Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 208 Love and Hate Are Infinite

Feng Yun slept comfortably before getting up at dusk.

Xing Dalang came with Ge Yi and waited outside for a long time.

Seeing Feng Yun, the two talked enthusiastically about the process of buying the land.

As expected, Li Zheng of Mingquan Town regarded them as being taken advantage of, and all the wasteland around the parliament hall was sold to him at a discount.

"Two hundred acres of wasteland, fifty acres of mulberry fields, one hundred and twenty acres of woodland, and a barren mountain..."

Xing Dalang banged his abacus and calculated each stroke for Feng Yun. There was excitement and worry on his little face.

"Girl, are we really not going to lose money?"

There is no way to grow food in the wasteland, and you will definitely lose money if you buy it. People look at him like a fool, like the stupid son of a rich family. Is it because others are not smart? Or they really made a mistake.

Xing Dalang was worried.

Feng Yun smiled lazily, "When you go out to make a living, you will lose whatever you make. Even if you don't make any money, it doesn't matter."

Xing Dalang said, "What should we do next?"

Feng Yun said: "Tell Uncle Wentian to recruit more craftsmen to build a dozen or so simple bungalows on both sides of the road from the Assembly Hall to Mingquan Town for living and making a living. Leave the rest first. "

Xing Dalang and Ge Yi responded and retired happily.

They didn't know what kind of medicine the girl was selling in her gourd, but the girl was cautious and had a way of doing it, so they just listened to her and followed her instructions.


Bingzhou Ferry.

There is no sun after the rain, and the weather is so gloomy that it seems to be covered by a curtain, making people breathless.

As soon as the Feng family's boat docked, Feng Zhen and Feng Liang saw Feng Ying waiting on the shore.

"It's the second sister. Father and mother, look, it's the second sister!"

The two siblings cheered and shouted loudly.

Feng Jingting stood on the deck and looked at his children with a smile.

This time he was ordered to take up his post in Bingzhou, and he still served as the county guard, which was considered as making up for his past mistakes. Once the old dynasty was annihilated and replaced by a new emperor, no one was able to hold the people responsible for the accident at Andu any longer.

What's more, he is the head of the country. If someone is unhappy, he can't do anything about it.

This time I brought my whole family here, and the whole family was very happy.

There were children around, who shouted loudly and were extremely happy.

Only Feng Jingting felt a corner in his heart, feeling vaguely uneasy.

"Oh, my little ancestor. What's wrong with you? Who bullied you?" Before Mrs. Chen came ashore, she saw something strange about Feng Ying.

Her face was pale, her eye sockets were red and swollen, and she looked haggard, as if she hadn't slept for several days. It made her heartache as a mother.

Feng Ying smiled slightly, stepped forward and reached out, held her mother's hand and helped her ashore.

"No one bullies me. I am His Majesty's wife. It's too late for them to praise me and compliment me. How dare they bully me..."

As soon as she heard this lady, Mrs. Chen became angry.

"Madam, Madam, after being on the throne for so long and not establishing a country, you clearly look down on me, the Chen family and the Feng family..."

"Cough!" Feng Jingting coughed, reminding her to be careful.

Mrs. Chen then turned cold, stopped talking, held her daughter's hand tightly, and asked her in a low voice.

"Are you angry with Xiao San? Don't bear it all for me. Our Yingchuan Chen family and Xuzhou Feng family are not easy to offend, and our daughter cannot be bullied... "

"Mom..." Feng Ying pulled her sleeve, "No, really not. It's just that Your Majesty has been working hard for state affairs and has been infected with the cold these past two days. I have been taking care of you in front of the hospital bed, so I didn't sleep well."

Mrs. Chen looked at her expression and frowned slightly, "It's okay if you don't have it. Straighten your back, don't lose the face of two aristocratic families..."

"A Ying understands." Feng Ying lowered her eyes, "Your Majesty treats me very well."

"Huh!" Mrs. Chen didn't believe this.

what's good? When they get married, they push her back and forth, find various excuses to delay, and marry her back out of desperation. Will he treat her well? But after her daughter got married, her daughter was determined to stick up and be used as a slave, and she, the mother, had nothing to do.

The family went to Bingzhou City in a carriage.

On the way, Feng Zhen and Feng Liang surrounded Feng Ying and kept asking.

They heard a lot of war stories in Taicheng and were extremely curious about the interesting details.

Feng Ying smiled and dealt with them absentmindedly.

Feng Jingting sat upright for a moment and suddenly asked her.

"I heard that your sister is in Shinshu now?"

Feng Ying's heart trembled, and her palms clenched slightly.

Thinking of the emperor who came back in a state of despair and soaking wet last night, Feng Ying's heart ached with pain, and she only felt a little better after bending over.

Mrs. Chen asked, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Feng Ying shook her head.

Chen's eyes lit up, "Isn't it possible that you are pregnant?"

Feng Ying's already pale face looked as gray as death.

She held her stomach and did not raise her head. She just said: "No, maybe it's because of the bad food..."

Mrs. Chen became nervous and fetched water and stroked her back. Only Feng Jingting noticed that her daughter ignored her problem.

