Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 238 Madam is too brave

Feng Ying's face was hot and red, which looked scary. Her eyes were filled with coldness, but her tone was scary calm.

"Then what can eldest sister do to eliminate the resentment in her heart?"

Feng Yun wiped his hands with a handkerchief and smiled.

Feng Ying felt a little tinnitus, shook her head, and looked at her with a wry smile: "Are two more slaps enough? Not enough for the ten or twenty. As long as the eldest sister can let go of her hatred and resolve the grudge against her parents, she will beat me to death. Feng Ying, what does it matter?"

"You're crazy!" Mrs. Chen rushed up and hugged her daughter's trembling body, crying to the sky and the earth.

"Feng Jingting, why are you still standing there? Seeing her bullying A Ying, do you, as a father, not care about her?"

Feng Jingting closed his eyes and stood there in despair.

"Father, there is no need to embarrass you." Feng Yun smiled casually, "I have said it before, if you hadn't harmed me with all your heart, I wouldn't have been able to be a glorious general's wife. This is all thanks to you, my daughter. I feel grateful."

The cold, clear voice made people confused.

I don’t know if he is serious or if he is being sarcastic.

Even Wen Xingsu, who was close to her, couldn't see through her anymore.

"As a father, you are just confused about the relationship between men and women. When your first wife was alive, you had an affair with a widow and had a daughter. After your first wife died, you took the mistress back home. At least you didn't let me starve or freeze. Raised me, didn’t I?”

Feng Yun seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

In the eyes of everyone, he once again made an incredible move.

She passed Mrs. Chen and Feng Ying, stepped forward and saluted Feng Jingting, who was blushing.

"Father, please accept my little daughter's bow."

Feng Jingting didn't know what she wanted to do.

Embarrassed and helpless, he looked at her.

"Twelfth Mother, over the years, my father has never known that your resentment has been so deep..."

Don’t you know? Still don’t want to know?

Feng Yun slightly curled his lips and said, "Father, don't think too much. My daughter was angry just now, just to vent her dissatisfaction that her father abandoned the city and abandoned his daughter. But there is no overnight hatred between father and daughter. I beat him and the anger disappeared. Okay, let’s go like this.”

Feng Jingting was stunned.

The crowd was also stunned.

Only Feng Yun was very serious. Her voice was low and hoarse, and the ends of her eyes were red. She slightly raised her eyebrows and looked a little more aggrieved than Feng Ying.

"In the end, it's all a family matter. If there is any conflict, we father and daughter can discuss right and wrong behind closed doors. Don't let the family affairs of our Feng family affect the national affairs of the peace negotiation. Father, what do you say?"

Feng Jingting understood.

She gave him a step up to avoid causing trouble for Pei Ran.

Using "family matters" to resolve today's conflicts will also prevent others from taking the blame.

And this step is exactly what he needs.

The matter of abandoning the city and escaping was no longer pursued after the change of emperor, and the crime and fault were all blamed on Emperor Yanping, but after all, he looked ugly.

If the quarrel gets too big, it will affect the peace talks, not to mention others, even his eldest brother, he will be left with nothing to eat...

"It's exactly what Ayun said."

Feng Jingting bent down to support his daughter and said comfortingly:

"The Twelfth Mother understands the righteousness so well, my father is so... ashamed!"

When he felt ashamed, he lowered his head and sighed deeply. The tone sounded so melancholy.

Feng Yun looked at him motionless, his eyes curled up.

"Father, there is no need to be ashamed. My daughter will repay you well in the future."

Looking at her eyes, Feng Jingting felt a chill run down his spine.

But there were sighs from the people all around, all praising Feng Twelfth Mother for her righteousness and magnanimity, and that the Feng family had raised a good daughter.

Mrs. Chen was furious.

She hugged Feng Ying who was kneeling on the ground, her face full of shock and disbelief...

Her Aying knelt down in public and was slapped three times by Feng Yunsheng. Ah Zhen and Ah Liang were crying loudly on the side.

Feng Jingting turned around and became a filial piety to Feng Twelve’s mother-in-law?

Where did he put the girls?

And those people watching, are they all blind?

