Her tone was not heavy, but extremely firm, and every word was like a knife.

No need to see each other from now on?

Pei Jue's eyes turned cold, and his breathing seemed to stagnate. The suppressed emotions in his chest were forced out by her in an instant. He tightened his arms suddenly, pressed her firmly against his chest, lowered his head, bit her cold red lips with his teeth, stared at her for a moment before letting go, and kissed her passionately with desire, mixed with anger, kissing fiercely and deeply, as if he wanted to merge with her, so sticky, so hard...

Feng Yun made a subtle "hmm" sound in her throat, unable to speak, and all the bones in her body were about to be crushed by him.


She hit his shoulder.

Pei Jue did not let go and kissed her hard.

The two people pressed tightly together, like entangled mandarin ducks.

Chun Yuyan stopped in place under the rain.

Xiao Cheng led his men to rush up, Zuo Zhongye Chuang and others crossed their swords in front of Pei Jue and Feng Yun, and the Qi army saw this and drew their swords to protect Xiao Cheng.

Both sides drew their swords and drew their crossbows, and the situation was tense and ready to explode.

"Ayun!?" Xiao Cheng's eyes were bulging, like crazy.

He saw Pei Zhuo forcing her, seeing him tie her up, kissing her until she was out of breath but still not letting go, and his heart was about to break.

"Pei Zhuo, a gentleman does not take away the beauty of others, and does not force others to do things that are difficult, you beast!"

Pei Zhuo is not a gentleman.

Feng Yun thought dizzyly.

Kissing for too long, her body gradually became hot. Obviously, the heavy rain should bring coldness, but in Pei Zhuo's crazy wolf kiss, she seemed to be heated through. After a brief resistance, she couldn't help but grab his collar, and as if to fight back, she kissed him back fiercely, and collapsed on his chest and panted violently...

That was not her intention.

It was the honesty of her body.

"Look at me, Yunniang."

Pei Zhuo raised her chin, not allowing her to close her eyes.

"From now on, you have no way out."

His heart beat fast, his eyes were full of lust, the rain dripped down his hair, as if to drown her in his deep black eyes...

Feng Yun didn't speak, and seemed to be unaware of the gazes and situation around her. She licked her lips, savoring it as if she had eaten something delicious, and suddenly pulled his head down with force, biting his Adam's apple viciously, and licked it with the tip of her tongue.

Pei Jue moaned in his throat and pinched her waist with both hands.

"You too. Once you get on my boat, there is no way out."

Her voice was very soft, so soft that only her lips moved, and Pei Jue couldn't hear or see it.

His chest was stirred by a surge of emotions, and he hugged her and kissed her deeply, passionately, and completely forgot about the world...

They were crazy.

This was the thought of everyone present.

It was fine if Feng Shier Niang was crazy, but General Pei, who was always calm, self-controlled, steady and rational, was also crazy. Crazy for a woman.

Xiao Cheng's face turned from pale to blue. Looking at the two people kissing in the group of guards, his scalp was tingling...

He had never seen Feng Yun like this.


She climbed up to kiss a man so madly, without any backbone, and gave in after a few kisses.

When she was with him, she was passive most of the time, shyly and nervously enduring, closing her eyes and coquettishly, and she would only chirp a few times when he was too hard. If she was angry with him, she would be so twisted and stubborn that no one could pull her back...

But Pei Jue could solve everything with a kiss.

No coercion.

It was what she wanted, she longed for it so much.

The man she longed for was not him.

God was playing with him.

If he could come back earlier.

Back before the fall of Andu City, none of this would have happened.

He could make Feng Yun never meet Pei Jue in her life...

Xiao Cheng's steps were weak and he took two steps back as if the world was spinning. He failed to stand firm and fell on Ji Xiang's body.

Xu Chi and Gongsun Jiong both rushed forward, "Your Majesty."

Chunyu Yan said nothing, with a faint smile on his lips. The face under the iron mask was sinister and terrifying.

The raindrops fell like crazy.

It was as quiet as if there was no one around.

Pei Ran lowered his head as if he was panting, and stretched out his hand to caress Feng Yun's cheek, as if to wipe away the rain on her face.

Feng Yun was speechless, his lips were slightly parted, and his breathing was not smooth. He just looked at him like he was exhausted.

Pei Madang picked her up by the waist, strode across the crowd, sat Feng Yun on the wooden chair Chun Yuyan placed under the eaves, and wrapped her with the blanket on the chair.

"Give me a moment."

Feng Yun looked at him without speaking or moving.

Pei Ran stroked her face and kissed her temple.


Feng Yun pulled the blanket to wrap himself.

She couldn't see any emotion and didn't resist his concern, so she smiled coldly.

"Your Majesty, let's go." Jixiang saw the rain on the emperor's face kept dripping down, and his heart was so soft that he burst into tears.

"General Xie is still waiting for His Majesty on the other side."

"The people of Daqi are still looking forward to Your Majesty..."

