Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 215: Embracing the Wind

It was dark, Feng Yun looked at the tall and stiff man like a ghost, and didn't want to speak.

Pei Jue asked: "Where are you going?"

Feng Yun frowned, "Mingquan Town."

Pei Jue: "Is it very important?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and hummed.

"Making money is of course important."

Pei Jue's Adam's apple slid slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. Without saying a word, he jumped off the horse and walked closer, got on the carriage and hugged Feng Yun in his arms, like a bandit robbing the wife of a leader, without looking back.

"Wait for a quarter of an hour here."

He helped Feng Yun onto the horse, wrapped her in a wind cloak, and rode away with her in his arms.

Only Nan Kui, Chai Ying and the two guards and drivers were left, looking at each other in the cold wind.

"What is the general doing?" Feng Yun was caught on the horse by accident, and was so surprised that he came back to his senses for a long time. His body was tied in his arms, and his head was covered on his chest. He didn't feel cold, but just felt strange.

Are you crazy?

He robbed people on the way and didn't say anything.

She grabbed Pei Jue's belt tightly, bumped on the horse's back for a while, and stopped.

It was dark all around, and there was no one.

The two of them hugged each other on the horses in the long wind, and the road on both sides seemed to have no end.

Pei Jue lifted his wind cloak, held Feng Yun's chin and lowered his head to kiss her.

Feng Yun shivered, and his back was pressed by him, unable to move.

The man's tough face and high nose bridge were in sight.

His rapid and heavy breathing fell on his face.

He was very strong, heavy and frantic, as if he wanted to swallow her into his mouth.

Feng Yun passively endured it, her tailbone was numb, her heart was beating wildly, not only did she not feel cold, but a thin layer of sweat also appeared on her body, almost melting in the man's madness.

It took too long, and she couldn't stand it.

She pinched the man's neck hard.

That was the only place on his body that could be pinched.

Pei Jue noticed that the person in his arms was breathing hard, so he let go, staring at her with bloodshot eyes, and slowly stroking her lips with his thumb, as if wiping away the water stains left behind, or as if continuing the afterglow. In the empty and quiet wilderness, without starlight, his eyes were cold and bright.

"Yun Niang..."

His voice was low and hoarse.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Feng Yun's anger just now was swept away, and the corners of her eyes raised.

"You know everything?"

"I'm in the camp."

"Oh." Feng Yun laughed softly, "Do you know how powerful I am?"


"It's not a loss for you to be your staff, right?"


Pei Jue didn't say anything, but grabbed the back of her head, and then held her down and kissed her wantonly, entangled with Feng Yun until her heart beat like thunder, her face flushed, and she softened in his arms, almost losing control, and he suddenly panted and let go.

"It's been a quarter of an hour, I'll take you back."

Feng Yun was breathing poorly, staring at him with eyes wide open, as if looking at a monster.

General Pei kept his word and said that he would stay for a quarter of an hour. He rode back on his horse and carried Feng Yun to the carriage.

"I'm leaving."

Feng Yun's cheeks were red as blood.

Looking at the figure that left like a flash, he gradually merged into the darkness and came back to his senses after a long time.

"Let's go."


The next day was a sunny day.

The sun shone through the window lattice, and the room was filled with warm colors.

Xiaoman learned that the conference hall was completed and topped out today, and wanted to comb Feng Yun's hair in a unique style, but the more he combed, the more he failed, and he couldn't help but feel depressed.

"It's been so long, and I can't comb a few good-looking hairstyles. Xiaoman is so stupid..."

Looking at the fairy-like young lady in the bronze mirror, he felt more and more that his skills were not worthy of the girl's face.

"Sister Jiang is skillful and good at dressing up. Why don't you call her to the room to serve?"

Feng Yun tilted his head and looked at her.

"What did Jiang Yin say to you?"

Xiao Man was shocked by the girl's reaction and shook her head.

"No. It's just that Xiao Man saw that Sister Jiang had no job and she was a person who couldn't sit still, so it was inevitable that she would feel embarrassed, so I proposed to the girl..."

Everyone went to the Beiyong military camp together that day, and now their situations are different. Except for the few people who followed Feng Yun to get a job, and Luo Yue and Shao Xueqing who left with Wei Zheng, the identities of others are a bit awkward.

Not a concubine, nor a servant.

Feng Yun probably understands.

She didn't intend to take Jiang Yin into the room, nor did she intend to embarrass her. After hearing Xiao Man's talk, she turned her head and asked.

"Call Nan Kui and Chai Ying."

After a while, Nan Kui and Chai Ying arrived and saluted Feng Yun together.

Feng Yun asked them to sit down, poured tea and ate, and casually asked about the things in Changmen, and then asked about Jiang Yin.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying frowned slightly.

"Jiang Yin... is quick and hardworking, and never complains when doing things. But... she is too silent, doesn't like to talk, and doesn't fit in with the group."

