Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 221 All good plans

Feng Jingting waited outside for a quarter of an hour before a guard holding a knife came over, asked him to serve tea and snacks, and respectfully invited him to sit in the flower hall.

"The envoy will wait a moment. He will come to see you when the general has finished his business."

Feng Jingting was so angry when he came to Xinzhou that he couldn't bear it for a long time. But now I am in the Beiyong Military Camp, I am a little scared, but I have to suppress my anger, pretend to be an elegant scholar, have a big belly, calm temper, gently stroke my beautiful beard, sit down, hold a cup and drink it lightly.

“Good tea.”

He came from an idle family and loved arty tea. After tasting it carefully, he said: "The soup is clear in color and has a refreshing aftertaste. I wonder what the name of this tea is and which elegant house it comes from?"

Zuo Zhong looked at him strangely.

"Made by Madam."

"Madam?" Feng Jingting was slightly startled, "Which madam?"

Zuo Zhong said: "General's wife."

Feng Jingting realized at this moment that Zuo Zhong was talking about his eldest daughter.

He smiled, noncommittal.

He didn't really believe it, but he didn't say anything more in front of Zuo Zhong.

Fortunately, the person he met was Zuo Zhong, who was rigid and strict in his rules, and would not be too cold-shouldered when facing Qi's envoys.

He comforted Feng Jingting and withdrew.

Outside the flower hall, I saw Ge Guang walking over carrying two bottles of wine and a food box.

"Left guard." Ge Guang smiled and said, "Madam said that this prince is usually greedy for two things. One is fine wine, and the other is beauties. If Madam cannot respect beauties, she also wants fine wines."

Then he gave Zuo Zhong the wine.

"Excuse me, left guard."

It was just a little effort, and it was Feng Yun's order. Of course Zuo Zhong would not refuse. He nodded and took the wine and food box, walked back, and motioned to the guard to carry it in to Feng Jingting.

Feng Yun was right, Feng Jingting was indeed a good drinker.

Moreover, he also has a bad habit. After drinking, he becomes confused and loses his temper easily. Therefore, when he came to Xinzhou this time, Mrs. Chen repeatedly told him not to miss important events by drinking yellow soup.

Feng Jingting kept in mind that he didn't want to drink it.

But after removing the plug and smelling it, he took a deep breath as if greed had entered his brain.

"It wouldn't hurt to have a drink."

There are dishes to go with the wine, and when you have free time, you can eat one glass and then another.


In the inner room.

The two of them had long forgotten that Feng Jingting was waiting outside.

The green waist is weak, the spring flowers are gorgeous, and the orioles are singing sweetly, and the fragrant curtains are fragrant.

Pei Madang made up his mind to let her taste the benefits, put away his pity, and ravaged the delicate red soft pink fiercely, and invaded every inch of the fragrant path he found...

He seemed crazy.

I don’t know how many reincarnations they have gone through, but the two of them tightened their bodies almost at the same time, intertwined their fingers, and couldn’t tell who was feeling more uncomfortable than the other, who felt more comfortable than the other, and their limbs jumped to the extreme at the same time.

The two arrived almost at the same time.

Feng Yun stroked his belly, and the delicate clavicle line under his neck moved lightly with his breathing. Her skin is very white, and peeled onions are not as delicate as her porcelain. After all this rubbing, her eyes are reddish as if stained with fat, and the gentle and delicate outline of her body seems to fall on people's hearts. One more look, and Feeling deeply about God’s preference in creating man.

It was originally a peerless delicate flower.

After being watered by rain and dew, it becomes even more beautiful and illusory.

Pei Ran stood up and kissed her.

Feng Yun actually didn't eat much, but his body seemed to be split open, and he turned his sweaty head to the side.

"Don't recruit me."

Pei Man caressed her waist, feeling the smoothness in his palms.

All sweaty.

"Want to take a shower?" His voice was low and slightly mute.

Feng Yun didn't move, not even a finger.

The air exuded a faint and lingering breath, which entered her nasal cavity ambiguously. It did not arouse her awake soul. She was still drowsy, and the person on her body showed no signs of weakness at all...

She moved her waist and said, "No more."

Pei Ran: "This is what you are capable of."

Feng Yun:......

Her heart skipped a beat.

Just now, she actually couldn't tell whether it was her desire to hold him back more, or whether her body's original desire was more entangled, and she didn't know whether she was teasing him or being flirted with by him.


She didn't move, but she couldn't bear the friction.

The warm breath fell, making her shiver.

So I pushed him, and I got an advantage and behaved well.

