Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 222 Rampant Rage

In the flower hall, Feng Jingting was supported by two guards. He couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north, and he kept yelling randomly.

Guard Jiang Da's face was full of nervousness and apprehension.

"General, Madam gave me wine. The Lord was so happy that he drank a few more glasses."

Pei Ran didn't say a word since he entered the door.

Jiang Da's back was dripping with sweat as he gently stroked Feng Jingting's back, wishing he could shake him awake.

"Master Fu...General Pei is here."

Feng Jingting's drunken eyes were hazy, and he curled his lips unhappily. He closed his eyes lightly, and with the attitude of a romantic celebrity, he opened his clothes, and his long legs were slouched, revealing his naked chest.

"Please report who is coming and give your name."

Pei Madang's voice was slightly cold.

"Pei Ran."

"Pei Ran?"

"Pei is mad, mad is mad."

Feng Jingting was shocked, half-drunk and half-awake, he narrowed his eyes and looked at him carefully.

"It doesn't look like that..."

The last time Feng Jingting saw Pei Ran was in Andu County.

At that time, he was wearing armor and sitting on horseback. Looking from a distance from the top of the city, he was a slender, tall, majestic and strong man.

Observing closely, the man he saw was not wearing armor and was wearing casual clothes. He was not at all the rough and rude person who drank blood as rumored.

Except for the fact that he is eight feet tall, it is completely different from the rumors and imagination.

Not only is he not ugly and rough, but he has an extremely handsome face, with piercing eyes and as strong as a tiger. He is not a jade boy, but he has a natural charm.


Such a distinguished man actually married his daughter, who had no talent, no virtue, no beauty.

" many concubines are there in the mansion?"

"Are you satisfied with the twenty-year-old beauty you gave me last time?"

Jiang Da felt his ears buzzing.

This is not a banquet, and such words are inappropriate.

If Feng Jingting hadn't been drinking, he would never have talked nonsense, but once he drank, his true nature was revealed.

"Have you not sobered up yet?" Pei Ran said calmly in the face of Feng Jingting's eyes that couldn't help but look at him.

Feng Jingting stared back at him and shook his finger.

"You should call me, Lao Taishan."

Pei Ran: "It seems that I haven't sobered up yet."

After saying this, he motioned to the left and right, "Come here, take Mr. Fu out to sober up."

"Here." Several guards rushed up to catch Feng Jingting.

Jiang Da and other Feng Mansion guards immediately stepped forward to stop him, "General Pei, even though the two armies were fighting, they didn't kill the envoys. What's more, this is during the peace negotiation?"

Pei Ran didn't speak, his face was stern.

Ji You sneered.

"You bastard, didn't you hear what our general said? It's not like you're asking to kill..."

He raised his eyebrows slightly evilly.

"Or do you want your lord to die?"

Jiang Darang him was frightened by what he said. He kept bowing his hands and raised his head and said:

"Your Majesty drank a few too many drinks today, and his behavior... was a bit unruly, and he asked the General to drink a lot..."

Feng Jingting slapped Jiang Da on the head.

"Bitch, who are you saying is out of line? Presumptuous."

Drinking makes people brave.

Being aroused by what Ge Guang said today, he was full of resentment. He just wanted to prove in front of everyone that he was not a coward, let alone timid.


He turned around and pointed at Pei Ran, his face flushed and he shouted.

"Why don't you kneel down quickly and pay homage to your father-in-law?"

Jiang Da was so angry that he wanted to cover his mouth.

Pei Ran's expression remained unchanged.

"Throw it out."

Just now, several guards thought that he was the madam's biological father and treated him more kindly. Now that the general had spoken, he no longer had any scruples. He pushed away the entourage who was protecting Feng Jingting, grabbed him and walked out.

Feng Jingting was unsteady on his feet and even fell down while walking. He kept struggling to look back and yelled at Pei Mad.

"What a sin, filial piety is the righteousness of heaven. You, Pei Madang, will be punished by heaven for treating your father-in-law like this..."

