Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 234: The legacy of poison

Pei Jue returned to the camp covered in sweat, and then he knew that Feng Yun had come to see him.

Zuo Zhong said: "General, do you want to go and see?"

Qian Sanniu, who was following Pei Jue all day, heard the voice and said: "It's getting late, and the general is tired. Why don't you rest first, and I will go and ask Madam, what's the matter?"

Pei Jue: "No need."

Feng Yun never came to him for no reason.

Since he came, it must be something important.

He rode his horse to Chunchung Pavilion. Everyone in Feng Yun's yard was asleep. Ye Chuang, who was on duty, saw him suddenly climb over the wall like a shadow and drew his sword in fear.

"General?" Ye Chuang let go of his hand that was stroking the sword and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you..."

He pointed in the direction of the door and then pointed at the wall.

Not going through the door makes you look like an adulterer. Is this appropriate?

"It's for convenience." Pei Jue said, looking at the quiet courtyard in the night breeze, "What does the Madam want me for?"

Ye Chuang scratched his head, "It seems to be about Wei Zheng's matter?"

He only had a vague understanding of this.

Feng Yun's affairs were generally handed over to Ge Guang and Ge Yi and other subordinates. For him, there was still a layer of separation, and it was not easy to use them directly.

"Wei Zheng?" Pei Jue's cold eyes condensed slightly.

Ye Chuang thought and said: "Pang Gui, the long-servant beside Wei Zheng, came. It seems that Luo Ji of Wei Mansion is going to have a miscarriage? Pang Gui can't see the master... He said that the Queen Mother stayed in Cuiyu... This... Hehe, the subordinate can't explain it clearly..."

He smiled: "When did Wei Sizhu and our Madam become so close... Why don't you go and ask Madam?"

Pei Jue motioned him to retreat and walked towards the door.

There were maids guarding in Feng Yun's room, but with Pei Jue's guards, she had no requirements for this and always let them go down to sleep peacefully.

But Daman and Xiaoman always take turns to keep watch.

At this moment, Daman sleeps in the outer room.

She makes a bed on the floor, covers herself with a quilt, and sleeps in her clothes.

Hearing a soft knock on the door, Daman opens his eyes, "Who?"

Pei Jue: "I."

Daman sits up with a start, puts on his clothes and goes out.

"The general is coming..."

Pei Jue doesn't say anything, passes by her side, and goes straight to the inner room.

Daman looks back quietly at the tall figure disappearing at the door, lowers her eyes, lies back silently, covers herself with a quilt, closes her eyes, but dares not fall asleep.

If water is passed in the room later, she has to go down to arrange it.

This is the duty of the maid.

No matter if it is frost or snow, sunny or rainy.

A servant is a servant, and a master is a master.

She was born lowly and will never be able to turn over in her life.

It would be good if she could be as carefree as Xiaoman.

But she has the same blood as Feng Yun...

She is Feng Yun's sister.

Oh my God, how can she not think about it?

Daman covered herself with the quilt and cried silently, thinking silently:

"You must do what you promised me..."


Pei He's footsteps were very light.

The lights in the room had been turned off long ago. He paused for a moment, his eyes adapted to the darkness, and then walked over to lift the curtain.

Feng Yun curled up in the quilt, hugging the hand warmer tightly, her eyebrows slightly frowned, her face was scorched, and the hair on her forehead was wet with sweat.

She was grinding her teeth.

She didn't sleep well.

Pei He reached over and took the hand warmer away gently.


Feng Yun didn't know what she dreamed about. Her voice seemed to be aggrieved. She pulled the hand warmer back, as if someone had robbed her of her beloved thing, and took it back to the quilt and stuck to it, making a series of tiny sobs.

Pei He's throat was dry. He stood still for a moment, then got up and went to the bathroom.

It was freezing cold, there was no hot water inside, and he didn't ask anyone to help him. He just washed himself with cold water and put on his clothes and came back.

The quilt was warm, but he was cold, so he didn't get close to her. He picked up a corner of the quilt and put it on his waist, some distance away from Feng Yun.

However, Feng Yun was not very honest when she slept. She rolled over in a daze and pulled the quilt off him.

Pei Jue: ...

He reached out to feel her breathing.

She was asleep.

He didn't move.

Feng Yun's body was scorched by the hand warmer. The quilt was too thick and uncomfortable. She tossed and turned repeatedly, and a wet hum came out of her mouth.

"...Bad thing... Not a human..."