"A dignified general who doesn't do his job and hides in the barracks in broad daylight is not afraid of being laughed at."

Pei Ran rubbed her maliciously, breathing heavily.

"Cure a disease, save a person and prepare an antidote, which will be a great good."

"I didn't expect General Pei to be so shameless."

Feng Yun stroked his fingers from his cold and sweaty neck and said lazily, "General, you should go see my father."

Pei Ran frowned.

The person who held her back just now was clearly her, but now she turned around and refused to recognize her, as if she was a member of his family who didn't want to see her.

This woman is used to doing bad things.

Fortunately, this time she was awake and would not deny it afterwards.

"It's too late to wait. Then you can invite him to sit in Chunyuyuan. When I come back from Andu, then follow him to Mingquan Town."

Feng Yun smiled softly.

That being said, we still have to go to Andu County.

"The general is indeed loyal."

She pushed him away, stood up, and went straight to the clean room.

Pei Ran was startled when he heard the sound of water.

There was no spare hot water in the clean room, so she used cold water to wash herself?

He quickly followed over and wrapped the man in his cloak.

"what you do?"

Feng Yun blinked, "I feel uncomfortable if I don't wash."

Pei Ran: "Just wait, I'll ask someone to bring hot water."

Feng Yun didn't confront him. He said softly, went back to sit on the couch, pulled down the curtain, and waited with no expression.

Seeing her like this, Pei Man felt even more uncomfortable than when she didn't recognize her afterwards.

"Mother Yun." He sat down next to Feng Yun and put his arm around her shoulders. "I'll hurry up and try to get back before nightfall."

No matter how fast his horse is, so what?

When I see Li Sangruo in Andu, can I still decide when he will come and go?

Feng Yun glanced at him and said, "General, please excuse me."

Pei Ran:......

The words were stuck in my throat.

After a while, two guards carried hot water to clean the room.

The two faced each other in silence.

After they left, Feng Yun dragged his bare legs and strode in without saying a word. He didn't say a word to him, and then took a comfortable shower.

When I came out of the house again, I found Daman and Xiaoman coming over, taking her clothes with them and waiting outside sweating profusely.

Feng Yun was startled, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Man said: "Guard Ji has just come on horseback to tell us to prepare Madam's clothes and towels and come quickly. No, he was brought here without even taking a breath."

Feng Yun took a quick glance, hummed, changed into clean clothes, and found that Pei Madang was no longer in the room.

"Where's the general?" she asked.

Xiaoman said: "Forget it. When the maid came, she heard that the prince lost his temper, yelled and cursed, wanted to see the general, smashed things in the camp, and even stabbed people with his sword in anger, making it a mess... "

Feng Yun nodded, sat down and wiped away the clouds of silk.

Xiaoman looked at her expression strangely.

"Why isn't the girl surprised?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Feng Jingting was immoral after drinking, not just once or twice. What's so surprising? Then wasn't Feng Ying the result of his immoral behavior while drunk and his widow?"

She would always remember the shock and fear she felt when she was a child, witnessing her parents arguing.

Every time she thought about the tears on her mother's face and the pain before her death, her heart would feel burning pain, as if someone had punched a big hole through it.

Feng Jingting slapped himself in the face, crying and admitting his mistake, which was particularly disgusting.

He said that he had lost his moral character after drinking and there would be no next time.

But my mother didn't know until her death that the daughter he and Mrs. Chen had outside was only two years younger than her.

Before their mother found out, the two had been living alone for an unknown amount of time.

Even after my mother found out, she never severed the relationship.

In the darkest days after her mother's death, she had doubted whether the cause of Wen Xingsu's father's death might be that Feng Jingting and Chen had an affair, which led to Wen Xuan's death...

"Girl." Xiaoman looked at Feng Yun, feeling a little confused.

"Don't be sad."

Feng Yun smiled coldly, "Do you think I'm sad?"

Xiaoman was speechless.

When she entered the mansion late, Mrs. Chen had already kept silent about these things, so naturally she had never heard anyone say anything about it. However, she knew that the girl's mother, Lu Sanniang, had just passed away and before she was discharged, Mrs. Chen was carried into the Feng Mansion.

At that time, Feng Ying was with her.

She felt sorry for the girl, but Feng Yun had no expression on his face, and his eyebrows were still sharp.

When she wasn't smiling, she was a completely different person than when she was smiling.

Daman lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiaoman lowered his head, "Do you want to see Mr. Fu? Just now, Xiaoman heard... Mr. Fu was calling you, and you went to see him immediately. He was very angry."

"Heh." Feng Yun said disapprovingly: "Then let's go and meet." (End of Chapter)

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