Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 204 Foraging for Food

Zhuangzi built it spaciously, and it took a while to walk through a wind and rain corridor.

The rainy night was humid, but fortunately Chun Yuyan was wealthy and lived a refined and sophisticated life. The house where Feng Yun lived was very warm, the copper stove was incense-scented, the curtains were light and warm, and it was extremely luxurious.

Pei Mang glanced at the room, frowned, put her next to the couch, and took off her wet clothes.

Feng Yun's whole body was soaked. Not only did he not feel cold, but he was irritable and his cheeks were flushed. But when there was an awkward situation, she didn't want to obey him.

"Pei Ran!"

She was annoyed and uncomfortable, and was so angry that she even lost her name.

Pei Ran didn't say a word, and with extremely skillful techniques, he quickly took out the soft and snow-white girl naked, stuffed it into the quilt, and wrapped it tightly.

"I'll ask someone to prepare water."

Feng Yun's cheeks felt hot and he didn't know where to place his hands.

It turns out that she is the one who is the best.

Pei Madang saw her huddled in the quilt with her eyes red, then turned around and went out to open the door.

Several maids rushed in.

Those who carry water carry water, and those who carry clothes carry clothes.

Chun Yuyan followed in with a half-smile, ignoring Pei Man's presence, and showed great courtesy to Feng Yun.

"Get up and take a bath at twelve."

"The clothes are all brand new, let's see if you like them."

He changed into clean clothes, stood tall in the house, arranged the maids familiarly, and looked like a master.

"If you can't take good care of the girl, I'll blame you."

The maid agreed and hurriedly went to clean the room to mix fragrance for Feng Yun and test the water.

During the two days in Zhuangzi, Feng Yun was well taken care of by Chun Yuyan's maid, and he was indeed comfortable.

Chun Yuyan is a very enjoyable master. Her servants are well trained and know how to serve others. Unlike those in her house who are used to being undisciplined...

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Feng Yun did not dare to get up despite the curtain, but she urgently needed a fragrant bath with orchid soup to relieve her discomfort and wash away the sudden thirst and layers of strange itching... …

So, she reminded Pei Ran without leaving any trace.

"I'm going to take a bath. General, go down and wash up and eat."

She asked Pei Madang to go down, but not Chun Yuyan.

Because she believed that Chun Yuyan should leave as a matter of course and there was no need to remind him.

But when the words fell into the ears of the two men, they were different.

Pei Madang's black eyes turned cold in shock, and his face was as ugly as the rain that filled the whole world.

Chun Yuyan was so happy that he raised his chin unceremoniously and made a gesture of invitation.

"I have arranged a room for my brother in the main courtyard, and I have a beautiful servant to serve him. It's getting late. Brother, go take a hot bath, eat something, and rest early."

Pei Ran pursed his lips slightly.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome. I want to stay and take care of my wife. Your Majesty, please?"

The two of them were both married. As a serious couple, this was the right thing to say. If it had been anyone else, they would have left without saying anything.

But who is Chun Yuyan? How had he ever tried to show off or reason?

"Brother Wan didn't hear clearly what Twelve said?"

He looked cheap and owed, and looked at Pei Madang with a smile.

"If you stay overnight in my village, you have to follow my arrangements..."

Pei Ran's eyes dimmed, "Really?"

Before he finished speaking, his fists had already tightened.

Chun Yuyan had just had a fight with him and suffered a lot, so he took two steps back when he saw this.

"Pei Wangzhi, don't push yourself too far."

Pei Ran didn't say anything, just stared at him and pointed at the door.

The atmosphere became tense for no reason.

It seems that there will be another storm of fighting anytime and anywhere.

Feng Yun was lying on the quilt, feeling that the wind was high and the waves were rough, and he was getting more and more uncomfortable.

This is a sign of a poisonous attack.

She couldn't stand the torture, so she endured the discomfort and called a maid to help her, then wrapped herself in a cloak and went to clean the room.

"You guys take your time and make noise..."

She went in with the maid.

The fire on Chun Yuyan's body rose to the ground.

"Pei Wangzhi, you are going too far to deceive others."

If he didn't hit Pei Madang, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

"Do you think that because of Lao Shizi's big wedding, Feng Twelve will really be yours? Have you ever asked her what she means? She might just want to follow me!"

Pei Madang stared silently, his anger deep, his face as cold as a beast about to explode, even more attractive than when they were fighting in the rain outside Zhuangzi.