"Your Majesty, take care of your dragon body."

Ji Xiang had no peace of mind and could only come up with a few comforting words to appease the emperor.

Xiao Cheng nodded numbly.

"Get aboard."

The Qi army retreated and boarded the ship.

Ji You pushed the waist knife into the sheath, his teeth itching with anger.

"Why did the general let them go?"

Zuo Zhongdao: "Peace talks are imminent, and the general must also focus on the overall situation."

Whether for the Northern Yong Army or the people of the two countries, this war must stop. The peace negotiation was not only the wish of Qi State and Xiao Cheng, but also the common wish of Jin State and the people of the world.

Ji You was not convinced, "At least give him a good beating before letting him go."

Zuo Zhong looked at him speechlessly.

In my heart, Xiao Cheng was probably a hundred times more uncomfortable than being beaten. What's more powerful is that their general is very powerful. He hugged her and kissed her in public, declaring his sovereignty. His wife fell into his arms. Everyone could tell whose woman she was and who she wanted to follow.

What else are you fighting for?

"Taking fuel from the bottom of the cauldron, the art of war can be used anywhere."

Hearing Zuo Zhong muttering softly, Ji You was about to ask, but his face suddenly changed.

"It's over, let's start a fight."

Zuo Zhong was stunned and followed his line of sight.

Chun Yuyan was soaked all over and was returning to the house with a cold face when Pei Man blocked the door.

It was raining heavily, and he squinted his eyes slightly, not feeling very happy.

"Brother Wang, what are you doing?"

Pei Ran's face was gloomy.

The cold is biting and biting to the bone.

"You still have the nerve to ask me?"

Chun Yuyan showed off his handsome face, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. He was handsome in brocade clothes and mink fur, and bowed to him slightly, very politely.

"Brother, I misunderstood. Something happened suddenly. I was about to send someone to Xinzhou City to deliver a message. Now, your people are here..."

Pei Madan said with a cold face, "I'll give you the medicine."

Before he finished speaking, he clenched his fist expressionlessly, and with a speed as fast as a ghost, he punched Chun Yuyan hard in the face.

Chun Yuyan's eyes shuddered and he raised his head to avoid being hit in the face. However, his fist still landed on his chest. The pain made him suffocate. He stepped back several steps before holding his chest and standing firm. …

"Pei Wanzhi! Are you crazy?"

Not the first time.

Every time I say hello, I do it without saying a word.

Chun Yuyan was furious, clenched his fists and rushed forward, kicking Pei Madang with a sweeping kick.

"Xiao San, if you don't fight me, why don't you fight me?"

Pei Ran: "You're the one I'm beating."

"Fuck you...Okay, come on, just hit me. Who is afraid of whom?"

Thinking that Feng Yun said that he liked strong men and thought he was too thin, Chun Yuyan was so angry that he untied his mink fur, threw it hard, and fought back with all his strength.

"Pei Wangzhi, you are nothing."

"It's too much to bully someone."

Chunyu Yan beat and scolded him at the same time.

Pei Ran didn't say a word and just beat him to death.

The two of them went back and forth, fighting in the rain.

"You are bullying me, Yun Chuan, to be weak, or are you bullying me, Chun Yuyan, to be a soft persimmon? You can choose whatever you want?"

When the word "soft" was mentioned, Chunyu Yan became even more angry.

God knows what kind of evil he has been possessed by, or what serious illness he has suffered from. Ever since he was insulted by Feng Twelfth Mother that day at Huayuejian, he has no interest in other women anymore. No matter how delicate and beautiful they are, they are like dead things, and they are all excited no matter what. Not even the slightest reaction.

He is broken.

He is useless.

Just because of that damn Feng Twelve Niang!

Is he trying to rob someone?

He had to grab it.

It was Feng Twelve who caused him to be like this, so she had to take responsibility for him. Not only did he want to rob people, but he also wanted to rob them. It was natural and justified. His thing only recognizes Feng Twelve Niangs, what can he do?

The sound of rain had not stopped. The two men did not use weapons but were not polite. They started fighting in the rain with their bare hands. They used fists and kicks to make them angry.

On the boat going away, Xiao Cheng stood outside the cabin, watching the roars in the dim night, listening to Chun Yuyan scolding his mother angrily, and felt some strange envy in his heart.

If he is not the emperor.

So can he.

He rushed up and struggled with Pei Madang and Chun Yuyan in the rain, venting his emotions and talking to his heart's content...

Tell her everything that you didn't have time to say in the previous life.

But fate always plays tricks on him.

What can be said...cannot be said.

Cannot say... and no chance.

"Your Majesty..." Jixiang held an umbrella, "Keep warm in the cabin, it's too cold. The dragon's body is the most important."

Xiao Cheng smiled slightly, looking at the river bank getting farther and farther away. There was someone he couldn't let go of, but he could only stand here and let despair gradually sink into the rainy night.

"Ayun, I'll wait for you for three years." (End of this chapter)

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