Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 225: Pure Love God of War

Feng Jingting left Zhuhe Ferry overnight and returned to Bingzhou.

In fact, all the followers could tell that he wanted to stay in Xinzhou, and also hoped that Feng Yun and Pei Madang could stay with him.

But the couple had no intention of entertaining their father. One of them was darker than the other, and they were businesslike. After Feng Jingting signed the acceptance document and signed the deposit, he was sent away.

Back at Chunyuyuan, Feng Yun originally wanted to call Ge Guang and listen carefully to the conversation between Jiang Da and Da Man, but Pei Ran stayed and had no intention of leaving.

She could only order the stove to prepare dinner for the night.

Unexpectedly, Pei Madang took things even further.

"I haven't eaten anything cooked by Yun Niang for a long time."

Feng Yun glanced at him, "When have you ever eaten something I cooked?"

Pei Ran: "I have eaten duck soup because of General Wen. I only have soup, but I don't know what duck meat tastes like."

If he didn't say anything, Feng Yun would have forgotten about it.

As soon as I said it, I remembered that in my previous life, I worked hard to prepare food and clothing for him, but in the end I only got a cold face and aggrieved...

Of course, in this life too, my face has never looked better...

He doesn't seem to be able to smile.

In Feng Yun's memory, there was never any memory of Pei Madang's smile.

She said in a calm tone, "There is a cook, why should I have to work hard? You brought your wife home just to serve you, feed and clothe you?"

Pei Ran said: "How can the cook's food be as delicious as the wife's?"

He pulled her into his arms again, lowered his head and nuzzled the tip of her nose, "You don't have to do it often. I can only do it occasionally, okay?"

This gentle and considerate gesture made Feng Yun blush.

She always felt that she and Pei Ran were not a serious couple. Although they had a half-baked wedding in Bingzhou, it was no different from a casual marriage. Pei Madang's thoughts were probably the same as hers, and he had never expressed them.

But after a while, the tiger was as gentle as a grown-up cub acting coquettishly towards her, and it was hard to refuse.

She responded expressionlessly, "I'm cooking, and the general wants to help me light the fire."

The so-called gentleman is far away from the kitchen, and the scholar-bureaucrats and the like may not be willing to respond even if a knife is placed on their neck. Pei Ran didn't even hesitate, "Okay."

Feng Yun was stunned.

She was trying to dodge it, forcing him to do it.

Doesn't this person hesitate?

Pei Madang called Zuo Zhong to explain, leaving only Xiao Man and Da Man to prepare ingredients for Feng Yun, while the others were sent outside the kitchen.

Feng Yun couldn't help but sneer when he saw how prepared he was.

"So you are still afraid of being seen? The general wants to save face, so why should he accept it?"

Pei Ran glanced at her with no expression on his face.

"Not for the sake of face, but for fear of damaging the momentum of the three armies."

The general is lighting a fire in the kitchen. If word gets out, the soldiers will laugh to death, right?

Feng Yun thought about that scene and laughed.

I wasn't very reluctant at first, but when I washed my hands and put them on the stove, Da Man and Xiao Man were given instructions on how to prepare the ingredients, my mood became wonderful again for no reason.

She has a playful temperament, is naturally capable of doing things, and also loves cooking.

She wrapped her hair in a towel, put on her apron, and got to work.

People's livelihood in Shinshu recovered quickly after the war, and they were considered to be the upper class. There was food in Chunbo Courtyard, and there was no shortage of meat, but it was still not abundant. They came and went the same way every day. In fact, Feng Yun also ate some. Tired of it.

She was determined to let General Pei gain experience and satisfy her stomach. She thought of some new tricks, found Wen Xingsu's tea powder, boiled a few tea eggs, and drank the ones Xiao Man fished out. I soaked pickled radish and cooked a duck soup that was completely different from last time...

Duck meat is a food that is commonly eaten by the people nowadays, and stewing it into soup is even more common.

But she is the first person to cook soup like this.

The water in the pot has just boiled, and the aroma wafts out, which is a bit unbearable.

Pei Madang sat in front of the stove, his face reflected in the bright red flames, his face tall and handsome, and his eyes seemed to have hooks, falling on Feng Yun, without turning around for a long time.

"Does it smell good?" Feng Yun noticed his gaze and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"Fragrant." Pei Ran replied.

"I'm almost crying with greed." Feng Yun said enthusiastically: "The meat will taste better if it is stewed for a while longer."

After saying that, when Pei Ran didn't answer, he asked Xiaoman to find a bowl, scooped out half a bowl of soup from the boiling pot, and handed it to him.

"Quiet your greed."

Pei Ran:......

In fact, he is not that greedy.

Or maybe what he's craving for isn't just a bowl of soup.

He took it and tasted it, his eyes lit up slightly.

"Yunniang is good at her craftsmanship."

"Does it taste good?" Every chef doesn't want to be praised by diners, and Feng Yun is also a little happy.

She was lazy and didn't want to cook too much, so she kept the dumplings for later use, sent Da Man and Xiao Man away, and waited for the soup to be cooked. Then she went to the fire and sat side by side with Pei Man.

In the fire chamber, tongues of fire licked the bottom of the pot, making their faces glow red.

