Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 233 Kneeling down to refuse marriage

In the thick night fog, Mingbo Xuan is brightly lit.

Ao Qi lived here after he was promoted to the leading general of the Red Armor Army.

Before Pei Ran arrived, Ao Qi had been kneeling under the cold eaves for an hour. All the servants and guards in the mansion had retreated to the outer courtyard.

Ao Zheng ignored his dignity and kept complaining to Pei Madang.

"I've told you, scolded, and explained all the reasons. But if you still refuse to listen, I must cancel the engagement."

Ao Zheng was so angry that his hair almost turned white.

"When we got married, why did we have to be picky? It was just the orders of our parents and the words of the matchmaker. We would marry whomever our parents said we would marry. How could it be the younger generation's turn to make the decision?"

Ao Qi knelt on the ground, his back straight.

He looked away from Ao Zheng and looked at Pei Mang, who was sitting silently.

"Uncle, can you hear me? My father had a lot of complaints about marrying my mother back then..."

"You..." The corners of Ao Zheng's mouth twitched twice, and sparks almost popped out of his eyes, "Little bastard, you are not as good as you at other things. You are very good at sowing dissension."

Ao Qi said in a low voice: "Why else would you take a concubine?"

Ao Zheng's face turned red and he slapped the table.

The strength was so great that the roof beams seemed to be shaking.

"I can't even kneel down to obey you, right? Is it because you have an itchy skin and you have to force me to ask for help from my family and take the blame?"

Ao Qi has been spoiled by her family since she was a child, and her memories of being beaten can probably be traced back to her childhood.

A spoiled child has a powerful mother and is not so afraid of his father.

"Please, please. Just beat me to death. Anyway, it will make my mother feel cold, and you will be proud of it."

Which pot won’t be opened?

This brat sincerely wants to piss him off.

Ao Zheng's blood was rushing all over his body.

Pointing at Ao Qi, his mouth became angry.

"His uncle, why don't you tell him quickly?"

Under the moonlight, Pei Ran pursed his lips tightly and looked at the father and son coldly. His dark eyes were dark and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a moment of silence, he said: "You go out first."

It took Ao Zheng a while to realize that he was telling him to get out.

"Okay." He stood up slowly, pointed at Ao Qi, and hummed heavily.

"Teach this brat a lesson. He doesn't know how high the sky is. He thinks he has become a general and his wings have become stiff, so he can no longer listen to his family's orders. How can marriage be a trivial matter? He won't marry him if he doesn't want to?"

Ao Qi raised his head and glared at him with bright eyes.

"My father asked my uncle to come and see me. I'm afraid he's looking for the wrong person."

Ao Zheng wanted to raise his eyebrows to scold him again, but he heard him say again:

"I learned it all from my uncle."

Ao Zheng was so angry that his heart and liver twitched.

If a person could be angered to death, he would have been so angry that he died of this scoundrel.

But if you think about it carefully, he is right.

It is also ridiculous for Pei Madang to marry a wife in Bingzhou.

The old father of the Pei family is only disabled, not dead. How could there be any reason for his father to marry a wife outside the home without informing him about it?

But when my father-in-law learned about this, he didn't say anything.

This time when I found out that he was coming to Xinzhou, I specially asked him to bring a gift list, saying that it was for my son's wedding...

The young ones are ridiculous, and the old ones are also ridiculous.

In Ao Zheng's view, the relationship between the Pei family and his son has always been weird. They usually look very cold, not even as close to him as the devil in his family. But to say that the relationship between father and son is not good, they are unambiguous when it comes to their plans for each other.

He didn't know whether this was a good thing or not. Anyway, his Lao Taishan recognized Feng Twelve Niang as his wife.

Then this devil in his family should stop thinking about him.

My direct aunt.

How could he be allowed to be so presumptuous?

Ao Zheng was good at talking, and he became more and more enthusiastic.

He didn't say a word about Feng Twelve Niang, and he didn't admit that it was for her, but he just refused to marry.

If you don’t want the one from the Cui family, can you switch to one from another family?

no. Marry none.

Ao Zheng sighed heavily and went down.

Pei Madang looked at Ao Qi, who was still kneeling stubbornly, and took a long time to speak.

"Why refuse marriage?"

Ao Qi scratched his neck.

"Don't marry anyone you don't want to marry."

Pei Ran said coldly: "I remember that this marriage was decided when you left Beijing."

"No." Ao Qi raised his head, "It was just a discussion at that time."

"You didn't object."

"I am objecting." Ao Qi's dark eyes were directed at Pei Mang, and he was angrily. He lacked some confidence and was not as stubborn as Ao Zheng. After all, he was thinking about Feng Yun, which was not so glorious.

"Uncle. Can you talk to my father for me?"

Pei Ran lowered his head and drank tea with an expressionless expression.

Ao Qi's eyes were red, "I'm still young and don't want to get married so early. I want to be like my uncle and build a career first and then talk about starting a family."