She was cursing in her dreams.

But she was obviously angry, but her voice was very soft. In the dark night, it was a bone-melting and soul-stirring tremor, which made people thirsty.

Pei He leaned over and kissed her cheek, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Who did Yunniang scold?"

She actually answered even though she was asleep.

"... dog man."

"Hmm? Which one?"

"Pei dog."

"Why scold him?"

"Dog..." She moaned, "Hmm, I can't eat it... I can't eat it..."

Pei He:...

What kind of dream did this woman have?

In the blur, it seemed like she was sobbing softly, very confusing...

This seductive voice.

Pei Heong touched her forehead with the back of his hand. The cold touch made her sigh softly and roll towards him.

Pei Heong made her groan, but she felt wronged. As if she couldn't stand the coldness of his body, she shivered and wrapped herself in the quilt and arched into his arms.

Pei Heong hugged her.

The woman's skin was as soft as jade, and it was inevitable that her waist and bones would be numb even through the clothes.


The dark night was silent, and their breaths intertwined.

Pei Jue slowly stroked his black hair. He was no longer the cruel and violent King of Hell as rumored. He was clearly a man who was most compassionate to women...

Feng Yun was quiet for a moment, then suddenly groaned, frowned, opened the quilt, and grabbed Pei Jue's hand.

Pei Jue thought she was awake, so he grabbed a strand of her hair and brushed it behind her neck, "Yun Niang?"

Feng Yun didn't answer, but gritted her teeth twice, pressed her little face against his palm, rubbed it gently, and opened her mouth to suck his fingers.

Pei Jue took a breath of cold air.


Feng Yun didn't wake up.

She closed her eyes very seriously, bit him gently, pressed her tongue against him, and ate slowly, like a child.

"Let go. Waist."

He coaxed in a low voice, his voice low and seductive.

The person in his arms didn't make a sound, but his legs came up, wrapped around his waist, and got closer, as if he had eaten some delicacies, contracting finely, and wrapping him neither lightly nor heavily.

Pei Jue's palms were very big, much bigger than hers, and his two little hands climbed up, making his joints more prominent and full of strength. There were obvious calluses on his fingertips, but she didn't mind. She liked to rub the roughness with her delicate skin repeatedly, like scratching an itch. The friction was not strong, but it almost killed Pei Jue.

He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

His big hands were used to holding swords and guns, but he had never known such sensitivity. The itch that grew from an unknown knuckle went deep into his bones, and his blood rushed to his lower abdomen, almost swelling to the point of bursting...

She seemed to be very greedy, unwilling to let go, and rubbed against him, making Pei Jue's handsome face look hideous.

"Are you awake?"


"Feng Yun!"


The dark night was silent.

The subtle friction sound added to the beauty.

Pei Jue had been away from home for a few days and had been a little uncomfortable. If he hadn't cared about her delicate body, he wouldn't have dragged Ao Qi to the training ground to vent his anger and beat him up.

The thought that he had finally suppressed, staring at her blushing cheeks, her small mouth opening and closing, and her delicate look that could not bear it, how could he bear it? He forcibly pulled his hand back, took the initiative to press down, and looked down at her eyes.

"Don't... stop making trouble..." Feng Yun murmured with her eyes closed, "Let me sleep for a while."

Pei Jue frowned slightly and lowered his head slowly.

There was no kiss, but it seemed like he wanted to kiss.

Their noses were close to each other, their lips were close, and they were rubbing against each other. She moaned softly and hugged him impatiently, which easily made him unable to control himself.

Pei Jue's eyes were red and his breath was heavy.

His mind was full of the inseparable entanglement with her, scratching his heart like a cat's claws.

He was so uncomfortable that he wanted to kill her.

She really fell asleep, unaware of the tiger coming down the mountain with a sword pointing straight at her, and even less aware of how restless and unbearable the man was...

She felt that he was gradually getting warmer, so she sighed with satisfaction, found a comfortable position to lean on him, and relaxed her whole body. After a while, she breathed a long breath...

Pei Jue's eyes turned black.

He was as violent as a beast, and his boiling blood was running wildly in his body, but he couldn't vent his anger in front of his wife who was sleeping soundly--

I have to ask Puyang Jiu, is the madness in the dream caused by the poison? -

The next day, Feng Yun slept until dawn.

Even though she was full of worries, she found that she slept very well. She didn't even dream in the second half of the night, and slept until dawn.

