Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 211: Crisis of the Beam

Chunyu Courtyard was Wen Xingsu's former residence. Pei Ran didn't live here before, and he doesn't live here now, but when he came back from Bingzhou, he didn't force Feng Yun to move to his residence.

Both of them were very busy and no one mentioned it.

When Feng Yun returned to his room, he asked Xiao Man to sharpen his ink and write an official document about the parliamentary project according to the rules, and asked Ge Yi to come in.

"Report to the general."

Ge Yi was so stunned that his eyes widened.

Didn’t General Cai come here just now?

Why didn't the girl tell the general face to face when something happened, and why did she still go through such complicated procedures?

Feng Yun smiled slightly as if he had seen through his thoughts.

"One code is the same. Public is public, private is private. Let's go quickly?"

Ge Yi lowered his head guiltily, "Yes."

The house was a little quiet.

Feng Yun patiently recalled what happened that night, but it was still unclear.

But she forgives herself.

After all, she has two lifetimes of memories, and it is not the first time she has met Pei Madang in her heart. The memories are mixed with too many past events, so they will definitely not be pure.

She sighed and took Xiao Man to eat.

Ge Yi came back soon, happily and with a smile on his face.

"Girl, girl... there's good news."

Feng Yun looked at him without saying a word, and only motioned for him to speak.

Ge Yi said happily: "I just went to deliver the official document. I saw a lot of baggage trucks carrying goods to the camp. They said they were all winter clothes. Now the Beiyong Army will not be short, so the general can rest assured."

Feng Yun said oh and nodded.

"You ask Qian Sanniu to go back to Nagato and ask Mrs. Ying how the winter clothes we rushed to make are doing? By the way, tell Wen Hui to pick two cooks from Yutangchun for me, and find a dozen experienced workers to come over."


In the next few days, Feng Yun went out early and came back late, and ran to Mingquan Town when he saw the sky.

Cong Wentian was very agile and recruited a group of local craftsmen to quickly build simple shops and residences according to Feng Yun's requirements, so that they could be completed before the peace talks began.

Feng Yun is also busy preparing for Heyi Restaurant and Heyi Grocery Store, and preparing to start several small businesses related to food, clothing and people's livelihood.

By then, there will be no shortage of entourage from both sides, and food, clothing, housing and transportation are all necessities.

She has to earn back some of the money she invested.

The most important thing is that all the land near the parliament hall belongs to her. She is a big landowner there. Anyone who wants to do business has to do it through her hands. She can make a fortune just by collecting rent...

She thought very well, but the road to Mingquan Town was not very friendly. She was exhausted from running around outside all day.

Pei Madang seemed to be busy too, or maybe he was angry. He came to Chunyuyuan once in five days.

She also wished she could avoid him.

If she is not a scumbag, she is already a scumbag, but she is clearly a scumbag, down to earth.

She couldn't remember the details of that night, but for a short time, she didn't want to get involved with him again. Pei Gou was too greedy, so he didn't kill her, which was a sign of his kindness.


Five days later, the roof of the assembly hall was raised and the beams were raised. Cong Wentian asked someone to check the auspicious time and decided it to be Mao Shizheng.

For this reason, Feng Yun set out for Mingquan Town before dawn.

Maybe she got up too early, so she yawned and got into the car. She staggered halfway and felt a little sleepy. She held her forehead and her thoughts drifted away, half asleep and half awake.

"Eat it..."

"What did you eat?"


"You should learn a lesson from your waist."

"Well Pei Lang..."

A few inexplicable words came to mind, startling Feng Yun and waking him up.


Isn't it her?

Her cheeks turned from white to red, and suddenly became hot.

It can't be her, it's just speculation...

Although she is a scumbag, she still has some sense of proportion.

She suspected that she had woken up too early and was hallucinating.


There was a heavy crash, the carriage hit something, and suddenly trembled violently, shattering her reverie.

The carriage was dispatched by Pei Ran from the camp. The carriage she was riding in fell off a cliff last time, and the carriage was destroyed and the horse was killed. She didn't have her own carriage to use when she returned to Xinzhou. It was inconvenient to go back and forth to Mingquan Town every day, so she got one from King Pei Yan.

Feng Yun was surprised and then woke up, "What's going on?"

Ge Guang, who was driving, did not respond.

Feng Yun opened the curtain and saw a little beggar running away from the carriage quickly.

Ge Guang's heart was beating like thunder. When he saw the girl, he exhaled.

"I was scared to death. I almost bumped into him."

Feng Yun also breathed a sigh of relief and lowered the curtain: "Let's go."

Ge Guang turned around and whispered: "Girl, the little beggar gave me a note."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and motioned for him to pass it in.

The handwriting on the letter was written crookedly, as if someone was holding a pen in his left hand, obviously to hide the handwriting.

But the content of the letter was shocking and frightened Feng Yun into a cold sweat.

