Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 218: Special Treatment for Disobedience

On the first day of the twelfth lunar month, the God of Destiny is on duty, and it is an auspicious day.

It is suitable for offering sacrifices, praying for blessings, making alliances, and meeting relatives and friends.

A Qi carriage drove out from the Zhuhe Ferry and slowly led to the Council Hall.

This road has been widened a lot, and the potholes in the canal have been repaired in advance. At present, the voices of peace talks between the two countries are clamorous. When the advance officials of Qi arrived, the atmosphere was piled up.

"My Lord, the Council Hall is almost here."

"Is that the Council Hall?"

Feng Jingting heard the discussion and just lifted the curtain, and heard another exclamation.

"So grand?"

He stared at it and was also a little surprised.

In less than half a month, the Qi side thought that this Council Hall would be hastily done and just for show.

The Jin side asked for money, which was nothing more than an opportunity to blackmail. They didn't believe that it would be built in a good shape.

However, this Council Hall in front of them...

It is magnificent, bright and spacious, and unique.

Without those complicated carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions and towers, the meeting hall is very simple, without gorgeous colors, no extra consumables, simple blue tiles, gray bricks, stones and wood, and even exposed rock foundation.

But it is very magical.

It uses such a simple structure to build a solemn and majestic atmosphere visible to the naked eye.


The pressure on Feng Jingting's heart dissipated.

"It seems that the Jin court attaches great importance to the peace talks and builds it carefully."

This way he can report to the emperor when he returns.

A servant said: "Twelve Niang can build such a house."

His tone was amazed, but he quickly suppressed it.

"She just took the responsibility, but the craftsman was thoughtful."

Feng Jingting knew that Feng Yun was in charge, but he didn't think she had the ability to influence these.

"How can a little girl who grew up in a deep house understand these?"

The servants were silent.

They all knew that Feng Shier Niang was dull and indifferent, and her behavior was not good. She was a rare straw bag among the girls of noble families. She was far less pleasing to the Lord than Shier Niang. They all knew to shut up when they should.


"Lord, we're here."

Feng Jingting lowered the curtain, straightened his clothes, and sat waiting.

But after waiting for a long time, no one came to greet him.

The follower Jiao Da complained.

"Why don't these people know the etiquette?"

It was fine that the Jin court did not send anyone. The guards on duty at the door of the meeting hall saw their carriages and had no intention of passing on the message. They stood with their backs straight, like wooden stakes.

Feng Jingting was unhappy and had to get off the carriage himself.

He was dressed in official uniform and strode towards the gate with tall pillars.

The guards only responded at this time.

"Is the person coming from Qi?"

Feng Jingting naturally would not salute a guard. He stood with his hands behind his back, not moving or speaking.

Jiao Dadao said: "It is our Lord, why is there no one from your side to greet him?"

The guard said: "The general has instructed that he has already inspected the Council Hall, so there is no need to discuss it again. Since Qi is worried, the envoy of Qi can inspect it himself."

Feng Jingting frowned slowly.

Not to mention that he is now an envoy from Qi, just say that Pei Jue married his daughter, so he is Pei Jue's old man, and the younger generation should not be so negligent to the elder.

He is indeed a rough warrior!

Feng Jingting's chest was pressed with air, and he couldn't let it out.

He was humiliated, and the servants also felt aggrieved.

But a group of guards outside the Council Hall were waiting in full battle array, holding sharp weapons and wearing armor, and it was clear that they had no intention of showing them courtesy...

It's impossible to come here on orders and leave in disgrace without inspecting the Council Hall, right?

Feng Jingting pointed at the guard who was speaking.

"You, lead the way."

The guard looked straight ahead, "There are craftsmen working inside, the Lord can go in by himself."

It's fine if he has no respect at all, but this clearly shows that he doesn't take him seriously.

Feng Jingting took a breath, snorted, and brushed his official robes slightly, "Let's go."

Before entering the meeting hall, they thought that no matter how good it was, it was just so-so. The outside was for face, so it was reasonable to repair it better.

Never expected that the "U"-shaped meeting hall would actually have running water introduced, like a water dragon circulating in the shape of a U, clear and clean.

In addition, the entire meeting hall was filled with a lot of novel, unfamiliar but very convenient arrangements.

Feng Jingting walked through the meeting hall in the middle, and then looked at the wing rooms and the shawl room, and became more and more certain that these had nothing to do with Feng Yun.

He knew his daughter very well, she was stubborn and refused to give in, and she had no real ability at all.

"Selling buns, selling buns, fresh big meat buns."

"Egg pancakes, egg pancakes, fragrant and crispy egg pancakes."

"Rice milk and porridge are five yuan a bowl, and buns and egg pancakes are ten yuan each. They are cheap and good quality. They are specially provided by Yutangchun in Andu County. If you miss this village, you will miss this shop."

Feng Jingting's back was slightly stiff.

"Where to sell?"

He asked Jiang Da.

