Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 217 Private Investigation

What she said was astonishing.

Wei Zheng looked at him with burning eyes, his eyes met, Feng Yun's face was calm, with a slight smile, and his eyes were bottomless.

A woman who cannot see through.

Wei Zheng looked at her for a moment, his eyebrows raised.

"What should Wei do? Please let me know, madam."

Feng Yun said: "Song Shouan was brought to the Queen Mother by Fang Fucai, right or wrong?"

Wei Zheng became angry when he mentioned this. It was precisely because of Fang Fu that he offered Song Shou'an to Li Sangruo and thus took away his favor. Otherwise, the position of head of the Great Neiti Cavalry Division should have been his from the beginning.

"This old eunuch has always regarded me as a thorn in his side just because I can't deal with him and can't stand his charming ways of seducing the Lord. His little calculations are going on."

Feng Yun was sarcastic in his heart.

Fifty steps and a hundred steps to laugh.

Didn't he also want to flatter and seduce Li Sangruo?

It's a pity that he didn't grow a face like Pei Mang.

She pursed her lips and said slowly: "Song Shou'an's dissatisfaction with the Queen Mother is nothing more than recruiting prostitutes in the flower house, which made her laugh and disgraced the Queen Mother. But such a romantic affair as recruiting prostitutes is really not a big crime, and it does not involve Fang Fucai. …”


The atmosphere was extremely low-pressure in the silence.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, "But what if Song Shou'an committed other crimes? What about what he committed was related to Fang Fucai?"

"For example?" Wei Zheng asked.

Feng Yun sneered secretly and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Fabricating charges, deliberately framing, throwing dirty water, and cunningly concluding the case. Shouldn't these methods be Ouchi Tiqisi's specialty? Master Wei still needs me to teach him?"

Wei Zheng smiled awkwardly.

I want to explain something, but I'm embarrassed.

"Then the Queen Mother wants to kill Song Shouan even more?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips.

"You have to kill, but you can't kill easily, at least you don't need to take action. Master Wei must be loyal. If you find any doubts, you must keep him and let the Queen Mother personally interrogate him. You will also make a great contribution to the person who is behind the scenes. One piece.”

Wei Zheng probably understood what she meant.

Pretend to be stupid and get things started first.

The Queen Mother was very unhappy and could not find any fault with him.

Feng Yun curled his lips and stroked the cup with his bare hands.

"The Chief has the country and the country in mind for the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother will definitely understand the Chief's sincerity. As for the General, seeing that Chief Wei is taking the risk of offending the Queen Mother, he will do as he is told. He will definitely remember Wei. The Lord’s favor...isn’t this killing two birds with one stone?”

Wei Zheng was silent.

No matter how nice Feng Yun's words were, he knew very well that this matter was risky.


Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

If Fang Fucai is not brought down, there will be a villain between him and Li Sangruo who will repeatedly provoke him, and the position of the head of the company will not be stable.

He asked: "Will the general really remember my affection?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Isn't it me? If I speak kindly in front of the general, the commander-in-chief will lose face?"

Both sides will not offend, and both sides will benefit.

Wei Zheng thought about it carefully and found out that this is the reason.

"Madam's wonderful idea."

He cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Luo Jicheng won't bully me."

Feng Yun chuckled: "What bad things did Ah Yue say about me?"

Wei Zheng said: "Luo Ji told me that she and Madam are like sisters, and Madam is her only relative in the world. Before Wei left the capital, she specifically told Madam to go to Madam if she had any problems. She also said that if Madam is in trouble, , Wei must help and cannot stand idly by.”

At this time there was another sigh.

"Otherwise, why would I bother to offend someone and secretly pass a small note to Madam?"

Feng Yun laughed.

It doesn’t matter how true or false Wei Zheng’s words are.

But Luo Yue made the right move.

I found a relative in the Jin court.

"Sister Ah Yue and I are worthy of each other. If it weren't for the inconvenience in front of others, I should call Sishu Wei my brother-in-law..."

One sentence made Wei Zheng go crazy.

He understood.

It is necessary to keep things secret in front of others.

Private relationships are strengthened by mutual support.

In these troubled times, everyone needs to rely on, otherwise those people in the court will not form cliques. The same goes for him. Even if he sits on the throne of the head of the Tiqi Division, there is no strong force behind him. Everything depends on the faces of the Li family and his daughter.

It was true that he liked Li Sangruo, but he knew very well that the Li family only regarded him as an easy-to-manage dog, and Li Sangruo had no interest in him.

He asked Luo Yue before.

What kind of men do women like.

Luo Yue thought for a while and answered in three words.


He thought about it, and it was indeed true.

Li Sangruo liked Pei Madang because he was strong, and he believed that he had some abilities, but he was not enough in Li Sangruo's eyes.

Because of his position as the head of the department, anyone she wants can sit there.

A man who could be replaced at any time was naturally dispensable in the heart of the Queen Mother.

He wants to be irreplaceable.

To become stronger...

But it is obviously not possible to take refuge in Li's party members, and no one will cherish the icing on the cake.

But what if there is Pei Mad as a backer?

He was working as a spy inside the court, and Pei Madang had a lot of troops outside the court. Who would dare to provoke him? Don't the Lis and their daughters also have to look at his expression?

