Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 219 The Taste

At noon that day, Feng Yun received the news from Mingquan Town.

When she heard that Feng Jingting was humiliated, she showed no expression, and her face was still elegant and smiling.

"That's how it should be. We businessmen should act according to the rules and treat everyone equally."

Wen Xingsu frowned slightly, feeling that the word "treat everyone equally" was a bit distorted.

"A-Yun is like this, I'm afraid it will attract criticism. It will be harmful to your reputation."

It is a great sin for a daughter to be unfilial to her father.

Throughout the ages, few people have dared to risk the disapproval of the world.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and replied with a chuckle: "Feng Jingting and I were no longer father and daughter on the day Andu City was destroyed."

"In the eyes of the world, you are still..."

"Who is this world?" Feng Yun looked up at him and smiled slightly, "What do the world say and think, what does it have to do with me? I only care about my elder brother, do you think I am unfilial?"

Wen Xingsu was stunned for a moment, and sighed with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"Brother is worried about you, not blaming you..."

Which woman can stand the criticism of the world?

Even Ayun’s mother, who is as tough as Ayun, has also suffered greatly?

Wen Xingsu didn't want Ayun to follow in her mother's footsteps, but now she was becoming more and more like her, getting further and further away, and he couldn't hold her back...

"Brother, don't worry." Feng Yun said: "Whoever in the world dares to talk nonsense, I will let them learn a lot and re-understand the moral standards of my Feng family, Ayun."

Wen Xingsu's jaw tightened, and his upright body froze for a moment because of her words.

"It's up to you."

Feng Yun blinked, looked at his elder brother's helpless indulgence, and chuckled.

"Brother is the best to me."

Wen Xingshu is elegant, noble and educated, and he is a traditional and conservative person at heart.

When Pei Ran handed over the security of the parliament hall to him, he never expected that his first job would be to give his stepfather a blow.

According to his temperament, it was impossible for him to embarrass Feng Jingting in Mingquan Town, but the guard in charge of security was deliberately negligent, so he still acquiesced.

Feng Yun knew that this was not easy for him and kept making him happy.

Brother and sister, you look at me and I look at you, and they both smile in the end.

At this time, Ge Guang came in from outside, as if he had something to say. When he saw Wen Xingsu was there, he paused and looked at Feng Yun without saying anything.

Feng Yun said: "Brother is not an outsider, so there is no harm in speaking directly."

Ge Guang responded and raised his hand.

"The villain has received news that the Queen Mother of Jin has led a delegation to Andu County and ordered the general to pick him up."

Feng Yun smiled faintly, without any surprise on his face.


Li Sangruo didn't wait until Pei Ran went to Pingyang to pick her up. Now that they have arrived in Andu County, which is only a short distance of more than a hundred miles, she is determined not to come by herself.

Without Pei Man to take over, how to show the majesty of the Queen Mother?

How to tell the world about her position in Pei Madang's heart?

And Pei Ran...

I'm just afraid it won't work out this time and I won't refuse.

Pingyang is too far away and there are many inconveniences. It can be said that it is excusable to have to turn back due to urgent matters.

So Andu was so close, and as a minister, what excuse could he make?

Feng Yun decided to help him find a reason.


When Feng Yun first entered the camp, he wanted to be careful and did not want to offend Li Sangruo and cause unnecessary trouble. At this point, it was inevitable to avoid it. Even if she was willing to kneel down and lick her feet, Li Sangruo would not let her go.

In this case, what else is there to worry about?

Feng Yun sent Wen Xingsu away, called Ge Guang to the front, and gave him this and that order. Ge Guang nodded frequently, then handed over his hands and took the order to leave.

She then returned to the house, took a shower and changed clothes, then smoked incense and sat for a while. Suddenly she got up and opened the sandalwood box and found the neatly folded strip of cloth that she had stuffed in the corner.

I took it to Bingzhou but never used it.


After a slight hesitation, she picked it up and put it in her sleeve.

"Xiao Man, ask Guard Ye, where is the general?"


Pei Ran was in his residence in Daying.

He summoned Helianqian and arranged military affairs. As soon as he returned to his house to change clothes and prepare to leave for Andu County, Feng Yun came to his door.

"Is the general going out?"

