Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 209: The Man’s Heart is Iron

When the Feng family arrived at Bingzhou Post House, someone came to pick them up.

Xiao Cheng lived in a temporarily renovated palace of the former Governor's Mansion, not far from the post house. Feng Jingting took a bath and changed clothes, and then went to see Feng Ying together with Feng Ying after putting on his official uniform.

Feng Ying rode in a car and Feng Jingting rode a horse.

The father and daughter didn't talk much on the way. When they reached the jade steps outside the palace gate, Feng Ying suddenly stopped and looked sideways at the haggard look on Feng Jingting's face.

"My father is still very worried about my eldest sister."

Feng Jingting might as well ask her suddenly, his lips moved but he didn't say anything.

Feng Ying clenched her palms slightly and looked at him coldly.

"The day before my eldest sister left the city, my mother once said that if my father chooses me to go out of the city to beg for surrender, I must not disgrace the Feng family..." He lowered his eyes again, and the corners of his lips froze slightly.

"A daughter should commit suicide in front of the enemy to show her integrity. She should not commit herself to the enemy general and bring shame to the family."

Her words blew coldly into Feng Jingting's heart.

The father and daughter stared at each other in silence.

The reputation and dignity of a family are valued above all else by the clan members, and are also necessary for the family to be passed down.

If Feng Yun couldn't bear the humiliation, he committed suicide in Beiyong Military Camp.

When a person dies, this humiliation disappears. The daughter who Pei Man forced to death is full of evil...

"If it were me, I wouldn't embarrass my father so much."

Feng Ying's words stopped Feng Jingting in place.

Yes, he was embarrassed.

Although no one would talk about it to his face, there are still many people who know that he sacrificed his daughter to protect himself, and that the daughter did not commit suicide and lived in humiliation to accompany the enemy general...

No matter how unpleasant Chen's scolding was, to Feng Jingting, Pei Ran married Feng Yun in Bingzhou, which somewhat saved the Feng family's face.

At least she is no longer a nameless concubine.

She is no longer humble, and her father's face naturally shines.

Feng Jingting sighed, "Now that things have come to this, what are you talking about? Let's go and see His Majesty."

The father and daughter were stopped by the guards outside the door.

Xu Chi cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I feel the cold occasionally. I haven't seen any guests for the past two days. Please come back, sir."

Feng Jingting hurriedly raised his sleeves, bowed deeply, and said loudly and respectfully in the direction of the door: "My humble minister Feng Jingting, I pray that your majesty will be healthy and blessed forever."

The etiquette is very good.

Feng Ying glanced at her father and lifted up her skirt, "I'm going to see Your Majesty."

Xu Chi can stop Feng Jingting, but it is difficult to stop Feng Ying, because she is Xiao Chengming's equal wife and their mistress. He lowered his head and said "hey", then bowed apologetically to Feng Jingting, and then led her inside.

Ji Xiang was waiting by the couch, following the imperial doctor's method of removing Xiao Cheng's fever.

Feng Ying approached, "Is your Majesty feeling better?"

Ji Xiang's eyes were red and he shook his head, "The fever started again just now."

"Ayun...Ayun..." Xiao Cheng was covered in sweat and his face was flushed. He seemed to be asleep but not asleep. His eyes were closed tightly and there seemed to be a murmur between his lips.

Feng Ying said nothing and lowered her head, trying to hear what he was saying.

"Ayun..." Xiao Cheng pursed his lips and talked nonsense, his brows furrowed, his face twisted in pain, his mind seemed to be stimulated, and he suddenly reached out, grabbed Feng Ying's arm, and pulled her hard He drew closer and pressed against the back of her hand in a humble gesture.

"Don't... don't die. I'm not willing to die. You don't want to die..."

Feng Ying's other hand tentatively touched his forehead.

"So hot."

She raised her head and asked Ji Xiang, "Why hasn't the fever gone away?"

Ji Xiang shook his head, "I vomited out all the medicine I gave him. The imperial doctor said that if the mind is disturbed, all kinds of diseases will occur. If the heart is depressed, depression will become ill after a long period of time. Heart diseases also need to be treated with heart medicine..."

Feng Ying's face darkened, showing slight anger.

"What's wrong with Your Majesty?"

Ji Xiang lowered his head and could not say anything now.

Feng Ying sat on the edge of the couch with a pale face, watching Xiao Cheng immersed in his dream. She didn't speak or move, letting him take her arms into his arms.

His body was as hot as fire, but his body was shaking a little.

"Leng...Ayun...I'm cold...don't leave..."

Feng Ying bit her lower lip, feeling aggrieved as if a dam had burst, feeling hateful and angry.

"I give you the crabapple...although the crabapple has no fragrance...but it has feelings..."

Xiao Cheng muttered, talking in his sleep like a drunkard.

Feng Ying didn't really hear what he said, half of her body was leaning on his chest.

But the word "Haitang" reminded her of the old events in Prince Jingling's palace that year.