Is she really thick-skinned?

Daman and Xiaoman came to help her wash up, and both said that she looked good.

Feng Yun looked at the sky outside, "It's sunny."

Daman hesitated and said, "The general came last night and left before dawn."

Feng Yun asked doubtfully, "Really?"

She touched her neck, "No wonder. I dreamed of him."

Xiaoman: "The girl has been grinding her teeth these days and often talks in her sleep."

Feng Yun's ears felt slightly hot, and she lowered her eyes and drank tea calmly.

Daman glanced at Xiaoman and glared at Xiaoman.

"Hurry up and prepare food for the girl, you are the one who talks too much."

Xiaoman stuck out her tongue and went out with a smile.

After breakfast, Ge Guang came to report.

"Pang Gui came last night, and Madam went to bed, so she didn't disturb him."

Feng Yun looked at his expression, "What did he say?"

Ge Guang was originally a calm person, but when talking about this, his eyebrows and eyes showed a hint of smile, "Pang Gui said that he almost sacrificed himself to heaven. Fortunately, with Madam's teaching, he was lucky enough to survive."

Feng Yun smiled, "What does it have to do with me?"

Ge Guang said, "Madam asked him to shout loudly so that more people could hear. Sure enough, when he shouted, everyone knew that Wei Sizhu was in Cuiyu and that something happened to the Wei family. The Queen Mother Li also had to save face, so it was not good to detain him..."

Feng Yun chuckled.

She asked Pang Gui to shout loudly because she was sure that Li Sangruo would not take Wei Zheng's life.

Just to make Li Sangruo more embarrassed.

What was the point of leaving the young Tiqi Si Sizhu in Cuiyu in the middle of the night? She had already attracted gossip by selecting some young and beautiful men in front of the emperor. No matter how shameless she was, she had to let him go.


She frowned, "Why did the Queen Mother Li keep Wei Zheng in the palace?"

Ge Guang pondered, "This...Pang Gui didn't elaborate. He just said, thank you Madam for this time, and said that Wei Sizhu will come to thank you later."

No need to thank her.

As long as Wei Zheng doesn't blame her for spreading the news of miscarriage...

In fact, she also had a gamble.

She was not sure whether she could move Wei Zheng by bringing up Luo Yue.

Thinking of this, she felt that Luo Yue's subtle infiltration of men was really effective, otherwise how could someone like Wei Zheng be tamed?

What a skill.

Feng Yun thought for a moment, "Keep watching and see if you can get some information from Pang Gui. I always feel that this matter is unusual..."

Ge Guang promised.

The peace talks will begin tomorrow. Feng Yun originally planned to go to Mingquan Town to air out the Feng family and give them some trouble.

Unexpectedly, Puyang Yi came to the door just as he was about to go out.

The ruler of Ping County did not wait for Feng Yun to go out to greet him, and walked in without hesitation.

"This Chunchung Pavilion is really a good place. I think it is much more comfortable than Cuiyu Palace. Madam is very capable. She can live so comfortably anywhere..."

Feng Yun bowed to her.

"Please forgive me, county lord. This joke is not allowed. If it gets to the ears of the queen mother, I will be sentenced to death."

She said it half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"This house is not mine. My brother bought it in Xinzhou before. It is not my ability..."

Puyang Yi was stunned for a moment, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"I always feel that you are a god. Very extraordinary."

Feng Yun smiled, "You are too kind, please come in?"

She greeted him with a bow, but Puyang Yi looked at him motionlessly with a smile on her face.

"I came here today on the orders of Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

Feng Yun: "I remember that the last time the Queen Mother came to Andu to find me, it was the same."

Puyang Yi laughed when she said that.

"The Queen Mother wants to summon Madam to Cuiyu."

Feng Yun glanced at her, "How lucky is the daughter of the Feng family to be appreciated by the Queen Mother, and to have the Queen Mother come to deliver the message in person?"

"I will refuse it for you." Puyang Yi raised her eyebrows and smiled, with a bit of a friendly intention, "How is Madam going to thank me?"

Don't disbelieve it, there are really people who can talk to others in their dreams, and they can ask and answer questions without knowing it. This is not made up...

Feng Yun: You are really my mother! You put all the ugly things like teeth grinding and drooling on me...

Puyang Jiu: Teeth grinding is caused by getting angry, just get rid of the heat.

Pei Jue: Is there any good medicine?

Puyang Jiu: Oh, worrying, why are you so unreasonable?

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