Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 235: Disaster

If Li Sangruo summoned him, it would not be good.

But when Feng Yun learned that she was coming to Xinzhou, she had made plans to meet. If they didn't meet today, they would meet sooner or later.

She was not surprised, but curious.

"How did the county lady help me refuse?"

Li Sangruo was not someone who could easily "reject politely".

Puyang Yi looked lazy, "I said that as the queen dowager, she did not summon the court officials the next day after arriving in Xinzhou, but hurriedly summoned the general's wife. It is inevitable that people will talk about it. Your Majesty, the Queen Dowager is still a face-saving person."

Face-saving? But shameless.

Feng Yun smiled, "So, the county lady came to test my strength for the queen dowager?"

Puyang Yi pondered for a moment and nodded.

"You can say that. I came here on official business. I wonder if the lady is willing to entertain me?"

Feng Yun bowed to her in a proper manner.

"Please come in, county lady."

Puyang Yi narrowed her eyes, "This is not sincere."

It is known that these noble ladies have nothing to do and like to be cunning. Feng Yun smiled and said, "What do you want from me?"

"Let me think about it..." Puyang Yi pinched her chin and glared at her, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Why don't you take me to the meeting hall? I heard that Minglongquan has been bustling these two days..."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing.

It's true that the noble ladies in the capital have no worries.

No matter how big the matter is, it's nothing more than "bustling".

During the peace talks, Xinzhou became a special place. Whether it's people from Jin or Qi, they need a pass issued by the government to enter Xinzhou from other places.

If you want to go to Mingquan Town, you have to go through the checkpoints set up by the Beiyong Army and be checked.

This is all new to Puyang Yi.

She talked excitedly along the way, asking questions here and there, very straightforward. Feng Yun responded with a smile, preparing tea, water and fruits for her.

Only halfway through the car did she tactfully ask about what happened in Cuiyu last night.

"Even you heard about it?" Puyang Yi raised her eyebrows.

She had no interest in Li Sangruo's private affairs. Coming from the royal family, she had seen too many petty intrigues and even more outrageous things than Li Sangruo, so she was not surprised.

"Song Shouan or Wei Zheng, they just wanted something new."

At this point, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly smiled, saying with a hint of meaning: "The Queen Mother will hold a banquet at Cuiyu Palace tonight to entertain the ministers. Madam, you have to keep a close eye on the general."

So everyone knew that Li Sangruo wanted Pei Cong?


Cuiyu Palace.

Feng Yun smiled, "Let him go."

Puyang Yi raised her eyebrows, "So free and easy?"

Feng Yun: "There are more than one man in the world."

"Haha." Puyang Yi liked the feeling of "having the same taste" with her.

"Madam, you are absolutely right. If this one doesn't work, change another one. Anyone who hangs himself on a tree is a damn fool. If my aunt, the queen mother, had half as much insight as you, she probably wouldn't have become so crazy."

The two chatted and laughed as they arrived at Mingquan Town.

When entering the town, a group of soldiers in armor and sharp weapons set up a checkpoint to block the road. Passersby stopped one after another, and vehicles also lined up on one side for inspection.

Feng Yun's carriage came over, and he only lifted the curtain to take a look, and the soldiers at the checkpoint let him go.

A few porters were not convinced and shouted loudly.

"Didn't they say that all vehicles should stop for inspection? Why didn't they check that vehicle?"

The soldier said, "That's our general's wife."

Puff! Puyang Yi glanced at Feng Yun's indifferent face and imitated the soldier's tone.

"The general's wife is so majestic, how dare we go to check? Even if the general comes, we can only carry her back to bed for investigation."

"Not serious." Feng Yun was amused by her, "After passing this checkpoint, Mingquan Town is in front. Do you want to go down for a walk?"

Puyang Yi became interested, "Okay."

Since Feng Yun's several stores started to operate, merchants have also flocked to Mingquan Town, and even some foreign merchants have tried every means to get customs clearance documents to trade in Xinzhou.

Feng Yun's several vacant stores have long been rented out, and Cong Wentian has led a group of craftsmen to speed up the construction of some simple wooden structure stores nearby day and night.

The materials are ready, and there are drawings for reference. It is very fast to build. In a few days, it has been widened a lot, just like a small street in Feng Yun's conception.

The merchants who can't rent a store either wait or go to the old street of Mingquan Town. Those who want to buy houses buy houses, and those who want to buy land buy land. The housing prices are rising, and more people are following the trend. The price changes every day, and it goes up wildly.

Even the local people in Mingquan Town did not expect that such an inconspicuous place would suddenly become valuable one day. Some people even said that in the future, Mingquan Town would be as valuable as Kyoto...

Those who sold their land and houses to survive outside regretted it.

The Feng family entered Mingquan Town from Zhuhe Ferry.

When Feng Jingting went to the Council, Mrs. Chen took Feng Ying, Feng Liang, and Feng Zhen to get off the carriage outside the Council, and led a group of servants to the street.

