Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 220: Extremely Angry

Her voice was extremely gentle, yet extremely annoying.

Every word seemed to be carrying a murderous knife, stabbing straight into Pei Man's heart.

"No wonder the Queen Mother is so obsessed with her. She is so talented. Who wouldn't love her?"

"Speak carefully." The tips of Pei Ran's ears warmed slightly, his jawline tightened, and he looked at her seriously.

"The Queen Mother comes to the court to listen to government affairs, and her decree is the imperial decree."

"General, are you saying that I have affected your official duties?" Feng Yun glanced at him vaguely and lowered his voice, sounding aggrieved.

"Today's meeting with the Qi envoy is part of the peace treaty agreement. It's just that the general doesn't want to see my father, so why bother?"

After saying that, she pushed him hard, took two steps back, smiled softly and wryly, blinked her eyelashes a few times, and her eyes were filled with mist.

"General, just leave if you want, I won't stop you."

Pei Ran frowned and hugged her.

Feng Yun didn't struggle either.

Motionless, so quiet that only his breathing remained.

"Yunniang." Pei Ran sighed, his voice hoarse, "Be reasonable."

"So let the general go. Picking up the Queen Mother is a business matter, and picking up the Queen Mother is a matter of reason."

Under the dim light, the girl's fair little face was glowing with a strange blush, as if she had been drinking wine. Her whole body was so soft that she was boneless. She was leaning against him, not acting coquettishly, not saying she was wronged, but it was even more difficult to control herself. .

Pei Ran lowered his head and couldn't help but pinch her face.

"Then why be angry?"


Pei Madang frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

"As a human minister, if I openly resist and disobey the decree..."

Feng Yun raised his head: "Will the Queen Mother punish you?"

Pei Madang lowered his eyes and looked at her, "It doesn't matter if I'm punished. Mother Yun, have you ever thought about how much criticism you will receive if the civil and military officials in the court say that I was deceived by you and acted inappropriately and did not obey the holy order? ?”

Feng Yun's lips curled up slightly, "Will it kill me?"

Pei Ran: "Yes."

Feng Yun laughed, and there was a bit of evil and coldness in his clear eyes.

"Will the general protect me?"

Pei Ran: "Protect."

He looked at her motionless, his voice was magnetic and clear, and he was speaking in a straightforward manner. There was no trace of deliberateness or sensationalism, but Feng Yun was overjoyed to hear it.

She clung to him naturally, moving around his body through the clothes, rubbing her ears and temples together like a pot of intoxicating wine, and her smiles and smiles were full of beauty.

"The general is protecting me, so what do I care about them? If someone wants to kill me unjustly, then the general will kill them for me..."

Pei Ran's expression was slightly stern, and his heart seemed to be tickled.

He didn't speak, but he tightened his arms involuntarily, hugged her tightly in an unexpected way, and kissed her the next moment.

There were guards outside the door, and Feng Yun responded cautiously.

There is a certain kind of decadence in the air. They are close to each other, soothing each other carefully, and silently entangling each other. The imperceptible sound makes the body temperature of the two people rise rapidly...

"Well General..."

This is going to cost him his life.

Pei Man clasped the back of her head with his hand and breathed heavily, causing Feng Yun to gasp for breath and gradually lose consciousness.

"Unfair, so unfair..."

Pei Ran said hoarsely: "Why is it unfair?"

Feng Yun's legs were so weak that he couldn't stand, and his heels seemed to be shaking: "The general knows."

Pei Madang's heart was beating like thunder, blood was rushing all over his body, and every pore seemed to be opened by her spell, making it extremely tight.

"You go back first, I'll go back quickly."

"don't want……"

While speaking, Feng Yun's fingers tightened suddenly.

"I seem to be sick again. The general is gone. What should I do..."

Pei Man made her breathe hard as she spoke, holding back the longing that rushed into her head. He looked at her without saying a word, waiting for her next words, waiting for her to ask first.

Eyes facing each other.

Both of them seemed to understand each other's thoughts.

Feng Yun stared at him with charming eyes.

"I want an antidote, but I can't bear the general's majesty, so why not..."

Pei Madang knew she had a plan, "How about it?"

Feng Yun said vaguely: "Shall I tie up the general? This way he won't hurt me."

Last time in Bingzhou, she said that the strip of cloth was prepared for him, but Pei Ran couldn't understand it. Seeing that she actually brought that thing over today, she hesitated but didn't refuse.

However, it was only when he woke up that he realized he had been deceived. Feng Yun didn't mean to tie his hands and feet, but squatted down, tied him up carefully and tied him tightly, and then rubbed him with confidence.

"Half the power, let's see how ruthless you can be."

"You woman, do you have bad intentions?"

"Yes, it's intentional." Feng Yun's eyebrows were full of smiles, and he watched for a moment with great satisfaction: "You can go to see the Queen Mother like this. Anyway, I want to check when you come back. If something goes wrong, I'll give you your antidote." No more."

" are really..."

"What is it? A shrew, a fierce woman, a jealous woman?"

"Fairy." Pei Man gritted his teeth, turned over, pressed the person down, and held him in his arms, as if there was a wild beast tumbling wildly in his heart.

He wanted to charge, to go crazy, to have all the fun, to tear the little beast into pieces and swallow the skin and flesh to relieve his hatred.

He had forgotten that the horses were ready and the soldiers were ordered. He was about to go to Andu County to pick up Li Sangruo.

