Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 212 Embarrassing Condition

When Feng Yun went to the camp to find Pei Madang, he met Ao Qi outside.

When she came back that day, Ao Zai was already waiting for her in the house. She heard that Ao Qi had gone out to look for her and had taken care of Ao Zai for her in the past two days. She originally wanted to find a chance to thank her, but there were too many things to do, and she was delayed. Just forgot.

When he first saw someone, Feng Yun greeted him with a smile.


Ao Qi raised his head in response, his eyes brightening subconsciously.

Today Feng Yun is going to pay homage to Liang. She is dressed particularly dignified. She looks more capable than usual, less lazy and charming, but her skin seems to have gotten better. In the afternoon, the sun is rising and the sun is setting. Her delicate face was so fair that it seemed to be glowing with light.

It's clearly within reach, yet so far away.

Ao Qi's clear eyes gradually dimmed, and he silently stepped aside, lowered his head and held his hands in his hands, "Auntie."

Such respect is rare.

He is no longer like the naive and reckless little Ao Qi.

Feng Yun saw a soldier walking by, guessing that he was trying to avoid suspicion, and returned the favor with a smile.

"Thank you, General Xiao Ao."

There were only a few words, enough for Ao Qi to understand what she was thanking.

But there wasn't a word he liked to hear.

Ao Qi looked at her and said, "As long as my aunt is fine."

Feng Yun nodded and said a few polite words casually.

"I see you are in a hurry. Are you busy?"

Ao Qi said: "I'm going to take people to the warehouse to get winter clothes."

Feng Yun smiled and asked: "Are you enough winter clothes?"

Ao Qi shook his head: "My uncle asked for these from Pingyang, and the quantity is not enough to distribute. But the brothers are clinging to each other and are humble to each other. We, the Red Armor Army, originally wanted to rely on our righteousness to carry on. A few days later, my uncle asked me to pick up some..."

Feng Yun frowned slightly.

"What did you say? Pingyang is coming?"

Ao Qi wondered about her reaction, "Yes, my uncle went to Pingyang himself and picked it out from the mouth of a tiger in the Hu Ben Army."

Looking at Feng Yun's expression, Ao Qi frowned and asked:

"Auntie, don't you think it's from the imperial court?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not." Ao Qi sighed.

Since he took charge of the Red Armor Army, he actually began to understand why his uncle had not accumulated much wealth after serving in the army for so many years.

Most of the soldiers came from poor families, and their normal military pay and food were only enough to survive. In years of disaster and war, it was common for them not to have enough to eat.

With so many mouths to eat and drink, it is really not easy to be a parent.

Ao Qi's respect for Pei Mang was even greater in his heart, and his feelings for Feng Yun became more complicated. He missed him crazily, but he also constrained himself tightly due to ethics. He felt it was a sin to look at him more, but he was reluctant to look at him less. .

He took two steps in place and was about to say a few light-hearted words to break the silence when he saw Feng Yun muttering "I see", then hurriedly gave him a farewell salute and turned around to go to the Chinese army camp.

Ao Qi's words were stuck in his throat.

Looking at the girl's tall and slender back, his eyes gradually lost focus and he even forgot to take them back.

That night, he actually also went to Chun Yuyan's Zhuangzi, just in tandem with Wen Xingsu.

He left in a hurry, without any bodyguards, and became a gentleman on his own. Later, his clothes were soaked through, his heart was cold from the shower, and he returned to Xinzhou in a state of despair. He fell ill and stayed in bed for three days before he gradually got better.

Ye Chuang also said in the morning that his energy and blood were poor and he had lost weight.

But Feng Yun didn't notice his change.

He clenched his fists slightly, then unclenched them, and then strode away in the other direction.

Yesterday I received a letter from home. My father will be here for the Shinshu Peace Conference. When the time comes, he will inevitably talk about his marriage again...

Before, he could use the war to decline.

After the peace negotiation, the war stopped and the Northern Yong army returned to the court. What should he do? -

The general's barracks.

Puyang Jiu sat on his knees on a wooden couch covered with mats with a dark face. He changed his hand to check the pulse several times, but still did not speak. His expression was solemn, as if he was looking at a terminally ill patient.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say, I still have something to do." Pei Ran became impatient and withdrew his hand from the pulse pillow, as if he was rejecting others from thousands of miles away.

"That's ridiculous." Puyang Jiu glanced at him, "Stick out your tongue."

Observe the color, feel the pulse, and now stick out the tongue...

Pei Ran stared at him with an indifferent expression and slowly opened his mouth...

"Ah!" Puyang Jiu taught him as if teaching a child.

"Open wider and stick out your tongue..."

Pei Madang stared at him coldly and closed his mouth suddenly. The strange expression made Puyang's heart tremble, and then he noticed something strange in his gaze.

Slowly turning his head, he found Feng Yun coming from a distance.

Puyang Jiu is a bit funny.

"Why haven't you and Madam-in-law ever stuck out their tongues? You're afraid of this..."

Pei Madang cut him out coldly.

Puyang Jiu shut up sensibly, and before Feng Yun entered the door, he glanced at him lightly and sneered: "There is no doubt that your symptoms of yang dryness have been alleviated a lot. I have already said that this is not a big problem. As long as you marry a wife and take a concubine, the fire will disappear on its own, so what if you have addiction? If you do it three times a day, you can always suppress it, which is much better than taking medicine..."

"Shut up!" Pei Ran said coldly.

Feng Yun had already arrived at the door. He looked at the two people sitting in the room and bowed without entering.

