Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 214: Helping in times of need

Feng Yun's simple shop and residence were completed before the Peace Conference Hall.

This project did not need to be as elaborate as the Conference Hall. With materials, labor and experience, it was built quickly.

The shop was in front and the accommodation was in the back, scattered along the road from the Conference Hall to Mingquan Town. Simple, but with characteristics, with Feng Yun's novel ideas, the experience and craftsmanship of the old craftsmen, it looks unique and elegant.

When the peace talks begin, the envoys of the two countries will bring a large number of imperial guards, but the Conference Hall is a distance away from Mingquan Town, there is nothing nearby, and the land is all hers.

At noon, Qian Sanniu returned from Andu County.

Carrying Ying Rong's letter, more than ten people including cooks and servants.

Qian Sanniu was full of joy.

"Madam Ying said that the first batch of winter clothes is about 5,000 pieces, and it will be shipped tomorrow morning. Madam Ying asked Madam whether to send people to deliver them now, or wait until the cloth and linen are finished and then deliver them together."

The winter clothes in Pingyang County temporarily alleviated the urgent needs of the Beiyong Army, but there was still a shortage.

Feng Yun thought about it and ordered Qian Sanniu.

"Ask Madam Ying to send troops to deliver them in the next two days. And..."

She smiled slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking of, and ordered calmly.

"Ask Nan Kui and Chai Ying to come all the way, and tell them that I have an errand for them."

Qian Sanniu agreed, had a meal in Chunchuyuan, met Xing Dalang and the Ge brothers, and then took the order.

Xiaoman was very puzzled, "Why did the girl ask Sister Nan and Sister Chai to come here?"

Feng Yun said: "We need people here."

In Andu County, Feng Yun actually let these concubines choose to stay there, but in the end, no one left, and they all lived in Changmen.

The tenet of Changmen is that you can only eat if you work hard.

Since Pei Jue didn't use them, Feng Yun reluctantly helped him use them.

In the past, the twenty beauties were just lowly concubines like Feng Yun. After Feng Yun came out of Andu County, she became the general's wife.

She is now the mistress of the house.

The next evening, Nan Kui and Chai Ying followed the team transporting winter clothes to Xinzhou.

Jiang Yin also came with them.

The three women went to Chunchuyuan to pay homage to Feng Yun, just like meeting a new master. Their attitude was more respectful than usual. They bowed down together and performed a great ceremony.

"Congratulations, madam, congratulations, madam."

Feng Yun took a sip of the teacup and swept his eyes over their faces, "Sisters, why are you so unfamiliar?"

Nan Kui and Chai Ying were very happy.

"That's right. Madam is getting married. We are far away in Andu and don't have time to present gifts. This time we brought them all here."

Nan Kui prepared a mandarin duck knot, which was hand-woven and much larger than those sold in the market. It was very festive to hang it in the room.

Chai Ying prepared an embroidered handkerchief, embroidered with lotus flowers, decorated with red, and edged with cloud patterns. Judging from the stitches, it took a lot of thought.

"Congratulations to Madam and the General on your wedding."

Madam was in front and the General was behind.

These two can be said to be Feng Yun's embrace.

Jiang Yin didn't prepare in advance. Seeing the two of them presenting gifts, her pretty face turned red.

"I am stupid. I actually forgot about this and didn't prepare a gift for Madam."

Feng Yun looked at her and said, "It doesn't matter. It's not a serious matter."

Why is it not a serious matter?

The three women looked at her together, and Feng Yun smiled and changed the subject.

"I asked you to come here this time because I have something to tell you. Let me tell you first, are you afraid of being in the spotlight?"

Nan Kui and Chai Ying shook their heads together.

"No. We will do whatever the Madam tells us to do."

In such a chaotic world, the status of unfavored concubines and slaves is no different. It is Feng Yun's kindness that allows them to be kept in Changmen Manor, without having to do dirty and tiring work. They live a more leisurely and elegant life than most people, and they are very satisfied.

Now Wen Hui is in charge of Yu Tangchun, Ying Rong and Kong Yun'e have started a clothing workshop in the manor, and have hired many new village women in Huaxi Village to sew winter clothes together. Both of them have become managers and have won Feng Yun's trust.

They both helped Feng Yun distribute porridge a long time ago, but after that, they had no other errands and were bored.

"I plan to open a shop in Mingquan Town for this peace talk, and you will be in charge."

Nan Kui and Chai Ying's eyes lit up when they heard it, and they were very happy.

It was Jiang Yin…

She didn’t dare to ask for a job, so she just said, “I’m idle in the farm, so I came here to see if there’s anything I can do. Madam, just tell me what to do.”

Feng Yun didn’t expect her to come.

Because of Chunyu Yan, she couldn’t arrange a job for her.

It’s not good to order the partner’s lover around.

But since the person had come, she didn’t chase him away.

“Rest for two days first, and I’ll call you when I need help.”

Jiang Yin’s eyes showed disappointment, but she was very docile, “I’ll listen to Madam’s arrangements.”


The sun didn’t shine until the evening. At dusk, the weather suddenly changed. The wind in the Beiyong Army camp was cold and cold, as cold as ice. The flags on the barracks were blown and rustled, and the felt doors that blocked the wind reflected the cold light.

It was very cold.

Under the dark sky, several patrolling guards had just changed their posts and lowered their heads, blowing on their hands.

"It's such a cold day. If I had a drink, it would be good to warm myself up."

"Don't fight anymore. Go home for the New Year. There's plenty of wine for you to drink. Just hold on for a few more days."

"It's too cold. I don't know when the winter clothes will be issued."

