Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 210: A cunning rabbit has three burrows

"Really?" Feng Yun chuckled, "Looking at your expression, I thought Emperor Qi had died."

"What a heartless and unjust woman." Chun Yuyan condemned, and the smile on his lips could hardly be hidden.

It can be seen that Feng Yun doesn't care about Xiao Cheng at all.

Then his status in Feng Twelve's heart is second only to Pei Madang...

Chun Yuyan glanced at her expressionless face, and his tone became much more sincere.

"There's something you need to know..."

Feng Yun glanced at him, "What?"

Chun Yuyan said in a deep voice, "Your parents are coming to Bingzhou. As expected, your father Feng Jingting will be the advance officer for this peace negotiation. He will come to Mingquan Town on the first day of the twelfth lunar month."

Feng Yun looked at him expressionlessly and said nothing.

Chunyu Yan said: "When I left Bingzhou today, your father found me in private. Ask me how you are doing?"

Feng Yun: "What did you say?"

Chun Yuyan raised his lips and smiled, "What can I say? I almost proposed marriage on the spot..."

Seeing Feng Yun raise his eyebrows, he stopped joking and said seriously: "Looking at your father's appearance, he cares about you very much. I can't say much, so I only promised him to bring you a message. On the first day of the twelfth lunar month, Mingquan See you in town.”

Feng Yun was silent.

Chun Yuyan smiled.

"It seems you don't want to see him? Do you want me to help you refuse?"

Feng Yun: "No need."

She didn't do anything wrong, so is she still afraid of seeing others?

Chun Yuyan didn't find a trace of melancholy or pain in her eyes. He felt very fresh and shook his head.

"You are really open-minded."

Feng Yun pursed his lips and said nothing.

Chun Yuyan asked with a half-smile, "What will you do if your father refuses to acknowledge your wedding to Pei Wanzhi?"

Feng Yun quietly turned his head and looked at him.

"Whether Pei Wanzhi and I are serious about our wedding depends entirely on me, not on Feng Jingting. In this era, there are so many women who get married regardless of their parents. What's more, I am Feng Jingting's unwanted daughter and we have severed the relationship long ago. Why should he? To interfere with me?"

Chunyu Yan choked her.

Because what Feng Yun said was not nonsense.

In troubled times, wives and children are separated, their homes are abandoned, their families are broken up, and their families are separated. All kinds of tragedies happen almost every day. In such a general environment, the constraints on women are much looser than those in the previous dynasty. I don’t know how many people live together in the name of husband and wife even if they give and take things privately.

But she is no ordinary person.

She comes from the Feng family in Xuzhou.

Chun Yuyan looked at her determination and couldn't help but feel a little admiration in his heart.

This is another different emotion besides thoughts about Feng Twelve.

He was a little more serious.

"You and I are partners and have common interests. I will stand by you no matter what."

Feng Yun raised his hand to salute him with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty."

"Easy to do."

The two stayed in Mingquan Town for half a day and returned happily.

Feng Yun discovered that Chun Yuyan did not return to his Zhuangzi, but went to Xinzhou with her.

It wasn't until her carriage was approaching Chunyu Courtyard that she found that Chun Yuyan was still following behind calmly. Then she felt a little puzzled and raised the curtain to ask.

"Where are you going, Prince?"

Chun Yuyan smiled, "Go home."

Feng Yun frowned and asked, "Where does the prince live?"

Chun Yuyan raised his chin to indicate the direction and smiled lightly, "We just built a courtyard, and it happens to be right next to Chunyu Courtyard. What a coincidence, isn't it?"

"It's quite a coincidence." Feng Yun put down the curtain and hummed slightly.

He is really rich and cunning.


When Feng Yun came in, he met Wen Xingsu.

He came from Xiao Rong's side. He seemed to be in a hurry and his features were unclear.

"Brother." Feng Yun saluted him and looked behind him.

"Going to see Xiao Rong?"

Wen Xing hummed, settled his steps, and returned the salute.

Feng Yun looked at his face and guessed that Xiao Rong must have made a scene in front of him again, so he couldn't help but chuckle.

This person just loves to bully people who are kind to him.

Xiao Rong now saw that she was a "snake and scorpion woman" who was very well-behaved and did not dare to say a word. In front of Wen Xingsu, he resorted to three consecutive moves of grievances and pitiful complaints, exhausting the posture of a little daughter. For a humble gentleman like Wen Xingsu, it is natural to be chivalrous and pity the weak. It can be said that every move can hit him, making him unable to ignore her.

"Xiao Rong cried again?" she asked.

Wen Xingsu did not deny it and sighed.

"Xiao Rong lacks some discipline, but he is not bad at heart..."

"It's not too bad. So what?" Feng Yun said lightly: "I gave her good food and drink, no torture and no embarrassment, and I just had to raise the princess for Qi State. What else? Is it possible to kill her three times?" Offer incense sticks..."

Her tone sounded sharp.

But it was not directed at Xiao Rong at all, but seemed to be dissatisfied with Wen Xingsu.

