Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 224: Crawling in the Dark

When Daman arrived at the meeting hall, Pei Jue and Feng Jingting were still discussing.

As a maid, she did not dare to enter the meeting hall without permission. She looked at the place where Feng Yun had just sat at the door. She did not see the handkerchief. She frowned again and retreated.

Where had Feng Yun been just now?

Washed hands, changed clothes? The back room, the office of the secretary...

Thinking of this, Daman looked for the place where Feng Yun had walked, staring at the ground, not daring to blink.

But after searching for a long time, she still did not see any handkerchief.

Everywhere was clean, and there were still servants sweeping...

Could it be picked up by someone?

As she thought, a pair of feet suddenly appeared in her sight, and she looked up suddenly.

Jiang Da smiled, crossed his arms, and stared at her.

Daman hurriedly stepped back two steps, saluted, and turned around to leave.

Jiang Da jumped up in two or three steps and blocked her way.

"Why are you hiding? Will I eat you?"

Daman lowered his head, "Uncle Jiang."

"Do you still recognize me?" Jiang Da snorted coldly, "I thought you had been with Twelve Niang for so long that you had forgotten your last name and name, and who you belonged to."

Daman bit his lower lip, "Daman dare not."

Jiang Da looked at her face and snorted, "You don't have to be nervous. Madam Chen also loves you. She is afraid that you will suffer with Twelve Niang, so she told me to remember to greet you when I arrive in Xinzhou."

Daman's face became even uglier, and his lips turned pale.

"Daman thank you Madam for your concern."

Jiang Da looked around, hooked his hand, and motioned her to follow him.

The two walked one after the other to the narrow path leading to the toilet, and then stopped.

Jiang Da asked: "What kind of prescription did Twelve Niang give you? It's called, called Jin Guike. Is this true?"

Daman's face changed slightly.

"Speak!" Jiang Da said impatiently. "Yes..." When Daman heard him say the name of Jin Guike, he immediately realized that it was Feng Yun's words that were heard by others.

Jiang Da stretched out his hand to her, "Give it to me."

Daman's pupils slightly dilated, and he took a step back.

"That's something for women, why is Uncle Jiang asking about it?"

"So what if it's for women? The Feng family may not have only Twelve Niang as a woman? If Twelve Niang can use it, Thirteen Niang and Fourteen Niang may not be able to use it?"

Daman looked at him defensively, silent for a long time, and pleaded in a low voice: "Uncle Jiang, Twelve Niang's temper is very different from before. She asked me to keep the things, if I lose them from my hands, she will not forgive me..."

Ha! Jiang Da sneered, "I will copy a copy and return it to you as usual, what are you afraid of?"

"No." Daman shook his head, "She will know..."

"Then you are not afraid that your relationship with Mrs. Chen will let her know?"

Daman was startled, looked at him with a pale face, and said nothing.

Jiang Da took another step closer, "Have you forgotten your mother? I mean... the mother who gave birth to you... Have you also ignored her wishes? She has been looking forward to you returning to your roots and becoming a proper girl of the Feng family, but what about you?"

Jiang Da stared at her, his eyes like knives.

"You have been so disobedient to the madam that you haven't sent back a single message in the past few months. Have you forgotten the madam's instructions? Forgot who saved your mother and mother's lives? Or do you not want your mother's life anymore?"

The color on Daman's face had already faded.

"Uncle Jiang, it's not that I didn't send the message, it's really that Twelve Niang is watching closely, and I can't find a chance..."

Jiang Da glanced at her sideways, smiling, obviously not believing her.

Daman's eyes turned red, "Uncle Jiang, how is my mother?"

Jiang Dadao: "What else can she do? She takes medicine every day to keep alive. The decoctions she takes cost a hundred dollars a month. If it weren't for my wife's kindness and spending money to support her, she would have died long ago. How could it be your turn to show filial piety?"

Daman lowered his head, tears falling down.

Jiang Da sneered, "Why are you crying? If you have done your job well, as long as the lady says a word, you will be a proper girl of the Xuzhou Feng family from now on, and you will fly up to the branches and become a phoenix. Good days are ahead." Daman had tears in her eyes, "But I am the daughter of the Feng family, am I not?" "Naive." Jiang Da shook his head, "People's fates are noble and humble. If you crawl out of a golden nest, you are a phoenix, and if you crawl out of a wild dog's nest, you are a wild dog. So what if you have the same father as Twelve Niang and Thirteen Niang? Their mothers are noble, born to be legitimate girls in a golden nest, enjoying endless wealth and glory, but your mother is a singing prostitute. You crawled out of a wild dog's nest, and without the support of a noble person, you will be a wild dog all your life..." Daman burst into tears. She knew that people with the same fate had different destinies. She and the Feng sisters have the same father and the same blood of the Feng family, but she has to be their maid and servant, and be driven by others...

Jiang Da shook his head, "Don't let your imagination run wild. No one can prove it unless the lady speaks. You are the daughter of the Lord of the Mansion? Even if you say it, who will believe it?"

Daman lowered his head and crossed his arms, "Uncle Jiang is a kind-hearted person, Daman knows. But Daman really can't give you the recipe of the Golden Boudoir Guest, Twelve Mother will peel my skin off..."

Jiang Da saw that she was still stubborn, and his eyes became fierce again.

"You are so stubborn, you will suffer a lot. You are not afraid of suffering, but are you not afraid of your mother's suffering? You really ignored her illness and her wishes..."