How can someone who beats someone be justified?


When Ye Chuang turned back, Pei Madang's shadow had disappeared from the crowd.

He didn't know when the general came and when he left. He scratched his head, feeling a little confused.

Lin Zhuo was excited just now when he saw Feng Yun beating someone. His face was flushed with excitement, and Ye Chuang looked a little strange.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Chuang thought about Pei Madang's solemn face and shook his head.


Love and hate cannot be hidden.

But Feng Yun is learning.

She watched Feng Jingting leave with a gentle voice, and apologized and thanked the people many times. After the crowd dispersed, she took back the smile on her face, slowly swung her skirt and walked to the restaurant.

Xiaoman followed her, "Girl, I'm sorry..."

Feng Yun: "It's okay."

It is not easy for a person to overcome his inner fears and overthrow the moral shackles that weigh him down. If she hadn't lost her life, she wouldn't have dared to resist in the face of secular patriarchal pressure and Mrs. Chen's accumulated power over the years...

Of course, I also have the confidence given by Pei Madang in this life.

She glanced into the crowd.

Just now, she saw Pei Kuang.

But when she turned around after processing, he was not there.

It was as if she was dazzled.

Wen Xingsui walked beside her and breathed a sigh of relief, "I was really sweating just now. I didn't expect you to think so clearly."

He was referring to Feng Yun's final compromise and the settlement of old feud with Feng Jingting.

There was light in Feng Yun's eyes, which gradually dimmed.

"It's not about thinking broadly, it's about learning from mistakes and gaining wisdom."

After hitting someone, she asked for her reason, and then pretended to be sincere, throwing all the criticisms to the other party, taking all the morals, and getting a good reputation for being reasonable and not holding grudges.

Didn't she learn all this from Feng Ying?

Feng Yun was sober.

She now looked at Feng Ying, Feng Jingting, Madam Chen, and even every person with grievances, from a different perspective than in her previous life.

Perhaps knowing the ending, she would also summarize her own shortcomings, learn from each other's strengths and make up for her weaknesses, and regard it as a kind of cultivation.

Of course, the reconciliation that Wen Xingsu thought was impossible.

It's just that she needs this relationship now. If she doesn't block the road, she can get back the suffering she and Qu'er have suffered twice...

Three slaps, how can it be enough?

It's just the beginning.

The Feng family, which exudes a rotten smell, must be smashed from top to bottom to relieve her anger...

Wen Xingsu noticed her emotions and was about to say something to comfort her, but Puyang Yi called Feng Yun from behind and rushed up to hold her arm.

"Madam, you are so brave. I admire you."

Wen Xingsu naturally stood a little further away.

Puyang Yi seemed not to notice and squeezed in the middle, forcibly pushing Wen Xingsu and Feng Yun apart, and then occupied Feng Yun with her whole body.

"Does your hand hurt?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly and looked at the red palm.

"It hurts."

Puyang Yi chuckled, "Madam, you really opened my eyes today."

Feng Yun: "Really?"

Puyang Yi hummed and laughed, "I thought you were gentle and virtuous, but I didn't expect you to be so fierce and a little crazy..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

Wen Xingsu stopped in front of the store.

"Yaoyao, I won't go in with you."

He pointed to the meeting hall, "I have something else to do."

Feng Yun guessed that Puyang Yi was there, he felt restrained, smiled and nodded.

Puyang Yi was very disappointed.

"Are you leaving now? Do you want to find a chance to have a drink with General Wen and discuss things?"

She was bold and enthusiastic, and her eyes were not the least bit reserved, looking at him wantonly.

This was completely different from the noble ladies from aristocratic families that Wen Xingsu had met in Taicheng. There was visible embarrassment on his face, and he bowed his hands, apologized, and left in a hurry.

Puyang Yi looked at his back and smiled softly.

"Madam's elder brother is very interesting."

Feng Yun glared at her sideways, "Don't bother him."

Puyang Yi rolled her eyes and whispered, "This is called appreciation and admiration. Do you think I am the Queen Mother Li?"

Of course she is not Li Sangruo.

But Wen Xingsu is not Song Shouan or Wei Zheng.