"General Qin said it will be soon. Her Majesty the Queen Mother will be in Xinzhou soon. How can I explain to the general if I don't bring winter clothes?"

"That's not necessarily the case. The clothes you wear can only keep you warm... If the general hadn't gone to Pingyang, I might not have even half a piece of clothes."

Several people walked towards the barracks.

After standing at the sentry post for an hour, my body felt like it was freezing.

And they were still wearing winter clothes, which they put on when they were on duty, while other brothers did not have winter clothes to keep out the cold, and there were not enough charcoal, so it would only get colder.


An energetic voice came from outside the barracks door.

Several people subconsciously turned around and saw a few men driving several bullock carts and shouted:

"Madam asked us to deliver winter clothes. Brothers from Beiyong Army, please open the door."

The soldiers on the sentry post looked at each other.

Didn't you hear that Madam is sending you winter clothes?

Although it was during the peace talks, they did not know the people outside and did not dare to take it lightly and respond through the fence gate.

“Where did you get your winter coat?”

"Mrs. made it."

The soldier hesitated.

"Wait, I'll report it."

It was getting dark, and Pei Madang hadn't left the camp yet.

Generals He Lianqian and Shi Yin came here to complain to Pei Ran, and every line was full of dissatisfaction with the imperial court.

Pei Ran listened without saying a word.

On the table, there is an official letter sent by the courier.

It says that Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother will arrive in Andu County in two days and asks Pei Ran to pick him up...

The air is very low pressure.

Helianqian's voice was loud, and his voice of cursing Fukusi could be heard far away, and no one could stop him.

Until a loud report came.

"General, there are a few men driving ox carts to bring goods. They say they are winter clothes that my wife asked me to give. The guards dare not let them go. General, please give me instructions..."

Pei Ran was slightly startled.

Before the generals could react, the tall figure strode out.

The guys looked at each other and followed behind to see what happened.

This time the winter clothes were delivered by Xing Bing himself. The cold wind was blowing at the door of the barracks. As he was walking around waving his hands, he saw a group of people coming from a distance.

The person taking the lead was none other than Pei Madang.

"General. It's me, Xing Bing."

Xing Bing saluted respectfully.

Without waiting for Pei Ran to ask, he first took credit for his girl.

"Madam asked me to wait in Nagato to make winter coats. Five thousand pieces will be made and delivered. The remaining pieces of cloth and linen should be able to make about ten thousand pieces. Madam Ying said that these have been cut and ready for use, and they will probably need to be made. It will take six or seven days to sew everything up..."

Five thousand pieces?

Helianqian and others looked surprised.

"Quick, open the door quickly."

Pei Madang didn't move and looked at Xing Bing and asked.

"Where did Madam get so much cloth and linen to make winter clothes?"

Xing Bing said: "I bought it. I bought it from Prince Yunchuan."

He saw Pei Ran's serious expression and said cheerfully: "I heard that Madam gave all the general's betrothal gift to the Crown Prince in exchange for this. Madam also asked Madam Ying to set up a garment shop in Changmen, and in the village We hired a lot of women and worked day and night..."

Just a few words represent countless manpower and material resources.

It's the hard work of countless people in places they can't see.

Fifteen thousand winter coats were produced in a short period of time. This was Feng Yun's greatest kindness to the general and the soldiers of the Beiyong Army.

"Madam is so kind!"

Helianqian took the lead and bowed his hands in the cold wind.

Everyone shouted in unison.

Pei Ran walked towards the stable without saying a word, leaving only one sentence.

"Let Tan Dajin distribute it."


Feng Yun didn't waste any time. Once Nan Kui and Chai Ying arrived, he took them to Mingquan Town.

In the past two days, waiters have been coming over one after another. The shop is being decorated in full swing, and I can't wait for a moment.

On the way, Nan Kui opened the curtain and looked outside from time to time.

The sky was dark, and there were shadows of trees everywhere, blown to and fro by the cold wind.

She was a little nervous and asked Feng Yun:

"Why do you think Madam Yingniang and I are qualified for such a big job?"

Feng Yun glanced at them.

"What do you think?"

The matters in Mingquan Town could have been handled by others, and Feng Yun did not lack the help of the two of them.

Before coming to Xinzhou, a concubine made some sarcastic remarks in front of the two of them, saying that the lady asked them to come because she was attracted by their beauty. What was the difference between being a female concubine in Yutangchun?

Facing Feng Yun's gaze, Nan Kui shook her head.

"I don't know why Madam is interested in me, but I know that Madam wants to promote us for our own good."

Feng Yun chuckled.

"There is only one reason. You are women. Like Wen Hui and Ying Rong, you are both beautiful, good-tempered, and capable women. I don't want you to bury them."

Chai Ying and Nan Kui looked at her together.

How can a woman not be buried?

The lady didn't say it out loud, but they seemed to understand.

"Thank you madam for your help..."

Feng Yun smiled and did not respond.

Others may think what she did is like a joke, or harboring evil intentions, but she is willing to wait for the day when these people can no longer laugh...

The carriage moved forward slowly, and she closed her eyes to rest.

Suddenly there was the sound of horse hoofbeats, and Ge Guang, who was driving, only saw a man and a horse passing by. Hengdao immediately stopped in the middle of the road, and the horse stopped on its own initiative, hissing as if to greet its owner.

The car is Pei Man's car.

The horse is also Pei's horse.

Feng Yun opened the curtain and looked outside. The man who suddenly appeared had a solemn face and was extremely tall. He was sitting stiffly on a horse and said nothing, which was very scary. (End of chapter)

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