Puyang Jiu smoothed his sleeves, stood up and called "Mrs. Sister-in-law". As if he suddenly thought of something, he looked back at Pei Man and said in a low voice:

"I came here today with something else that I want to tell my brother, but I don't know whether to say it or not..."

Pei Ran: "Say."

Puyang Jiu frowned slightly and hesitated for a long time before speaking, "My father said in the letter that in addition to the peace envoys coming to Xinzhou this time, Tiqisi has arranged a lot of people secretly, so we have to guard against them."

Pei Ran didn't say a word.

Puyang Jiu touched his chin and let out a dry laugh.

They, father and son, never cared about such things. Their ancestors had practiced medicine for generations and were used to seeing the situation. Whether a cow beat a horse to death or a horse beat a cow to death, all they had to do was to treat cows and horses. They never cared about who lost or won.

But who asked him to be friends with Pei Ran?

Everyone in Beijing knows about the good relationship between the two.

The imperial physician was worried about his son, fearing that he would be implicated by Pei Madang, so he naturally paid attention to matters related to Pei Madang.

When walking in the palace, he has many conveniences that others do not have.

So Puyang Jiu couldn't help but tell Pei Manang when the letter mentioned his son in a circumstantial way.

"In my opinion, Zhongjing is very worried about his brother, so it's better to be careful..."

Pei Ran's eyebrows deepened: "Thank you very much."

After some words were said, Puyang Jiu knew that Pei Ran had listened and smiled.

"Then I resigned."

After saying that, he turned back and saluted Feng Yun.

"Mrs. Sister-in-law, take your leave."

Feng Yun saw the expressions of the two people changing constantly at the door. He thought they had something important to discuss, and was afraid of disturbing him, so he returned the favor and smiled:

"I will leave after a few words with the general. It doesn't matter if the Puyang medical officer is here."

Puyang Jiu glanced at her leisurely, then turned back and winked at Pei Mang, most likely intending to stay and pry into their privacy.

He was so curious. Probably out of a doctor's deepest care for his patients, he really wanted to put a pair of eyes next to them to see how the two of them got along...


He doesn't know how to pretend, and his exploration is written on his face. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Pei Madang.

"It doesn't matter. He was leaving anyway."

Puyang Jiu was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he had to fake a smile and agree,

"Exactly, I'm here to see the general. Now that I'm done with the treatment, it's time to leave."

He used this retaliation skillfully, telling Feng Yun that Pei Madang was sick.

Feng Yun asked as expected: "What's wrong with the general?"

Pei Ran paused, his posture slightly stiffened as he sat upright, "It's a small matter."

Puyang Jiu smiled so hard that he rolled his eyes and said without fear of death: "Before the wedding of the two of you in Bingzhou, my younger brother mentioned it in a letter to my wife..."

Having said this, he suddenly noticed a cold light on his back and a chill on the back of his neck, and then he realized...

He gave Feng Yun a pamphlet and included a letter in it about Pei Madang's illness, but he never told Pei Madang himself.

"Ahem! Take one step first, little brother."

Puyang Jiu interrupted forcefully, and without waiting for the two of them to respond, he bowed his hands and walked away in despair.

Feng Yun glanced at his hurried back and walked over the threshold, "Is what the Puyang medical officer said true?"

Pei Madang's voice remained the same, his expression was stiff and a little uncomfortable.

"What do you want from me?"

If you don’t admit it or deny it, is it possible that you are really sick?

Seeing that he refused to say more, Feng Yun smiled faintly, stepped forward and bowed deeply, "General, I'm here about the Mingquan Town Hall."

It can be said that he is very polite and considerate.

But Pei Ran obviously didn't like this, and said with a cold face, "Just tell me."

Feng Yun frowned and stared at him slowly.

Their naked clothes have touched each other and their skin has touched each other. Is it okay to talk to her like this? Well, it’s easier to talk to General Pei who doesn’t wear any clothes. As soon as he put on these clothes, he seemed to be a different person.

Little did she realize that she too was a stranger.

There is a lot of activity in my heart, but no expression on my face.

Holding back his smile, he told Pei Madang exactly what happened in Mingquan Town today, with a calm expression on his face:

"If that little beggar hadn't warned me, it would have caused a big disaster..."

She is in charge of this council, and the person behind her is Pei Ran. Once something goes wrong in the council hall, Pei Ran will have to follow her and take care of it.

Feng Yun felt that he was responsible and immediately went to Pei Madang to apologize.

"I will go to Mingquan Town again tomorrow, bringing Uncle Wentian and a few old craftsmen with me to carefully check all the key joints to ensure that there will be no more trips..."

Pei Madang stared at her for a long time.

"Sit close and talk."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Yes."

She walked up slowly, knelt down beside Pei Mang and suddenly heard him say: "I thought you were here to ask for the antidote."

Feng Yun was startled.

Doesn't she have the word "animal" written on her face?

She looked up strangely and smiled at him.

"If you have a general, there's no harm in asking for some."

The woman's voice was like the breeze and flowing spring, and her posture was elegant and dignified. There was no clue in her words, but Pei Ran's face looked much better.

He raised his head slightly and shouted towards the door.

"It is said that Qin Dajin has arrived."

Feng Yun:......

Feng Yun: Mom! He is not enlightened.

Pei Madang: Scumbag.

Feng Yun: Mom! He's a hypocrite.

Pei Madang: Liar.

Feng Yun: Mom...

Pei Ran: If you call me again, I will kill you on the spot.

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