Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 216: Making Friends

Sure enough, it was Wei Zheng who came, accompanied by several Da Neiti cavalry, dressed in rich clothes, holding a sword in hand, tall and straight, and indeed looked somewhat handsome.

Feng Yun smiled slightly and bowed.

"Congratulations, Master Wei."

Wei Zheng returned the greeting and looked around.

"I have something to tell my wife, please step aside."

"Here." The cavalry responded and carried Song Shou'an down, who was crying and begging.

Wei Zheng looked at Feng Yun, "I wonder if it's convenient for you, madam?"

After being away for many days, Master Wei’s majesty has changed greatly.

Feng Yun curled his lips and said, "Master Wei has given me such a big gift, am I inconvenienced? Master Wei, please?"

Wei Zheng: "Madam, please."

Seeing him bowing to each other and pushing them towards the small flower hall, Ao Qi's face darkened. He held Ao Zai in his arms, silently followed Feng Yun, and then stood outside the door.

Just like when I was a guard before.

Feng Yun glanced at him, touched Ao Zai's head, and said nothing.

Wei Zheng raised his eyebrows in surprise and entered the room with a smile.

Ao Qi was promoted to general of the Red Armor Army, and his father Ao Zheng wanted everyone in the world to know about it. It was certainly not a secret to Wei Zheng, who specialized in spying on intelligence.

Seeing the new general's attitude, he suddenly became interested.

But he doesn't ask.

Sitting alone across from Feng Yunhua Hall, he said: "The general has given me a difficult problem."

Feng Yun looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

Wei Zheng had a headache, and suddenly felt that he was not unjust at all when he fell into her hands before. This woman's palace was very deep, and it was almost impossible for ordinary people to pry something out of her mouth.

He simply stated clearly.

"Madam, there is no need to be wary of me. Wei came to visit for personal and official matters, but there is no malice."

After a pause, he continued: "Luo Ji often said in front of me that she was able to survive when she was by Madam's side and was taken care of by Madam. In other words, Madam and I are old friends. If Madam feels like it next, Listen, just listen. If you don’t like it, don’t take it personally.”

Feng Yun's beautiful eyes smiled: "Is it a private matter or a business matter that I don't want to listen to?"

Wei Zheng also laughed, "Of course it's business."

Feng Yun asked: "Let's talk about personal matters."

Wei Zheng glanced at her and gave her a high five.

"I'm here today to help Luo Ji bring something to Madam."

Feng Yun thought it was just like last time, but it was some gadget. Unexpectedly, Wei Zheng gave a high-five and two guards came up carrying a box. There was a bright lock on the box. It looked so heavy that it was hard to tell what it contained. .

Wei Zheng slid the key along the wooden case.

"Madam accepts it."

Feng Yun frowned and said, "How are you, Ah Yue? Why are you giving these?"

Wei Zheng said: "Originally she wanted to come to Xinzhou with her, but she was so happy that she was afraid that the long journey would be bad for the fetus. My mother refused to let her go, so she had to give up. But Luo Ji was worried about my wife, so she asked me to send her. Some specialties from Beijing to repay Madam’s kindness.”

Feng Yun looked at Wei Zheng's expression and felt a little more emotional for Luo Yue in his heart.

A woman full of strength.

Not to mention that Wei Zheng is a man who has Li Sangruo in his heart, just say that he is in Zhongjing, his family background is decent, his life is suave, and he has no shortage of beautiful people like flowers, but Luo Yue actually has the ability to steal his heart...

"Thank you Ayue for me."

Song Shouan fell and Wei Zheng came to power. From then on, he was the head of the Jin court's secret agents. If she had the opportunity to make good relations with him, she naturally did not need to be hostile to him.

Feng Yun spoke softly to Wei Zheng.

"The boss took the trouble to bring it all the way."

Wei Zheng responded with a few words and brought the topic back.

"What I just talked about was a private matter. Now I have a business matter that is very difficult to handle. I would like to ask my wife for advice."

Feng Yun chuckled lightly, "Master Wei, you're too polite. As a woman, how can I be worthy of Master Si's advice?"

After Wei Zheng left Huaxi Village, he reviewed the whole thing and understood his stupidity from beginning to end. He had never treated Feng Yun as an ordinary woman.

Hearing this, he shook his head and took a sip of tea.

"I was promoted to Chief, thanks to my wife's help."

"Where do you start talking about this?"

"Madam is decisive in her actions. Wei admires her very much."

Feng Yun was slightly shocked.

As expected, this Wei Zheng couldn't be compared with that idiot Song Shou'an, and he actually discovered the clues to the matter.

She smiled, "I'm just a victim, bad luck."

Wei Zheng did not say anything, and frowned and said: "To be honest with you, madam, this boss is not easy to do. I just arrived in Xinzhou yesterday, and the general handed Song Shou'an into my hands. I am in a dilemma..."

Feng Yun also lowered his head to drink tea and slowly raised his head, "Oh?"

Wei Zheng smiled and licked his lips, "The general wrote the words "obscene thief" on Song Shou'an's face, chopped up his eating utensils with a knife, soaked them in salt water, and gave them to me to forward to the Queen Mother."