This time I was really angry.

Chun Yuyan noticed his murderous intention, but refused to give in.

"When Feng Twelve was in danger, why did he come to me instead of you? Brother Wang, didn't you think about it carefully? In her heart, I am the one worthy of her trust."

Pei Ran froze, his eyes cold and awe-inspiring.

There was a long silence.

The atmosphere was scarier than the fight.

The corners of Chunyu Yan's mouth raised, with a hint of mockery.

"Brother Wang, you don't understand what Twelve wants at all. You used your soldiers and your force to suppress her, forcibly married her in Bingzhou, without a matchmaker, no employer, and no parents in court. You are basically degrading her. Tonight You magnanimously allowed her to choose Xiao San, which is even more humiliating..."

He tightened his fists to prevent Pei Madang from making a move.

Unexpectedly, Pei Mang just glanced at him and turned around suddenly.

He seemed to hear something and looked towards the clean room.

Chun Yuyan was stunned unexpectedly and didn't hear any movement.

"Brother Wang?"

As if he was being bewitched, Pei Ran walked toward the clean room slowly and lightly, with a cold face and an expressionless face.

Chun Yuyan followed him and grabbed him.

"Feng Twelve is taking a bath in the inner room, what are you doing..."

Pei Madang brushed him away with all his strength, his eyes as cold as a knife.

At this time, the door opened from the inside.

The maid named Qingmei hurriedly came out, with fear and hot flashes on her face, and she bent down to salute.

"Master, the girl said, let the general go in and wait..."

Pei Ran had a straight face and a gloomy expression.

Chun Yuyan was dumbfounded, "What did you say?"

The maid lowered her eyes slightly, not daring to look into Chun Yuyan's destructive eyes.

"The girl seems to be feeling unwell. She said, let the general go in and wait..."

Not only did he let Pei Madang in, he also used the word "serve".

Chun Yuyan wanted to laugh at Pei Madang and mock him for having no status in front of Feng Yun, but he couldn't laugh.

After all, Feng Twelve didn't ask him to wait...


Feng Yun felt dizzy and soaked in the hot water. He felt light-headed and light-headed. His body gradually became hot and numb, as if it was about to burn.

She saw Pei Man coming in with air-conditioning, and when she saw him bending over and putting his cold palm on his forehead, she felt immediately comforted and called out to General in a low voice, his charming eyes full of mist.

"I do not feel well."

Even if you feel uncomfortable, you still know how to look for him.

The coldness in Pei Madang's eyes gradually melted.

He turned back to look at the two maids who were looking down at the side, not daring to raise their heads.

"You guys go down."

The maid responded and backed away slowly.

Pei Ran wanted to close the door, but as soon as he raised his foot, Feng Yun grabbed his arm.

The girl was lying in the foggy wooden barrel, her eyes were wandering in the water, full of longing, "General, don't leave..."

"I'll close the door." Pei Ran's voice was low and hoarse.

Falling into Feng Yun's ears at this moment, it felt numb and itchy, like an aphrodisiac poison.

She whispered "Hmm" and pulled him over, then eagerly tugged on his clothes. Her wet palms were filled with warm water and she touched the tight muscles, which seemed to be trembling and slightly anxious.

"So lovely……"

Pei Ran:......

He took a deep breath, stared at the girl's charming beauty, and looked back at the curtain that was not moving in the wind.

"How do you want me to serve Yun Niang?"

"I'm so thirsty." Feng Yun stared at the man in front of him with blurred eyes. His soul seemed to be separated, and his consciousness was floating in the air, disobedient.

Pei Madang couldn't stand such stimulation. His lower abdomen seemed to be burning under her caress, his internal organs were on fire, and the muscles in his arms were tensed to the point of stone. He finally managed to restrain her random hands.

"Yunniang, don't worry..."

"General, you don't want me?" The poisonous Feng Yun breathed weakly, but he held him very hard.

The hot touch gave her positive feedback and joy. The dormant beast was clearly more intolerable than she was. It had already swelled to a size that was difficult for her to hold, and it raised its head arrogantly and screamed at her.

"Want to see..." she said with a blush.

Pei Man took a deep breath, tied her narrow waist, lifted her up and put her in his arms. The girl was as soft as snow, and fed her into his mouth like that. His skin felt warm and smooth, and his breathing was rough and rapid. Feng Yun's face was also flushed, his heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of his throat, and his body was shaking. He slowly moved down, his fingertips pressed against hers, and he slowly twisted her.