Originally, Pei Madang never formed any cliques, so Wei Zheng's attempt to win over him was tantamount to a dream.

Now with Feng Yun as a link and Luo Yue as a "sisterhood", Wei Zheng felt that he could think about something that he didn't dare to think about before.

He suddenly discovered that Luo Yue was a treasure.

Ever since he got her, everything has gone smoothly for him...


Wei Zheng still has some skills.

After returning from Chunchu Pavilion, he secretly interrogated the minions under Song Shouan.

Fabricating charges is the job of the Tiqi Division, and the cruel methods never disappoint people. In less than two hours, not only did they collect many secrets of Song Shouan, but they also traced the fact that Fang Fucai used Song Shouan to make profits, and fabricated twelve crimes.

In addition to greed, lust, forming a clique for personal gain, and private transactions, one of them was Fang Fucai's deception of Li Sangruo.

At the beginning, Fang brought Song Shouan into the palace. In order to please Li Sangruo, he said that he was an innocent boy and had never had sex with a woman.

Unexpectedly, he left a disaster for himself.

The Song family had a wife named Zhenniang, who was poisoned by them before entering the palace...

Of course, Wei Zheng did not think that the queen mother would blame Fang Fucai for Zhenniang, but the queen mother would feel sick. Think about the man who slept with her for so long, and he was a beast who poisoned his wife. How scared she would be?

Because of Fang Fucai's "twelve sins", Song Shouan can't die now.

At least he has to wait for the queen mother to come and find out the truth.

Feng Yun didn't meet Wei Zheng again. After receiving the note sent by him, she put it in the stove after reading it and burned it to ashes.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

She quietly waited for the arrival of the peace agreement.


Next door, in the Lianfeng Courtyard, Chun Yuyan sat lazily on a soft chair with a smile on his lips. There were fruits on the small table in front of him, and the tea boiling on the stove made a gurgling sound, which was extremely elegant.

Chun Yuyan was very comfortable.


An aide in a green robe and loose belt hurried in, bowed to Chun Yuyan, and lowered his voice with a serious look.

"I found out the clues."

Chun Yuyan said softly, pinched the teacup with his slender knuckles, and took a sip of tea, as if he was still restless.

"Mr. Qu, please sit down and talk."

Qu Ding looked at the servants around him.

Chun Yuyan understood, "You all leave."

Everyone agreed and filed out.

Qu Ding then bowed and walked closer, sitting below Chun Yuyan.

"Feng Shier Niang suddenly felt unwell that day, and invited Puyang Jiu because she was poisoned by the aphrodisiac. And this poison is related to the incident in Andu County."

Chun Yuyan's heart tightened.

The way Feng Shier was poisoned in the carriage was somewhat similar to the way she looked in the manor that night...

He snorted and laughed coldly.

"So the poison is not yet cleared?"

"That should be the case." Qu Ding nodded.

Thinking again, if you don't have extraordinary insights as a staff member of the prince, you will be lost in the crowd.

So, you have to create something even if there is nothing.

"In order to win favor from the emperor, concubines in the harem are used to using some despicable means. This kind of thing is not surprising, but there is one thing that I have been thinking about and cannot understand."

Chun Yuyan lifted her beautiful eyes, "What is it?"

"I don't know, should I say it or not..."

Chun Yuyan: "If it is related to Feng Twelve, you can tell me..."

Qu Ding stroked his beard and squinted his eyes, pretending to be a shrewd staff, and analyzed again.

"Before Pei Jue returned to the manor, the concubine poisoned Feng Twelve Niang. Isn't that looking for an opportunity for Pei Jue to favor her? It's contradictory."

After saying that, he glanced at Chun Yuyan.

"The prince took Feng Twelve Niang away that day. It was an unintentional act, right?"

Chun Yuyan hummed.

Qu Ding asked again: "The windows were not bolted at that time, right or wrong?"

Chun Yuyan nodded again, "Not only that, all the guards were suffering from the heat and fell asleep under the awning."

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have been able to take people away so easily.

"That's right." Qu Ding finally found some wisdom of an aide, "Think about it, Prince. You didn't even know that you would kidnap Feng Shier Niang, so how could the concubine who poisoned her have predicted it?"

"You mean..." Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes.

Qu Ding: "That concubine took the blame. If the poisoner wasn't the prince, then someone else must have done it."

Chun Yuyan touched his chin.

No wonder Pei Wangzhi always beat him so hard...

"Does Pei Jue suspect that I did it?"

Qu Ding didn't think so.

But the prince asked, and he had something to do.

"Maybe... General Pei would have such a conjecture. If he could do things so carefully, it must be the prince himself, not the concubine."

"Investigate!" Chun Yuyan lowered his eyes.

"If you find out the truth, this prince will reward you handsomely."

Qu Ding was overjoyed.

Prince Yunchuan was rich and powerful. He worked as an aide to the prince for money.

So, with sincere respect for money, Qu Ding bowed deeply to Chun Yuyan.

"I obey."

The plane was delayed indeed~~

Feng Yun: So, the general will be delayed too, right?

Chun Yuyan: Not late, I have a surprise for you.

Ao Qi: Damn you, what conspiracy is this.

Pei Jue: Haha!

Xiao Cheng: I haven't appeared for a long time, I don't deserve to have a plot, right?

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