Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 223 Long Line Fishing

Andu Villa.

The room was covered with thick soft blankets and the fire was so warm that you didn't feel the cold outside at all.

Li Sangruo started bathing and changing clothes from an hour ago, and six palace maids were busy waiting on him, even his hair and fingernails...

She believed that she was a beautiful woman, but everyone said that Feng Yunshu was unparalleled in beauty and that she was as beautiful as a fairy. She often compared in her heart how beautiful Feng Twelfth Mother was, and how beautiful she was, and how she could make Pei Madang dizzy...

It's just that you've been away for a long time, feeling lonely, right?

Wait until he comes.

Wait until he gets close...

You will also see her beauty.

Li Sangruo's fingers carefully caressed the fair skin under her thin gauze, and a lingering picture appeared in his mind. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously...

Ah mad.

She had been thirsty for him for too long.

Waiting made everyone anxious.

Ever since I was a girl, I have been waiting for...

I want to marry him and be his woman.

If it wasn't fate, they might have had several children, and there wouldn't be Feng Twelve Niangs around Ah Ran, let alone other women to possess him. Then the man who originally belonged to her should have She is the only one...

Li Sangruo's eyes suddenly stayed on his chest.

The black mole is very eye-catching under the snow-white skin.

She had never cared so much about this mole before, but since the rumors about Andu began, she felt resentful every time she saw it and wanted to chop it off...

If Ah Man saw it, would he doubt that all the rumors about An Du were true?

This was all done by Feng Twelve Niang.

She must tear that bitch's mouth to shreds.

"Your Highness!"

Fang Fucai's voice was trembling. Looking through the curtain, his fat body seemed to be swaying.

"The general has sent someone."

Li Sangruo looked slightly startled and sat up straight.

"The general didn't come?"

If possible, Fang Fucai hoped that it was Wei Zheng standing in front of him at this moment, instead of himself.

Because what he said next would definitely make the Queen Mother Lei Lei furious, and everyone in front of him would suffer.

"The general was originally coming. His horses were ready and his troops were ordered. But when he came, he was entangled by the Qi envoys and couldn't leave."

Fang Fucai raised his head and said, "According to the terms of the peace agreement, today is the time to go to the Mingquan Town Acceptance Hall..."

"Fart!" Li Sangruo interrupted her suddenly. The dignified Queen Mother actually uttered curse words. Her face turned white with anger. She even ignored the thin and gauze on her body which was very indecent. She strode out of the curtain and stood in front of her. In front of Fang Fucai, the anger, anxiety, and depression in her expression... were completely on the verge of losing control.

"Who is the envoy of Qi State?"

Fang Fucai glanced at her face secretly, "Feng, Feng Jingting."

"As expected." Li Sangruo's sharp eyes seemed to be spitting fire. He pulled the curtain hard without tearing it down. He couldn't find a place to vent his anger. He walked straight to the side and kicked the palace maid who was kneeling on the ground.

"Everyone is against the Ai family!"

"Deliberately going against the Ai family!"

"Completely disregarding the Ai family's face!"

"Go to hell, go to hell!"

Fang Fucai knelt down while she was gnashing her teeth and cursing.

"Her Majesty the Queen Mother, calm down!"

The little palace maid bit her lip, trembling with fear from her aura, curling up, holding her head and crying, but she didn't dare to make a painful sound, because she knew that would only anger the Queen Mother, and she might die faster...

Li Sangruo kicked the palace maid manically to vent his emotions.

There was silence in the room.

Fang Fucai felt a little weak in the legs.

He has known Li Sangruo for many years.

Her appearance changed greatly, and her temper became more and more irritable day by day.

When she first entered the palace, she was actually a very beautiful young lady in her prime. Her dark eyes showed her innocence. I don't know when her temper gradually became sharp and violent. Since Pei Man married Feng Twelve Niang, she The yin and yang are even more unstable, and he punishes the palace people at every turn, and his attacks are more cruel every time.

She is in her twenties, but her eyes look like those of an old woman who has gone through many vicissitudes of life, and has long since lost her brilliance...

Li Sangruo finally got tired of kicking and turned back panting.

"Fang Fucai, come and tell the Ai family that the general is coming, right?"

Fang Fucai responded in a low voice, "Yes. The general was originally coming."

"In his heart, family mourning is the most important thing, yes or no."

"The Queen Mother is the mother of the world, so the general will naturally regard the Queen Mother as his most important thing."

Li Sangruo sneered.

"Is the Ai family so easy to deceive?"

She stared at Fang Fucai, as if a fire was burning crazily in her heart.

"Send someone to go to Xinzhou quickly and ask Pei Madang to come see me immediately. If he doesn't come, the Ai family will not go. Whoever wants to negotiate for peace can go to the negotiation. The Ai family is tired..."

Her face was pale and she was weeping silently. She looked like a woman who had lost her soul after a broken love, and she did not have the slightest bearing of a queen mother before her court.

Fang Fucai was startled and kowtowed on the ground.

"Your Highness can't help it."

Li Sangruo turned his head sharply and stared at him.

"How can I not do it? The Ai family is the Queen Mother. When the Queen Mother comes to court, she is being wronged by asking a general to pick her up."

Fang Fucai knelt down and raised his head, saying: "The peace negotiation is the most important thing, Your Highness. After all, the general is also for your Majesty's country. Feng Jingting, an old man, deliberately made things difficult for his daughter. The general should not be too offended. If the Queen Mother and the Empress Dowager are therefore involved, Fang Fucai knelt and raised his head. If the general has a quarrel, doesn't it play into the hands of the Feng family and make Feng Twelve Mother proud? "

Li Sangruo was slightly startled.