Her presence is too low, so low that people often ignore her existence. If she hadn't taken the initiative to say that she wanted to come to Xinzhou with them this time, no one would have thought of her deliberately.


She is so beautiful.

Among all the concubines, she is also outstanding...

Chai Ying said: "The lady is in need of someone, and if she needs it, there is nothing wrong with staying. Anyway, she doesn't want to be a concubine of the general, and there is nothing wrong with following a girl."

Feng Yun smiled faintly and shook her head.

All these concubines follow her, I wonder what General Pei feels?

"Forget it."

She instructed Xiaoman.

"Let her come to my courtyard, she doesn't have to serve me, just take care of the miscellaneous affairs in the courtyard for me. When she sees that she is suitable, she will go to Mingquan's shop with you two to gain experience, anyway, she is a literate person."

Xiao Man happily agreed.

"The maid will go tell Sister Jiang now."

It can be seen that Jiang Yin is a very good person in their eyes.

Feng Yun smiled slightly and didn't say much.

She would always be more tolerant of women in this world.

After that, she turned back to talk to Nan Kui and the others.

At first, she bought land and built a shop, and everyone thought it was a whim. After listening to her story, everyone realized that she thought so far ahead...

This is going to do something big.

Listening to the girl talking about the plan, there was laughter in the room.

There were many people coming from Andu, and Chunchu Pavilion was like a separate courtyard of Changmen. Wen Xingsu also made it convenient for Feng Yun and didn't let his people come to disturb easily. Once the door was closed, she was the boss here.

At noon, Ao Qi sent fish.

With the good news of the peace agreement, the people's livelihood in Xinzhou recovered quickly. It was close to the Huai River, and fishermen caught fish and sold them every day. They were no longer short of fish to eat, but Ao Qi still used his free time to go fishing himself.

The fish were in a bamboo basket, jumping around and looking fresh.

Aozai ran out quickly when he heard Ao Qi's voice, and kept sniffing around the bamboo basket. He couldn't speak, but his eyes seemed full of joy.

Ao Qi was the closest person to Aozai besides Feng Yun.

Even Daman and Xiaoman couldn't hold it, but Ao Qi could.

Feng Yun looked at their closeness and said with a smile:

"Xiao Qi, let's have lunch together at noon."

Ao Qi looked up at her politeness and bowed.

"Thank you, aunt."

This time when she returned to the city from the farm, Ao Qi never made a mistake in addressing her. Aunt called her frequently and she came frequently. Every time she came, she didn't come to find Feng Yun, but to see Aozai and bring some food from time to time. She was much more relaxed than before.

Feng Yun's heart was relieved.

She knew that Ao Qi would figure it out sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, it would be so soon.

Since she was her aunt, she was not shy.

She wanted to keep Ao Qi for dinner, so she quickly asked Daman to go downstairs and order the stove to add more dishes, and then she came over to look at the fish.

There was a perch, about three or four pounds, and she asked someone to cook it, and gave the fish intestines and internal organs to Ao Zai.

Several people were watching the "cat" eat fish in the yard, and suddenly there was crying outside.

Ge Guang hurried in and stood in the corridor to salute Feng Yun.

"Madam, that... Song Shouan is outside..."

Feng Yun's face sank.

"How did he get here?"

Ge Guang shook his head, "He was wrapped in gauze, and he looked like a human being."

Feng Yun: "Go and have a look."

Song Shouan didn't "come" by himself, but was lying on a worn-out door panel and was carried by two followers. When Feng Yun went out, he was lying on the board, staring with a pair of bloodshot eyes, and shouting in panic:

"Madam, please spare my dog ​​life, I was wrong."

He struggled to bow to Feng Yun, but the wounds on his body prevented him from moving. The whole person looked extremely distorted, with only the eyes, mouth and nostrils exposed on his face. If it weren't for the sound, no one would know that he was the chief of the Imperial Guards.

"I really know I was wrong, Madam is very generous..."

Feng Yun gently stroked the hand warmer in his hand, looked at the absurd scene in front of him, ignored his wailing and crying, and only asked the two followers.

"Who asked him to come?"

The follower lowered his head, not daring to look at the bright face of the general's wife.

"Madam, it was Chief Wei."

Chief Wei?

Feng Yun was stunned.

Before I could say much, a chuckle came from outside.

"Madam, long time no see."

Erjin should be back to Chengdu late tomorrow afternoon.

Ah, it's really hard to type outside.

Feng Yun: Mom, come and work in my shop.

Erjin: How much is the food and wages? Is there a tall, handsome guy with eight-pack abs to work with?

Feng Yun: ………

Pei He: Mother-in-law, I have such a job here…

Reader: I wonder how many positions you can provide, see if you can form a team for us to work together?

Pei He: OK, food is provided but not fullness.

Everyone: (д)(=)

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