How would Jiang Da know?

After a pause, a craftsman who was fiddling with a wooden screen turned his head.

"Go out and walk about fifty steps in the direction of Mingquan Town, Changmen Restaurant."

Yutangchun is Feng Jingting's property, and he is familiar with this name.

It's just that it's very touching to hear it after several months.

A group of people walked to Changmen Restaurant and found that there were two rows of shops on both sides of the road, like a newly built street, continuing the architectural style of the meeting hall, with simple door lintels, square shops, spacious and bright.

Most of the shops were closed.

There were restaurants, teahouses, and grocery stores.

What was even more outrageous was that there was also a foot shop.

At the entrance of the restaurant was a young sister-in-law with a bun.

She had fair skin and a beautiful appearance. She asked with a smile:

"Sir, would you like to have a meal? We are offering a buy one get one free offer."

Feng Jingting: "How much do you charge?"

"Rice milk and porridge are five yuan a bowl, and steamed buns and egg pancakes are ten yuan each."

"From Yutangchun?"

"Yes, yes, sir, you have a nice nose."

Feng Jingting frowned, "When did Yutangchun become so expensive?"

This price has never been sold in Yutangchun in Andu County, let alone in such a remote place?

If there were no council hall, there would not be many pedestrians here.

Selling at such a high price, even if it is buy one get one free, it is still a rip-off.

Unexpectedly, the sister-in-law laughed when she heard it.

"Such a good price is only available today, sir. When the peace talks start in two days, you won't be able to get this price anymore..."

After saying that, she glanced at Feng Jingting, then looked at the servants around him, as if she had thought of something.

"You are all envoys from Qi, right?"

Under the gaze of the beauty, Feng Jingting straightened his chest and slightly swept his sleeves behind his back, "Yes."

"Then there is no buy one get one free." The sister-in-law said: "Our boss said that the envoys from Qi have money, so they must eat at the original price."

Feng Jingting was struck by lightning.

The steamer on the wooden table was filled with Yu Tangchun's buns, but he, the host, came and asked for the original price...

He snorted.

"Where is your boss? Ask her to come out and see me."

The sister-in-law looked at him contemptuously.

"Who are you? If you want to see my boss, go and see him?"

Feng Jingting: "I am her biological father?"

"Really?" The sister-in-law was Nan Kui. Hearing this, she looked at Feng Jingting carefully, exchanged glances with the waiter beside her, and looked at Feng Jingting with a smile.

"Resurrected? My boss said that his father had died a long time ago. He drowned in a manure pit, and his mouth was full of manure. The undertaker couldn't clean it out after two days..."

"Shut up!" Feng Jingting was furious.

"Where is Feng Shier Niang? Tell her to come see me immediately."

"Are you talking about the general's wife?" Nan Kui had recognized Feng Jingting long ago.

It was Feng Jingting who personally picked her and other sisters out of Yu Tang Chun and presented them to Pei Jue. How could he forget the appearance of the county governor?

Unfortunately, Feng Jingting had seen countless beauties and forgot her.

Nan Kui said, "The envoy is making things difficult for me. I am a little girl selling buns. How can I invite the general's wife?"

He turned back and yelled at the inner room.

"Boss, someone is looking for you."

A Lou pushed the door open and came out. He was stunned when he saw Feng Jingting.

He had just arrived in Mingquan Town in the morning. He was afraid that Feng Yun was short of manpower, so he brought some people to help.

Unexpectedly, he ran into his old master when he met him.

Feng Jingting also recognized Alou.

"So you are the boss? When did my Yutangchun fall into your name?"

Alou bowed, "My Lord, you misunderstood. I just opened a business under the order of my master. How dare I ask for Yutangchun."

How dare a servant call "I" in front of him?

Feng Jingting stared at Alou.

He found that this dog servant had grown taller and more upright after not seeing him for a while. He seemed to have more confidence when speaking, and he no longer respected him at all.

"Where is Twelve Niang?"

Alou looked at him suspiciously.

"My Lord, don't you know? The girl is the general's wife. Now she is in Xinzhou. If my Lord wants to see her, I'm afraid..."

He smiled, "You have to get the permission of the general."

Feng Jingting was so angry that he trembled all over, "How can a father see his daughter and need the permission of his son-in-law? Go and ask Twelve Niang to come and see me."

Alou pursed his lips and smiled at Nan Kui.

The other guys at the door of the store also laughed.

They were very happy, as if they had heard a great joke, and they couldn't stop laughing for a long time. Some even held their stomachs exaggeratedly.

A Lou rubbed his cheeks while laughing, and almost got a stitch in the side.

"If you come here to eat, just pay the bill. If you want to see the general's wife, we can't make the decision."



A Lou raised his chin slightly and looked at him.

Feng Jingting was stunned, his lips trembling, as if he couldn't believe it.

The lowly servant who used to be so lowly that he trembled all over when he saw him, actually dared, actually dared to provoke him like this?

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