Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 213 Requesting for Antidote

Today, Feng Yun wore a gray loose-fitting coat with a tight waist and a belt. She had pretty eyes, bright and spring face, and a charming and carefree look like the century-old peony flower blooming in the General's Palace in Zhongjing. Everything about her body was charming... …

It's a pity that the general doesn't seem to understand the style.

He pointed to the position beside him and motioned for Feng Yun to sit down.

However, all that was left was to sit.

He is over there and Feng Yun is over here.

They are so close, yet they seem so far apart.

There were times in the previous life when the two of them were facing each other in silence, and most of the time it was him who didn't want to say anything, but the atmosphere had never been so weird.

Feng Yun glanced at him.

Men look more handsome when they are serious, but they are really not cute...

She kind of misses Pei Madang's beastly appearance. At least he was a human being with flesh and blood back then. Now he looks like this... boring, rigid, and a big piece of wood.

So what Qin Dajin saw when he came in were two sculptures.

Sitting in front of the wooden table, one of them was colder than the other, with serious expressions as if they were facing a formidable enemy. He didn't know whether he should wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead from running just now, or whether he should wipe it with his left hand or his right hand.

"General, madam..."

Tan Dajin bowed down and bowed.

"If you have done something wrong, please let me know clearly."

He was beating a drum in his heart. In just a short moment, he had already thought of countless ways to die. Only then did he see Feng Yun curling his lips and smiling, and Pei Madang also relaxed his face, nothing happened.

"Who is responsible for the lumber of the parliament building?"

Tan Daxin almost collapsed from collapse.

God! The appearance of these two people made him think that he had committed some kind of capital crime.

Qin Dajin then raised his sleeves to wipe his sweat and smiled like a Maitreya Buddha. "Reporting to the general, the meeting materials were arranged by Lai Zhong, the head of the treasury. The old boy usually seemed very honest and honest, so he didn't dare to do this after thinking about it. It’s only right to plant hands and feet…”

It would be life-threatening to tamper with the construction materials of the Peace Hall.

Tan Dajin didn't believe Lai Zhong dared to do this.

"Did something go wrong during transportation?"

Pei Ran: "Ask me, who should I ask?"

Tan Dajin began to think about various ways to die again. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot when something as big as the parliament hall went wrong.

"I'll go check it out right now, and ask Lai Zhong for an explanation."

Pei Madang's face looked cold and scary, but he didn't hesitate at all. He waved his hand and motioned for him to go down.

Then he turned around and asked Feng Yun:

"Do you know who sent the letter?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment, "Ask me, who should I ask?"

Pei Ran:......

The two people looked at each other for a moment. Feng Yun looked at the man's handsome face, with an imperceptible smile in his eyes, but his expression was serious.

"If the problem lies with the Treasury Department, then someone who has the opportunity to know about it and is willing to tell me..."

She looked at Pei Ran and said every word that was extremely miserable.

"I am helpless in the Jin court. Everywhere I look there are people who want to kill me. Except for the general, I don't know anyone. I can't think of anyone with conscience who found out and warned me."

Pei Madang pursed his lips slightly, looking at her cat-like meek and pitiful appearance, his eyes softened, "If you don't know, you don't know. Why are you aggrieved?"

Then he said: "Is your body feeling better?"

Feng Yun had not expected to get any words of comfort from him just now, but he did not expect that the upright General Pei suddenly became concerned about people.

"With the general's medicine, you will recover very quickly."

She glanced at Pei Madang shyly.

"Did I embarrass the general that night?"

Pei Madang frowned slightly: "You really don't remember?"

Feng Yun looked at him guiltily, "I don't dare to lie to the general. I really...can't remember."

Thinking that she had misunderstood him and went to Li Sangruo, she lowered her eyes lower and her voice became much softer, "I also misunderstood the general. I really made more mistakes. Please punish me..."

She lowered her head, revealing a section of her shiny neck.

With her delicate little face and fair skin, she looks like a seductive vixen.

Where he was receiving punishment, he was clearly leading him to fall.

Pei Madang snorted nonchalantly, without any fluctuation in his tone.

"It won't happen again."

After that, he said in a deep voice: "You go back first. When there is news about Qin Dajin, I will send someone to inform you. There is not enough wood, so you can buy it yourself. A dozen beams should be enough."

Feng Yun laughed softly.

Pei Ran made her laugh so hard that his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he looked at her without saying anything.

Feng Yun made an "oh" gesture and saluted him.

"My subordinate understands."

What subordinates are in such a mess? Pei Ran looked at her with a cold face.

Feng Yun sat close to him and opened his arms to hug him.


Pei Madang held her hand, "Why are you apologizing?"

His hands are warm, and it feels comfortable to hold them in his palms in winter.

Feng Yun held him back and clasped his fingers slightly.

It was hard to talk about Pingyang, so she just smiled and apologized, "I will definitely remember it next time, and remember it firmly."

Pei Ran glanced at her.

There was no true feelings in this woman's mouth, only use.

He said: "What do you want again?"

Feng Yun said seriously, "I need an antidote."

The girl glanced at him with charming eyes, her eyes were slightly shining, which made people excited, and for a moment, she couldn't help herself.

Pei Ran: "Yunniang..."

He wanted to say something, but Feng Yun covered his mouth first, pressing his soft little hand slightly on his lips, and the other hand tightened more tightly around his waist, and leaned in to place a kiss on the back of his hand.