Seeing how upright he was speaking, Pei Madang put down the tea cup.

"Is it just because you are young that you refuse marriage?"

Ao Qi felt a little weak, but she was tough-minded.

"I thought my uncle would be towards me and sympathize with me."

Pei Ran stared at him without saying a word.

Ao Qidao: "If your grandfather refuses to let you marry Feng Twelve Niang, but forces you to marry a noble girl from a noble family in the capital, just because you are a good match and can expand the family, you will have to marry a woman you are not familiar with." Husband and wife, are you willing to spend a lifetime together?"

Pei Madang's expression remained calm.


Ao Qi's voice became smaller and smaller.

He knew Pei Ran could guess something.

"I just don't want to marry, that's all."

"Xiao Qi." Pei Ran's voice became a little deeper, "I won't interfere in your marriage. But there is one thing..."

He paused, a cold light overflowing from his eyes.

"You have to respect your aunt. If I know that you are disrespectful to her..."

He slowly stood up and walked to Ao Qi, looking down at him.

"I will send you back to Zhongjing as soon as possible, so that you can marry and have children."

He used the word "disrespectful" with great restraint and forbearance.

He didn't say that he coveted his aunt, nor did he say that he had ill intentions, but Ao Qi's cheeks turned red and he felt ashamed.

"Uncle... I was wrong."

Ao Qi lowered his head and bowed.

"I shouldn't like Feng Shier Niang, I am a beast. It doesn't matter how Uncle blames me or punishes me..."

He raised his head slightly again and looked at Pei Jue.

"May I ask, uncle, is there a time in this life when you can't help yourself? It's hard to control yourself and can't forget. This affection may be considered rebellious and dirty in the eyes of others, but I just like her. I liked her before uncle liked her. What's wrong with that? I don't want to be like this, but I can't help it. I just miss her, miss her, miss her..." Pei Jue's face sank and he kicked him. Ao Qi didn't dodge and took his kick. He knelt on the ground and slowly raised his head. "Uncle knew about it a long time ago, didn't he?" He looked at the tall elder in front of him, the elder he respected since childhood, and seemed to have used up all his strength before he laughed. "What I feel guilty about is my uncle's love. My uncle knew that his nephew was delusional, but he still let me stay with her. With this confidence and generosity, I, a young boy, cannot compare with him..."

Kneeling down, Ao Qi trembled and said:

"This is why my family forced me to get married quickly. They thought that as long as I married that Cui Si Niangzi, I would be able to settle down from then on, but my uncle knows that if you like someone, you like him, how can you settle down just because you marry someone else? What you can't get will only make people more crazy..."

Pei Jue was silent and looked at him quietly.

After a dead silence, Ao Qi slowly exhaled.

"Before yesterday, I had thought so. Isn't it just marrying a wife? It doesn't matter who I marry, if not her. As long as I marry her, you can all rest assured. Everyone is happy, why not? But when I saw her in Mingquan Town yesterday, I saw her fighting against the whole clan on her own, and I suddenly changed my mind."

"Uncle, my life is also my life. I can not get love, but I shouldn't compromise..."

He choked with sobs, his eyes red.

"To force yourself, and also hurt the Cui family's wife, this is a villain."

He lowered his head again.

"Feng Yun doesn't like me. I won't destroy you. Can you let me stay alone? Don't force someone I don't love around me. This can't comfort me, it will only make me more painful..."

He looked at Pei Jue and pouted slightly.

It was as if he was still the child running behind his uncle back then.

"Not being loved in this life is enough to punish me, uncle, I only have this small request. Please fulfill it..."

He knocked his forehead to the ground and bowed for a long time.

Pei He did not speak. He stood in the wind for a moment, then slowly bent down and grabbed Ao Qi's shoulders.

"Get up."

Ao Qi had been kneeling for so long that his legs were numb. He just stood up and knelt down again.

Pei He frowned, pulled him up with force, and looked at him coldly.

"You kneel on the ground to refuse marriage, and you still want to be a real man?"

Ao Qi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized what his uncle meant. His eyes showed joy, "Thank you, uncle!"

Pei He said, "Follow me to the parade ground."

After saying that, he left him and walked in front.

Ao Qi staggered two steps to stand firm, and followed with numb legs.

"Uncle, what are you doing at the parade ground at this time?"

Pei He did not even turn his head, "If you can beat me, I will help you persuade your parents."

Ao Qi: ...

In the shadow of the corridor, Ao Zheng stood in a daze.

Looking at his son limping behind Pei He, his old eyes turned red.

Everyone has a youth...

Fine clothes and furious horses, young and frivolous.

But one day he will grow up, and these passionate, absurd, and ridiculous feelings will be diluted by time, leaving no trace.

If the wicked son had not fallen in love with Feng Shier Niang, if it was another woman, regardless of her family background, he would have agreed to it even if she had a big fight with his mother...


What a pity.

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