Burning a fire in winter is a different kind of enjoyment.

Feng Yun put his hands in front of the stove and squinted his eyes comfortably.

Pei Ran looked at her sideways and suddenly said: "Mother Yun, please help me find a servant."

Feng Yun looked back, a little surprised.

"Don't you have the right person by your side?"

Pei Madang said: "They are all guys who fight with knives and don't know how to do those chores."

Don’t know how to do it? Feng Yun felt that people like Zuo Zhong Jiyou were very clever and usually took good care of him, so why couldn't they?

It was probably because Pei Madang didn't want his subordinates to do these chores.

She thought for a moment and said, "Okay. I'll turn around and let the general keep an eye on him."

Pei rang hummed and stopped talking.

Feng Yun asked: "Why did the general suddenly think of finding a servant?"

Pei Jue was silent for a moment, "I need someone to take care of me on a daily basis."

Hasn't he been here for so many years?

I never saw a servant taking care of him in his previous life.

Is he so spoiled now?

Feng Yun felt that this was not the real reason.

Xing Bing brought a dozen of his followers from Changmen to her, and they were considered her confidants, but Ge Guang and Ge Yi were definitely not good enough. Xing Dalang was smart, loyal, and hardworking, but he was a little young and skinny. Standing next to Pei Jue, he looked very pitiful...

"Qian Sanniu, what do you think of Sanniu?"

Pei Jue had only seen Qian Sanniu once.

And he only saw him for a moment.

Feng Yun thought that these inconspicuous servants would not leave any impression on General Pei.

Unexpectedly, Pei Jue nodded and said:

"He looks decent, gentle and honest, and he must be reliable. Let's go with him."

Feng Yun was shocked.

You know all this?

As expected, Pei Jue was not so confident in her. He knew her and the people around him very well.

"Okay. That's it."

After saying that, he thought about it and felt that he couldn't suffer a loss. After all, Sanniu was really capable. He looked like an honest man and didn't talk much, but he was actually very efficient at work.

"Then the general has to pay."

Pei Jue stood up, "It's all yours."

Watching him stir the bottom of the pot with a spoon, Feng Yun sniffed and smelled a little bit of burnt smell.

"Oh no. My tea eggs."

This night meal was quite enjoyable. Feng Yun found a bottle of osmanthus wine brought out from Wen Xingsu's wine cellar and filled it for Pei Jue. The two sat opposite each other, drinking soup and wine. There was no talk, but the scene was very harmonious.

Until three rounds of wine, Pei Jue looked at her and said:

"The Jin State delegation will come to Xinzhou tomorrow. I have to go out early."

Feng Yun raised her eyes, "It's right."

She smiled calmly, not at all like she tried her best to stop her from going to Andu today.

Pei Cong frowned slightly, "You don't have anything to say?"

"No." Feng Yun looked at him strangely, "What does the general want to hear from me?"

Pei Cong was silent.

Feng Yun smiled and handed him the soup.

"Drink more. It's delicious."

How could Pei Cong know what she had been through? The villa in Andu County was her nightmare in her previous life. She stopped him from going there because she didn't want the past to happen again. And she always insisted on alienating them and not letting him get close to Li's father and daughter.

But the Jin delegation arrived in Xinzhou, and Pei Cong couldn't get away with what he had to do.

The whole world was watching him, so he still had to be decent.

Otherwise, how could he convince the three armies?

So even if she didn't let him go to Andu, she also pulled Feng Jingting to be the scapegoat.

In this way, others would only say that he was entangled by the unreasonable Qi envoy, rather than being obsessed with beauty and bewitched by her.

Pei Cong didn't spend the night in Chunchuyuan. After taking a bath, he grabbed Feng Yun and lingered for a while, then left.

The two of them had just been fooling around in the camp during the day, and his emotions were soothed, but his anger towards her had never been extinguished. It was not that he didn't want to, but that he pitied her body and couldn't bear it. Before leaving, he specially brought the "Yu Hu" and helped her apply the ointment with his own hands. Seeing that she was not injured, he left with the guards at ease.

He took Qian Sanniu with him.

Ji You looked at the extra servant and felt a little unconvinced.

Especially when he thought that Qian Sanniu would follow the general closely in the future, and would be closer than he and Zuo Zhong, he felt even more jealous.

"I don't know what the general is thinking, asking the lady to bring such a person."

Zuo Zhong didn't answer, and he snorted again.

"Do you think we are rough and can't serve you?"

Zuo Zhong saw that he was getting more and more outrageous, and his eyebrows sank.

"The general wanted to reassure the lady."

Ji You raised his eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Zuo Zhong lowered his voice: "The Queen Mother came to Xinzhou. It is said that she and the general have an engagement, and the lady will inevitably be suspicious..."

Ji You suddenly realized.

"In order to prevent the lady from suspicion, why did she simply send a servant to her side? Let the lady control her schedule and daily life?"

Zuo Zhong nodded.

"Besides this, there is no other explanation."

Ji You was stunned for a moment, his eyes were straight, and he shook his head.

"I never thought that the general would be such a person..."

Zuo Zhong was silent.

Who could have thought of it? He couldn't either.

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