Feng Yun said, "My elder brother is very self-disciplined. He has no concubines or maids, and he is still alone. My future sister-in-law is blessed."

Puyang Yi blinked and tightened her arm.

"Do I look like your sister-in-law?"

Feng Yun: "No!"

Puyang Yi: "Not nice enough!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

After returning to the house, Feng Yun asked Nan Kui to bring all the delicious food in the store to Puyang Yi, and then went to do business, calling Cong Wentian, Xing Dalang and others to the back room.

The account books were all on the table.

She browsed through them at a very fast speed, then closed the account book and talked about the "candied haws" that caused controversy today.

"Uncle Wentian, what do you think of me opening a sugar workshop in Mingquan Town?"

Cong Wentian was shocked.

"Madam, why did you suddenly think of this?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Sugar is a good thing, and it makes you feel sweet after eating it."

Cong Wentian:...

Feng Yun said: "Food that makes people happy should not be a rare thing. This world is so cold and dirty, how difficult it would be without delicious sugar..."

She looked up, her eyes were firm and smiling.

"I want to make sugar a food that everyone can afford..."

Cong Wentian frowned so hard that he could pinch a fly to death.

He said that this lady's mind was too wild and she wanted too many things.

Yunchuan was engaged in graphite, and tried to make blast furnace iron in Tujiawu. Andu had a farm tool shop, Yutangchun, and a clothing shop. Now she had hundreds of acres of land and these shops in Mingquan Town...

Her stall was a bit too big.

Going forward in many ways required too much energy...

Even men would get tired and bored. As a woman with a great general behind her, shouldn't she have given birth to a son earlier and take care of her husband and children?

Why bother with all this?

Cong Wentian was puzzled.

Feng Yun didn't say much.

She would not tell him at this time that the sugar she wanted was not the kind of sugar on the market that was not of high purity and not beautiful enough in color.

She wanted to make a more refined and delicious sugar.

"Sit down and talk."

She gave the drawings she brought to Cong Wentian.

"Uncle Wentian, let's take a break after the store is built. We will find a suitable place to build the workshop. I have thought about it. The remaining land in Mingquan Town will be used to grow sugarcane in the spring of next year."

"Grow sugarcane?"

"The soil here is suitable for growing sugarcane. Sugarcane is used to make sugar. Mingquan Town has a good market for land and water in the future..."

Cong Wentian looked at the drawings and asked.

"Where did you learn these things, Madam?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, with mist in his eyes.

"My mother brought five thousand books to marry into the Feng family, which was no joke. If it weren't for the war, many books would be lost, and I would have more skills..."

Cong Wentian sighed.

"Madam is already a walking treasure book of all things. If you have more skills, you will not be tolerated by the world."

A walking treasure book of all things?

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle Wentian is too praised. I live to be old and learn from it."

Cong Wentian didn't suspect anything.

The aristocratic family has a monopoly on books, and therefore also on knowledge. He learned his craftsmanship from the old craftsmen in Tujiabao. It was only when he came to Feng Yun that he had a sudden enlightenment and felt like he had met a famous teacher.

If you have the opportunity to learn something from a capable person, then study the craft carefully and don't ask around.

Cong Wentian took the drawings and left.

Feng Yun told Xing Dalang some things again, and approached Pu Yangyi when he came out.

"Have you eaten? Let's go back to Shinshu."

Puyangyi was a little reluctant to leave.

"Let's go together without waiting for your eldest brother to come back?"

Feng Yun glanced at him.

"Don't you have a banquet tonight?"

"Brother, are you going?"

"Go and ask Queen Mother Li if she has an invitation?"

Puyang Yi sighed with emotion.

"Without my eldest brother, it would be really boring."

Feng Yun looked at her with a half-smile, his eyes were dark and motionless. Pu Yangyi shook his head, sighed helplessly, and asked Feng Yun to get into the carriage.

Pu Yangyi: Do you think it would be good for me to be your sister-in-law?

Feng Yun: My brother has no objection, I agree.

Wen Xingsu: Mr. Wen accepted the kindness of the county prince. He is thin and cannot bear it.

Puyang Yi: Lose weight! Bubble brother!

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