Through one hand, he kissed very hard, even making loud noises.

Then he let go of her hand expressionlessly and stood up.

"I never like to force others. Since the general doesn't want to, then I'll just pretend I didn't say anything."

He bowed with a serious face and turned around lightly.

"Goodbye, I'll go to work first."

Pei Cong stretched out his hand, only holding half of her palm, and slid over, like a loach, leaving a trace of remaining tenderness, and gently twisted his fingers, his blood was surging wildly.

The things she couldn't remember...

were all engraved in his mind.

With her sweet voice, she wanted to hang him to death. She pestered him and drove him crazy, making him unable to control himself, and finally, he forgot everything.


After Feng Yun went back, he forgot about looking for Pei Cong. Cong Wentian sent a message that the dozen or so pieces of wood they bought locally were rejected by the court supervisors when they were carried to the Peace Hall.

The Peace Hall was supervised not only by people from the Jin court, but also by people from the Qi court. They only recognized wood from the Treasury Department and refused to accept materials from outside.

If they did not sign and seal, Cong Wentian would not dare to use it.

Feng Yun sneered.

He did not go to Pei Jue, but told Chun Yuyan.

"The prince was not only a middleman in the peace talks between Jin and Qi, but also a great contributor to this matter. Someone is not happy with your money and has bullied the prince. How can you tolerate him?"

Chun Yuyan was happy when he heard it.

"Why not find your husband?"

His tone was sour. Feng Yun smiled and said coldly: "It's not good for the prince to only share the money without doing anything, right? I'm afraid you will feel guilty."

Chun Yuyan certainly understood Feng Yun's little thoughts.

But the most amazing thing about this girl is...

She always has reasons that people can't refuse.

Chun Yuyan went to Mingquan Town and found the supervisor of the Jin court. He rarely had a good temper and presented facts and reason. The other party recognized the rules of the court and refused to sign.

This stubborn temper amused Chunyu Yan.

The Yunchuan prince, who had a gentle tone the moment before, made a gesture the next moment. Two guards came forward and grabbed the man, forced him to kneel on the ground, and chopped the tip of the knife on his finger.

"Sign now, or chop it off and sign?"

Chunyu Yan's masked face suddenly became gloomy and terrifying, with a smile and teasing, colder than the knife.

The supervisor signed very quickly.

Chunyu Yan smiled with satisfaction and asked someone to take it over for a look.

"If you had been so honest earlier, you wouldn't have suffered."

After saying that, he got up lazily, "Give me a good beating, you dog who is taking advantage of the power of the tiger."

The wood was transported to the museum, and the construction continued as usual.

Feng Yun got the news and asked someone to bring two steamed buns to Chunyu Yan as a thank you, with a note:

The wicked will be punished by the wicked, and the prince has worked hard.

Chunyu Yan lived next door and returned the gift quickly.

A big chicken leg, with a note:

Those who do evil will die by themselves, be careful.

Feng Yun looked at it, gave the big chicken leg to Aozai, and then happily carried it to Mingquan Town.

She was anxious to run several shops outside the meeting hall, preparing to make money on both sides during the peace talks. So, she ran around outside all day, went to Mingquan Town twice, and returned to Chunchuyuan at night, so tired that she almost fell down.

Before bathing, she told Xiaoman.

"From tomorrow, I will do morning exercises with Xiaozhou and others."

Not to fight in the battlefield, just to strengthen the body.

At least, the body will not be so delicate that it will be confused after doing it...

After bathing, she changed clothes and lay down, and Xiaoman knelt beside the couch to help her massage.

With someone waiting, Feng Yun closed her eyes comfortably and fell asleep soon.

This sleep was very good. When she woke up, the fire in the stove was burned out, and the room was cold and deserted. The person lying next to her was not Xiaoman, but Pei Jue.

He sat on the side as usual, with his armor on, his brows furrowed, his lips pursed, and the Biyong sword in his hand, ready to stand up and kill the enemy at any time.

Feng Yun slowly stood up and gently touched the iron plate on his shoulder. The coldness that penetrated through her fingertips was a heavy force that penetrated her fingertips...

She pulled the quilt to cover him.

Pei Jue did not wake up.

He slept very properly. He slept in the same position as he lay down, and slept in the same position all night, just like him.

Feng Yun waited for a moment, leaned against him, and closed her eyes.

In the dark night, her breathing could be heard.

The perception of the two lives emerged between half dreaming and half awake.

It was as if she had returned to the last life when she treated Pei Jue as the sky, taking good care of him, being gentle and considerate, and just wanted him to be safe.

Unfortunately, the sky fell later.

Otherwise, she would probably still be the canary that Pei Cong raised in the general's mansion, who would be filled with sorrow and self-pity, and would never fly out of the courtyards...

My dears, when I was preparing to write last night, I found that my mouse did not work. I thought it was because of the lack of batteries, so I asked the housekeeping department to send one, but it still did not work. So I had to place an order to buy one. When it was delivered today, it did not work either... That was the problem with the computer.

Ahhhh, I owe you the update first, and I will make up for it when I return to Chengdu (promise)

Feng Yun: So there is still no antidote today?

Chunyu Yan: So urgent? Wang Zhi can't do it, I'll do it!

Pei Cong: Get out of the way.

Ao Qi: Uncle, I'll do it. I'll help you.

Xiao Cheng: Sitting up in shock from his dying illness.

Reader: Go buy a mouse, so that you... can live one more year.

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