He shook his head again and sighed.

"This is a hard job. The general is kind to me, and it would be ungrateful for me to go against him. But if I obey the general's orders, then... I will offend the Queen Mother, and I will not have to be the head of the department. Come today, I will I want to ask Madam to give Wei a clear path."

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched.

She ordered Ge Guang to pour tung oil and set fire, just to ruin Song Shou'an's face.

Unexpectedly, Pei Madang was so cruel that he castrated the person directly. Not only did he not tell him about the castration, but he also soaked him in salt water and handed it to the Queen Mother?

Feng Yun Wuxia thought too much, because Wei Zheng was looking at her intently, seemingly sincerely asking for advice, but in fact he wanted to find her in a roundabout way and plead with Pei Ran.

Before coming to Xinzhou, Wei Zheng knew that Fang Fucai had sent a spy to secretly "finish" Song Shouan and shut him up, but Song Shouan had been under surveillance by the Beiyong Army, so the newcomers might not have a chance to do it.

Who knew that as soon as he came, Pei Jue handed it to him and asked him to "make sure" to present this "big gift" to Her Majesty the Queen Mother in person.

The hot potato fell into his hands.

Everyone knew that Pei Jue had handed Song Shouan to him.

If the "big gift" died halfway, it would be an offense to Pei Jue.

If the "big gift" was presented to the Queen Mother as he said, and the Queen Mother's face was lost, and everyone knew about it, then he would not have to be the chief secretary.

The subtlety of it is self-evident.

"Chief Secretary Wei is flattering me." Feng Yun shook her head and laughed, "How can I, a woman in the back house, come up with ideas for all these complicated things?"

Wei Zheng bowed deeply again, "The only one who can speak in front of the general is the wife."

Feng Yun curled her lips.

She wanted Li Sangruo to be embarrassed in front of others, so how could she "help"?

"It's not that I don't want to help, Master Wei, I can't help."

Wei Zheng's hand stiffened slightly, and he suddenly lowered his voice.

"Since I sent someone to deliver the letter and help Madam, Madam will not stand idly by and let me be embarrassed, right?"

Feng Yun looked at Wei Zheng, calm.

Wei Zheng said: "Wei has just taken office not long ago, and there are many constraints in the management of the Tiqi Division. There are some things that I can't ask even if I know about them... In this matter, I am helping Madam with my head on my neck."

Feng Yun lowered his head and drank tea.

"What's the matter?"

Wei Zheng gritted his teeth secretly.

This woman is not easy to deal with.

He cupped his hands: "In the wood incident of the Peace Hall, Wei couldn't bear to see Madam fall into the whirlpool, so he took action to warn her. If it helps the general and Madam, it will not be in vain for our friendship in the past."

He couldn't say the friendship in the past.

Feng Yun: "I see."

Wei Zheng shook his head, "Lai Zhong, the head of the Treasury Department, is the prime minister's man. I was forced to do this."

Feng Yun narrowed her eyes and looked at Wei Zheng, chuckling.

This Wei Zheng is really a character.

He put aside past grudges and saw the immediate benefits.

He is much smarter than she thought, not like Song Shouan, who relies entirely on his face to get to the top.

She held the steaming tea cup, blew it, and asked with drooping eyelids:

"Master Wei, don't you think the key to this matter lies with the Queen Mother?"

Wei Zheng frowned, looking at her as if he didn't understand what she meant, and bowed his hands and said: "Please tell me, Madam."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Do you want to be favored by the Queen Mother?"

Wei Zheng's eyes jumped.

It can be seen that he is willing.

He is indeed a loyal supporter of Li Sangruo.

Feng Yun smiled, "If Wei Sizhu is willing to believe me, I have a way. First, Sizhu can establish his position in the heart of Her Majesty the Queen Mother in one fell swoop, so that he will not have to compete with Fang Fucai for favor. Second, this matter can be resolved satisfactorily, without offending the general and making Her Majesty the Queen Mother embarrassed."

Wei Zheng's eyelids twitched violently.

"To be honest, I didn't sleep all night last night. I racked my brains, but I couldn't think of a way to have both. Unless the general is kind enough to let me deal with Song Shouan in private, I can please the Queen Mother..."

Feng Yun chuckled.

There was a cunning light in her almond eyes.

"Wei Sizhu still doesn't believe me."

Wei Zheng certainly didn't believe it in his heart.

But he still flattered her, "Wei would like to hear about it."

Feng Yun said, "Who does Wei Sizhu hate the most in the court?"

Wei Zheng didn't know why she asked this, "Fang Fucai."

"That's easy. It just so happens that I can't stand this eunuch either." Feng Yun laughed, first got closer to him and reached an agreement, then began to make plans.

"Then let's push the blame on Fang Fucai."

I'll update one chapter first, because I'm on the road today, and I may get home in the afternoon. I'll try to update the second chapter before 19:00 (I hope the plane won't be late, it was late when I came)

Feng Yun: Mom, what is late.

Er Jin: Just like Pei Cong.

Feng Yun: I see, it's just procrastinating, finding all kinds of reasons to postpone again and again, making people hate it, right?

Pei Cong: ...

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