Wen Xingsu recognized the smell and his tone became softer.

"There will be a peace negotiation in a few days, and she will leave with Xiao San then."

Feng Yun glanced at him from the corner of his eye, "Brother, are you reluctant to let go?"

"Waist and waist." Wen Xingsu seemed startled. The handsome face set off by the azure brocade robe was elegant and dignified, with a hint of nervousness.

"Back then, Zichen and I were on good terms and we often went to Prince Jingling's palace. The old Prince Jingling and his wife treated me as if they were their own child. Today, their daughter is in trouble. Even if it's not for Xiao San's sake, I can't just stand by and watch..."

He said a lot in one breath, as if he was afraid that Feng Yun would misunderstand.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun burst into laughter.

"I'm kidding you. Why are you so serious? You have a guilty conscience."

Wen Xingsu's breath was stuck in his throat.

He looked at her innocently, not knowing how to reply.

There is nothing wrong with being a thief with a guilty conscience.

But not for Xiao Rong.

That night in Chun Yuyan's Zhuangzi, listening to the two of them harmonizing on the piano and zither, it was undoubtedly an extreme torture for Wen Xingsu.

Before that day, he had never thought deeply about his feelings for his waist. The relationship between brother and sister was the best fig leaf, which allowed him to appear calmly in front of Ayun, play the role of the gentleman and upright brother, and always maintain a decent and appropriate demeanor. …

But when the delicate moans with trembling faintly reached his ears, the mania in his blood reminded him of admitting jealousy and admitting pain.

He was closer to the waist than anyone else.

And farther than anyone else...

The stepbrother's status is the wall that hinders them, and it is also his shackles...

"What's wrong? Brother, are you angry?" Feng Yun stuck out his tongue, and with the coquettishness of a seventeen-year-old girl, he pulled Wen Xingsu's sleeve and apologized sincerely.

"I didn't consider brother's feelings, the joke was too much. It's my fault, brother, don't be upset."

Wen Xingsu lowered his eyes and watched her lashes swipe lightly, smiling sweetly.

He hadn't seen such a relaxed and lively Ayun for a long time.

Pei Madang couldn't even see it.

This is the pure and innocent Ayun that belongs to him alone.

"No." He lowered his head and gently ran his fingers through Feng Yun's broken hair on the temples. "Even if the sky falls, I won't be angry with you."

"Then can I be angry with you?"

"Of course, brother is the waist's punching bag."

Seeing how serious he was talking, Feng Yun couldn't stop laughing.

Thinking of everything Wen Xingsu had done for her in his previous life and his tragic death, Feng Yun felt pain in his heart. He held his hand and his eyes turned red.

"I don't like Xiao Rong, but I understand what brother means. You pity her for having no father and mother, just like you did to me. This is brother's kindness. How can I blame..."

Wen Xingsu seemed startled, "It's different."

How could Feng Yun be the same as Xiao Rong?

He wanted to explain, but he didn't have time. He only heard someone at the courtyard gate whisper "General", and there seemed to be a storm in the calm courtyard, and the air became depressed.

They both looked sideways and saw Pei Man standing under the eaves of the bracket, watching them silently.

Wen Xingsu retracted his hand and bowed in salute.

"I've met the general."

In fact, he doesn't need to be so panicked. What happened to the brother and sister's handshake?

Feng Yun didn't take it seriously because she really didn't feel guilty.

"Why is the general here?"

The midday sun shone on Pei Madang's bright armor, making him look more heroic and indifferent.

"Send the antidote."

Three words said calmly, simply and directly.

Wen Xingsu couldn't tell any clues, but Feng Yun almost choked.

The meaning of the antidote is a secret that only the two of them understand.

"Ahem!" Feng Yun finally managed to hide his emotions and prevent Wen Xingsu from seeing anything strange. Then he gave him an angry look, thanked him, and Wen Xingsu left.

He walked very quickly, his robes flowing gracefully.

Pei Ran glanced at his back.

Instead of going back to the house as Feng Yun expected, he took out a white porcelain bottle with a cold face and handed it to her hand.

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

This white porcelain bottle had the word "tamado" on it, and she knew what it was for.

Feng Yun laughed softly when he saw him striding away without looking back.

Is this how you deliver the antidote?

Isn't that too insincere?

It seems that General Pei was very worried about losing his virginity, and his mood was not stable. Or maybe she really "bullied" someone that night?

Erjin is going to Sanya to attend an event tomorrow and will return to Chengdu on the 29th~

I have social fear + going out anxiety, and I feel like I'm having trouble. If the update time is delayed, please don't blame me...

Feng Yun: It's okay. Mom, just go ahead and play, as long as you bring the antidote to me.

Pei Madang: If you have the ability, you can get it yourself.

Chun Yuyan: I have a little bit, do you want it?

Ao Qi: I am young and energetic, and even more abundant.

Wen Xingsu: No matter how strong the wind is from the southeast or northwest, I stand tall but do not move.

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