"'s getting late."

Feng Yuncun was dissatisfied and pushed him on the shoulder.

"If you don't accept the Queen Mother, you will resist the decree..."

Pei Man's breath was hot and he was extremely angry. He regarded the girl in his arms as an enemy that needed to be broken. He was completely unaware of the importance in his secret excitement after being tied up by her...

"General." Feng Yun made him look pitiful, staring at him breathlessly.

She thought of the villa in her previous life for no reason.

That day, Li Sangruo called her over, showing off the marks of lovemaking, telling her that it was the result of her crazy entanglement with Pei Jue...

It was also in Andu Villa.

Li Sangruo was waiting for him there now.

Feng Yun thought of that scene, and she was so angry that she punched him hard.

It was as if she had a deep hatred with him.

"What are you crazy about?" Pei Jue grabbed her wrist.

"Why don't you tie me up too, General?" Feng Yun said, "Tie me up, and you can do whatever you want."

Pei Jue's brain buzzed, and he bit her neck. Another bite. Another bite. Like a beast gnawing on delicious prey, his voice was full of warnings of invasion.

"Don't commit suicide."

"Are you a dog, Pei Jue?"

"Shh." Pei Jue grabbed her wrist and pressed it on the pillow, indicating that there was someone outside, so she should speak softly.

Feng Yun looked at him angrily, her eyes seductive.

"What are you afraid of? Her Majesty the Queen Mother can't hear you?"

This mouth really knows how to hurt people.

Pei Jue's rough fingertips gently touched her lips.

She was a little nervous.

But she still underestimated Pei Jue's badness.

"You guys leave."

He said in a deep voice, and a response came from outside.

Feng Yun was slightly startled, looking at his sharp and ruthless eyes, and before she could react, her black hair fluttered on the pillow.

Pei Jue took away her hairpin, held her face, bent down to kiss her, and dragged a soft pillow over to cushion her waist.

Feng Yun was startled at first.

Then she opened her eyes wide, staring at him absent-mindedly, watching him gently suck her warmly and skillfully, all the way winding and sliding down.

She was good-looking, clean and moist, and at this moment, she was full of affection and willing to be picked, which made him want to destroy her and couldn't stop...

It was as if he understood all the mechanisms in her body and could easily control her. The most important thing was that Pei Jue didn't have so many bad habits. He was a big man outside, but he was very humble in the room...

"Uh." Feng Yun pulled his hair hard, and the whole person bent up, his waist against the soft pillow was stretched into a straight line, and his mind was blank for a moment.

Pei Jue's black eyes were slightly lowered, and he buried his head without saying a word, like a greedy beast gnawing, rubbing and grinding, looking for fragrance.

Unspeakable numbness flowed in his head, and the top of his head seemed to be opened by him. The continuous and surging electric current attacked Feng Yun convulsed and couldn't control herself, as soft and charming as a cat.


It was always at this time that he was called husband.

Pei Jue stared at her, his eyes deep.

After a while, her tense body finally relaxed, and she collapsed on the quilt, her dark pupils slightly out of focus, and she was breathing heavily.

The two of them were dressed in disarray, and there was no distance between them.

Feng Yun's fingertips trembled, and she looked at the person in front of her with a blurred and charming look.

Pei Cong pulled her close, pressed tightly against her, and endured sweat all over.

"Can you let go?"

"No..." Feng Yun's soft voice seemed to break the last nerve of the person.

Thinking of what Pei Cong had just done to her, she was like an angry little beast, struggling wildly, her face flushed.

"You are going to see the Queen Mother, so you won't mess around if you are tied up. Don't let go."

Pei Cong's eyes were hot, which made her laugh in anger, and he lifted her up in the air in that position.

"Ah!" Feng Yun screamed.

"Pei Cong, you want to kill your wife and marry another one!"

Pei Cong lowered his head, patted her lightly, threw her on the couch, and reached out to pull down the curtain.

"Be honest."

"Pei dog." Feng Yun beat his shoulders, acting like a spoiled child and making a scene at the same time, complaining and whining in small details, her demeanor was very attractive.

"Wait." In the tent, Pei Cong pushed aside her wet hair and said vaguely, "I miss you so much."

"What did you say... I didn't hear you. Say it again?"

Pei Cong was angry, his face darkened and he said nothing.

But she smiled coquettishly, "You just say: my wife, please forgive me, and I will agree."

It was at this time that Feng Jingting's carriage arrived at the Xinzhou camp.

He handed over the card and said angrily:

"Please inform General Pei that Qi has sent an envoy, Feng Jingting, to ask for an audience."

The two countries agreed to go to Mingquan Town to inspect the council hall on the first day of the twelfth lunar month, which is today. As the father-in-law, Feng Jingting was very angry with his son-in-law...

In the end, Feng Yun also sent Ge Guang to say a lot of unpleasant things.

They said he abandoned the city and offered his daughter to the general, he was a coward and didn't deserve to live in the world...

They said he saw Feng Yun married the general, so he came to Xinzhou to recognize her, he was shameless and presumptuous.

Each sentence was more hurtful than the last, which made Feng Jingting so angry that he couldn't live without setting some rules, so he came directly to the door in the name of an envoy.

"None of us can bear the crime of disrupting the peace agreement. Please ask General Pei to come out and go to Mingquan Town with me to examine the meeting hall." (End of this chapter)

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