Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 207 Denial of responsibility

The heavy rain did not stop until noon the next day.

After the rain, the sky clears up, and the birds fly happily through the wet forest, chirping non-stop. The river is covered with mist, and the sky is as clear as a wash.

But Zuo Zhong and others found that the general's mood did not seem to be very good.

At dawn, he came out with a cold face. Although he was not angry, it was definitely not the way he should be after being relaxed and satisfied.

Several guards secretly speculated and were confused.

Ji You, who was still attentive, discovered that there were several scratches on the back of the general's neck. It looked like they were scratched by the girl, and the skin was broken, which looked strange and scary.

Could it be that the two of them had a bad time in the room last night?

They didn't dare to ask, so they had to wait.

It wasn't until noon that the meal was brought into the room.

The maid saw Feng Yun sitting on the soft cushion at the head of the bed, his eyelids half-closed, his face was like porcelain jade, and his lips were like red cherry blossoms. His expression was lazy and a little tired, like a cat that hadn't slept enough. He was pretty. It's impossible to get anything.

They were both women, and they were also stunned.

"My lady looks more beautiful than yesterday."

"Really?" Feng Yun thanked him and extended his hand to Qingmei, "Thank you."

Qingmei hurriedly came over to help her, change clothes, wash up, and eat again.

It's not that Feng Yuntuo is big and likes to boss people around, it's that she really can't use any strength at all. The soreness after being invaded by the giant monster makes her whole body seem to fall apart, and it's difficult to walk.

When we left the village, the sun had already risen in the sky.

Feng Yun looked at the group of familiar faces around her, as if nothing had happened. She was gentle and upright, smiling and saluting one by one, but her ears were slightly red, revealing her inner embarrassment.

Pei Ran said nothing and handed her his hand.

When Chun Yuyan saw this, he said, "It's so cold, how cold is it to ride a horse? Why don't you, brother Wang, show mercy to you?"

He took every opportunity to stab Pei Ran and called Sang Jiao back.

"When you drive out, be sure to take Madam back to Chunyuyuan."

Sanjiao's scalp felt numb when he looked at Pei Ran's cold and murderous face.

He felt that his master knew how to fight.

Wasn't it because the fight last night wasn't fun? I had to pick off the tiger's head.

Fortunately, although Pei Ran's face looked ugly today, he didn't seem to want to argue with him. He looked at him and handed the horse's reins to Ye Chuang.

"General, the carriage is coming."

Before Sanjiao could turn around and leave, the sound of a carriage passing by was heard outside Zhuangzi.

After a while, he stopped at the door with a "yu" sound.

"Ma'am, please get in the car."

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran.

Very thoughtful.

On such a cold day, if he held her on the horse again and blew the cold wind, she would probably fall apart before returning to Xinzhou.

She slowly saluted Chunyu Yan, said goodbye, took a breath, and walked slowly towards the carriage.

In order not to lose her composure in front of others, she had to endure the discomfort and prevent others from noticing.

But Pei Ran obviously didn't think so.

He pulled her arm expressionlessly, hugged her around the waist, and stepped forward.

After the curtain was lowered, blocking out those probing eyes, Feng Yun sighed comfortably and sat down.

The carriage was filled with incense, a charcoal stove was lit, and thick blankets were spread out.

Pei Madang sat opposite her, not saying a word from beginning to end, as alienated as a stranger.

This man is truly mute.

Feng Yun came closer to observe his face, and rubbed his tall nose twice, "Don't be angry. I didn't mean it."

Pei Ran lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the obedient woman in front of him, pursed his lips slightly, and still remained silent.

A boring gourd, a big wooden pile.

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, sat down, gently squeezed his rough fingers, and sighed coquettishly, "It still hurts."

Pei Man held her waist and brought her to a comfortable position in front of him, letting her lean against him, but her body was as stiff as a big stone.

Feng Yun huddled in his arms, as if oppressed by a heavy haze. Although they were close to each other, they couldn't feel the warmth. He was angry and funny.

"General, don't be upset. I'll think about it carefully when I get back. Maybe I just remembered it?"

Pei Ran glanced at her.

It seemed that he was so angry with her that he didn't say a word the whole time. He sent her to Chunyuyuan and left without looking back.

Xiaoman and Daman were waiting at the door, looking at the general's expressionless and terrifying expression, they were both a little nervous.

"Is the girl okay? Xiao Man is almost anxious."

"Yeah." Feng Yun didn't want to say more and nodded, "Very good."

"Did the general find the girl?" Xiao Man asked.

Feng Yun nodded again and was helped by Xiao Man to sit on the soft couch, not wanting to move or speak.

Xiaoman asked her, "Is the girl uncomfortable somewhere?"

Feng Yun had no strength, his legs were hanging limply, and he shook his head.

"Go get some water and I'll take a bath."