"Madam, I smell the pancakes of our Yutangchun, so delicious."

The maid said happily.

Feng Zhen also became happy and pointed to the other end of the street.

"Mother, look over there, there are red fruits for sale."

The "red fruits" Feng Zhen mentioned were the candied haws stuck on the straw in front of Feng Yun's restaurant. This was made according to the records in her mother's book. It was not only the first in Mingquan Town, but also the first in the world.

Candied haws attracted children the most. Feng Zhen and Feng Liang pulled their mother and sister to get some without saying anything.

Madam Chen and Feng Ying were staring at the sign.

"Nagato Restaurant."

Looking at the excited child, Mrs. Chen scolded lightly.

"Short-sighted thing."

After scolding the child, she straightened her back and said, "Your eldest sister, I haven't seen it before. She still has this ability?"

"Don't you have the support of the general?" Seeing that Mrs. Chen was unhappy, the servant girl smiled with a tired face, "Even if Twelve Niang opens the shop to the end of the world, it will still be the property of the Feng family. Madam, you still have the final say. "

Mrs. Chen snorted and said nothing.

Feng Ying frowned and looked at her.

"Hu. This is Mingquan Town. You must be careful what you say and don't bring trouble to the Feng family."

Hu's mouth curled up.

"The Thirteenth Mother is too kind." Hu Hu was Mrs. Chen's dowry. She was very popular in the house. She didn't like Feng Yun in her heart, and she was used to following the wind to please her master.

Seeing that Mrs. Chen was silent, she said again:

"You can't write two characters "Feng" in one stroke. As long as Twelfth Mother is still the daughter of the Feng family, no matter whether she changes her name to Longmen or Danmen, she will still have the surname Feng. Madam is her aunt and also belongs to the Feng family. Mistress, is it possible that my wife cannot be the master of the Feng family’s property?”

Feng Ying's eyes were red, "I'm not saying that mother can't make the decision, I'm saying... we have to take our eldest sister's reputation into consideration and not get into trouble with her."

The servant woman's old face twitched, "Thirteenth Mother, not everyone is as pure and kind as you. If you take a step back, others will take a step forward..."

"Okay." Mrs. Chen saw Feng Ying lowering her head and glared at Hu Yu.

"Is it your turn to teach this little lady a lesson?"

Hu Yu has been with Mrs. Chen all her life, so she naturally understands what she wants to hear and when to shut up.

"It's all the servant's fault for talking too much!"

She lightly slapped the corner of her mouth and whispered in a slightly bitter voice: "The servant girl just can't stand it. Thirteenth Niang is too soft-tempered. She is so kind that she can be bullied..."

Mrs. Chen closed her eyes slightly.

"She is still young. When she gets older, she will understand."

In a mistress-like manner, she glanced at Feng Ying, hid the anger in her heart, and walked to the candied haws with her children.

In this era, sugar is a precious commodity, not to mention candied haws. There was a waiter standing in front of the grass and wood pile, specially to welcome guests, and guarding it carefully.

Feng Liang pointed to candied haws when he came up.

"This, this, I want it, give it all to me."

Feng Zhen jumped with anxiety.

"I want it too, I want it too."

Seeing their gorgeous clothes, the waiter bowed politely.

"Go back to the young man, young lady, this is not for sale... I am keeping it here just for fun and to attract customers."

After saying that, he pointed to the restaurant with a smile.

"Every guest wants to have a meal, please come inside."

Mrs. Chen was not happy when she heard this and said with a stern face:

"Who said you want to buy it?"

The waiter smiled awkwardly, thinking he had misunderstood, and quickly apologized. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Chen said solemnly:

"Hu Lao, go get two skewers and give them to Juro."

Hu Lao responded and asked for it with a smile.

When the guy realized something was wrong, his expression changed, and he stepped forward to stop him with his hand.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to rob someone in broad daylight?"

"Robbing?" Mrs. Hu had a mean face, high cheekbones, and a thin voice. Thanks to Mrs. Chen's influence, her voice was even louder.

"The Feng family's own things are taken as soon as they are taken. In front of the mistress, is it your turn to make irresponsible remarks like a cheap slave?"

The clerk was recruited from behind and didn't know Mrs. Chen, so he was so angry that he cursed.

"Where did this lunatic come from? Shopkeeper Nan, shopkeeper Nan, someone is robbing you!"

"Little bitch, I'm sorry for you."

Hu Lao said, pushing the thin boy hard with both hands, and then went to get the candied haws.

Because it was not for sale, the grass stakes were driven high and she had to stand on tiptoes to reach them. She stretched out her hand and finally got it, but the grass stakes were taken away.

"What the hell..."

Halfway through Hu's words, her tongue was tied when she saw Wen Xingsu's handsome and solemn face.

"It turns out it's Da Langjun."

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