In the past few days since returning to Xinzhou, Feng Yun has not been to his residence once.

Today, not only did he come out of the woodwork, but his tone was also very carefree and gentle.

She walked closer, her fragrance was as delicate as a newly bloomed flower in the morning, her dress was full of spring color, but her smile was soft and desolate.

"But we have to pick him up in Andu County?"

Pei Ran frowned slightly.

As soon as Feng Yun came, the atmosphere in the room changed. His legs were so stiff that he couldn't walk. His cold face showed restrained emotions and surging blood.

"Yes." It was just one word in a low voice.

Feng Yun smiled, "No wonder the general didn't go to Mingquan Town to see my father. The only thing more important than the peace treaty agreement between the two countries is Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother."

When Feng Jingting was mentioned before, Feng Yun always called him by his first name without any respect. That's why Pei Ran left him alone in Mingquan Town to vent his anger on Feng Yun.

Her reaction surprised Pei Madang.

Feng Yun didn't hear him say anything and put his hand on his stiff shoulder.

"General, do you want to change your clothes? Let me see, this one suits you well. Let me help you."

She stood on tiptoe to adjust Pei Madang's robe.

Pei Madang didn't like to bother others when it came to dressing, so apart from the guards, he didn't even have a boy to wait on him.

But Feng Yun was willing to serve, so he naturally let go of his hand and let her do what she wanted.

"General...are you really not going to see my father?" Feng Yun lowered his head slightly and tied his belt, revealing a section of his snow-white and soft neck.

Pei Madang was much taller than her. Looking from top to bottom, he couldn't help but notice the beautiful scenery.

The hibiscus flowers are blooming for the first time, and Luo Qiyu has a thin waist with a cage.

He stared at it for a long time, his Adam's apple rolling.

"Yunniang wants me to go see him?"

Feng Yun hummed, and his fingertips seemed to be filled with cold air. Taking advantage of the opportunity of getting dressed and straightening his robes, it made him feel hot and hot.

But she made it understated, as if she didn't notice.

"I have a father-daughter fight with him. No matter how harsh my words are, blood is thicker than water..."

Pei Man stood upright with his legs straight, his black pupils full of sharp light, "Do you really think so?"

Feng Yun lowered his beautiful eyes and smiled bitterly.

"How can a daughter hate her father? I just hope that my father will look at me one more time. Unfortunately... he had complained about me originally, and today he received a cold reception in Mingquan Town. I don't know what will happen to him... …”

With a sigh, she revealed her vulnerability.

"My reputation has been ruined."

Pei Man stopped her from "arranging" his robes, took her into his arms, held her waist up, looked at the mist overflowing from her black eyes, was slightly startled, and then pulled her hair away from her ears. Push it aside and gently caress the delicate cheek.

"What else is Yun Niang planning?"

Feng Yun:......

She snorted and buried her head in his arms.

A quiet and elegant taste of soap came to my face.

Did you take a shower before going to Andu County?

Feng Yun suddenly felt a subtle displeasure in his heart.

"Since the general thinks it's a ghost idea, why do you still ask?"

Pei Madang held her chin and raised it to prevent her from dodge, his eyes were as deep as a deep well.

"what would you like?"

He asked directly.

Feng Yun smiled and answered directly.

"What can the general give me? An antidote? This is not something only the general has..."

Pei Man clenched his teeth and his face turned completely dark.

"Yunniang, don't be willful."

From his eyes to his voice, he was full of murderous intent.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and smiled softly, "But the general has a lot of medicine."

Pei Madang's body froze, and his whole body was exuding cold air. The strength stretched out from his body seemed to be unable to be covered by his robes.

She directly moved her hands to touch the attractive lines highlighted by the wide shoulders and narrow waist, which were strong and strong.

At that moment, Pei Ran's mind went blank uncontrollably, his heartbeat was as fast as a wild horse, his breathing was heavy, his throat seemed to be tightened, and he let out a low gasp.

"General, your waist is really good." Feng Yun suddenly sighed with emotion.

Then he pinched hard, which completely ignited Pei Ran's unbearable desire, making him inexplicably anxious, "Yun Niang."

"It's over." Feng Yun smiled and looked down at him, "How can the general pick up the Queen Mother like this?"

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