In the crabapple forest, she took her maid to see them. She wanted to break a few and put them in vases, but Xiao Cheng refused and said with a straight face, "Although flowers are speechless, they have tears. Those who love flowers will not break them." She was stunned. She was so embarrassed that she was speechless, and she felt sulky for a while when she went back.

But the next day, I saw Feng Yun coming home with a begonia branch with flowers on it, and he asked the maid to pick it up with a smile.

They said they broke it in the crabapple forest of Prince Jingling's Mansion.

Feng Ying was unconvinced, "Brother Xiao San said not to break flowers, you must have stolen them."

The maid said: "Young Master Xiao saw us breaking it, but he didn't say anything."

At that time, Feng Ying was too young and didn't understand. She thought that the man had a strong heart, and that Xiao San was like this to all girls, distant and cold, unapproachable, and at an untouchable distance. She didn't believe that Xiao San would agree to Feng Yun folding flowers, so he went to her mother to complain, found an excuse to deal with her, and trampled all the flowers to pieces, and then she was relieved.

It turned out that Xiao Cheng had always been partial to Feng Yun.

"It hurts...Ayun...I hurt so much..."

Xiao Cheng gasped lowly, as if he was in great pain.

A trace of hatred flashed in Feng Ying's eyes, "Where does it hurt?"

"Here..." Xiao Cheng held her hand and covered her chest, "It hurts here, Ayun, it hurts me to death..."

Feng Ying's tears fell uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with me? How am I inferior to her..."

Jixiang can’t stand it anymore.

He saw with his own eyes how much His Majesty was attached to Feng Twelve Niang at the Zhuqi Ferry. If he woke up and knew that he hugged Mrs. Feng and expressed his heartfelt feelings while he was asleep, but they did not stop him, he would probably be held accountable.

"Madam." Jixiang said respectfully, "It's time for your Majesty to wipe yourself and take medicine."

Feng Ying raised her head and said, "Are you chasing me?"

She didn't like Ji Xiang, a slave who didn't know how to be diplomatic, wasn't as transparent as Ping An, and his tone was naturally not good.

Ji Xiang was frightened and said awkwardly: "I don't dare, I just... Your Majesty really wants to take the medicine."

Feng Ying: "I am His Majesty's wife, can't I wait at your bedside?"

Jixiang begged for mercy again and again: "Madam, please calm down, this is your Majesty's order, and this villain is also following orders..."

Feng Ying's annoyed words rushed to her throat, and she swallowed them back alive.

After all, this is not her slave and cannot be beaten or scolded casually.

"That's all." She slowly stood up, put away the sullen look on her face, looked at the emperor on the bed with a look of compassion, and said warmly: "When His Majesty wakes up, tell him that I came to visit him."

Jixiang bowed his head and saluted, "I understand, little man."


Chun Yuyan traveled back and forth between Xinzhou and Bingzhou twice. Taking the opportunity to convey the news, he came out of Pei Madang's camp and went to Chunyu Pavilion to ask Feng Yun about the progress of the project.

"The date is fixed and cannot be changed. How many days do you have until it is completed?"

Because of the partnership business, Feng Yun took him to the parliament hall and asked Cong Wentian face to face, and got a positive answer.

It took five days to install the beams, two days to cap the roof, and one day to transport the furniture and furnishings. There was still enough time.

Chun Yuyan also knew that this time the construction period was a little tight, so he nodded.

"Before the formal peace negotiation, both parties will send advance envoys to Mingquan Town to inspect and accept the peace negotiation hall and verify the details. The acceptance date is set for the first day of the twelfth lunar month."

Feng Yun smiled: "Your Majesty, don't you want to fight for two more days?"

Chun Yuyan glanced at her and said, "The date has been calculated. Both parties have reached an agreement and it is difficult to change it."

Feng Yun raised his eyes slightly: "You took the money..."

He didn't interfere from the beginning to the end, and he became known as Yunchuan's middleman. The money was really easy to make.

When talking about business, Chun Yuyan chuckled and said, "Collect all the money and I'll give you 10% more."

So generous? Feng Yun couldn't believe it.

She tilted her head suspiciously, "What's the trick?"

The last time I took her in, I brought Xiao Cheng.

She didn't dare to take advantage of this 10% profit, let alone trust this man easily.

Seeing her defensive look, Chun Yuyan lowered his head and smiled softly. The ends of his eyes were sticky and seemed to be pulling strings, showing an indescribable charm.

"Feng Twelve, you don't believe me so much?"

Feng Yun: "I don't believe it."

Chun Yuyan curled his lips: "Anyway, our relationship..."

"It's so close." Feng Yun would not be easily attracted by male lust. He wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief and said seriously: "This time when I went to Bingzhou, apart from the peace talks, did you get benefits from Xiao Cheng?"

Chun Yuyan's expression tightened, and he was no longer beautiful.

"I told you it would do no good, but you didn't believe it."

Feng Yun smiled silently, with a hint of mockery in the corners of his slightly pursed lips.

Chun Yuyan looked at her with fear. She smiled coldly and her eyes became serious.

"Xiao Cheng is very homesick and seriously ill. What benefits can I get under such circumstances?"

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