Ji You held him back and made a fuss.

"I don't know whether God will punish you or not. If you offend the general, you will be punished."

Lin Zhuo asked him: "How to help him sober up?"

Ji You was evil-minded and said, "Throw it into a cesspool?"

Everyone knows the smell of the cesspit in the camp. Before Ji You could finish his words, Lin Zhuo showed a look of disgust.


"Can't I coax you?"

"But he is Madam's father..."

"Not anymore." Ji You snorted, "A hypocrite who offered his daughter to beg for surrender is worthy of being our wife's biological father?"

Ji You's words and the association triggered by the cesspool made Feng Jingting wake up from the alcohol and shouted for help.

"Have you eaten the heart of a bear or the courage of a leopard? I am an envoy of the State of Qi, and you have no right to deal with me."

Feng Yun came here at this time.

Xiaoman saw this and was about to step forward when she pulled him back.

"do what?"

Xiaoman said: "They want Fu Jun..."

Feng Yun said: "I didn't see anything."


Feng Yun and her maid waited there for a long time. When Feng Jingting was dragged back to the flower hall by the two guards, she quickly walked in.


In front of Pei Ran, she, the daughter of a filial father who had been wronged, had to do a full show.

"What’s wrong with you……"

Before she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and nose.

"It stinks. What's going on?"

Ji You glanced at the general awkwardly, and then helped Feng Jingting up who was shivering from the cold.

"The Lord was just drunk and urinating, and accidentally fell into the latrine..."

Feng Yun's expression changed.

She really hit the mark.

Sure enough, it fell into the manure pit.

"But don't worry, madam, we have already washed the prince." Ji You said, seeing that Pei Ran didn't say anything, he added: "My subordinates have sent people to find clean clothes, and they will soon bring them for the prince to change into." "

He turned to wink at Lin Zhuo again.

"Hurry up and have a look."

Lin Zhuo cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

After an unlucky moment, Lin Zhuo brought some clothes. Jiang Da, as if feeling distressed, took Feng Jingting to the inner room to change.

Feng Yun excused himself to worry about his father, so he followed him and waited outside, pacing back and forth.

When Ji You and others saw this, they were a little worried...

Pei Ran sat silently, as steady as a mountain.

"Zuo Zhong."

Zuo Zhong stepped forward silently, "My subordinate is here."

Pei Madang said: "Immediately send someone to Andu and tell the envoy of Qi that he is making a big fuss in the Beiyong Army Camp. He wants me to accompany him to inspect the camp. If he can no longer go to Andu to pick him up, please ask the Queen Mother to punish him."

Feng Yun saw Zuo Zhong striding out through the window, raised his lips slightly, and suddenly turned back to ask Xiaoman.

"My golden girlfriend is almost used up. I have to find materials to make more."

Xiao Man was confused.

"Golden Girlfriend?"

Feng Yun chuckled: "The ointment I use every day..."

When did the commonly used ointment get the name "Jinguike"?

Seeing Xiaoman's confused look, Feng Yun chuckled, pulled her over and took a closer look at his face.

"What do you think of my skin?"

Xiao Man was jealous when he saw it, "It's as tender as a peeled egg. I'm so jealous of the maid."

Feng Yun chuckled, "This is the credit of Jinguike. Do you think I used ordinary ointment?"


Xiaoman became more and more puzzled.

She had not been with Feng Yun for a long time, only a few months in total. She only knew that Feng Yun liked to make homemade creams and did not like to buy them in the market. Of course, in these troubled times, not all things sold are good, and even if you have money, it's not easy to buy them.

Daman heard the sound and aroused her curiosity.

"Is it possible that the girl's fat has other benefits?"

Feng Yun glanced at her and sighed lightly.

"That's nature. My destiny depends entirely on it."

Xiao Man was surprised, "Why does the girl's fate depend on it?"

Feng Yun smiled and stroked his cheek.