Mrs. Chen said: "Sister, you are really capable. As a native of Qi, marrying an enemy will bring shame to all our ancestors..."

Feng Jingting wanted to say something, but looked at the stern look on his wife's face and sighed heavily.

Chen was angry and turned to glare at him.

"What? I feel uncomfortable talking about your precious eldest daughter? Did I say something wrong? There is no matchmaker, no betrothal, no asking for parents, and you decide to marry yourself. How is this a rule of the Feng family? There are no such rules in the world.”

The more Chen scolded, the more energetic he became. He couldn't help but think of the first time he saw Feng Jingting.

At that time, he and Lu Sanniang were a talented and beautiful couple, and they had a deep love for each other. Feng Jingting was handsome when he was young, and Lu Sanniang was also blessed with fair skin and beautiful face. The two were in love with each other, and everyone admired them.

She became jealous for a moment and cursed endlessly.

"I think she is just a thing born from her mother but not taught by her mother. Her mother is just a slut, seducing wild men everywhere, so the daughter she gave birth to is so slutty, eating from the bowl and thinking about the pot, and talking to Pei Madang I’m not clean anymore, I’m still thirsty for Xiao San, what kind of spring and autumn dream do I have when I want to return to Qi and become the queen?”

Feng Ying lowered her head.

Feng Zhen and Feng Liang stopped playing, stopped and looked at their mother blankly.

Feng Jingting's brows knitted, "Say less, the children will listen..."

Mrs. Chen: "Listen, what's wrong? Only by listening can you learn a lesson. Don't follow the bad example of their slutty eldest sister..."

Her voice died down, and Feng Liang suddenly shouted.

"Mom, what's wrong with the second sister? The second sister... the second sister is crying..."

Feng Ying clutched her heart, lowered her head, and shrugged her shoulders. She did not cry out, but her trembling appearance made her look even more distressed than when she cried out.

Mrs. Chen was heartbroken.

My pampered daughter would cry whenever she wanted and laugh whenever she wanted at home. Now she has learned to hide her sadness in front of her parents. She says it’s okay, but I’m afraid it’s a big grievance, right?

"Good girl, tell my mother, what happened? Is it Xiao San..."

Feng Ying shook her head and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"It's not your majesty's fault, nor my eldest sister's fault, it's all my fault..."

Chen's eyes were slightly sharp, "What does it have to do with that bastard? What did she do to you?"

Feng Ying cried harder and harder, tears streaming down her face, and she gradually became out of breath. After being coaxed by Ms. Chen for a long time, she heard her sobbing:

"The eldest sister kidnapped the eldest princess and kept forcing His Majesty... It rained heavily last night, and His Majesty risked his life to cross the Zhuhe River at night. I don't know what the eldest sister said to him. Your Majesty got caught in the rain and fell ill when he came back..."

Mrs. Chen glared angrily, "What a filial daughter. How dare you kidnap the eldest princess of the dynasty. Are you going to roast me, Mrs. Feng, on the fire? Feng Jingting, this is the good daughter you raised."

Feng Jingting was speechless.

After a moment, he asked Feng Ying calmly.

"Your Majesty is ill? Is it serious?"

Feng Ying shook her head.

She would not admit it even to her death. Xiao Cheng crossed the river in the night rain and went to see Feng Yun wholeheartedly. She would rather believe that it was because Feng Yun kidnapped Xiao Rong and Xiao Cheng was threatened by her.

Otherwise, the handsome young master Xiao, who treats the admiration of thousands of girls as nothing but dirt, why would he treat Feng Yun so differently?

She couldn't bear such humiliation and disparity.

Under Feng Jingting's questioning, he explained according to his own understanding and said softly:

"Everyone around His Majesty has been silenced about this matter and is not allowed to spread."

Feng Jingting pondered for a moment, "I have to write a letter to let your uncle know."

Feng Ying was startled, "Father, you must not do this. Your Majesty will blame me."

"I won't let His Majesty know, I just want your uncle to know." Feng Jingting looked at her with deep eyebrows, "You don't need to worry about these things. You, serve His Majesty well, and give birth to a boy and a girl as soon as possible. That's it." Serious business.”

Feng Ying bit her lip and lowered her head.

It looked shy, but actually it was fear.

If the family lets the uncle know that Xiao Cheng has not touched her so far, will he find another clan sister or clan sister to replace her? Just like when she replaced Feng Yun?

Feng Jingting couldn't see the clues, but Chen was very clear.

My daughter looks weak, but is actually stronger.

Xiao Chengzhen didn't want to talk about anything he did to her.

"It seems that we have underestimated that foxy girl. She is using her tricks to seduce men one after another. How can I, A Ying, be a simple person and defeat her?"

Feng Ying pursed her lips in grievance, her cheeks turning slightly white.

Mrs. Chen took her hand and patted the back of it, "Don't be afraid, my mother is here and she will definitely find a way to vent her anger for you."

Feng Jingting turned his face sideways and opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't argue with it and let out a long sigh.

"My family is unfortunate. I gave birth to such a bad girl." (End of Chapter)

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