"Feeling better?"

Feng Yun squinted her eyes, with an expression of great enjoyment. She opened her mouth slightly and breathed hard. Suddenly, his fingertips pressed hard as fast as an afterimage, causing her to gasp and cry. Within a moment, her body was trembling and soft in his hands. superior.

"Well..." Feng Yun bit his neck, almost crying.

Pei Madang slowly put the person back into the tub.

Feng Yun fell into the warm water with scalding heat all over his body, and his mind became slightly clearer.


Pei Man raised his fingertips, as if there was a trace of liquid on them.

He took a look and said, "You still feel uncomfortable?"

Feng Yun blushed so brightly that he couldn't hide in his eyes and wanted to get into the water.

He shouldn't think that this will cure the poison, right?

She glared over weakly and angrily, only took one look, and then suddenly stopped breathing. The giant creature had already woken up, and was demonstrating through the fabric of his clothes. He obviously had the same intention, but he was so abominably restrained and forbearing...

"Not enough..." She narrowed her eyes angrily. She had never known that she longed for Pei Madang so much. She longed for him until her throat became dry and hoarse. She didn't even have time to say anything, so she greedily pulled him closer and played with him wantonly. The intensity drove me crazy, "How can such a good Pei Lang do this? It's never enough."

"Yunniang." Pei Man's waist was numb and he straightened his waist. His posture was as handsome as a vigorous leopard, and a low moan seemed to burst out of his throat.

"Well..." Feng Yun received encouragement, closed his eyes slightly, put his face against his lean abdominal muscles, and stared at him with a kind of fascinated gaze, "Master, I want to eat..."

The power of these words was no less than her soft little hands, which greatly aroused Pei Madang's restrained emotions, and the violence that wandered wildly on the edge of mania seemed to explode at any time, ripping his prey to pieces without hesitation.

He grabbed her chin, raised it, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What do you want to eat?"

Feng Yun whispered, breathing hot, "Pei Lang."

Pei Ran lowered his eyes slightly, and his cold jaw suddenly tensed up, almost to the point of being pushed to the limit by her.

"Give me a moment."

His breath calmed down, he grabbed Feng Yun's hand and put it into the warm water, fearing that she would catch cold, "Be back soon."

Feng Yun watched the tall figure disappear in front of his eyes very quickly, lying down as if exhausted, closing his eyes and frowning, feeling as if he was about to die.

On such a winter night, under the eaves of a blue-tiled roof, the rain could be heard dripping. She should have enjoyed such tranquility, washed herself up beautifully, and slept soundly, but why was she so hungry that she seemed unable to wait even a moment?

What's wrong with her?

What happened?

When Pei Jue went out, he did not see Chunyu Yan. He only saw Zuo Zhong and Ji You waiting outside. His expression eased a little, and he called them over.

"I am in the lady's room, and no one should disturb me."

The two guards bowed their heads and saluted, "I understand."

Pei Jue was about to turn around, but after thinking for a while, he called Zuo Zhong over again.

"Bring Puyang Jiu here. Remember, keep it secret."

Zuo Zhong was Pei Jue's confidant, but he only knew a little about Feng Yun's poisoning.

He saw the hidden worries on the general's face and promised.

"General, don't worry, I will send someone to go immediately."

Pei Jue nodded, then went back to the room, closed the door, and quickly took off his half-wet robe. He had a strong and solid body, and his lower abdomen was heavy and terrifying. He looked down, pulled up the half-wet soft trousers and tied them around his waist. He was about to go to the bathroom, and saw the box containing Yang Hao on the table.

The wooden box made of fine sandalwood has a subtle fragrance and elegance.

"Made by Le Zhengzi", the four-character seal is simple and luxurious.

Pei Jue picked up the precious sheep's hair brush, his eyes were full of clouds.

After looking at it for a while, he took it and pushed open the clean room.

I am not in good condition today, and I feel that my writing is very bad...

Pei Jue: Indeed, you have ruined my good condition and almost starved my wife to death.

Feng Yun: Stop talking nonsense, I am hungry and can eat a wild beast.

Chun Yu Yan: Don't come near me, be careful that I will go crazy.

Xiao Cheng: I want to tell my love to someone, but the shallow lover doesn't know.

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