"What you don't know is that this Golden Girl, in addition to the usual things used in ointments such as beef marrow and pig pancreas, also has some secret medicinal materials. Use it to apply on the face, and the jade will be white and can be used to repair the face. Use it to apply on the body..."

She smiled lowly and hesitated to speak:

"It's hard to talk about my personal merits. But there is one thing that when a man sees it, he won't be able to stop it..."

Xiaoman had never heard Feng Yun say such a sarcastic thing in person, and he blushed for a moment.

Daman was also very surprised.

Did the girl actually use such a magical thing?

It was as if Feng Yun couldn't see their reactions, and he spoke more and more nonsense, "Why do you think the general values ​​me so much? Can a female prisoner from an enemy country, with no ability, win his exclusive favor just by her face?"

Xiaoman: "The general always values ​​girls."

"There is no original, just because there is it." Feng Yun gently raised his eyes, extremely charming, and said with a little sigh in his tone:

"For a man in this world, it's never about any one person, it's just about sex."

Xiaoman seemed to understand, but also seemed not to understand.

"Girl, can I use it?"

Feng Yun said: "Of course you can. However, there will be some discomfort at first, and you may not be able to bear it. Moreover, once this thing is used, it must be used for a long time and cannot be interrupted."

Xiao Man was too curious to bear it.

"I want to use it. I want to use it."

Daman also bowed his head shyly.

"Please give me a reward from the girl."

Feng Yun smiled and took out a piece of yellow paper from his sleeve, without any intention of hiding anything.

"This is a recipe. Get the materials and I will teach you how to make it. But one thing must not be leaked."

"Here." Daman happily took it, his eyes filled with gratitude.


Feng Jingting fell into a manure pit and was washed with cold water again. He had already woken up from the wine. When he came out to change his clothes, he heard what Feng Yun and Xiao Man said.

Jinguike, he remembered this name.

He paused inside for a moment, then walked out slowly.

"Twelve mothers."

Feng Yun seemed to have discovered him just now.

He was startled and smiled coldly.

"Long time no see."

Feng Jingting frowned.

Don't you look like a filial daughter in front of Pei Ran?

In the blink of an eye, his face changed.

"How did you talk to father? Could it be that you... did it on purpose to show Pei Ran?"

"Otherwise?" Feng Yun smiled slightly, "If the general mistakenly thinks that I am an unfilial daughter, how can I win his heart according to your instructions?"

What she said was ironic, but Feng Jingting took it seriously.

"Twelve mothers, you have grudges against my father, and I don't blame you. But now that you can marry General Pei, it can be regarded as my father's fulfillment..."

Feng Yun sneered.

"Father, do you think I have some value and want to come back to recognize my daughter?"

"I have never disowned you." There was a hint of helplessness in Feng Jingting's brows, "When His Majesty refused to marry you, we had to find other ways to get married. Your sister loves Your Majesty, and His Majesty never refused... You should Sister, since you are worthy of a good match, don’t worry about the past anymore, right?”

Feng Yun sneered, and before he could reply, he saw Pei Ran walking from the other side of the flower hall.

His face was solemn and expressionless.

It wasn't until he got close to her that he gently hugged her, looked at Feng Jingting and said:

"My Lord, don't you want me to go to Mingquan Town with you to inspect the council hall?"

Feng Jingting swallowed his words and bowed to him.

"That's right."

Pei Jue: "My Lord, please?"


Feng Jingting was walking in front and saw Pei Jue walking slowly with Shi Er Niang behind him. He walked out of the flower hall and helped her into the carriage like a treasure, as if he was taking her to Mingquan Council Hall. He was shocked.

Pei Yanwang was a murderer and bloodthirsty person with a bad reputation. Who doesn't know that he is fierce and brutal?

He actually cared for Shi Er Niang so much...

Sure enough, that golden boudoir guest was a treasure.

If A Ying had one too, why would Xiao Cheng not fall in love with her? And why would he worry about the family's honor? Wouldn't the country of Qi be under his control? (End of this chapter)

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