"Quick, hurry to Mingquan Town."

Ge Guang didn't know what happened and responded.


Arriving at Mingquan Town, just before Mao Shi, Cong Wentian was already ready. The materials and craftsmen were waiting there. There was also an altar table in the open space in front of the meeting hall, with a dozen steamed buns on it, two or three of them. Fruit, and a piece of pork head meat.

Cong Wentian saw Feng Yun approaching, raised his hands and said happily:

"Madam, you are here just in time. We are preparing to offer sacrifices to Liang. Madam, please come and offer incense."

When building a house, installing beams is as important as breaking ground. It is necessary to "sacrifice beams" to receive blessings from the gods.

The craftsmen have been tired for so many days, and encountered two days of heavy rain in the middle. It can be said that they have used enough strength to stay up until now, day and night, and finally climbed the beam. All the craftsmen present were in high spirits.

Feng Yun glanced at the altar table, walked towards the wood piled there, and asked Cong Wentian.

"Have you checked everything?"

When building a house, look at the beams. Beams support the weight of the roof in the building structure and are extremely critical.

Cong Wentian has spent his whole life building houses, so he naturally understands this truth.

Seeing that Feng Yun had a strange look in his eyes, he followed up and whispered: "I've seen it all. The wood is all of good quality. Pine, beech, and elm are all strong. The officials of the Fukusi said that they came from Fu It took a lot of time to transport it out of the state by water..."

Feng Yun turned around and said, "Take me to have a look."

Cong Wentian was stunned for a moment.

He usually makes the decision on matters in the council and controls all the details. Feng Yun only knows the general direction. Because of building houses, Cong Wentian was confident that he was more proficient than Feng Yun.

He was much older, but he was not unhappy. The young apprentice next to him became unhappy.

"Madam, can't you trust my master? The auspicious time is coming. If you miss it, the construction schedule will be delayed."

Cong Wentian lowered his eyebrows and said, "Presumptuous."

The young apprentice shrank his neck and stopped talking.

He said: "Madam, you don't need to listen to his nonsense, just check it out."

Feng Yun bowed and said: "Please forgive me, Uncle Wentian. It's not that I don't trust you, but the peace talks between the two countries are closely related. I haven't slept well these past two days and I have been restless. I happened to have a nightmare last night, and the Bodhisattva was in my dream." Tell me, there is something wrong with the beam, so I feel uneasy..."

Cong Wentian became nervous upon hearing this, "Let's go and take a look."

A Bodhisattva entrusted him with the dream, which indeed attracted the attention of the craftsmen. Cong Wentian took Feng Yun to the wood pile to check again, and several craftsmen also ran over to help lift it.

No problems were found in the wood piled outside. Feng Yun's palms were covered in cold sweat. She was wondering if someone was playing a prank on her when she suddenly heard Cong Wentian take a breath.

"There is indeed a problem..."

He sighed again, "This is really hard to detect."

Cong Wentian pulled out a piece of pine wood and said, "Look, girl."

In order to prevent the beams from getting damp, moldy and moth-eaten, the wood was brushed with a layer of tung oil. Cong Wentian used a knife to carefully scrape off the oil surface, revealing the faint cracks on the wood.

At first glance, the cracks are not obvious and can be used anywhere. However, the use of beams will affect the load-bearing. If there are problems with the main beams and there are too many cracked beams, something big will happen.

Cong Wentian broke out in a cold sweat.

"God, I almost ruined something big."

Then he looked at Feng Yun with a pale face and kept begging for mercy.

"It's because I'm old and my eyes are dim. Please punish me, madam..."

Feng Yun trusted Cong Wentian.

I have been an old craftsman all my life, and my reputation is more important than my life, so I can't make a fuss about it.

She said: "The top priority is to check the wood first, use the good ones, and make up for the problems as soon as possible."

Cong Wentian responded: "I understand, but regarding the wood, I'm afraid I will trouble the general..."

The supply of materials is the responsibility of the Treasury Department, whether it is bricks or wood, it is not purchased by Cong Wentian.

Feng Yun nodded, "Let's burn incense first and thank the Bodhisattva."

No near misses.

Cong Wentian was particularly pious during the Liang Sacrifice Ceremony on this day, thanking the Bodhisattva for allowing him to avoid disaster.

Feng Yun was exceptionally silent. He looked at the majestic parliament building and didn't speak for a long time.

They picked out a good piece of wood from the wood pile, completed the beam-laying ceremony, and then started picking.

Afterwards, an inventory was carried out and it was found that there were eighteen pieces of wood in question.

Marks on the wood indicate that if not discovered they would have been used in the main hall of the council chamber.

Feng Yun asked Cong Wentian to go down and make arrangements. When he returned to Xinzhou City, he specifically searched for the place where he had just met the little beggar.

There was no one, and the little beggar was nowhere to be seen.

Who sent her a message to warn her?

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