Taking a bath can relieve fatigue and clear your mind.

Xiaoman looked at her in confusion, then went down to make arrangements. After preparing the water, he helped the person into the clean room, took off all her clothes, and saw the stains and bruises left on the girl's snow-white body. She opened her mouth wide in shock, almost To shed tears.

"The general is too rude. How can the general treat a girl like this? It's really a beast..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and immersed his body in the warm water bucket.

"No...I am the beast."

When the incident occurred, her consciousness was not very clear. When she woke up, it was as if poison had soaked into her brain. The entire memory was broken. Many fragments were mixed with her previous life, making it blurry. It was like having a beautiful dream... …

It seems like she forced Pei Ran?

I initially refused, but then...

Just give it a half push.

But what makes Pei Ran the most angry may not be this.

But she woke up from a drowsy state this morning and didn't know what to ask.

I can't remember anything I said or did.

It was as if the goblin who pestered him for it again and again last night was not her.

She denied everything that happened last night. If her body hadn't reminded her, she might not even admit that she had sex with him.

Pei Ran was so angry that his face froze, and he showed scratches all over his back, as if he had been bullied miserably by her...

She didn't admit it afterwards, she really looked like a scumbag.

Therefore, Pei Ran should have a bad look on his face.

But she couldn't remember clearly, so she refused to acknowledge it, which made him angry to death.

Feng Yun laughed softly, and was startled by the sudden warmth flowing out of his body, and his expression became tense.

He got a lot inside her last night, which was completely different from the previous life.

In the past, he didn't even ask for anything, so why don't you have any scruples now?

She was confused and asked tentatively in the morning.

All he said was: "The antidote."

He looked at her with a cold face again, "Isn't it what you want?"

Feng Yun couldn't ask any more questions, and then he used this reason to convince himself.

Maybe it was Puyang Jiu's weird doctor's idea? -

The camp of Beiyong Army.

Puyang put his elbows on the edge of the case and looked at Pei Man's face with interest.

"He has a stern look on his face, he seems angry but not angry, and he looks pitiful as if he failed to collect his debt and was beaten..."

He hissed, confused.

"Usually you just show off and let it go. You got what you wanted. Why aren't you happy? Haven't you had enough to eat?"

Pei Ran gave him a cold look and remained silent.

Puyang Jiu was even more curious, "Is it Madam-in-law who makes you dissatisfied?"

Pei Madang raised his eyes and said, "You can get out."

Puyang raised his lips and said, "If you use people, you should face the front, and if you don't use people, you should face the back. Pei Wanzhi, I am a poor person who was dug out of the bed by you at night. You are really willing to do this."

After saying that, Pei Madang still ignored him, stretched, yawned and turned around, "Okay, two bottles of Zhumei Yuhu will last a lifetime, there will always be times when you beg me. Oh, by the way, I am. My father brought me two new prescriptions, and I found that one of the secret recipes was very promising..."

"She refused to admit it." Pei Ran suddenly said deeply, interrupting him.

Puyang Jiuyi did not react for a while.

"Don't admit it? What don't you admit?"

Pei Man's lips moved, and it was difficult to speak clearly for a moment.

Instead, he asked him with piercing eyes, "What did you do or say when the poison struck? You can't remember it after the poison is resolved?"

"This..." Puyang Jiu has never been successful and has no experience. How can he know?

"What is certain now is that this poison can indeed be relieved through the combination of yin and yang. But what brother said, I have never heard of it, it is very weird..."

He looked at Pei Ran and asked in a low voice, "Is it possible that the sister-in-law is too embarrassed to admit it?"

"I don't know." It would be better if I really couldn't remember anything...

But she still remembered the "Le Zhengzi" hairpin, and as soon as she woke up, she was looking for it everywhere.

Then he put it in the box like a treasure, not knowing what he had done with this pen...

Pei Madang's eyes were filled with clouds. He looked at the brush on the desk and suddenly lost his temper. He took the pen holder and threw it aside, out of sight.

Puyang Jiu didn't understand how a few brushes had offended him. He touched his chin and shook his head in thought.

"It's really a strange poison. Why don't I go back to Madam-in-law and ask her in detail?"

Before his voice fell, Pei Man's eyes were like knives.

How could a grown man from Puyangjiu ask about such matters in the boudoir?

Seeing his dissatisfied look, Puyang Jiu comforted him a few words, and then said: "In my opinion, there is no need to worry about this. No matter how good the medicine is, it can't cure the disease, right? It's better to feed it more times. Maybe it will get better gradually..."

"Get out of here!" Pei Ran looked at him coldly.

"Okay, I'll go find Madam-in-law."

Puyang Jiudalash went out, looked at the dazzling sunshine, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn it, it finally worked out anyway, his hard work was not in vain, and he no longer has to worry about his brother's crotch.

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