Looking at Fang Fucai's eyes getting colder and colder, his expression softened a lot.

Fang Fucai's forehead was covered with cold sweat, knowing that what he said touched the heart of the Queen Mother.

He said again: "That Feng Shi intends to provoke Your Highness, Your Highness must not fall into her conspiracy. The Queen Mother is the Queen Mother, the General is the General, there is a difference between the monarch and the ministers, when Your Highness arrives in Xinzhou, will the General dare not come to greet him?"

Li Sangruo's emotions were calmed down.

This is what she likes most about Fang Fucai.

He always has a way to pick up her face from the ground, wipe it clean, put on rouge and powder, and make it look better.

Moreover, Fang Fucai's words suddenly made her a little enlightened.

Since Pei Jue had Feng Shier Niang, his relationship with her has been getting worse day by day.

The broken jade warning and disobeying the order were all things that happened later...

She should mainly appease Pei Jue. If she really lets him be domineering, wouldn't it make him more alienated, and where is the future?

Under the yellow light, Li Sangruo's face regained some color.

"Forget it. Tell the messenger that I sympathize with the general's busy military affairs and have to deal with the envoys of Qi State, so I won't bother him to make this long trip."

Fang Fucai's heart was completely relieved.

"I obey your command."

Before he could leave, Li Sangruo said again:

"Pass on my words, and leave for Xinzhou early tomorrow morning."

Fang Fucai was stunned for a moment before he agreed.

There were still three days before the formal peace talks. The original plan was to leave the day after tomorrow, but the queen mother moved the trip forward by one day for General Pei, which showed how much she missed him.

Fang Fucai felt vaguely that this trip to Xinzhou might not be so easy and smooth.


Feng Yun and Pei Jue arrived at the meeting hall in Mingquan Town and saw Chunyu Yan's carriage outside the door.

The prince of Yunchuan was very responsible. As a middleman, he followed the envoys of both sides throughout the process to understand the architectural layout and material details of the council hall. When Cong Wentian presented the text of the council hall to both parties for review, he looked at Feng Yun's expression and admired him even more.

Chunyu Yan traveled all over the country to make a living. Not only did he make a lot of money, but he also saw the world, but he had never seen such a sophisticated house structure.

Many small ideas in the design look simple, but if you pick one out at random, it can be transformed into money.

"Feng Shier Niang is really talented."

He couldn't help but praise.

Feng Jingting listened, but he was only interested in the Tujiawu Fort behind Cong Wentian.

"Master Cong has a clever mind and can build such a house. I wonder if Feng has the opportunity to visit your fort?"

In short, he didn't believe it was Feng Shier Niang's ability.

Cong Wentian smiled and bowed, saying:

"Your Excellency is too kind. I am just an old craftsman who works according to the drawings. How can I have such skills? It is all thanks to the guidance of the general's wife."

Feng Jingting smiled and said nothing.

He thought that these people were just flattering Pei Jue, so they took all the responsibility on Feng Yun, and he didn't care.

Feng Yun didn't want to show his talent either. Seeing this, he slowly got up and said goodbye, saying that he wanted to go to the small street outside the meeting hall to see his store.

Pei Jue looked calm, glanced at Ye Chuang, and motioned him to go with him.

Feng Jingting, however, had a stern face and acted like a strict father.

"As a woman, you shouldn't show up in public and interfere in your husband's business. The general dotes on you and doesn't restrict you. You should know this in your heart."

Pei Jue frowned slightly, and Feng Yun immediately bowed and said yes.

No matter how you look at her, she is so well-behaved and filial.

So looking at that slender back, Pei Jue rubbed his eyebrows, his eyes became deeper.

Feng Yun saw Nan Kui in the restaurant.

After looking at each other, Nan Kui was as happy as if it was the New Year. She sat down and began to report what happened in the past two days. Feng Yun listened patiently, and suddenly seemed to think of something, touched her body, and looked up at Daman.

"My handkerchief fell in the meeting hall, you go find it for me."

Daman left in response.

Feng Yun found another excuse to get rid of Xiaoman, and called Ge Guang in with a gloomy face.

"You go to the meeting hall and keep an eye on Daman. No matter who she met or what she said, you have to remember every word and report it to me when you come back."

Ge Guang was a little surprised, but didn't say much, and bowed his hands.

"I understand."

Feng Yun said indifferently, "Be careful and don't let people notice."

Ge Guang: "Yes."

There was no one else in the room, and Nan Kui pursed her mouth in surprise.

"Madam, don't you believe in Daman?"

In her impression, Daman and Xiaoman were always by Feng Yun's side, taking care of her attentively all day long, and were the people closest to her.


This sudden incident really made her nervous.

Feng Yun smiled: "The human heart is hard to predict. It's hard to tell whether it's a human or a ghost."

Nan Kui's legs were weak, "Then does Madam believe me?"

Feng Yun looked at her, "If I don't believe you, how could I let you take charge?"

Nan Kui immediately covered her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was scared to death. Madam, don't worry, Yingniang and I are the most obedient, we have no other thoughts."

Feng Yun smiled, looked out the window, and straightened her body a little more.

The sky was blue and high, it was a good day.

She was like a bored fisherman, the bait had already been put into the water, and she was too sure about whether the fish would bite the hook, but she lost the interest of the fisherman... (End of this chapter)

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