Daman burst into tears, lowered her head, and wanted to curl up and hide in her wild dog den. It would be good to depend on her mother.

Jiang Da reached out his hand again.

"Give it to me! Don't make me say it again."

Daman sniffed, slowly reached into his arms, and handed the folded yellow paper to Jiang Da's hand with tears.

"Uncle Jiang, you have to hurry up. Don't let Twelve Mother find out."

Jiang Da breathed a sigh of relief, "Just wait. I won't make it difficult for you. But you have to be more obedient in the future. If there is any movement on the Twelve Mother's end, send a message to Madam immediately."

Daman raised his head, tears streaming down his face.

"When will Madam... give my mother a status and give me a status?"

Jiang Da raised his eyebrows, with a meaningful smile in his eyes.

"Yes. When the Thirteenth Mother becomes queen, she will not only give you both your status, but she may also help you find a serious marriage."


There was a tea set on the stove. Feng Yun and Nan Kui were sitting opposite each other, talking about interesting things, with smiles on their faces.

Daman dragged his feet over, distracted.

Xiao Man pulled her and asked, "Have you found the girl's veil?"

Daman shook his head.

Xiaoman asked in confusion: "Then why did you stay there for so long?"

Daman looked up at her, but hesitated to speak.

Xiaoman couldn't bear to blame and comforted in a low voice, "It's okay, the girl is not a careless person. If you don't find it, you won't find it. What are you afraid of?"

Daman stiffened.

Does she look scared?

Will Feng Yun notice something strange?

A shrewd person like her would definitely find out.

Daman was a little desperate, feeling that there was a cliff in front of her, and she would soon fall and be shattered to pieces.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Xiaoman held her back and asked curiously: "Sister, what are you doing standing still? Go tell the girl quickly?"

There was a lot of humming, and there was a moment of silence before he went in dejectedly.

"Didn't you find it?" Feng Yun looked at her expression with a gentle expression, "There's no need to look for it. I forgot. I didn't bring out the orchid-scented handkerchief."

His eyes were full of red circles.

The unwarranted humiliation was stuck in my throat.

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. Tears fell down.

"What? I can't tell you anything?" Feng Yun smiled, "Why are your eyes red from crying?"

"No." Daman lowered his eyes, "It was the maid who thought she had lost the girl's veil and was a little scared."

"What are you afraid of, that I will eat people?"

She glanced at Da Man, who looked completely normal, stretched her body, and said to Nan Kui:

"It's time for the general to finish. I'll go take a look."

Nan Kui responded, stood up happily, and bowed.

"Madam, don't worry about things in the store. If there is any situation, Yingniang and I will discuss it. If we can't handle it well, we'll report it to madam."

Feng Yun nodded, said nothing more, let Xiao Man tie her cloak, and walked out of the restaurant leisurely.

It's windy outside.

The green flag in front of the store was blown by the wind.

Outside the door of the tea shop, Chun Yuyan and Jiang Yin stood facing each other in the cold wind.

Jiang Yin lowered her head and twisted the handkerchief with her hands. She was very nervous and did not dare to look directly at the Crown Prince Yunchuan who was a head taller than her.

Chun Yuyan didn't speak either. The mask hid the expression on his face, but it could be seen that the emotion in those beautiful eyes was far from the wanton laughter and curses when he faced Feng Yun. He looked serious and serious.

Feng Yun took one look at the scene, smiled, and walked straight past them.

"Feng Twelve." Chunyu Yan turned to look at her.

Feng Yun turned around and bowed to him, "Your Majesty."

Chun Yuyan's eyebrows were a little cold, "Didn't you see me?"

Feng Yun smiled: "I saw it."

It could be seen that Chun Yuyan was very dissatisfied, but after pursing his lips, he hid his emotions and whispered:

"Let me see if your small business is profitable or not?"

Feng Yun laughed, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will only keep my promise. Your Majesty's income will not be less than a penny."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows, "That's not certain. You are not a good person."

Feng Yun shut up.

In front of Jiang Yin, this man was serious and somewhat aristocratic.

Talking to her just became so annoying.

She didn't bother to pay attention.

This place is only a hundred steps away from the parliament building, and she doesn't want to stay here and feel the cold wind.

She waved her hands slightly and strode forward.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yin followed her and looked at her carelessly.

"I heard from Ying Niang that Madam was here, and just as I was about to come to say hello, I bumped into the Crown Prince..."

Feng Yun felt that she didn't need to explain to herself.

But Jiang Yin's eyes were timid, afraid that she would misunderstand something.

"I didn't say anything to the prince. I don't know the prince, but he suddenly asked about me..."

Hearing her hesitation, Feng Yun glanced sideways, "What do I ask you?"

Jiang Yin lowered his head and said a little shyly: "I asked if there is a birthmark on my lower back..."

Feng Yun said: "What did you say?"

Jiang Yin's back stiffened and he nodded, "Yes."

No wonder Chun Yuyan looked like he was mourning for his concubine...


Ordinarily, when he finds his sweetheart, shouldn't he be happy and excited?

Feng Yun shook his head, looking down on Chun Yuyan's speed and rhythm of finding people, but he didn't care much.

He looked back at Chun Yuyan, who was still standing in the cold wind, and chuckled.

"This is also fate. The prince wants you, are you willing?"

Jiang Yin lowered his head, "He looks... too scary."

Feng Yun was slightly startled and couldn't help laughing.

"Perhaps you could ask to see his face behind the mask?" (End of Chapter)

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